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Chapter 24 Chapter 24 GPS Locator

The weight of the glass submersible is not large, but it is pulled by the bottom pressure iron and dives straight.Qin Yun and Liu Hu turned on the high-intensity spotlights, and they projected them out, giving an unobstructed view of the scene outside the cabin.When there is no light, the lake looks like a pool of black water, but it is actually very clear. Qin Yun can clearly see the waters with a radius of 50 meters.There are no aquatic plants or fish in the water, but there are many small dander-like things floating, which may be soil or microorganisms.Because the submersible has a thick, non-transparent base, it is impossible to see what's underneath.

The submersible continued to sink, and the temperature of the lake water also dropped. The cold air penetrated into the glass, and Qin Yun and Liu Hu were so cold that they rubbed their hands together.Since there is already oxygen in the cabin, the oxygen cylinder is not needed for the time being.At this time, the intercom in the cabin turned on a red light, and Yuan Zhenhe's voice came: "Dive to a depth of 50 meters, what did you find?" "No!" Qin Yun replied. "Pay attention to the condition of the bulkhead. If there are cracks or light noises, call the police immediately." Yuan Zhenhe was very worried about this simple glass submersible made by Japan.

"Yes!" Qin Yun replied, then turned to Liu Hu and said, "Pay attention to the situation, I guess it's almost the end." Liu Hu took out his pistol and pointed it nervously at the outside of the cabin, but was punched hard by Qin Yun: "You want to kill us? Shooting inside the cabin will penetrate the bulkhead!" Liu Hu said "Oh", shoved the pistol back in embarrassment, picked up the digital camera, turned it on, and a red indicator light on the top was on, aiming at the outside and ready to shoot at any time. However, things were far from as simple as Qin Yun imagined. The submersible sank for five or six minutes, but still did not reach the bottom, and there were still no living things outside the cabin. "Professor Yuan, report the current dive depth?"

"240 meters, be careful." Yuan Zhenhe's nervous voice came. This number made Qin Yun gasp, he never thought that the underground lake was so deep.He double-checked the bulkhead, and it was intact, and the glass submersible that the kid had built worked fine. The submersible continued to dive, and Qin Yun was glad that he was wearing a diving suit, which could block the growing cold, otherwise he would have been frozen into an iceman long ago. Yuan Zhenhe is still reporting the depth of the dive: "280 meters... 300 meters... 350 meters..." Qin Yun felt less and less cold, but cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

After reaching a depth of 360 meters, the submersible suddenly stopped diving, but Yuan Zhenhe still reported a larger dive number.Qin Yun understood that the weight iron had touched the bottom of the lake, the pulling force disappeared, and the submersible could not dive, and was half floating in the water, but Yuan Zhenhe didn't know it, and was still lowering the cable chain.Qin Yun reminded: "Professor Yuan, the submersible has sunk to the bottom of the lake, stop diving!" Only then did Yuan Zhenhe stop. Looking down from the submersible, you can see the bottom of the lake, which is full of light gray silt without any aquatic plants. However, there are a large number of corpses in the silt, ranging from shells to huge fish bones, which shows that There are still many living things in the lake.

At this time, Liu Hu pulled him, Qin Yun followed his fingers and looked over, there seemed to be a large dark hole more than 40 meters away, with a lot of wire wrapped around the edge of the hole, "Could it be a place where Buddhist scriptures are hidden? "Liu Hu said. Qin Yun nodded: "It's possible!" Just as he finished speaking, a five-meter-long big-headed fish swam out of the cave, its eyes glowing bright red, which was extremely frightening. "Professor Yuan, please start the ship and drive 50 meters to the left." Qin Yun said into the intercom, he planned to take a closer look at the entrance of the cave.

Soon, the lake water vibrated, the ship had already started, and the submersible was pulled to move forward. The weight iron that sank to the bottom of the lake stirred up the lake water and obscured the sight of the two. They shouted anxiously: "Slow down! Slow down!" Yuan Zhenhe's voice came: "The forward movement has been completed." The ship berthed again, but the turbid current did not dissipate for a long time.Qin Yun stared at the outside uneasily. There seemed to be countless red light spots flickering in the turbid flow. As the lake gradually became clearer, the red light became more and more intense, just like the blurred neon lights in the city at night.Just when Qin Yun was amazed, a large lock of black hair suddenly hung down from the top of the glass, and he shot a strong light over it, yes, it was indeed a lock of hair!This made Qin Yun and Liu Hu feel incredible.The hair hanging down became more and more long, and suddenly, a dry human hand slid down against the glass. It was thin and bony, with veins and blood vessels crawling on the arm, which were clearly visible. The nails were sharp and long, and the nails were stuck Full of black mud.Apparently, someone was sliding down close to the top of the glass, which is impossible in nearly 400 meters of deep water. There is only one explanation, and that is—a ghost!Liu Hu screamed in fright, drew out his pistol, and aimed at the top.Finally, a hideous woman's face emerged from her hair. Her skin was scorched black, her eyes were turned into the upper eyelids, and only a small spot was exposed above the white eyeballs. She had a sunken nose, a wide open mouth, and behind her white teeth. No tongue.

