Home Categories Thriller Tomb Raider 5 Millennium Labyrinth

Chapter 5 Chapter Five: The Square-Eyed Man in the Spar Pit

The lack of oxygen is not pleasant, I closed my eyes, slowed down my breathing, and my pulse rate also slowed down suddenly.In this case, I am sure I can last more than three minutes. "Where are you?" I asked the other party, still using "heart voice". "Here." He replied immediately, but his voice rang in my ears, and he no longer communicated with his "heart voice". "With your intelligence, you probably know that it is impossible for people on earth to survive for too long in the absence of oxygen, don't you?" I heard the sound of the wind, the sound of birds singing, and the sound of splashes from a mountain stream falling into a deep pool in the distance. sound of water.

"Of course, if there is a lack of oxygen in the air, it will really be a disaster for the people on earth. However, one in ten million people on earth is a special case. They have some kind of strange mutant gene, which can obtain water or Oxygen in solids is a fish in water and an eagle in the sky. The human body structure is very scientific, and when all potentials are brought into play, one person can complete the work that ten thousand teams can do.” He talked eloquently, occasionally interspersed with exclamations. The suffocation was gone, and I pumped hard to open my eyes. "Wait, are you sure you won't turn pale at the sight of me?" He sighed again.

"Square-eyed figure? Guess you can't be weirder than the Sphinx in the Egyptian desert? Besides, I've seen you in an ancient book, and I've seen you in hallucinations—" I opened my eyes, and suddenly found that there were bright flashes everywhere, and I immediately closed my eyes again to prevent my eyes from being damaged by "snow blindness". "The Sphinx? Ha, that's a self-portrait left by an alien visitor. How can it compare to me? I have to explain to everyone I meet that I am from Earth and their kind, but very few people will." I believe, I hope you will be the second." He was laughing at himself, his tone extremely bitter.

"The second one? Who is the first one? 'King of Tomb Raiders' Yang Tian?" I was acutely aware that in the other party's mind, the elder brother Yang Tian was a great big man. "Hehe, that's right. Thinking about things that Emperor Qin, Han and Wu couldn't understand back then, he could understand the ins and outs of it just by listening to it once. I can only say that he is the top race among the earth people. In our era, the kind of Characters are called 'Heavenly Man', just like ancient emperors called themselves 'Tianzi'." I raised my hand to cover my eyes, and looked out through my slightly open fingers. The snow hunters near the Arctic Circle use such tricks to carefully protect their eyes.

On the opposite side is a wall made of amethyst stone. The wall is completely transparent, and my line of sight can pass through it directly. I can see large expanses of water plants, and the hair of a witch is fluttering and swaying.The left and right sides are also walls, which are composed of topaz and red spar respectively, so the aquatic plants outside also turn yellow and red accordingly. I turned my head quickly, but I didn't see any cracked golden eggs, but a wall of black spar, the color of which was extremely excellent.In comparison, the sky-high price spar circulating on the market can only be regarded as a defective product full of flaws.Now, these priceless treasures are only used to build walls, which is a waste of money.

The dazzling spar took my attention away, and when I turned around again, a warrior in ancient armor was staring at me silently with his back against the wall twenty steps ahead.He wore a golden mask on his face, and his eyes were cut into the Danfeng eye style most admired by the ancients, with the corners of his eyes flying upwards, handsome and free and easy. "Hi." I nodded. "Well, hello." He raised his left hand and responded to me, but the intense wariness between each other made the scene extremely tense. He is a "person", at least on the surface, with a healthy and straight body, with sound limbs, and the raised hand is the same as ours, with five fingers.

"I didn't mean anything malicious, don't worry." He walked away from the wall and strode towards me. I stood calmly in a T-step, posing a Tai Chi door that can be attacked, retreated and defended, with a faint smile on the corner of my mouth. When he was five steps away from me, he stopped, tilted his head, and looked me up and down: "Because of your arrival, the energy field suddenly changed abnormally, so I sent a voice to ask you to come down. But, Looking at it now, you are no different from others, and you are not even as good as Tang Xin, who has already cultivated immortality and enlightened Taoism, why is this? Could it be that my sensing ability has gone wrong?"

