Home Categories Thriller Antique Love · Five Golden Flowers
Antique Love · Five Golden Flowers

Antique Love · Five Golden Flowers


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 171099

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Visitors from the Ghost City

I heard that there is a ghost market in the old town on the eastern outskirts of Jinling City. It is said that those who sell things in it may be ghosts, and those who buy things may also be ghosts. On days without snow or rain, the ghost market is open every four days, from twelve o'clock in the evening to four o'clock in the morning.During these four hours, the long street will be inexplicably shrouded in a faint white mist.Even on a moonlit night, even with a bright moon and few stars nearby, this long street is still eerie. But during the day, the ghost market is not called a ghost market, it is called Jubao Street, it is an antique market.However, it is hard to say whether the things sold in it are true or false.There are so many antiques in this era, most of them are imitations, and it is impossible for everyone who visits Jubao Street to be connoisseurs.

And just because the antique itself is relatively mysterious, and the ghost market is a night market, the rumors that come and go will lose the truth, and the more rumors become more weird and bizarre. But many of these shops on Jubao Street have been in business for decades, so there must be some good things.Those who dare not take it out on weekdays, and those whose origins are unclear, all have the hope of finding a good buyer in the ghost market. This day is still the day when the ghost market opens, and the weather is still gloomy.The ghost city was deserted and deserted, and the street lamps on both sides cast dim light, illuminating the streets in mist.I don't know which one is still turning on the stereo, singing a little song babbling, although the voice is not loud, but it is especially suitable for the occasion.

Just after twelve o'clock, a dark green Cayenne sped up from a distance and parked in the parking lot on the street.The car door opened and a slender figure stepped down, stood there for a moment, and then resolutely walked inside. At the corner of the street at the back of the ghost market, there is an inconspicuous small shop, and a young man is sitting in the small shop.His name is Lin Moran, with handsome features, a little thin, wearing a washed white T-shirt, sitting on a boss chair with his legs crossed, looking idle. Antique stores are an industry that has not opened for three years and has been open for three years, so there is no business in the store these days, and Lin Moran is not in a hurry.Even though he needs a lot of money, money doesn't just fall from the sky in a hurry.

Like a father who has been away for ten years.Even though Lin Moran always believed that he was still living in a certain corner of the world, but these years have passed, and he searched again and again, only to return in vain again and again. Lin Moran lives in a single-parent family, and has been dependent on his father for as long as he can remember.His father was a gentle man, tall and tall, and he didn't talk much. He instilled in him the knowledge of antiques since he was a child, and taught him how to appraise treasures.Lin Moran was eighteen years old when he was admitted to university, and he returned home excitedly after taking the admission notice, but who knew that there was nothing waiting for him.

That day was Lin Moran's birthday, and there was a small cake and a small note on the table.There are three words written on the note: I love you. Lin Moran could recognize at a glance that it was his father's handwriting. Just nothing else. Lin Moran tore up the notice silently, closed the door and slept for three days, and then went back to business as usual.He folded the note left by his father, bought a necklace that could hold a photo, carefully fitted it and hung it around his neck. Whenever he tossed and turned at night, when he put his hands on the necklace, he could feel waves of sadness, and the overwhelming darkness made it hard to breathe.But in the darkness, there is a faint gentleness, blowing gently like a breeze, revealing a ray of light in the darkness.

In Lin Moran's dream, different pictures always flashed by.Or it is a stretch of snow-capped mountains and glaciers, or a bustling city street, or a dense rainforest vegetation... and the most is a deserted farmland, with swaying trees and paper money floating in the sky.In the dark and heavy night, two or three will-o'-the-wisps floated over the wasteland.A man was sitting in front of a tomb with his back to him. The tomb was just a pile of loess, and blood was slowly oozing from the surface of the loess. Lin Moran struggled countless times in his dreams, wanting to see who that person was from the front, but every time he woke up in a cold sweat when he was about to see the person's face.He felt that that person was his father, but the feeling was completely different.

So he started to travel and began to look for the scenery he saw in his dream.He believed that his father must not be dead, but somewhere in the world.Guarding a story about him, about his mother, about what happened in the past that he didn't know. Tonight seems to be another boring night.Lin Moran read a few pages, and gradually became sleepy.He covered his face with the book, and was yawning and preparing to take a nap, when there was a crisp wind chime outside the door. There is a string of animal bone wind chimes hanging at the gate of the small shop. Once someone pushes the door open, the wind chimes will make a sound.

