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Chapter 34 Chapter 4 Su Lun came from the mirror

When running in this metal world, everything seems unreal. "Is that Su Lun? Is that right? Isn't it..." I was always worrying about gains and losses in my mind, for fear that too much hope would be exchanged for too much disappointment. Since 1995, the global search for "Asian gears" has been booming one after another. Among them, the research of Kannan Goro's school has made the fastest progress. He has published more than 100 articles, adhering to the "adjustment The theory that the speed of gears in Asia can quell the flames of global war". As the proud student of Master Guannan Goro, Su Lun has always regarded this task as a major goal in his life.Now, I'm right next to the geared mechanical body, but I don't feel it at all. I just feel that the cold and silently spinning gears look very strange.Other than that, there is no attraction to the mechanical body at all.

It took me only four minutes to get from the top of the mechanical body to the cave where the girl appeared. I calmed down my excitement a little, and then slowly leaned over.The entrance of the cave was two meters above the ground, and it was quiet, with no human voice. "Su Lun?" I called softly, for fear of scaring her. No one responded, so I leaned on the edge of the hole and jumped in.It was a shallow corridor, and there was no way to go twenty steps forward.It turned out to be a silver mirror that blocked the way. At this moment, there was a girl standing in front of the mirror, with her back to me, staring at me motionlessly.

I was reflected in the mirror, she was slightly taken aback, looked at me from the mirror, our eyes met and glued together instantly.I'm not mistaken, she is Su Lun, and she is much more haggard than when we parted in Hokkaido. "Am I dreaming again? Is it really you?" She asked in a low voice, but did not turn around. "It's me, it's not a dream, it's real." I smiled, stepped over and stood beside her.At this moment, the joy of reuniting after a long absence filled my chest, but neither of us yelled, laughed, and celebrated happily, but just stared at each other silently in the mirror.

Her hair looked a little disheveled, and her once-delicate lips were dry and cracked in several places, but her eyes were still black and bright, and every time her eyelashes fluttered, it seemed to be telling the secrets in her heart. "But—you are clearly talking to me from the mirror? Why did you come here in a blink of an eye? Could it be that you have a special ability to cross obstacles?" She gently stroked the mirror, frowning slowly stand up. I was taken aback and looked at this mirror carefully. The flowers and plants inlaid on the four walls were completely similar to the previous bronze mirror.When I walked through that mirror, the situation was very critical, and I didn't have time to look back, so I didn't see what this side of the mirror looked like.

"Su Lun, what do you want to say? I did pass through a mirror, but not here, but another cave." I thought I had made it clear enough, but her expression was even more confused: "Another mirror? Wind, are there countless mirrors like this beside the Asian gear?" She didn't call her "Brother Feng" again, which made me suddenly feel that there seemed to be some kind of huge gap between the two.In the eyes of outsiders, this title is rustic and hypocritical, but every time I hear it, I always enjoy it from head to toe. I shook my head: "No, this is just the second side I saw. I called you loudly just now, didn't you hear me at all?"

When running around the mechanical body, I yelled at least two hundred times, otherwise my voice wouldn't be hoarse.The passage was so shallow that she should definitely be able to hear it. "No, I only saw you speaking with 'lip language', the voice was blocked by the mirror, and I couldn't hear a word. Feng, tell me, how did you get to me through the mirror?" Her expression was very Seriously, no kidding. I turned my head and stared at her side: "Su Lun, maybe there is something wrong, have you noticed it? It was about half an hour ago when I went through the mirror, and it was four minutes ago that I found you. Who's talking through the mirror? It's never me, never."

She raised her head and thought for a while, then looked down at the watch that had stopped moving long ago, and asked in confusion: "Which person? In this world, time is meaningless, and we can only express the length of time by our own guesses. In the fifteenth minute from this second forward, I saw you on the mirror, and then we talked with our lips. After ten minutes, my body was close to the mirror, and I felt too hard, so I moved a little I took a step and wanted to change my posture. Suddenly, I felt an inexplicable dizziness, and then I fell forward, and I stood here all of a sudden."

Nobody wiped the bronze mirror, but its light can tell others, reflecting the suspicion on our two faces, and we can see each other clearly. "Su Lun, it's not me who passed through the mirror, but you." I pointed out keenly, no matter what, the feeling she described was like just waking up from a hallucination, and her mind was still in a state of confusion. "So, did you see Reishka?" She shook her head and asked another question. I was taken aback: "Who? Reisha? Why would you mention this person, someone you've never met—" There are many girls with the name "Rishika" in the world, but I intuitively realized that she was asking about the one who disappeared in Hokkaido.