I have seen his eyes clearly, and he also has black pupils and the whites of normal people. If there is no preconceived impression of "square-eyed warrior", anyone will regard him as his own kind. "Where is Tang Xin? Where is my friend Su Lun?" I smiled, tensing the muscles on my forearm, and the hidden dagger could be unsheathed at any time. "They are all fine and nothing will happen. You can meet them anytime—if you are willing to answer my questions." He stroked the gray leather belt around his waist, raised his chin, and stared at on my face. The cowhide soft armor on his body is exactly the same as the one in the round stone house, with a brass forged breastplate buttoned on the front heart, and copper nails the size of peanuts are embedded in the arms and shoulders.The ancient military uniforms have changed from generation to generation. I can recognize that this is the unique cavalry soft armor of the Qin Dynasty, which is the earliest prototype that was praised and practiced as the "iron armored chain horse" by later generations.

"A cavalryman from the Qin Dynasty has been hiding under the mountain? Or is it someone who pretended to be mysterious and forged such a strange thing?" My eyes fell on the cowhide combat boots under his feet. They were very new, with only a small trace of wear and tear. It is by no means an antiquity that has experienced thousands of years. "What question?" I stopped the hundreds of question marks churning violently in my heart, and only focused on the present moment. "In the history of the earth, has there ever been such an era where all people's eyes are square, but they can receive visual signals equally reasonably, regardless of high or low, and they are all beaming?" He raised his hand and rubbed his chin, Undoubtedly, this action is the most commonly performed by adults on the planet, and it is a natural reaction of the body when thinking.

I shook my head without thinking, "No." "You can think about it carefully - I mean, use your superpower way of thinking, instead of simply extracting the knowledge base of your brain. Don't rush to answer me, in this space, time is meaningless, neither There is a past, and there is no future. We are standing here, completely separated from the rotation and revolution of the earth, so there is no difference between your answer in a hundred years and the answer in the next second." He The words are unfathomable, like the endless spar wall in front of you. The situation at this time reminded me of the time when I was trapped in the glass box under the sea with Guan Baoling.The only difference is that it was at the bottom of the sea, but now it is in the belly of the mountain.