Lin Moran raised his head and saw a man in a neat suit pushing the door and coming in. For people in the antique business, it doesn't matter if their other abilities are poor, but their eyes must be poisonous.Not only to be able to see things, but also to be able to see people. Some people come to buy things, some people come to sell things, some people come to steal things, and some people come to catch cultural relic dealers. Lin Moran could tell at a glance that the man in front of him was not a frequent visitor to the antique shop.Although he was handsome, upright and talented, the moment he opened the door, there was a trace of hesitation on his face.

Those buyers who wander around Jubao Street all year round and want to get some good things in the ghost market, those sellers who always have various channels to sell good things secretly, not to mention Lin Moran knows most of them, but he doesn’t know them. , an insider would not have such an expression. This is probably a passerby who heard some rumors and came to see the excitement.Lin Moran was more than half interested in doing business, but thinking that since people came in, they still had to be entertained, so he raised his head and asked a little less enthusiastically, "What do you want to see?"

Going into an antique store is not like going into a supermarket, and there are very few cases where exactly what you want is in the store.Moreover, most people who visit the antique market don't have such a clear goal, they basically just look around. The man glanced back outside the door, then looked around the store, and asked a little distrustfully, "Are you the boss here?" Lin Moran grinned and said, "Small shop, I still can't afford to hire a guy." This small shop is only 20 square meters in total, the lower part is the facade, and the upper part is where I live.Although it has been five or six years since Lin Moran took over, he hasn't done any business that would make him rich.