"Feng, I'm referring to the American girl Reeseka, she met you on the plane once, and you had a good chat, right?" Su Lun's eyelashes flickered, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth . This look is the Su Lun I am most familiar with. In an instant, my mind relaxes. As long as she is fine, everything will be fine. Reeseka and I only met once on the plane. In the following days, her disappearance in Fengke Temple in Hokkaido became a mystery, and Guan Baoling said that she once appeared in a mysterious glass box under the sea, and then disappeared again. .

"Su Lun, did she tell you her real identity? A secret spy sent by the Pentagon to the Middle East?" Yan Xun also mentioned Reisha on the phone, and specifically emphasized that she was a key person who could pull the trigger on the whole body. The Pentagon spy network is currently searching for her. "Yes, she told me, and we talked a lot about it. Feng, we'll talk about her wonderful experience later, let's find her first." Su Lun turned and walked out of the cave, with fast and agile movements, and had completely recovered her original appearance. , All my worries disappeared in an instant.

Outside, there is still the silver mechanical body. I have searched in circles, and it is impossible for anyone to hide in it. The remaining suspicious places are those many holes. Su Lun seemed to be taken aback when he saw the mechanical body, but he regained his composure in an instant. I followed behind her and asked with concern: "What? What's wrong?" She pointed to the gears on the mechanical body: "I feel that their rotation speed seems to have changed, getting faster and faster. Forget it, let's go to Reisha first, and there is another person, you probably remember, Sun Gui ——The man from the Sharpshooter Society, who went with you to explore the mountain, but he fell from a secret pipe, and was frightened half to death at first, but in fact, the world of Efang Palace is not so scary, right? " Of course I remember Sun Gui, and I also remember those strange stretching stone pillars in the tunnel, and subconsciously looked up to the top.The mountainside is a three-dimensional structure, and the place where Sun Gui fell was above this world. So, what about those mysterious stone pillars?Will they reveal the base from here during the stretching process? I have thought about this question more than once. When I entered the Afang Palace from the cave where Alpha was stationed, I often looked up, eager to find out the relationship between the stone pillars and the Afang Palace. After all, where Sun Gui disappeared, I saw a faint underground ancient city.There is only one thing, I am not sure that what I saw at that time was the place where Alpha and the Great God Tu Liehan fought. In fact, Efang Palace is not a palace, but just the Qimen Dunjia formed by Alpha, which can be attacked but not inhabited. "I remember, but where is he?" If you see Reisha and Sun Gui, it will be two other great gains in the search operation.Now that I have completed the main goal of this operation - to find Su Lun, my mind has settled down, and I have the mind to pay attention to other issues. "It's right here, in the world of 'Asian Gears', you didn't see him?" Su Lun was surprised by my reaction, showing that surprised expression again. "There is no one here, Su Lun, let's sit down and talk slowly, and check the information we know. I feel that some questions have been diverted, and you and I are talking to ourselves." Seeing from the mirror She started, as if there was some kind of invisible diaphragm between the two people, including the change of address. At this point, we have jumped out of the hole and stood in front of the mechanical body. "Reshika—" she yelled. I knew it was futile, if there were other people in this space, they would have jumped out when I was looking for Su Lun. "Sun Gui—" she yelled again. I frowned and looked up at the hole.Now, one of the most stupid and effective ways is to search all the openings to see how many mirrors or secret passages are hidden inside. Su Lun called seventeen or eight times in a row, and after making sure that no one agreed, he went straight to the spinning gears.She was wearing a black leather suit, but she had a white belt that was incongruous with the clothes, and it was tightly tied around her waist, which looked very weird.She has a very high taste in dressing, and it is absolutely impossible to make such a failed color combination. "Feng, it looks...it's really weird here. Come with me, there is a passage, you can go back to Efang Palace, come with me!" She covered her eyebrows with her hands, and after a little identification of the direction, she turned to the left sideways. In her previous experience, she was used to walking behind me, and before making any decision, she would first ask for my opinion in a deliberative tone, but now, her behavior has obviously increased the elements of arbitrariness and conceit. I couldn't help shaking my head and smiling: "Su Lun has grown up! With her personality, she really shouldn't always walk in the shadow cast by the scalpel and me." She has a calm, cold, wise, and courageous personality. Dao mentioned it to me early in the morning, and concluded that