"I'm sure not. The physiological structure of people on earth has been like this from beginning to end. Even from the most ancient primitive people, they all have oval eyes. There is another proof, that is, the eyes of all birds, animals and insects on the earth. Eyes, like humans, are never square." I thought for a few seconds, and still gave the above answer. Outside the purple spar wall on the opposite side, a meandering water snake is rushing past, rushing to the lower right.My gaze followed downwards, and the ground under my feet was also made of spar, faintly revealing a little bit of starlight. "Where is this? Under a cliff? Maybe in a space outside of time and space?" After the strange experience of the glass box, I was not terrified by the scene in front of me, but slowly raised my head , looking overhead.The space formed by this spar has no roof, and I saw blue sky and white clouds in a very far away place. "Aren't you afraid?" He laughed. "What are you afraid of?" I became calm, because the other party looked like a standard earth person, no matter in appearance or in words and deeds. "Afraid of me, afraid of this world, afraid of never returning to the surface of the earth?" He crossed his arms, looked around the spar walls on all sides, raised his chin slightly, like a king of ninety-five years overlooking his own Territory territory. "If you find my friends, you will be able to go back; if you can't find them, what's the point of going back?" I'm not afraid, but it doesn't mean that Su Lun is also not afraid, she is a girl after all. "At this moment, you are afraid, because the energy core in your body has undergone a quantitative change, haha...so, you and Yang Tian are exactly the same kind of person, extremely powerful but unable to make up for your own loopholes, and you are destined to make people suffer. The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant's nest. Although I don't know you and the purpose of your existence, I can guess one thing, you are not earthlings, at least not in the absolute sense." He straightened up proudly, as if he had unceremoniously exposed my disguise. "'Tomb Raider' Yang Tian, ​​is he here too?" I remained calm, because as far as I could see, there were only me and this "person" wearing a golden mask. His shoulders suddenly sank, and he lowered his tone in frustration: "I don't know, oh..." The luster of all spar walls dimmed, and the world outside the walls gradually blurred. "Who the hell are you?" I felt the blade trembling, echoing my heartbeat. If I needed to use force to solve something, I was ready, and the fighting state was already on the verge of breaking out. "Earthlings." Behind the mask, he blinked cautiously. This is an answer that was beyond my expectation. At least in Gu Qingcheng and I's heart, the "square-eyed warrior" has long been defined as an alien visitor. "Earthlings like us?" I asked back. He shook his head: "You got it wrong, what I mean is - I am a human from the earth, but you and Yang Tian are not. As for the billions and billions of people outside who are living in ignorance, they are also human beings from the earth." Suddenly, a clear picture appeared on the left wall, like a high-definition digital TV screen, a girl in white fox fur leaned against a towering tree with her hands folded in her sleeves , is closing his eyes and meditating.The proportion of the picture is the same as that of the real world. At a glance, it seems that it is a transparent glass window, and the people and trees are just outside the window. I'm not a tiger, but there are two words in my mind: "Tang, Xin—" The green grass blocked her feet, it should be a vast wilderness, except for her and the only big tree with three people embracing each other, there were no buildings. "That's my friend, Earthman." I hope to keep playing this charade until the other party reveals his true colors. "Yes, she is an earthling. No matter how serious the toxin invasion is, she can't change her physiological essence. If she is alive, she is an earthling. When she dies, she is an earth ghost. Her body perishes, her soul is immortal, and she exists on earth forever. , but it will never become something else." His tone seemed to be joking, but lost the sense of humor. "Okay, I'll take her away." I remembered the tiger's warning, and when I saw Tang Xin, I wanted to take her back. "Anytime, but with her own consent." He laughed inscrutablely, "Look at the leaves on that tree, I think she won't leave until the leaves are all gone." Thousands of leaves suddenly fell from the sky, like a rainstorm without warning.The leaves were all withered and yellow, and when they floated to the nearby ones, the veins and veins of the leaves were all pitch black. Tang Xin slowly opened her eyes, looked up at the top of her head for a few seconds, then changed her posture, and leaned against the tree trunk with her eyes closed again.I can't see the top of the tree, but I can only speculate from the tallness of the trunk that the tree must be hundreds of years old. "She is using the vitality of trees to eliminate the toxins in her body. In fact, this detoxification method is no secret hundreds of years ago. If I take her back, I can still detoxify her." I can tell that it is a An extremely precious adult Jianglongmu, which is a rare species on the earth. "Yes, she is detoxifying, but you don't understand that the power of the 'Hundred Death God' is different according to the degree of poisoning. The deeper the poisoning, the stronger the power. Once the poison is detoxified, she has worked hard and suffered The martial arts cultivated will also disappear. If you help her detoxify, I am afraid that she will hate you for the rest of her life..." He waved his hand, and the image disappeared, and the wall was still a wall, monotonous and cold. "Here, after detoxification, her martial arts still exist. When time is no longer the only linear unit of measurement, she can try anything, and she can go back and forth between the starting point and the ending point without having to bear the burden of the process." Difficulty, like a dream with a bizarre plot, once you wake up, all the pain disappears." From the tiger's words, I guessed that Tang Xin's ultimate goal of stealing the "Blue Falling Yellow Spring Classic" was to come to this mountain. The things in the minds of Tangmen masters in central Sichuan are different from ordinary people. There is no way to figure it out. "Where's Su Lun? Where is that girl?" My heartstrings twitched again. If Su Lun could appear on the wall like before, I would definitely be overjoyed. "You care about her very much?" He was staring at my expression, "It's like Yang Tian is thinking about someone, right?" I don't like the way he mentioned his eldest brother Yang Tian, ​​as if a scientist mentioned aliens and space geeks. "You like to detect other people's inner activities? Well, I care about her very much, but the 'King of Tomb Raiders' Yang Tian is my most respected predecessor, it is best not to speculate on his psychological world." I am eager to see you here Brother, but subconsciously understand that it is absolutely impossible. "She is in a place that we can't reach, very close, but very far away. That place, in many earth legends, is called the 'Asian Gear', a space that exists in theory but no one knows about it in fact. "He