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Chapter 43 Chapter 3 The Real Big Killer Appears

We walked out of the cave together and saw Su Lun sitting on the wooden box with the Guqin on his knees. Mo Lali was startled suddenly: "Uncle, I met Miss Su Lun once before, it seems that her expression is still not right, you'd better pay attention." He rubbed his eyes vigorously, shook his head slightly, Then he sighed again, "Guqin is an ominous thing, it's best not to let Miss Su Lun touch it." Although I don't appreciate his character, everyone has different abilities and cultivates differently, so I should listen to some words. "Feng, come here!" Kannan Goro stood on the metal steps and waved to me vigorously.

Although after the chasing battle with Tianxiang Ten Soldiers just now, his clothes are not messy, including his hair, everything is neat and tidy, and there is no sign of embarrassment. I approached him and saw that his hands were always behind his back and his expression was serious. "Feng, I have something to show you, I wonder if you will be interested?" He didn't say a word of nonsense, which is what I appreciate the most.There is no need to procrastinate and talk about things when you have something to say. This is the true nature of a hero who does great things. "Interested, can you let me guess?" I smiled, hoping to ease the tense atmosphere surrounding the mechanical body at the moment.

"Guess? No need, because you already know what it is, are you interested?" He didn't respond to my smile, and immediately took out his right hand from behind his back, holding a rectangular box between his five fingers, which is equivalent to a book of three hundred pages The pocket book, the whole body is black, glowing with a faint dim light. If there is a "big killer" in it, maybe I should retreat, after all, it is a dangerous item with a huge amount of radiation.He pressed the mechanism with his middle finger, and the lid of the box opened silently. There was actually an iron blue box inside, probably made of lead-tungsten alloy, with a strange skull symbol engraved on it, and two slender leg bones. From the mouth of the skeleton crossed and squeezed in.Of course, this kind of thing is indispensable for the radiation logo, just next to the skull.

"It is said that in order to find it, the coalition forces even used the most powerful ray detectors, cosmic metal search systems, and tens of thousands of radiation measurement teams, but they found nothing until it was admitted at the United Nations Joint Conference on Middle East Issues In my own incompetence, I judged the Pentagon's intelligence on the 'Iraq Killer' as a terrible mistake. Now, it is in my hands and will play earth-shattering effects." Kannan Goro was so proud that cold sweat dripped from his forehead. "Function? Here?" I didn't say a word, just lured the other person to continue with a deeper and deeper smile.

"Yes, it's right here, in the deep well of the 'Leyline', what do you think?" Without any scruples, he confessed his intentions frankly. "It is said that the power of the 'big killer' is enough to disintegrate the entire North America and fall into the bottom of the sea. The younger generation has little knowledge and talent, so please give me more advice." Once international issues are involved, my mind immediately becomes sensitive.On this point, nothing can be sloppy. Although the earth is small, it has produced many heroes who intend to compete in the world.At the very least, Sun Long from the Gunslinger Club is one; the tycoon, Feng Linhuo, etc. are also sharpening their knives, ready to cut a piece of meat from this "deer", I don't know what Guannan Goro is going to do ?

"Hehe, after my careful calculation, its power is more than that. If you find the most suitable starting point, it can even separate the eastern and western hemispheres, and turn the earth into two halves in space, operating separately and surviving separately. But unfortunately, that is just the imagination of many cosmic madmen, after all, the planet we live in is actually a raw egg with a hard shell, once opened, there is nothing left." He still doesn't smile, even when telling a good joke. I totally agree with this. This is the starting point he was looking for. Even the deep drilling and blasting point was omitted, because the leylines always existed, and it would be fine to just throw the blasting system into the wellhead.

"Now, what can we do? We won't really want to break this raw egg, right?" I just followed his train of thought and didn't pierce the layer of window paper at all. This time, he began to frown: "Feng, what I mean is that adjusting the speed of the 'Asian gear' is extremely dangerous in itself, and all the gears must be stopped and then restarted. We're hiding in this metal space and we'll be fine, but you should be aware of what the surface of the earth would look like once the gears stop turning. Everything loses power and everything that relies on gravity to exist goes up into the sky , even if it is only a second interval, it will cause hundreds of millions of wealth loss, human death-"

I nodded humbly: "Yes, you also assumed that in your previous works. One of the most illustrative examples is that the moment the gears stop, the aircraft flying in the sky will stop the engine and lose the support of the wind. Then it falls straight down. Of course, it can also be considered the other way around. The plane loses its gravity traction and will drift into space at will. When the oxygen supply system completely loses its stock, all passengers will die. It was 1996, and you were in The rough estimate in the book is 9,000 planes, and 950,000 passengers were involved, is that right?"