his sister will become a great weapon in the future. At this moment, I haven't realized the seriousness of the matter. I just feel that she passed through the mirror like me and met next to the mechanical body. This is nothing special, just breaking through a "gateway". In fact, I should have considered: "Which world did Su Lun exist in before breaking through the mirror?" Alpha didn't mention Su Lun, he only talked about Tang Qing and Tang Xin, as if Su Lun had never entered the spar pit and Afang Palace after his disappearance, but now, Su Lun wanted to bring I went "back to Efang Palace". On the metal wall in front, there is a combination of nine vertical and nine holes. I am not sure if that is where I came in, because there is no mark on the silver metal wall, and all the holes look similar. "Feng, that's right there. The hole at the core is the path leading to Efang Palace. Reisha and Sun Gui must still be waiting for me there. As for the mirror just now—" She frowned and shook her head to look back. Look, "Maybe it's just another secret door in this world, it doesn't make any sense." I took a long breath to clear my mind, and asked as if nothing had happened: "Who else did you meet in Efang Palace? Have you met Alpha? Or Tang Qing, Witch Longge, Tang Xin, Tiger, God of Tu Crack Khan, You Lian, Elder Sahan, Sen?" As long as she admits any of the names listed above, she can completely deny a certain sudden conjecture of mine, but she looked at me in amazement, and only spit out Two words: "What?" Those few names covered all the people I came into contact with after entering Efang Palace. I did not mention Situ Qiushi and Lei Aobai, because it is impossible for her to know two killers from the ancient Tang Dynasty. "Feng, why are you talking about these names in such a mess? Didn't Tiger and Tang Xin disappear in the Egyptian desert? As for the God of Earth Cracking Khan and the others, they fled underground; Witch Longge is from the mountains and forests, and Tang Qing is from the Tang Dynasty in the middle of Shu." door killer, and who is that Alpha?" She reacted quickly, then shrugged her shoulders: "Compared with these inexplicable people, I seem to be more concerned about Schiller's life and death. Also, what about Feiying Feiyue and the others? Are they still stationed in the mountains and forests?" My heart sank completely, if she had been to Efang Palace, she would have come into contact with those people above, even if it was only one of them.She said that Rui Xika and Sun Gui were in the Efang Palace, but I didn't see them at all.There are so many fallacies that seem unimaginable, but in the final analysis, there is one sentence: what we call "Efang Palace" does not refer to the same place. "Let's go, let's see Reisha first, I'm afraid her miraculous experience will surprise you." She bent her knees and jumped up, climbing up to the opening of the first floor.The linear distance between all adjacent openings is one meter, so she climbed continuously and easily reached the center of the opening combination. "Feng, come up, pass the corridor in front, and you can enter—" She greeted me first, then turned her head to look into the cave, but her voice stopped suddenly, and she covered her mouth with her hand. I knew that another accident had happened, so I jumped forward and rushed to her side immediately. The corridor is very shallow, exactly the same as the corridors in all the caves I have seen, and there is a thick stone wall in front of it, with a cold blue light.That's right, this is the stone wall, not the path leading to "Efang Palace" as she said. "How did this happen? It's clearly a clean and bright passage, who put this stone gate here? What strange thing happened?" She cried out, darting forward, stroking the smooth and flat stone. I can figure out why there is such an astonishing change, just like we can enter here through the open secret door, the so-called "secret door" is also changing rapidly, from real to virtual, and virtual to real, it is by no means static, Eternally still.Now, it's just that the gate of life has become the gate of death, and there is nothing to be surprised about. "Rui Xika and Sun Guiming are inside, and you can see them when you walk through a corridor with a total length of 500 meters. Feng, tell me, what happened?" She didn't ask me for an answer, But it was just incoherent in a panic, and before I could answer, I quickly retreated and jumped out of the cave. I stood in front of the bluestone slab, standing firmly on horseback, with my palms firmly attached to the stone, but I didn't want to push it, I just wanted to get the wonderful feeling I had before. "What's behind the stone? Is it the Afang Palace that Su Lun has experienced?" My thoughts were a little confused, but then I calmly discerned a basically clear thread, "Su Lun once entered a completely strange place. The world in which we live, let alone the Efang Palace or any other place, we must tell everything we know." When the theory of the "Second Efang Palace" appeared on the earth for the first time, it was ridiculed vigorously by other historians, and all kinds of ugly hats were put on it head-on.Facts have proved that the "Second Efang Palace" exists, and I have also