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Chapter 63 Chapter 63 Volcano

Kurosawa was also at the end. When he closed his eyes and waited to fly out of the cliff, his toes touched the back of Qin Yun's hand, and finally stopped his body from falling.Qin Yun, whose life and death were hanging by a thread, yelled in pain: "Kurosawa! You stepped on my hand!" Unexpectedly, Kurosawa also stepped on it even harder, and Qin Yun yelled in pain. "Brother Qin, I'm sorry, I want to let go, I will be the one to die!" Kuisawa replied panting. Xiaobai felt unbearably hot below, she said loudly: "Qin Yun, let me go, or we will all die." "No, if we die, we will die together!" Qin Yun couldn't help but say.

Xiaobai shed tears and cried, "You are so stupid...Qin Yun, in the secret room under the Wuse Hall, I was disturbed by the power of medicine, but whenever I think of you, my mind becomes clear, so I have been resisting... , Kurosawa really didn't succeed, I didn't lie to you." It was only then that Qin Yun suddenly realized the reason for Xiaobai's strange behavior recently. He looked down at her, and the lava from the volcano reflected the tears in the corners of her eyes red, like blood. Those were not tears, but her heart.Qin Yun's heart was full of tenderness that he had never felt before, and he felt that it was an extremely happy thing to die with such a woman. "Xiaobai, I believe in you." He said affectionately.

Xiaobai smiled through his tears. Kurosawa managed to stabilize himself. The water in the channel was intermittent, and after a few minutes, it slowly drained away.The impact of the water was greatly reduced, which made him much more relaxed. He saw a big jagged rock not far to the left of the smooth stone surface, and he clung to the stone surface and slowly climbed up.He stood on the boulder and let out a long breath. The scene in front of him was the most spectacular he had ever seen in his life. The magma was rolling for several miles like molten iron, and a layer of dark black material formed on the surface. The bright red magma washed away from time to time, like It spouted like a fountain, like a tree of fire.The white mist above the head was thick, and the water vapor in the high-temperature gas was extremely heavy. In a short while, even Kurosawa was drenched all over.Kurosawa has been trapped underground for more than ten years. When he was at the base, even though there was electricity, the lamps had limited light. This was the first time in ten years that his world was so bright. He was so happy that he couldn't help crying out.

The echoes of the cry are long-lasting. "Stop crying and howling, come and save me!" Qin Yun shouted with difficulty, bearing the weight of himself and Xiaobai on one arm, already sweating profusely, and the fingers holding the stone were sore and unbearable. Kurosawa also hurriedly shouted: "Brother Qin, hold on, I'll come to save you." He felt more and more that Qin Yun was an indispensable teammate, without Qin Yun, he would never be able to get out of this area. Terrible area.He took out the slow-down rope, tied the end of the rope to a stone, jumped onto the stone again, and slowly slid to Qin Yun's side.He added: "Remember, you owe me this favor!"

Qin Yun reprimanded angrily: "Chao, hurry up!" Only then did Kurosawa throw the rope to Qin Yun and Xiaobai.The two grabbed, Qin Yun's pressure dropped suddenly, and he felt extremely comfortable.The three of them struggled to climb up, and just as they jumped onto the boulder, another huge wave rushed out of the waterway, rushing up the rock face with a "huh", jumped out of the cliff, and fell towards the magma like a white curtain.A white mist rose from the bottom of the cliff again, making the whole world foggy and humid. Qin Yun and Xiaobai narrowly escaped death, hugged each other tightly, kissed and cried.

"Xiaobai, I love you." Qin Yun said emotionally. With tears in her eyes, Xiaobai kissed Qin Yun on the cheek, hugged his neck tightly with both hands, and closed her eyes to enjoy this moment. In her heart, she had long regarded Qin Yun as the only support in this life. "Haha..." Kurosawa also laughed, and he said, "Brother Qin, do you believe me now? Although I am superficial, I am definitely not a lewd and promiscuous person." Qin Yun glanced at him. At this moment, he felt that Kurosawa had also become cute.He let Xiao Bai go and said, "The temperature here is too high, we have to leave as soon as possible."

"I thought you were still reluctant to leave!" Kurosawa also said with a smile. He looked around and saw a man-made stone path under the other side of the boulder. It stretched downwards and turned out to lead to the bottom of the cliff Yes, Kurosawa also pointed to it and said, "Did the people of Khotan hide Buddhist scriptures and top bones in the crater? Isn't that equivalent to burning them?" Qin Yun said: "A thousand years ago, this volcano might not have been as active as it is now, and the temperature here was not so high. I think they have worked hard to transport Buddhist scriptures here, and they will definitely design a perfect preservation plan. Let’s not let them burn down. Come on, let’s go down and have a look.” He dragged Xiaobai and jumped onto the stone path. The so-called stone path is just a path with a width of only 5000 meters dug between the cliffs, and it is very steep. If you are not careful, you may slide off the cliff.

The three of them walked down five to six hundred meters carefully, and the closer they were to the crater, the stronger the heat wave, which made them extremely hot and sweaty.Qin Yun felt his mouth was dry, his clothes seemed to be burning immediately, and the heat made him dizzy.Just less than a kilometer away from the volcanic lava, Qin Yun saw a stone bridge between the cliffs.This is a natural stone bridge, the width of the bridge deck can only accommodate one person, it passes above the lava and leads to the opposite cliff.The third time Kurosawa stepped on the stone bridge, he felt a burning sensation, and there was a burnt smell from the soles of his shoes.Qin Yun said: "The temperature is too high, we must cross it as fast as possible, but the bridge deck is too narrow, everyone must be careful."