Now, ten years after his book appeared on the market, there are nearly three times as many planes in the sky, and naturally there will be three times more losses. "Yes, I said that. Now I will still say, this loss is too great, I will talk to the United States, Europe, and ask them to stop flying activities for a certain period of time until the second time of the 'Asian Gear' After the startup is stable." He turned to the busy men in white robes, "Look, they will assume a set of extremely sensitive satellite dishes within half an hour, and everything depends on the cooperation attitude of the other party."

This kind of thinking is really unconstrained. Maybe those pompous politicians don't believe in "Asian gears" at all, but only care about national affairs such as who to ally with and who to share profits with. I was skeptical about this: "What are the means to convince the other party that the danger is really imminent?" He pointed to Yesak who was coming around from the other end of the mechanical body: "Look, he will precisely control the number and range of gears that stop for the first time, convince the President of the United States that we have this ability, and then obediently promulgate An emergency presidential order that gives us a chance to adjust our gears."

Yesak held an electronic notepad in his hand, and pressed a set of numbers every few steps, with a high degree of concentration. The guqin rang suddenly, the sound was so high-pitched and resonant, as if it carried the power to piercing the clouds and tearing the silk, resounding for nine days.I have heard Su Lun play the piano, and they are all quiet and elegant ditties, but I have never heard such a tune that combines gold and iron horses, spears and halberds. "She's fine, don't worry." He said again, patting me on the shoulder. I turned around and walked down the stairs without delay, and he called out behind me: "Feng, you haven't finished listening to me, I need you to stay and help me, just like Morale and the others, for the great cause of saving mankind And dedicate yourself. I know that you have an immortal as your teacher, but we have entered the world, so we have the responsibility to protect the earth—” If Su Lun had something to do, I would never stay here for another minute, and I would completely withdraw from this operation with her, so I just waved my hand behind me and declined his invitation with all my strength.In this world, there are so-called "madman's games" every day. Some of them can be realized in a blink of an eye, while others are just nonsense, just adding another joke to the world. "Which kind of game does Kannan Goro belong to?" I can't be sure, but I know that if he endangers the world we live in, I will not sit idly by.The reason why the Americans named the thing capable of destroying the earth as a "big killer" is that they have clearly speculated on the imminent harm it will cause before launching large-scale military operations. Su Lun's chin rested on the strings, his eyes were half-closed, as if he was preoccupied.I walked up to her and watched her just looking forward blankly. "Su Lun, are you okay?" I stroked her shoulder lightly. The soul of Tianxiang Jubingwei has been closed in the crystal, and together with the phantom, the girl in front of me is Su Lun, and there will be no more troubles from those weird souls. "Brother Feng, I suddenly want to play the piano very much. There are thousands of pages of music scores in my mind, but I don't know how to choose?" Her five fingers on the right hand pressed on the strings, trembling slightly. "Do you feel that there seems to be another person in your mind? Just now, when the Tianxiang Ten Soldiers invaded your body, you completely changed—" I carefully reminded her. Su Lun smiled faintly: "Brother Feng, I know. This feeling was already described to me when my elder brother was troubled by the shadow of the Phantom Demon. Now, I know that I am fine and can completely control myself, but I am worried Another thing—" She raised her head, looked at the group of people in white robes, and looked down at Guqin again. The men in white robes under the leadership of Morali had quickly assembled a silver dish antenna with a height of about five meters within five minutes.One of them had a videophone with an LCD screen hidden on his back. It took only fifteen minutes for these advanced communication products to be assembled from the ground up. Then Morali loudly reported to Guannan Goro: "Master , the communication equipment is all normal.” "Brother Feng, in your opinion, who is my master?" Su Lun bit the corner of his lips, trying his best to hide his uneasiness. Before the "big killer" appeared, I thought he was the legendary god of the rivers and lakes, the object of admiration for the world's heroes, but now, I don't think so anymore. The American media has categorically disclosed that, in fact, such things as "big killers" also have a corrosive effect on people's thinking. The most common manifestation is that a person who is originally modest and prudent suddenly becomes violent and rude, just like putting a piece of quicklime Like throwing it into a water basin, a strong boiling decomposition occurs immediately. "I don't know." I can only answer truthfully. She gave up the guqin, got up and put it back into the wooden box, and took advantage of bending over to speak very fast: "If something strange