Home Categories Thriller Tomb Raider 3 · Sea God Tomb

Chapter 8 Chapter 8 One hundred and seventy-four super bombs, thousands of troops and easy changes

Tomb Raider 3 · Sea God Tomb 飞天 6540Words 2018-03-22
I'm not a member of the Sharpshooter Club, so I got involved here inexplicably, and the annoyance in my heart can be imagined. "Mr. Sun, in this situation, what do I need to prove? Japanese bullets are no different from European and American bullets. They can easily shoot the flesh and blood of normal people into honeycombs. Do you want to try?" Try?" The big man was protected like an iron wall. Guan Erye went to the meeting alone, and when he finally escaped, he took the opponent's coach as a hostage.Now that there are no hostages, I would like to see how Sun Long can get out of trouble smoothly.

Sun Long sneered, pushed aside the submachine gun closest to his body, and nodded to Xiaohe. Xiaohe took out a white paper that was folded squarely from his close-fitting pocket, unfolded it gently, and raised his hands above his head. "You can take a look at this, I believe you won't act rashly!" Sun Long raised his chin and sneered arrogantly. This is a simple map of Japan, drawn by hand, clearly marking the territory of Japan and the eleven most important cities. A huge city has more crosses around it. The sun was shining brightly, and the sight line was good. I believe that the Japanese people standing nearby, including the big shots, could see clearly.

"This is a map. Anyone with a little military knowledge knows what those crosses represent. I still want to bother to explain that those are TNT high-strength super bombs. Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Kobe...all are covered Such bombs are buried under the international metropolises that the Japanese call their country’s pride. I present them to you as a New Year’s gift in 2006, please accept them.” Sun Long's words fell to the ground with a clang, and the air suddenly froze. All the armed men who surrounded them were silent, and they even held their breath quietly. It seemed that they were not facing three unarmed Chinese, but a large group of people who would be at any time. Detonate the super bomb.

Cold sweat oozes from my back again. This is Sun Long's trump card, but it came too viciously. "Crack, crack, crack—" the big man applauded softly. "Thank you Mr. Sun for the New Year's gift. Chinese people always say 'come and don't reciprocate', I will also prepare a huge gift in return and send it to Mr. Sun's hometown in Shandong another day." Everything said here is about "gifts" The words " can only represent bombs and devastating blows. The birthplace of the Sharpshooter Club is in Shandong, and all the roots of the Sun family are also at the foot of Mount Tai in central Shandong.

"Don't worry, within twenty-four hours, if your air radio signal blockade is not lifted, the death squads of the Gunslinger will detonate these bombs. Think about the Battle of Hiroshima, all houses, fertile land, and waters were destroyed once, and there is no limit I am not an American, I only know how to intimidate with force, and for a small Pacific country like Japan, I don’t need to use nuclear power. Twenty-four hours, my life alone can be exchanged The overall destruction of Japan, I wonder if this business is worthwhile?" Sun Long stretched out his hand, and Xiaohe immediately handed over a black phone.He looked at the LCD screen of the phone, frowned and sneered: "Did you hear what I said? I hope to see the communication signal immediately."

Bin Laden's terrorists just made a suicide attack and crashed the twin skyscrapers in the United States, and Sun Long's plan was much crazier than Bin Laden's, and he even launched an action to destroy a country.Even if the explosion effect of these bombs is not comparable to his "sinking Japan" plan, the actual damage caused is equivalent to directly sending Japan into a barbaric era of penniless farming and slash-and-burn farming. Xiaohe raised her foot forward, and the gunmen involuntarily retreated to the sides, as if what she was holding was also a bomb. The big man took the map with a dignified expression and held it carefully in his hand.

"I seldom make jokes, especially for such a big event." Sun Long didn't look up at the big man's expression, but just stared at his mobile phone screen. "One hundred and seventy-four bombs, please check and collect them." Xiaohe bent down and bowed, then slowly backed away. The wind blew, and the map in the big man's hand was scratched a few times. When he looked up again, his face was as serious as an old copper engraving. "You never cherish your own life? After you die, all the fame and prosperity will be in vain. Ten years later, no one will remember who Sun Long is. Why risk your life to fight against us Japanese?" He wanted to smile, But the corners of his mouth twitched, and he only made an ugly, bitter look.

