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Chapter 16 Chapter Six Wang Jiangnan

"Things may not be as bad as we thought. When Brother Thirteen comes, we will make a better plan. That map——" I raised my hand to interrupt Xiao Keleng: "I discovered the secret of the map. It is pasted and pressed with many sheets of very thin parchment. If each layer can be carefully uncovered, there should be some An unexpected harvest." This view, if the map is observed under a microscope, will have a more intuitive proof. In fact, during the period from when I discovered the secret of the map to now talking about it with Xiao Keleng, I have been ignoring a problem: "Parchment is an ancient relic of the Qin Dynasty. At that time, humans could make animal raw materials into things that could be written on. , is already very great. What kind of tool can they have to divide the fur into such a thin state?"

That kind of craftsmanship could never have been produced in the Qin Dynasty——my inference and Xiao Keleng's conclusion have a serious conflict of principle. Xiao Kelen's short hair and black eyes sparkled, and he was very surprised by my discovery: "But... that map... I have already used an eight-fold magnifying glass to observe the edges and four corners, and I didn't find the situation you mentioned? If so? The interlayer that can be detected by the naked eye should be clear at a glance under a magnifying glass, why didn't I find it?" Contradictory things, one link after another, emerge in endlessly.

If you want to answer Xiao Keleng's question, the only way is to chase those damned Koga ninjas back.I think it would be relatively easy to get clues given the power of the Gunslinger Association in Japan—besides, I know the name of the man in black, "Black Cobra" Iwamoto, who belongs to the top ninjas of the new generation of Koga faction. One, a chain gambling organization affiliated to Sapporo City. I have confidence in my martial arts. If I find his whereabouts, I will definitely get the map back. The police arrived two hours later, a sheriff and four ordinary patrolmen.

The way these people deal with such violent cases is very simple. The injured are carried into the car, the dead are put into body bags, and the overpressure faucet is diligently connected to wash away the blood left on the second floor. The tall and thin police chief named Kawaguchi even gave us a bucket of brand-name disinfectant for free, and asked to spray it in the room where the bloody incident happened to disinfect and sterilize, so as not to cause the spread of bacteria and viruses. The whole process took less than half an hour, and the astringent smell of disinfectant was already wafting everywhere in the villa, and the messy furniture had been rearranged.

Xiao Keran handled the police procedures very well, including the charming smile on his face, which was completely stylized.Of course, when the police car left at the end, she stuffed a thick stack of banknotes into the hands of Sergeant Kawaguchi, who had a serious face, and melted the ice of indifference on his face into a happy face. From this little incident, it can be seen that her ability to handle affairs is extraordinary, and she is extremely good at dealing with people from various industries and backgrounds.I began to regret hurting Kyuubi and Jinlun. That kind of blind impulse is simply irresponsible. After all, everyone still wants to live in Hokkaido for a long time. Why fight fiercely and fight over trivial matters?

Through the glass of the gate, I watched Xiao Ke send off the police car with a sneering smile, looked up at the approaching noon sun, was slightly dazed for a while, and then slowly turned around and walked up the steps.When our eyes met, she showed a more moving smile, and a flash of brilliance flashed in her eyes, as if it was going to illuminate my whole heart. Guan Baoling has been lying on the sofa, silently. I deliberately stayed away from her and stopped looking at her. I went to the bathroom and reflected on the story she had narrated in front of the antique bronze mirror. "She made up this story to lie to me. Is there any deep chill? Could it be that what Plague saw was deliberately made by Guan Baoling for others to witness as evidence?" Hiding his own martial arts origin.

Plague's lightness kung fu is very clever, if he has the intention to hide and peep, it is almost impossible for him to be discovered by others. So, Guan Baoling really noticed the existence of the plague before she cast her blindfold? I looked at my cloudy face in the mirror, stretched my hands forward, touched the face in the mirror, and subconsciously imitated Guan Baoling's movements at that time, sliding my hands to the sides of the mirror frame.I haven't heard the sound of water bubbles for a long time, as if that strange sound has never appeared since Guan Baoling's mysterious disappearance.

Behind the mirror, there must be a cold stone wall, and it seems impossible for me to have such good luck as Guan Baoling, and directly enter the alien space. There was a crisp car horn sound outside the gate, I heard the sound of Xiao Keleng opening the gate, and a moving laughter from the bottom of my heart: "Brother Thirteen, you miss me so much——" I scratched my head, and knew that the people who came were from the "Sharp Gun Club". When I thought of Xiao Keleng being so warm to these people, I felt a sense of desolation for no reason.For Guan Baoling's delicate feelings, just sprouted and then suddenly cut off, and Xiao Kelen's affectionate expectations for me from time to time in the past three days often made me feel a little flattered.If she is also so affectionate to other men, then it is purely my "self-indulgence".