happens, please follow my wink and act, and never let some people control the situation. The elder brother said However, 'Asian Gear' does not belong to anyone and should not be controlled by anyone. In other words, when the mechanical body is under the control of some artificial force, it will be the day of its collapse. Anyway, this time You follow my command, okay?" I looked around as if nothing had happened, and nodded slightly. "Brother Feng, the ancient motto of 'kill one's life for benevolence, sacrifice one's life for righteousness' has been passed down for thousands of years, and we all understand the meaning of the eight words, don't we?" She smiled, and that kind of analysis that was as calm as a knife's edge gave me endless chills. "Su Lun, if there is danger, let me come, and you are not allowed to run ahead." I told her firmly, without any room for negotiation, "If you die, I will die first. This time, I will not let you alone Being in danger is like falling into a crystal just now, I hope that you will be the first to be saved. Only when you are alive, can I feel completely at ease." These are my sincere words. After experiencing the pain of life and death, I have realized that she is more important to me than life. "Brother Feng, isn't that what I think in my heart?" She lowered her head and silently closed the hidden lock on the wooden box. We all have a premonition of the haze that hangs over this world, because Kannan Goro's plan sounds very subtle. He claims to have the power to blow up the earth. This is really a very dangerous signal. Only terrorists can say it, not him. "Mollary and the others admire you a lot, don't they?" Su Lun changed the topic, trying to break the heavy atmosphere. The seventeen Qi refiners of the Qinglong Society look mysterious and strange, but they are reduced to slaves of money, which makes me feel a great sadness.The power of money is immense, and it can even obliterate all the education and moral boundaries that human beings receive. According to the precepts of praying for the Venerable Master, practitioners of different arts must not serve money and do anything that violates the laws of the world's development, especially they must not work as minions and harm their own kind. Now, I hope that what Guannan Goro does is still a good thing of "concern for the country and the people", as he said, "Adjusting the gears of Asia will make the world peaceful and friendly", otherwise, it will also implicate Morale and the others and become Sinner of history. "They belong to the same sect as me, but the teacher who teaches me is like an all-encompassing super computer. He is familiar with all martial arts, strange arts, and tricks from ancient times to the present. To learn art under his school, even if you spend twenty minutes a day Four hours of practice without eating or sleeping, it took a hundred years, and I am afraid that he will not be able to learn all his skills. Therefore, everyone can only learn a little of it. Like me, I only study martial arts, and my ability in firearms is much weaker. , even worse than you—” I don't want to talk too much about praying for the Master, because that would violate the vow I made when I started.Now, I just want Su Lun to understand that the Seventeen Qi Refiners are not as capable as I am, but some of their strange abilities are also beyond my ability. Su Lun smiled: "Brother Feng, you are too modest. My elder brother said that your talent in learning is ten times that of ordinary people, and you are directly catching up to the hero Yang Tian." We were silent at the same time, because the name of the eldest brother was mentioned, at least until now, the whereabouts of the eldest brother is still a mystery. Guannan Goro walked to the front of the antenna freely, holding the lead box tightly in his hand, as if it was the authority in charge of the world. Someone answered the phone and handed him the receiver. In the distance, a bald old man appeared on the LCD screen, sitting at a large desk. Anyone with a little knowledge of international news knows who he is. In recent years, it is he who has been promoting a series of global anti-terrorism operations, and has achieved good results in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. "Su Lun, let's go to the top of the machine and have a look. I'm not interested in bargaining between politicians." I took Su Lun's hand, and we climbed up from another ladder. "Brother Feng, I understand the steps of this matter. The elder brother will use a small-scale explosion to generate shocks, affecting one of the thirty-sixth gears to stop, giving a small warning to the corresponding area of ​​the gears, and then propose more Harsh conditions are forcing the chief executives of countries all over the world to abide by. Master said that only in this way can the losses caused by the gears stalling be minimized." She looked back anxiously, but as we climbed up, Guannan Goro and his group became smaller and smaller. "Warning? Take the plane crash as a warning?" If such a serious warning is really needed, the price to be paid for adjusting the "Asian gear" will be too high. "Master said that someone has to pay the price, the sacrifice of the minority in exchange for the future of the masses, isn't it?" She lowered her head in thought, presumably she didn't quite agree with such words. The hemispherical mechanical body should correspond