"My life? Counting from the Ming and Qing dynasties, no less than 10,000 people from the Sun clan died at the hands of Japanese pirates; from the day the Gunslinger Club was established, the brothers in the club, together with their families, died at the hands of the Japanese during World War II more than 140,000 people——As for the number of Chinese who died in the Japanese invasion, the United Nations already has detailed statistics. My life is not important at all. If I die here today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the sharp gun will kill me. There will be a newer leader with more aggressiveness to push the battle forward until—"

He waved his left hand to the south, pointing at the vast territory of the Japanese archipelago, and then slashed down hard with the palm of his hand, making a "one-hit-kill" gesture. The tragic history of World War II has become an illusory history on paper for many young people. It was the first time I heard Sun Long speak so generously, and my perception of him gradually changed: "It is possible to have such a powerful Will a majestic Jianghu master have the kind of selfish thoughts judged by a scalpel?" "One hundred and seventy-four bombs, I suspect that Mr. Sun is just threatening. Hehe, our customs security inspection department has been using the TBT detection system from the United States since ten years ago. Terrorists can't carry a large amount of explosives into the country." Unless it is an extreme suicide attack like Al Qaeda, otherwise..." The big man began to refute, but it was obvious that he lacked confidence.

He is the ruler of the royal family, not a professional anti-terrorist force chief, so naturally he is not Sun Long's opponent in the professional field. "Well, you order to remove the radio signal interference, and I will do a little experiment for you." Sun Long threw the phone in his hand high, and then caught it gracefully. I have become an outsider, but I know that once a bombing occurs, only innocent people will be implicated and hurt, and tens of thousands of ordinary people will become victims of the struggle between the two powers.At this moment, only the two sides take a step back is the key to solving the problem.I gradually understood that Sun Long went to the meeting alone this time in order to demonstrate to the big shots and use it as a guarantee for the "comfort women's compensation" case.