Facing the person in the mirror, I made a grimace of joy in bitterness, straightened my collar, wiped my face vigorously, and put on a relaxed expression.The bloody sweater from the fierce battle with the Koga ninja was taken away by the police as evidence in court, and now I am wearing another gray Goldlion sweater that Xiao Keran prepared for me, which is both fashionable and fit. "Calm down, the business is important!" I silently warned myself.At any time, I will take the work of searching for my eldest brother Yang Tian as the top priority in my life-"The Huns are not destroyed, why should the family be?" This motto will always inspire me to go on this hard and difficult search road. go down.

Under the steps outside the hall, Xiao Keleng was holding the hand of a middle-aged man, with a hearty smile all over his face, jumping up and down and dancing gestures from time to time.The man in a white suit just smiled and listened to her chirping, quaking, and didn't refute or agree. They were standing next to a black Toyota jeep. The door of the jeep was open. Three young men with strong stature and tough expressions were standing by the door. They were all wearing black suits, buttoned up meticulously, and stood respectfully and straight. with. There is a very inconspicuous and strange fold at the bend of the trouser legs of the three people, and it can be seen that there are at least two firearms hidden there.The skin on their faces is not very good. The tip of the nose, the corners of the mouth, the forehead, and the cheekbones are covered with glaringly red pimples, which is enough to show that these are three people from the world with hot tempers and rough temperaments.