entered it myself, and saw the square-eyed warrior Alpha. Now, will there be a "third Efang Palace"?Just in Su Lun's memory? The stone remained motionless, as if it was not a door, but a part of the mountain. I turned around and came out, and Su Lun was running quickly along the metal wall, jumping into those holes from time to time to search, his movements were erratic like the wind.Although she has been trapped for a long time, her body has not been damaged at all, which makes me very relieved. "Su Lun, stop, I have something to say—" I greeted her loudly, and sat down slowly at the entrance of the cave. She didn't care what I was saying, she just went in and out of different holes repeatedly, and then rushed to the next set of holes.In fact, the work she is doing now is also what I want to do. Only after searching all possible channels can I determine the next move. "Reeseka? An American female spy who disappeared from the glass box and reappeared in the southwestern border of China? So what happened in the middle?" I remembered Reishka's slightly sad face and, of course, the black and silver ring on her finger.At that time, I had no way of guessing her real identity, and I didn't deliberately take precautions. After all, we just met by chance, and who she is has nothing to do with me. When Yan Xun explained Reisha's identity on the phone, he gave me a little surprise: "Spy? During the Cold War, this word has been getting farther and farther away from us, and it popped up out of nowhere, which really confuses people." ...if she does show up here, does that mean the Pentagon's pursuers are coming too?" I tried to analyze the current predicament like this: "The mirror and the stone gate behind are two passages, which can connect Alpha's Afang Palace and the place where Su Lun is trapped, forming a huge underground world, and the mechanical body It exists at the node of connection. To the left, enter the Efang Palace, which used to be a small building and is now in ruins; to the right, it is to return to Su Lun’s dilemma—” This is probably the only reasonable explanation that can be given. When the eyes full of gears made me upset, I slowly closed my eyes, lay flat on the metal floor, and took a short rest. The ending of the tiger is brilliant and treacherous, like fireworks bursting in the night sky. I repeatedly recalled the scene when the Saturnian's spacecraft fell into the sea of ​​fire, and I was terrified by it. "Is that the end of the earth's veins? Or is that the fate of the tiger and the bearded man? He can't change the history even if he has tried his best, even if he has endured it for thousands of years. When will the people from the Azure Dragon Society arrive and when will they be able to open the seal? The Gate—" But thinking about it now, the ambition of the Azure Dragon Society is to annex the world, those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish. When they rush into this world, they will probably plunder everything, and they will not let it go. Time is bound to be another fierce battle. The Asian gear is the core of the earth's energy, and now I am lying opposite it. For those explorers who have spent their lives searching for this mysterious object, isn't my harvest as lucky as money raining from the sky? I heard Su Lun's rapid panting, and immediately opened my eyes and sat up. She had already returned to the bottom of the cave, looking up with horror on her face. "What did you find?" I caught her panicked eyes. "There is nothing in those holes, just stone walls one after another, and all the outward passages are tightly blocked. We only have the mirror, but the mirror is also unbreakable." She held in her hand A black large-caliber army pistol, which must have been used to shoot the ancient mirror. I asked back: "There is no road? But at least when I entered here, I broke through a hole. Didn't you see it?" She shook her head slowly: "There is none, only that mirror." I jumped down and supported her crumbling body, feeling the seriousness of the situation.Now, it's not just her who is trapped, but her and me, increasing to two people. The gear closest to us stopped suddenly, and the gears that followed it, front, back, left, and right sides also stopped. "They stopped." I couldn't tell whether my voice was surprise or fear, and I didn't know what kind of consequences this change would bring. It was a metal gear with a diameter of about twenty centimeters. The density of the ring gear was medium. The distance between two adjacent teeth was one centimeter, and the tip of the tooth was slightly blunted.It is fixed on a vertical metal rod. Theoretically, when it flies, the metal rod must also be rotating at a high speed, but where is the power generated by it supplied? "Yes, stop. According to my teacher's research theory, the 'Asian gears' stalling will be the beginning of a huge disaster. When all the gears stop turning and enter a momentary static state, next, the world will be born. Reverse development, that will lead to the destruction of the earth, and it will never be reborn." There was a trace of cold sweat on her forehead, and she turned around with difficulty, staring at the four identical gears.
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