When masters do things, the real intention is only the tip of the iceberg, and it will never be guessed by ordinary people. At noon on this sunny day in Hokkaido, there was nothing but a silent killing in the Maple Temple. Hundreds of gunmen could shoot and kill Sun Long and Xiaohe in a second, but they could not defuse the 174 bombs. thick haze. "Experiment? Well, let me see the firepower of the Sharpshooter Society—" The big man made a gesture, and the eagle knife with sweat on his face flashed out in response. "Tell the peripheral personnel that everything has returned to normal and stay alert at all times." The big man gave a few brief instructions. Yingdao took a few steps back, took out the signal gun, and fired a shot into the sky. A green signal bullet shot out with a whoosh, jumped to an altitude of more than 30 meters, exploded with a pop, and scattered into dozens of emerald green flowers. Little flower, slowly falling. Sun Long glanced at the phone screen again, and smiled slightly: "Well, your work efficiency is not bad, and there is already a communication signal." He quickly dialed a number and ordered loudly: "Five minutes later, blow up the Guixin Expressway The double track on the right side of the No. 9 bridge, if there is no other action arrangement, the detonation plan will be fully launched in eleven hours." The Onishin Expressway is the only way from Sapporo to Muwan Zhoushan, and the No. 9 Bridge is two one-way road bridges. The big man laughed loudly: "What? Blow up there? Do you know that this time we set up the warning card to cut off the connection between Muwan Zhoushan and the outside world at the bridgehead of No. 9, and there are at least 60 people on site guarding—" Then Instruct Eagle Knife: "Tell the people who blocked the No. 9 Bridge to quickly search for all suspicious vehicles and check the places where explosives may be hidden under the bridge. Make sure that the No. 9 Bridge is safe and sound." I interjected in a low voice: "Mr. Sun, can you hold off on your actions and let everyone calm down and talk? Why do you need to drag some innocent people into the back of your hands?" The Japanese still underestimated the strength of the Sharpshooter Club. Sun Longming knew that the No. 9 Bridge was closely guarded by the Japanese police, so he chose this place as the test area. The purpose of the demonstration was clear at a glance. Sun Long shook his head and politely rejected me: "This is a matter of the Gunslinger Club. If I can't gain a foothold in Hokkaido, I will take all my brothers out of the Japanese territory. Therefore, I must make them bow their heads and surrender." Five minutes will pass quickly, and maybe both sides don't care about the value of a bridge, or the life and death of sixty people, but I don't want to continue to be caught between them. Four minutes later, Yingdao's phone rang, and he answered the phone and quickly ran over to report to the big shot: "Everything is normal on the No. 9 bridge. From yesterday to now, the defenders have inspected it four times and found nothing. Please rest assured. " I couldn't help roaring loudly: "Such a search report is useless at all. Everyone should do their best to search all places related to the No. 9 Bridge, including the left double track, including long-range weapon strikes..." It would be too stupid to just treat it as a bomb attack, and I don't believe that Sun Long can tell his plan directly and let the Japanese strengthen their defenses. The ancients said that soldiers never tire of deceit.If everything is reckless in hand-to-hand combat, then what is the difference between humans and animals? "Yes, what Feng said is quite right, but now the time is up, and you have no time to rearrange—five six, five seven, five eight, five nine, sixty, let's start!" Following Sun Long's timing, the wooden bowl Just south of Zhoushan, there was a sudden "rumbling" noise. We stood on the solid mountain and felt the vibration, which shows the strength of the explosion. There were more than a dozen explosions in succession, all in different positions. The big man's face changed suddenly, and he roared angrily: "Quickly check, what's going on? What's going on?" Eagle Knife’s report is really frustrating: “Bridge No. 9 is safe and sound. Bridge No. 8 and Bridge No. 7 are all blown up on the right side. At present, the military and police are diverting traffic and blocking the scene, waiting for reinforcements to arrive. Fortunately, no one is there. Death, only a dozen people were slightly injured, the scene has been brought under control." The big man let out a long breath, crumpled the map into a ball in his palm, and smashed it hard on the ground. "This experiment was a success, do you want to do it again?" Sun Long raised the phone, as if he had the fate of the big cities marked on the map in his own hands. The big man's face had turned iron blue, he waved his hands angrily, and whispered angrily: "Get out, get out!" The gunmen dispersed quickly, leaving only a lonely family around him.The ambushers on the eaves also disappeared. This was a very failed encirclement military operation. "Mr. Sun, you have won. I don't know how much you can pay for the detailed diagram of the hidden bomb?" The big man took out a gray handkerchief and wiped the shiny beads of sweat on his forehead.If these eleven cities are bombed, it will be the most indelible nightmare of the Japanese in the 21st century, and the fatal destruction of the Yamato nation will be a hundred times that of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Sun