Perhaps because Lin Moran's attitude was perfunctory, the man frowned, looking a little dissatisfied.Then, he walked to the counter and stood still, hesitated across the counter and asked, "Is all your goods here?" Lin Moran smiled. He saw a layman, a rich layman.Although Lin Moran didn't see the car at the gate of the ghost market, he saw the man's clothes, trousers and Vacheron Constantin on his wrist. The clothes fit him well, and the watch was very elegant.The eyes that have seen too many antiques are equally accurate in seeing people. This is definitely a rich owner. Lin Moran seemed to see a few more zeros in his passbook. There are too many tricks and abductions in the antique industry. Although Lin Moran considers himself an honest and responsible person, he will not refuse money from the sky. "Buy fakes without refund" has become a customary rule in the collection industry. The so-called wealth is in the sky, buy it and leave it. There has never been a three-guarantee statement here.It is up to the buyer to identify the authenticity even if the seller is allowed to make a fuss about it.If you spent a lot of money to buy fake products because of misjudgment, as long as you pay the money and go out, there is no reason to get it back. Lin Moran felt that tonight seemed to be a good opportunity to contribute to narrowing the gap between rich and poor. "Of course it can't be all here." Lin Moran said, "What's the name of this gentleman? If you want anything, I'll introduce it to you." Many people come to the ghost market with a purpose.Antique collection is not only a lucrative career, but also a money-burning hobby.Antiques are of course just a general term, and there are various categories in it, such as paper calligraphy and paintings, silk fabrics, ceramics, bronze wares, jade wares, gold and silver wares, and so on. "My surname is Tang." The man looked serious, and took out a business card from his suit pocket and put it on the table, "You are Lin Moran, boss Lin, someone introduced me." This time it's Lin Moran's turn to frown, someone introduce?He is not a big hit, who can introduce him. He took the man's business card, which was printed on it: Tang Ze, Baolin Jewelry Company, General Manager. Sure enough, he is a rich man.Lin Moran was even more puzzled. Although this jewelry does not belong to antiques, there are definitely jewelry in antiques, so anyone who is engaged in antiques has some understanding of this industry.What's more, the Tang family is a big family in the local area. Lin Moran didn't remember it just now, but when he saw the business card, he couldn't help but slapped his head, saying that this person is so familiar, he must have appeared in those small local magazines and newspapers. But Tang Ze is not the head of Baolin's family now, he is just a rich second generation who has not inherited his father's business, and should be working in Baolin's company.A big family like this usually has more than one heir.According to those gossip sources, there were three sons in the Tang family's generation, fighting openly and secretly, and the trouble was quite exciting. Regardless of Lin Moran's confusion, after confirming the identity of the other party, Tang Ze took out a booklet from his bag, spread it on the table, pointed to it and said, "I'm looking for such a set of gold utensils. " "Goldware?" Lin Moran felt that tonight was really a night full of variables, not to mention anything else, he had been in Jubao Street for several years, looking for countless calligraphy, painting and precious jade, but this was the first time he encountered goldware. . As we all know, gold and silver wares have become a relatively missing piece in the antique market due to the limited number of existence, circulation and policy restrictions.It is also said that gold and silver are valuable and jade is priceless, and gold and antiques in troubled times.Although gold and silver are precious metals and are expensive in themselves, they are not so attractive compared with those famous calligraphy and paintings. Therefore, there are very few people who like to collect gold wares.Although Lin Moran's shop is full of things, there are very few gold and silver wares, and they are all ordinary goods. The items in Tang Ze's booklet are by no means ordinary gold wares, Lin Moran was attracted after just one glance.This booklet is a folded large drawing, which is half the size of a table when opened, and five gold ornaments are drawn on it. "This is a set of five-color precious stones and golden flowers," Tang Ze said, "There are five pieces in total, and they form a set." Lin Moran nodded.Although he doesn't have a high degree of education, he has been fascinated by it since he was a child, and he has been working in Jubao Street for these years. For most of the antiques, he can tell the authenticity at a glance. If it is finer, it needs to be more careful or use some identification methods. .Of course, he still has an identification method that no one knows, but it cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary, because it will hurt the body and mind. This blueprint was obviously rubbed from a nearby roster and was of little value, but it restored all the information very clearly and completely. These are a few exquisitely crafted gold wares, which should have been made between 684 and 755 A.D. in terms of style and pattern.This is the third period of the development of gold and silverware in the Tang Dynasty. At this time, the early Tang Dynasty has passed and the society has begun to prosper.From the time of Wu Zetian's reign to the beginning of Tang Xuanzong's Kaiyuan period, the ruling class became extravagant and their lives were extremely corrupt. Therefore, local officials gradually formed a custom of enshrining gold and silver wares. "Look at the craftsmanship and patterns of these gold wares are from the Tang Dynasty." Lin Moran said. "That's right," Tang Ze said, "These five golden flower tins belong to the Tang Dynasty, and they were a gift from Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty to his concubine Yang Yuhuan." Lin Moran rubbed his forehead, and felt that either Tang Ze hadn't woken up yet, or he hadn't woken up yet.Even if I have been in Jubao Street for these years, I still dare not brag like this. The Tang Dynasty was a prosperous age in ancient China. The country was rich and the people were strong. Their elegant and dignified attire and their bearing have always been imitated by later generations.The jewelry of the Tang Dynasty is naturally well-crafted, reaching the pinnacle of craftsmanship and luxury. Although there are very few gold wares from the Tang Dynasty on the market, there is no uniform price standard.However, at Sotheby's Spring Auction in Hong Kong in 2008, the auction price of a gold and silver gaiwan with zigzagging branch patterns reached more than 16 million yuan. In other words, a piece of well-made Tang Dynasty gold jewelry may be very expensive.If it is a set, it is of course more impressive, and if this set can be confirmed to have been worn by a certain celebrity, such as Yang Guifei mentioned by Tang Ze, then