Kurosawa also gritted his teeth, and rushed forward first.Qin Yun helped Xiaobai onto the stone bridge and warned her: "Look ahead, don't look at the lava at the bottom of the bridge, be careful with the soles of your feet, and rush to the opposite side in one go, you know?" Xiaobai couldn't help but look at the bottom of the cliff in the heat wave, her eyes were so smoky that she could hardly open her eyes, she said in fear, "I'm afraid, you must support me from behind." Qin Yun nodded: "I will make sure that you are safe and sound, run quickly, the longer you stay, the hotter you will be." Xiaobai closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened them again, and walked forward tremblingly go.Qin Yun followed closely behind.She walked extremely slowly. In a place where the temperature exceeded 70 or 80 degrees and the heat wave was raging, walking like this was tantamount to death.Qin Yun urged desperately, but the more he urged Xiao Bai, the more frightened he felt, and the slower he walked.When the two finally got to the middle of the bridge, Kurosawa had already reached the opposite side and was standing in front of a stone cave and yelling at them.

Xiaobai felt as if her body had been dried out, and the heat wave made her consciousness more and more confused. She tripped over a stone on the sole of her foot, and her uncontrollable body fell to the outside.The lava under the bridge is like a pot of boiling molten iron. If a person falls into it, it will disappear in a second and become invisible.Qin Yun hurriedly hugged her from behind and pulled her back, breaking out in a cold sweat.He yelled, "Xiaobai, what's wrong with you?" "Qin Yun, I can't move anymore, I'm so dizzy." Xiao Bai replied weakly, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Look at me! Look at me! Xiaobai, you can't get dizzy! You can't give up!" Qin Yun slapped her face, Xiaobai opened his eyes again, and shook his head. Qin Yun roughly straightened her up, turned her head forward, and said loudly: "Now, for me, you must run forward with all your strength and courage, do you hear me?!" Xiaobai nodded in a daze. Qin Yun suddenly pushed her back hard, Xiaobai screamed loudly, opened his arms, and sprinted forward, looking dangerous.Qin Yun hurriedly followed.The two quickly finished the remaining half of the distance and jumped into a stone cave at the end of the stone bridge.Xiaobai opened his mouth, but he still hasn't recovered. Kurosawa also wiped the sweat from his forehead and complained loudly: "You guys are too slow, I'm so hot, go in, it's very cool inside." He led the two into the stone path, it was very dry here, and the crater was already dead. Dry it out.The stone path was narrow, only allowing three people to walk side by side, and there was no light inside, so the three turned on the flashlights and walked forward.The stone path is at a 45-degree angle leading to the upper slope. The further you go, the farther you are from the crater, and the lower the temperature.Qin Yun helped Xiaobai walk more than a thousand meters, and the temperature finally returned to normal. They found a place to sit down and gasped for breath. Qin Yun found a bottle of water from the backpack and let Xiao Bai drink a few sips, and she finally woke up.Looking at the volcanic ash all over Qin Yun's face, he burst out laughing.She pulled her sleeves to wipe him clean, and said, "You're not handsome at all." "Safe! You can use it with confidence." Qin Yun returned to being mischievous. Xiaobai laughed again. Kurosawa couldn't stand the stickiness between the two more and more, he stood up and said, "Let's go quickly, don't let Yu Sufu take the lead." Qin Yun and Xiao Bai reluctantly got up.The three of them walked forward quickly, the stone path was very long, seemingly endless, sometimes straight, sometimes curved, sometimes flat, sometimes steep.They walked for about three or four hours, but they couldn't find a way out.Qin Yun calculated that their current location should be parallel or higher than when they first entered this secret place at the bottom of the lake from the underground lake. Therefore, if they go further up, they will most likely return to the underground lake. "It's almost the end." As soon as Qin Yun finished speaking, Kurosawa Ji also saw a stone gate. Qin Yun took a closer look and found that the stone gate was a single door, which would retract into the stone wall when it was opened, and its junction with the ground was very tight.The stone gate is covered with spider webs, but the spider web at the joint with the stone wall has obvious tear marks, and there are scratches on the ground, which shows that the stone gate has been opened recently. There is only one possibility——Yu Sufu has arrived here first! What happened to Liu Hu and Sun Xueli?Have they gotten here yet?Qin Yun thought worriedly. "How to open the door?" Kurosawa also asked. Qin Yun glanced at the stone wall, pointed to a small stone hole and said, "Here!" He stretched his hand in and pressed hard, and the stone door made a "cracking" sound, and retracted from left to right into the stone wall, three meters behind it. Another stone gate appeared. Osamu Kurosawa also said in surprise: "How did you quickly judge the location of the agency?" Qin Yun smiled at the corner of his mouth, pointed to the spider web and said, "It's too obvious. There is no spider web at the stone hole, and there is no dust on the wall of the hole." Osamu Kurosawa also said "oh", thinking to himself: "This is indeed an obvious reminder, why didn't I think of it?" The three of them walked into the first stone gate, and as soon as they stepped in, it closed automatically.This time, Kurosawa also quickly found a way to open the second stone door. When the door was opened, they were surprised to find that there was a third stone door behind the door.
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