Long put the phone in Xiaohe's hands, and softened his tone: "I don't want anything, I just want an equal dialogue with the Japanese government to resolve the case of 'comfort women claims', I hope you can urge the High Court to make a trial as soon as possible Date, give a fair and reasonable trial result. I said earlier that money is not important, what the Chinese want is justice and fairness.” The arrogance and arrogance of the big man disappeared, and he nodded again and again: "I will ask about this matter as soon as possible, excuse me for the time being." He gave me one last deep look, turned around and walked out of the courtyard, his steps became staggering, from the back, he was at least ten years older. I think after this incident, he can at least understand one thing, that is, "It is impossible for the Sharpshooter to be arrested and killed by the white forces like the pure underworld organization like the Yamaguchi-gumi. It is predictable that it will become the last main enemy." In the empty courtyard, there were only three of us left. Watching the big man's back disappear behind the Moon Cave Gate, Sun Long sneered proudly: "The Chinese will no longer be slaughtered like they were during World War II. Feng Shui will take turns. The Japanese should also pay the price for their previous arrogance." I always feel that the look of a big man before he leaves is very meaningful. Xiaohe looked at his watch, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Sun, can you go back? The brothers in the club at Xunfuyuan Villa must be worried about your safety." Sun Long patted his sleeves, as if to disperse the dust and bad luck brought about by this battle, and pointed in the direction of the temple gate: "Okay, let's go!" Going to the meeting alone ended with Sun Long's complete victory. Although he didn't have Guan Erye's rouge red rabbit horse and Qinglong Yanyue knife, he had grasped all the opportunities in the battle, and quietly made the big man surrender helplessly. We walked out of the courtyard side by side, bypassed the promenade, and walked towards the gate of the temple. The snipers on both sides of the road were well hidden, and we dared not expose them without fear. "Feng, I understand your potential, and I believe you can find the 'Wrath of the Sun God'. Promise me, even if you don't give it to the Gunslinger, you can't give it to someone casually, just like dealing with the 'Moon' in Egypt. It is the same as the Eye of God. Although it is a gemstone that has lost its divine light, how do people on earth know that it will not regain its light? Or after losing its light, it still has great mysterious power? ', take care of yourself and call me anytime you have any questions." Walking to the edge of the pond of "Spiritual Well", Sun Long stopped and stared into the water with his head. Those words can be said to be a warning from a senior in the world to the younger generation. We are ten years apart in age, but he has been in the world ten times longer than me. "I know, the tycoon will send someone to pick up Miss Guan soon, and I will go back to Xunfu Garden." If there is no accident, the tycoon's people will arrive before dusk. When I think of this, my heart immediately burns like a fire uncomfortable. The water in the pool was rippling, reflecting Sun Long's smug face.Being able to confront the big man in charge of the Japanese royal family and successfully humiliating him, he walked away surrounded by nearly a thousand people, which invisibly raised the status of the Gunslinger Society in the hearts of the Japanese, and reached a position where it can sit on an equal footing with the government high. After winning a big victory, he was inevitably a little careless, so when four old monks in gray robes came out like a ghost, he didn't react immediately. The four old monks all covered their faces with gray cloths, only their shining eyes were exposed, and the long knives in their hands gleamed, and they attacked Sun Long silently. "Master Shenbi, stop! Stop!" From the changes in their footwork, I could tell at a glance that they were Master Shenbi, Xiang, Lion, and Tiger, who were the only remaining eminent monks in Fengke Temple. four. Behind Sun Long was a bottomless pool of water, with nowhere to retreat. Xiaohe suddenly let out a long howl, leaned forward and rushed forward, the speed was extremely fast.Killing the incoming Kirigakure ninja on the top of the tower, although she killed a few people, she did not show her true martial arts.This time, facing the four eminent monks of Fengcut Temple, all the fighting potential in her body has been forced out, and the first shot pierced the chests of the lion and the tiger. Blood splashed on the slate floor, accompanied by the screams of the two, compose a desperate elegy in the gradually westward sunlight. Before I had time to help, Xiaohe used the two long knives he had just won to fight over thirty strokes with Master Shenbi and Xiang Monk, only the sound of "Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding" was heard in the air.Her body skills were approaching the state of being like ghosts and ghosts, and it was only at this moment that the bodies of the lion monk and tiger monk helplessly swayed and fell to the ground, the blood that flowed together formed a small pool of blood . "Master Shenbi, don't do it, don't do it—" I still want to stop the fierce battle. Sun Long turned around and blocked my way: "Feng, let them go. People in the rivers and lakes either kill or are killed. What's