it must be a priceless treasure without humility. But the reality is that even if you can prove that these are gold wares from the Tang Dynasty from the craftsmanship, you can also prove that these five pieces are a set from the style, but how can you prove that these were used by Yang Yuhuan, and you can check her gold wares from them? DNA? For a moment, Lin Moran felt that this Tang Ze was here to have fun, even if you pile up a pile of gold bricks in the center of Jubao Street, no one can take the business.You can't do porcelain work without diamonds. The world is so big, where can I find you the jewelry worn by Concubine Yang, and I even specified this set. If there is no business, there is no money to be made. Lin Moran yawned and said, "Sorry, Mr. Tang, you can ask other companies. The order is too big and I can't do it." After hearing what he said, Tang Ze did not show a disappointed expression, but an expression that everything was expected. Tang Ze said calmly: "Boss Lin might as well think about it and find these five pieces of gold jewelry for me. Regardless of whether I can find them or not, in the past six months, in addition to reimbursement of all related expenses, I will give you another 100,000 yuan for your hard work every month." .If you can find it, I will give you one million handling fees for each piece. The price of the jewelry itself is whatever you want, and it will be calculated according to the market. You should earn no less than a penny of the price difference. " Tang Ze took out cash like a bundle of red bricks from his bag.The brand-new 100,000 yuan RMB was stacked neatly and placed heavily on the counter. "This is the first month's remuneration, and it can also be used as a deposit. After signing the contract, it's yours." Lin Moran's eyes straightened.It's not that he has never seen money, but he must admit that sometimes cash has a greater visual impact than the string of numbers on the check.Compared with a check with a few zeros in front of you, a pile of RMB in red makes your heart beat faster. Lin Moran's income, if he met one or two big customers in a certain month and made one or two deals, it would be tens of thousands.But if it's the off-season, you can only sell some gadgets, and it's not uncommon for one or two thousand a month.What's more, I always have to go out, not to mention that the store has to close, and I spend a lot of money when I go out, and I haven't been able to save a lot of money even now.But now Tang Ze received a safe 600,000 as soon as he opened his mouth, which is equivalent to his income for two or three years.In case of an outbreak of character, one or two pieces can really be found. A local tycoon suddenly came to a small shop like Lin Moran who had never opened a big order. Without seeing anything or making any promises, he directly threw out 600,000 yuan, and the 600,000 yuan directly paid him I was so dizzy that I didn't say the second word "no". Money can turn ghosts around.Lin Moran felt that he was also a poor ghost, even if it was an impossible task, he could consider it for the sake of money. Thinking of this, Lin Moran couldn't help saying: "Mr. Tang, with all due respect, this income is quite considerable for me, and I really want it, but the thing you asked for is really difficult. I can find it for you, but I can't guarantee whether you can find what you want. And it's very likely that you won't find any of them in half a year, or that none of them are genuine." There are countless imitations of antiques. If you gather all the antiques in the world, you may not be able to find a real one out of ten.Sometimes the difference between one item and another is nothing more than the fake you can tell and the fake you can't. Moreover, among antiques, gold wares are relatively easy to counterfeit.If Tang Ze really wanted to spend a lot of money to collect this set of accessories, the problem he would have to face immediately would not be the problem of finding what he couldn't find, but the problem of how to identify the overwhelming number of imitations. You know, this set of jewelry may be unique, or it may not be the only one.If it is said that the set of gold ornaments that Tang Ze is looking for was really used by Concubine Yang Gui, unless he has a special identification method, otherwise, the only people in the world who can tell the authenticity from the fake are the Alone. The Lin family has been in the antique business for several generations, so there are naturally some family secrets.But because these secret methods are too eye-catching, Lin Moran has never used them, and he firmly believes that no one should know. Lin Moran tried his best to get himself out of the standby mode, stretched out his hand to press on the pile of money, fiddled with it smartly, and then said with an indifferent attitude: "Mr. Tang, I am very satisfied with your conditions, as long as you Answer me a question, and I'll take it up." Tang Ze nodded, waiting for him to ask. "Who is that introducer?" Lin Moran said: "Mr. Tang is a capable person. He wanted to find someone to do something. He believed that he could find someone with more ability, but he found me. I dare not underestimate myself, but I also know that I am not an elite in the industry.” The ghost market opens at 12 o'clock, and Tang Ze entered the store just a little after 12 o'clock. It can be seen that he didn't shop around and choose repeatedly, but went straight to his own store after he came.Although I was born in Jubao Street, my age and experience are limited after all, and most of the antique shops are old experts with good hands and eyes, so I can't rank in the ranking no matter what. Lin Moran's question was expected by Tang Ze, but he still thought about it carefully before saying, "It's not convenient for me to tell you who this person is, and you might not believe me if I tell you. But you can do whatever you want with this matter." No loss, I have nothing to take advantage of you with real money." Lin Moran didn't get the answer he wanted, but he was speechless. That's right, I have no money, no rights, and no good things in my hands. If I was a girl, I would be afraid of being cheated, but he is still a man.Really, no matter how you think about it, there is no place for people to take advantage of it, except... Lin Moran firmly believes that no one knows his family's secret method, because he has never had the chance to use it since he learned it. After a moment of silence, Tang Ze had no intention of explaining. Lin Moran had a vague idea in his mind that there is only one person in this world who knows how to appreciate treasures, and that is his long-lost father who passed on the technique to him.If Tang Ze came here for this, would he have had contact with his father? If you ask like that, you will definitely not be able to ask anything.After the contract was signed and Tang Ze became familiar, it would be easier to ask. Looking at the money on the table, Lin Moran suddenly felt in a good mood, reached out and took out a business card of his own from the drawer and handed it over.
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