to the structure of the earth, and there are no longitude and latitude marks here, so it is impossible to determine where it corresponds to Europe and where it points to Africa. "Brother Feng, shall we take one step at a time and see one step at a time? Almost no one can control this situation with one hand. Even a master like Master just does his best and doesn't ask the result, so what can we do?" She was very helpless, After all, in the "Asian Gears" operation, she only stood in the position of a subordinate. The spar golden sword is still stuck on my back. When the sealed door opened, Su Lun didn't care about its existence, so I had no choice but to keep it on my behalf.I untied it, carefully wrapped it in a cloth strip, and handed it to Su Lun: "Hold it, maybe we can use it. But remember, I have a 'knife beyond the distance', anytime I am in danger , you can’t rush ahead.” People who have been in the rivers and lakes for a long time have subtle premonitions about the impending danger. Su Lun took the golden sword and just opened his mouth to say something, when a set of gears around us suddenly stopped.At this moment, we have reached the top of the mechanical body, and we will reach the top only a dozen steps away. "They stopped? But they didn't hear an explosion? Um, is it an infrasonic bomb?" Su Lun asked continuously, and the two of us were firmly nailed in place, unable to move.After a long time, she stretched out her hand, crossed the metal wall on the right, grabbed a gear, and held it up in front of her eyes. Infrasonic bombs can indeed see the effect without hearing the sound. There is no doubt that this set of gears stops completely from the top to the bottom. If Kannan Goro’s deduction is correct, a certain area on the earth will lose gravity and lose weight instantly. Any power, becomes a vacuum of the world.It is conceivable what consequences this change will lead to. "Brother Feng, the worst outcome has finally come—" Su Lun missed, and the gears jingled all the way down. "Hahahaha..." Guannan Goro's laughter came loudly, "You don't have to believe my words, but in five minutes, you will receive a national emergency warning, and the situation in the whole country will become dire. Your Excellency, I'm waiting for your call, see you later." He got what he wanted, but it turned into outright blackmail and suppression, not unlike those of notorious terrorists.I really want to know, what exactly does Kannan Goro want?He is already a well-known figure in the world, and he does not lack money, prestige, and status at all. To plan such an action, does he really want to play with the earth in his hands? After the gear fell to the bottom, it rolled towards the metal wall, then fell over with a "ding" sound, and never moved again, shining with silver metal light.There is no doubt that Yesaac can stop one set of gears, and then more sets of gears will face the same fate. The result is that more and more strange things happen on the earth, and people's lives are at stake. . "We'd better stop Yesak, if there is no reasonable way to adjust the 'Asian gears', there is no need to do it at all, and artificially increase the earth's disaster, don't we?" This is my first response in a state of emergency. There is no essential difference between the lives and homes of ordinary people being destroyed by the flames of war, or by the sudden stop of the "Asian gears".The former is human action, while the latter is simpler human manipulation. "However, once the action has started, it will not stop, unless - to stop the killing with killing." Su Lun put forward his point of view concisely, "However, how easy is it to stop killing with killing? Brother Feng, my master His martial arts are not as vulnerable as they appear on the surface, in fact, the supernatural powers he possesses are by no means inferior to any masters known in the world. With just the two of us, I'm afraid we are no match for him." She frowned, spoke faster and faster, and kept flapping her long eyelashes, which showed that she was quite anxious inside. When Guannan Goro fought with Tianxiang Shibingwei, he just backed down and didn't fight back.On the surface, he seems to be forced by the opponent to retreat in a row, but I can feel his domineering aura of "causing but not sending out, and the mountain rain is about to come", which is beyond the reach of ten celestial phenomena and ten soldiers. "Yes, we are not his opponent." I admitted frankly, and there is no suitable terrain for cover, ambush, or sniping here, only an open space with a clear view.Once we fight, the competition can only be the strength of both sides, and when I use the "Bingjie Dafa, Samadhi True Fire", my internal energy is very exhausted, and I can't continue the fierce battle in a short period of time. If I do it blindly, it is just a dead end. . Once again, my eyes flicked over the stalled gears, and my mind continued to flicker over the recent famous air crashes. Let Yesak continue to act, and the frequency of air crashes will increase exponentially. "Su Lun, we have no way out, we can only fight once. So many air crashes have happened, which is a huge disaster that the whole world is facing. If there is no skin, how will hair be attached?" I am really worried that one day after leaving the mountainside, What you will see will be a ruined world beyond recognition.
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