the fuss?" In his eyes, the blood on the ground is just a puddle of sewage Generally, it doesn't attract attention at all. I let out a long sigh: "Mr. Sun, the four of them are the only remaining old monks in Fengke Temple, and they are of great significance to the future development of this temple. If you want to reveal the secret of the 'Tomb of the Sea God', you must rely on them and kill them all." We do no good." This fierce fight will definitely fall into the eyes of the snipers and the ears of the big shots. I don't think it is necessary to continue to demonstrate to the Japanese. More killing will only arouse the anger of the monks who share the same hatred. "Feng, look at the blood on the ground." Sun Long smiled helplessly, pointing to the pool of blood. The blood gradually solidified, but the color gradually changed from bright red to purple-black, and a faint fishy smell slowly spread in the air, obviously the blood was poisonous. "Xiaohe is so fierce that she can't even control herself. She can only stop when all the killings are over. Her body is full of poisonous blood. Every time she kills the enemy, she will be poisoned at the same time. So , it's not that I intend to kill, let her go for now!" Monk Elephant howled in pain suddenly, and staggered back. The monk's robe on his chest was cut in two by a cross, his flesh turned outward, and blood flowed. Almost at the same time, the long saber in Master Shenbi's hand and the saber in Xiaohe's left hand collided heavily, breaking off at the same time with a "click".Xiaohe's other knife rolled up like lightning, with two "cha, cha", Master Shenbi's right arm flew up, broke in two in the air, and fell to the outside of the courtyard wall. Xiaohe didn't stop at all, and slashed horizontally towards Master Shenbi's neck. "Stop it—" I couldn't hold back anymore, I jumped out and grabbed Xiaohe's right elbow with one hand. No matter what reason Master Shenbi attacked Sun Long, it seemed that he was not guilty of death. If he died under Xiaohe's hands like this, there would really be no moral justice to speak of in Jianghu. Xiaohe turned around with a whoosh, flicked his long hair, rolled over like a chaotic long whip, and swept across my face. "Feng, don't touch her!" Sun Long's reminder came half a second late, my five fingers had already pinched Xiaohe's right elbow numb point, exerting force with my fingertips, she could no longer hold the long knife, and it fell to the ground with a clang. I felt a sudden numbness on the pads of my fingers, followed by itching and pain. I was distracted, but I couldn't avoid the sweep of her long hair, and I was scratched hard on the bridge of my nose, which was hot and painful. Sun Long let out a long whistle, and Xiaohe also raised his head and roared in response. His high fighting spirit finally calmed down, and he slowly lowered his head and retreated behind Sun Long. Her martial arts may not be unparalleled, but it is the beast-like madness she exudes when she raises a knife to kill.At that moment, she was not a calm and indifferent little girl, but a hungry cheetah, a lone wolf in a trap, or even a desperate African lion. Of course, the most dreadful thing was the poison in her body.The five fingers of my right hand that had touched her elbow were already swollen high, and the itchy feeling seemed to be able to penetrate into the bone crevices all the time, and it seemed that a dozen invisible ants were constantly biting wildly. "Wind, shine on your face." Sun Long shook his head and smiled wryly, pointing to the pool of water. My face reflected on the surface of the water was very weird, and there was an ink-like black halo on the bridge of my nose that was rapidly spreading in all directions, but I didn't feel anything, neither painful nor itchy. "I should have reminded you earlier, don't fight with Xiaohe. In this case, even if you apply medicine immediately, it will take more than 20 days to recover." It took less than half a minute for Xiaohe to go from violently killing to calmly standing with his hands down, but his impression was completely different from others.She took out a green vial, unscrewed the cap and walked over: "Mr. Feng, these potions will be very effective for your injuries, sorry. My life was given by Mr. Sun. If anyone dares to offend him, I will do whatever it takes .” The potion had a lotus fragrance, and Xiaohe poured a few drops on his fingertips, and helped me apply it on the injured part of my nose, and the wound immediately felt a slight coolness.Her fingers are very gentle, with a very light sweet fragrance, mixed with the lotus fragrance, filling my nasal cavity. "Mr. Feng, again...sorry." She whispered softly, grabbed my palm, and applied the potion on the pads of five fingers again. Being so close, her gentleness and fragrance reminded me of Tang Xin over and over again.In the second half of the expedition in the Egyptian desert, I spent almost every day in a thrilling and overwhelmed situation. Occasionally, when I thought of Tang Xin, who was dressed in fox fur and stood out from the crowd, I always felt sorry for her disappearance, and I always believed that she must be alive. , or just find a quiet place, retreat and practice, and comprehend the secrets of "Bi Luo Huang Quan Jing". "With Tiger accompanying her and Song Jiu, everything will be fine, right?" I sighed suddenly, the hot air from my mouth brushed the hair on the side of the little crane's cheeks, and they flew up one after another.
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