opened his arms, as if he wanted to take the world into his arms. "Asian Gears" is the goal that Su Lun's master, Master Guannan Goro, has pursued all his life, and it is also the reason why Su Lun can't wait to enter the mountain alone to search for the "Second Epang Palace". I don't want to ask any more questions, because the other party doesn't have any standard answers in their minds. The sudden silence caused a huge gap between the two people who had just met, and the strangeness suddenly stretched a lot. "Let's go back, maybe Tang Xin can tell you some useful news." He smiled awkwardly. The spar ground under our feet is slowly rising, and the underwater world outside the wall has also become clear. Many kinds of common freshwater fish swim around leisurely, which is enough to prove that we are ascending from the deep water area to the water surface. The square exit above the head is getting closer and closer, and when we rise to the ground, we are facing a huge empty cave.A square hole of the same size is dug on the top of the cave, extending upwards, from where you can see the real blue sky and white clouds. We stood in the middle of a 30-meter-square pool, with rippling blue waves and clear water, and there were constantly small fish spitting bubbles mischievously. "Welcome back to the real earth. Although I don't know where you come from, as long as you can stand on this blue planet, you are a friend of the earth people." He smiled and held out his hand to me. I shook it back calmly, the light here was much brighter than where I was just now, which just gave me a chance to take a closer look at him.The hands of the two people were clasped together, exerting strength almost at the same time, and their five fingers were instantly retracted. After five "clicks, clicks, clicks", my phalanx strength has been exerted to the limit, and it is like a steel hook that firmly locks the part from the tiger's mouth to the little finger of the opponent. "There is still one hand!" He smiled, turned his left wrist, and clasped the left hand I just raised. I used the small capture hand, and he used the dragon capture hand, which is a very popular martial art in the area of ​​Huashan Mountain in Xiyue. "You are from Earth, why do you have to wear a golden mask to pretend to be a ghost?" From such a close distance, I can see the large pores on his face, the short beard that just grew out, the freckles on the side of his chin, and even the acne left behind Scars, these are all characteristics shared by people on earth. "Of course I'm from Earth—" he fell for it. When he spoke, it was at the moment when my internal strength suddenly increased and I performed the "Military Solutions Dafa". My arms shook violently, and I threw his body straight across the water. The shore retreated.My "knife beyond the distance" was shot at this moment, and the cold light of the blade silently illuminated the huge pond. With two sounds of "pa, pa", the golden mask that was split in half fell on the water surface, splashing two strings of sparkling water splashes, and the sparkling water frightened away the naughty little fish. I chased after him, retracting the knife, picking up the mask, and landing on the shore in one go, which is the ultimate lightness of "stepping on the snow without a trace, and Dengping crossing the water".In many cases, wisdom is the magic weapon to solve the battle. He thought that he would be sure of winning when the four arms were deadlocked, which was the beginning of failure. "Yang Tian's knife? Another move? I guessed correctly." With his left arm in front of his eyes, covering half of his face, he sighed sadly. The mask in his hand was heavy, forged from pure gold, and seemed to still carry the warmth of his face. I suddenly understood that all the problems came from his eyes: "Please take your arms away. If your eyes are really different from those of people on earth, then what is there to be ashamed of? All things are born different." "Do you think you have won?" He turned around and stared at the long and curved tunnel on the right, "I just want to confirm whether there is an inevitable connection between you and Yang Tian. Come with me Well, I will guide you to another magical world." I couldn't see his eyes, but judging by his ability to fly across the water, his martial arts must be extremely superb. "Where are you going?" I followed behind him, watching his boots striding forward without touching the ground, only the sound of gurgling water could be heard in my ears, other than that, there was silence all around.Going from the golden egg to the deep underwater well surrounded by crystal stones is just a moment of closing and opening eyes, like a short dream like a fleeting moment. "Go to a huge palace that many people want to enter. Didn't you come here just to find it?" He didn't look back, and the golden hairpin on the ancient-style bun shone with dazzling golden light. "You are wrong. Finding Su Lun is the most important thing. Tell me, where is the Asian gear?" I ignored the arrogance in his tone and reiterated my goal.If the "palace" he mentioned refers to the Afang Palace buried deep underground, that ancient building complex that is regarded as a treasure by archaeologists all over the world is still as light as a feather compared to Su Lun. The caves on both sides became narrower and narrower, and the light dimmed. "Is she as important to you as Shui Lan is to Yang Tian?" He shook his head. I heard the name of "Shui Lan" again, a beautiful and strange code name, maybe I will never know who she is, just like going farther and farther on the road of chasing the big brother, the more complicated and difficult it is. "How much do you know about Yang Tian?" I avoided his question and made insinuations, hoping to learn more about my elder brother. "It's just part of it. For example, he used the knife you used to cut off the mask just now. Do you know? The most dangerous part of the 'Sword of Transcendence' is not its sharpness and sharpness. If you really want to kill people, the treasure knife and the butcher knife There is no difference, as long as it can cut the throat of a person is enough - this knife is not a real knife, if you can comprehend the deep meaning of forging it, you will be invincible forever .” He raised his finger to the left rock wall: "Look there—" With a "beep", the rock wall lit up, and it turned out that it was a two-foot-square screen.Before the image appeared, I first saw a brilliant white light flooding the whole picture, it was extremely dazzling, as if thousands of welding torches were lit at the same time. "Are you familiar with it? That is the saber energy released by the 'Sword of Beyond Distance'. When you can reach the realm of the unity of sword and man, it will shine, and the light of wisdom is unparalleled." He stopped, still Facing me sideways, carefully hiding his eyes. On the screen, a tall and burly man is chasing another person, and as soon as his toes touch the bright wave surface, he soars faster.What he held in his hand was the "Knife of Transcendence", and the murderous aura on the tip of the knife condensed into a two-meter-long white light, which was very impressive. It was the ancient warrior in front of me who was hunted down, and his body was flying upside down and retreating.
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