Behind the jeep, there is also a Toyota station wagon parked, the door is closed, and the windows are drawn with black curtains, so nothing can be seen from the outside. I stepped out of the door, and the eyes of the three young men swept over at the same time, like three burning torches, with the smell of gunpowder burning the skin. The man in the white suit smiled on his back and cupped his hands in a soothing manner: "This must be Mr. Feng from Cairo? Mr. Sun often reminds our brothers in this group that we should ask Mr. Feng for advice when we have the opportunity. Unexpectedly, I, Wang Shisan, was the first to have this honor—” His voice is deep and powerful, but also full of magnetism, which shows the profound internal skills. This ordinary Jianghu etiquette of hand-to-hand meeting was made out of his hands. The movements are stretched and generous, and the rhythm is clear and lively, just like a live performance by a master of Changquan. Just a simple gesture has already shocked the audience. , There is no sound.On his hands were thin white sheepskin gloves that matched his white suit perfectly. I walked down the steps and returned the same clasping ceremony. People in the rivers and lakes rarely use the modern handshake etiquette when they meet.Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, the more expert they are, the more wary they are of anyone. Wang Jiangnan is a well-behaved and well-behaved man, no matter what he says or does, he behaves in a proper way.You must know that the "Sharp Gun Club" started in Shandong, China, and gradually penetrated to countries all over the world. This kind of huge and subtle plan must recruit elites from all walks of life. Everyone in the "Thirteen Eagles" has more than two master's degrees, and has more than five years of management experience in transnational business. Their superficial identities are all legitimate businessmen, and they have served as the chairman of at least two companies.Several of them have now entered the ranks of the core executives of the world's top 500 businessmen—these people have been carrying out the "legalization of the underworld" line proposed by Sun Long to the letter, and have been secretly contacting the mafia all over the world. , Yamaguchi-gumi and other large terrorist organizations compete. Regarding Sun Long's character, I don't want to say too much, at least people in the world have mixed praises and praises for him, which can explain the problem. I entered the living room side by side with Wang Jiangnan. Guan Baoling had already sat up with support, and was walking towards the bathroom with her hair in her hands. Now that a stranger came in, of course she would subconsciously look back, which is anyone's normal reaction.Wang Jiangnan was also looking at her. When a man sees a beautiful girl, he can't help but look twice more—but it was these two seemingly "normal" reactions that made Wang Jiangnan give a soft "ah", The hand holding Xiao Keleng suddenly tensed up, causing Xiao Keleng to cry out in pain: "Oh—oh! Brother Thirteen, what are you doing?" After their eyes met, Guan Baoling continued to go to the bathroom as if nothing had happened, but Wang Jiangnan's expression suddenly became extremely bewildered. He didn't care about being in full view, and turned to Xiao Ke and asked coldly: "She... who is she? Who is she?" Who……" There is only one reason why a 30-year-old middle-aged man suddenly showed such a huge gaffe, and that was that he was directly hit by Guan Baoling's beauty. I understand Wang Jiangnan's mood. When Guan Baoling lazily turned her head to look at the door just now, my heart was also touched, but there was a factor of psychological repulsion in it, not as strong as Wang Jiangnan's performance. "That's Ms. Guan Baoling, a Hong Kong movie star. Don't Brother Thirteen know you?" Xiao Kelen realized the seriousness of the question, and replied in a low voice, his expression becoming tense. A psychologist once said a classic sentence: Once a middle-aged man's love is aroused, it is like an old house on fire. There is no way to save it until it burns to nothing. Wang Jiangnan let out an "oh" and stood at the door in a daze, with a foolish smile on his face.It is impossible for him not to know Guan Baoling's name, and he must know the relationship between Guan Baoling and the tycoon Ye Hongsheng. Perhaps at this moment, he didn't think about anything, and his soul had already flown into the bathroom with Guan Baoling's footsteps. His height is about the same as mine, but his physique is much stronger and stronger than mine. He is in the golden age of the most vigorous man.I coughed heavily and asked him to sit on the sofa.Now, I have put aside my selfish thoughts about Guan Baoling, and I wonder if Wang Jiangnan can have such great wisdom and awareness—looking at his eyes, I can understand: "He has been attracted by Guan Baoling! Curiously in love with her!" Xiao Ke was so cold and anxious that he scratched his head desperately, his short hair was immediately disheveled. The three young people who came in with us understood Wang Jiangnan's thoughts best, and one of them smiled ignorantly: "Master Thirteen, have you taken a fancy to that girl? Let us take care of this matter, and promise-" Seeing beautiful girls, the pimples on their faces seemed to swell up, showing full youthful impulse. Xiao Keleng blurted out: "You guys... shut up! Shut up! You're talking nonsense, are you looking for death?" She is a girl, she will not be fooled by Guan Baoling's beautiful magic, and only in this way can she always remember the tycoon's tricky hands soberly. After Wang Jiangnan sat down on the sofa, he was stunned for a long time, and suddenly he looked up at the crystal chandelier on the roof and sighed three times: "I know, she is the tycoon's woman... I know... I know..." After saying all this, he was inexplicable If he said that, his expression turned cold, and the confusion and confusion just now were swept away, and all disappeared. I really admire his decisiveness. If it were me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to slash my love with a sword of wisdom in an instant, and put aside all my thoughts decisively.It's just that after seeing Wang Jiangnan's expression returning to normal, Xiao Kelen frowned even tighter. Wang Jiangnan's words came straight to the point: "Mr. Feng, although the people who took the map were Koga faction ninjas, they now belong to another organization. I have arranged for someone to inquire about the final backstage boss of that organization. If it is found out that it is related to Du Regarding the border town, I will ask Mr. Sun for instructions to take further intensified large-scale actions to wipe out Watanabe castle's minions." Xiao Keran knows the identity of the man in black "Black Cobra" better than I do, and he has just quickly introduced it to Wang Jiangnan. The Japanese branch of the Gunslinger Club sent a total of more than 30 people this time. In addition to the 16 people in the station wagon outside, there are 14 people who have been quietly distributed around Xunfu Garden. The change.Snatching the map is just a small attempt by the forces coveting Xunfuyuan, and there may be follow-up cruel methods. The matters in the villa can be arranged by the Gunslinger Club and Wang Jiangnan for the time being. Those three young people, nicknamed "Fire Elephant Sanying", are capable generals under Wang Jiangnan's command.Under their well-organized arrangements, there is no room for me to intervene. After walking around the yard a few times, my eyes fell on the majestic pagoda again.In order to avoid Guan Baoling's presence, I decided to take advantage of this spare time to visit Fengke Temple. If the legendary "Tomb of the Undersea God" is under the Tower of the Dead, then why has no one been able to comprehend the secret of entering the "Tomb of the Undersea God" for so many years?Does that mysterious space really exist?Or does it only exist in people's fantasy like the so-called "paradise"? There are layers of mysteries on the body of the comatose Fujika. If I can wake up smoothly, a big stone on my heart will be removed. Xiao Kehan ​​sighed again and again at my decision, stroking his short hair by the sideburns uneasily, and secretly gasping for air. I ignored her strangeness—doing great things regardless of small details, the more things that others think should not be done or dare not do, the more you have to fight against the knife's edge to discover the truth. "Mr. Feng, about Fengcut Temple, the Well of Necromancers, and the Tower of the Undead...I think it's best to wait for Sister Su Lun to come over, and we can study some detailed plans together before deciding how to do it...After all, after all...you know , there has been a ghost legend of a 'fang demon' in Hokkaido..." Her eyes were starting to sparkle again, which I knew every time she was hesitating and trying to think hard about something. I smiled: "Yes, I know the story of the 'fang demon', but in Chinese ghost legends, there are many stories that are 10,000 times more terrifying than the 'fang demon'. Strange power and chaos can be found everywhere in the world. Yes, don't worry about me." The creamy white minaret piercing the sky vigorously, for me, contains endless attraction.Once a decision is made, I will act immediately and never change it. Xiao Kelen hesitated to speak, sighed, called and ordered Anzi to drive over, and then escorted me out of the lobby. The sun is fine, but the air temperature is relatively low. This weather condition is unique to Hokkaido, and it is also the favorite of monks to clean up.I believe that the young and old monks of Fengke Temple will seize such good weather, meditate and chant scriptures in the sun, and practice hard. For some reason, Xiao Keleng was preoccupied all the time, frowning and bowing his head in silence. We stopped under a birch tree and waited silently for Anzi to drive over. Looking back at the main building of the villa, the feng shui pattern of "nine-headed birds struggling for their lives" is very clear in the sun, and the dangerous "one arrow piercing the heart" makes people completely doubt whether the builders at that time understood feng shui?Or is it a feng shui master who fishes in troubled waters and pretends to be a fool? "Mr. Feng, I have an ominous premonition... Brother Thirteen is finished...he's stuck..." Xiao Ke spoke hesitantly, which coincided with my vague premonition.Wang Jiangnan really fell into the vortex of love at first sight, just like I was moved by Guan Baoling within three days, he became Guan Baoling's captive in just one day and with just one glance, and he hasn't said a word to her yet. I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head helplessly: "Xiao Xiao, foreign philosophers have said that only love and coughing can't be tolerated. It's his freedom to fall into it, and who else can control it?" Xiao Keleng raised her head, her pupils were shining again, as if she was wryly smiling with some trembling, "Mr. Feng, can't you feel that Guan Baoling is a bit unusual?" Flying around, the air gradually has a special fragrance of hay. I asked back: "Evil door? What do you mean? Anyway, I didn't feel it." She is also a beautiful girl, I know that any slight jealousy will destroy Xiao Keleng's judgment, but I don't want to say it out loud, so as not to embarrass her. Xiao Kehan ​​looked towards the south with some hesitation, his eyes passed through the gate, and he looked out all the way. After two kilometers to the south, there will be an irregular three-way intersection on the road. The northwest branch will lead to the direction of "Shentou Town", and then turn to the north. After climbing along the winding mountain road, it will go northeast obliquely to Feng The mountain gate of the cut temple.It is equivalent to saying that the road can only enter the temple in a curve after it has circled a small arc, and the villas on our side of Xunfuyuan have surrounded the wooden bowl Zhoushan. If the site of "Shentou Town" can also be taken down, the entire Muwan Zhoushan will be in the embrace of Xunfu Garden. "She is so fascinated by men, which in itself is a kind of evil. I can't help but think of some special links in the 'black witchcraft', there are at least more than thirty methods, which are used by young girls to cast spells and bewitch My sweetheart. If it’s just you acting abnormally, it’s fine. Brother Thirteen has always been a representative of a decent man in the gang. He never enters the red light district or pornographic fights. Moreover, his martial arts practice is pure and feminine. , even if you see a beautiful girl, you will definitely not act as distraught as before..." After Xiao Keleng's topic was opened, he kept talking, so I couldn't interrupt. I have also dabbled in the mysteries of "black witchcraft", but the method of casting spells to confuse people must at least go through some simple rituals, or obtain the body hair of the cursed person, and it cannot be done out of thin air. curse.An international movie star like Guan Baoling, who is so graceful and beautiful, is eye-catching in itself and is regarded as a dream lover by millions of men all over the world. Often, when he appears on the stage, his admirers can scream and whistle wildly—— So, why is it so strange that this kind of top character among girls attracts me and Wang Jiangnan as soon as they meet? I don't agree with Xiao Keleng's reasoning, the tycoon has suffered enough from black witchcraft, how can he get a black witchcraft heir who knows how to cast spells to stay with him?A man with the status of a tycoon must send someone to do a 120,000-minute investigation before getting close to a girl.He didn't even doubt it, so do we still need to doubt it? "You believe in Wang Jiangnan too much! In fact, sometimes men don't know themselves. Even men who practice boy kung fu will have a chance to fall in love instantly, right?" I shook my head slowly, denying her inference. Wang Jiangnan can be regarded as a hero in the Sharpshooter Club. He likes the same girl as I do, and has the same vision. It can be said that "heroes see the same thing", which is understandable.The only thing to worry about is how he can fight against the tycoon Ye Hongsheng. As a character in "Thirteen Eagles", his status is still several levels behind the tycoon.
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