"Bang bang..." Liu Hu, who was so frightened that he lost his mind, fired, and it was too late for Qin Yun to stop it.However, the bullet did not penetrate the bulkhead, but bounced back, and one bullet scratched Qin Yun's arm.The bulkhead of the submersible is apparently bulletproof glass. Qin Yun rushed over and held Liu Hu down and shouted: "You don't want to die? If you break through the glass, we will all die!" Liu Hu looked at Qin Yun trembling and was speechless. Qin Yun turned around, only to find that the woman's face had disappeared. He rubbed his eyes and looked again to confirm that she had really disappeared. Could it be another hallucination?Qin Yun put his hands on his chest, his heart was beating like he was playing rock music.At this time, the turbid water had completely receded, and the lake was clear again. Qin Yun shone a strong light forward, but there was no deep hole at the bottom of the lake below. He was wondering, but he heard Liu Hu shout again.

Qin Yun turned his head and saw that the rear glass was crowded with big fish heads, and the red eyes were like a furnace of hot molten iron.The black hole is just below the submersible, and it turned out that the ship passed it.The black hole is surrounded by barbed wire, which seems to have been used to seal the hole, but has now been breached.Strictly speaking, it is not called a black hole, but a molten furnace, because it is filled to the brim with a big fish, and it is impossible to see the bottom. There is a touch of red on the back of the big fish, and the eyes emit red light, which makes it red. Like magma.Qin Yun had never seen this kind of fish, let alone such a grand occasion, and shouted in fright: "Float up! Float up! Float up submersible!"

Yuan Zhenhe thought they were in danger, so he quickly put away the chains, and the submersible quickly floated up. Qin Yun saw countless red-eyed fish rushing up like a tornado, and they turned around and disappeared into the darkness until the submersible jumped out of the water. middle. The submersible was quickly hoisted back to the deck, and Yuan Zhenhe, Xiaobai, and Sun Xueli nervously ran out of the cockpit to greet them.When Qin Yun and Liu Hu got out of the hatch of the submersible, their legs were trembling, and stepping on the deck was like stepping on cotton.Qin Yun put his right hand on Xiaobai's neck, and asked in shock, "Is this the world?"

Xiaobai was not interested in his humor, but pointed at the wound on his arm, jumping and jumping anxiously, the blood was still flowing, already soaking half of his body, because of panic, Qin Yun didn't even notice the pain, Seeing it now, his body went limp and he almost fell to the ground.Everyone hurriedly helped him to the cockpit, and Sun Xueli took out the first-aid kit, cleaned the wound for him, and bandaged him to stop the bleeding. Xiaobai found out his backpack and took out a set of clean men's clothes from it. Who knew that with a "beep", he also brought out the GPS locator hidden inside and dropped it on the floor.She picked it up and put it back, and handed the clothes to Qin Yun.Qin Yun smiled and said: "Xiaobai, you must be a transvestite, you always store men's clothes in your bag." Xiaobai's face flushed red. This time the clothing style has changed drastically. The top is army green overalls, made of crumpled cotton material, and there is a rivet on the pocket flap, which is unique; the bottom body is black tight pants, so fashionable that the old hat Qin Yun hardly dares to wear.Qin Yun changed his clothes carefully, and changed his shoes into white rubber-soled shoes. He looked tall, mighty and bright, and Sun Xueli swallowed.Liu Hu came over, pulled him aside, and asked softly, "I also often wear military uniforms, why... buddy, do you have any tricks to make girls fall in love with you?" Qin Yun laughed out loud and asked, "Who do you want to attract?" Liu Hu's face also turned red, and he hesitated for a long time but couldn't speak. Qin Yun patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'll teach you when I have time." He turned back and told everyone about his underwater experiences. Yuan Zhen and Shensi were silent, and Sun Xueli said: "The potholes where the red-eyed fish gather may contain secrets." "Well," Qin Yun nodded, "There is a destroyed barbed wire fence around it, which means that someone else has discovered it and blocked it, maybe it is the entrance to hide Buddhist scriptures." "No," Yuan Zhenhe shook his head. "If it was the entrance, the person who discovered it would have gone deep and found the Buddhist scriptures long ago. Even if they are temporarily unable to find it, they will visit it frequently, so that there will be no dilapidated barbed wire." "What is the barbed wire used for?" Qin Yun asked. "Maybe—it's used to block the red-eyed fish, which is extremely aggressive." Yuan Zhenhe said uncertainly. "You mean that pothole is actually a breeding ground for red-eyed fish?" Sun Xueli asked. Yuan Zhenhe nodded and continued to speculate: "After the blockade, this kind of fish still broke through the barbed wire, kept attacking other creatures, and finally occupied the entire underground lake, which is why the bottom of the water is full of bones." Qin Yun said: "It makes sense, but the barbed wire fence didn't appear long ago, which means it was laid by modern people. So why didn't the red-eyed fish appear a long time ago?" Everyone was silent, and this mystery can only be solved later. After the discussion, everyone was tired and all went to bed. However, Qin Yun couldn't sleep because the underground lake was extremely wide. Using this method of fixed-point diving to find the hiding place of Buddhist scriptures is like finding a needle in a haystack. If you want to get twice the result with half the effort, you must first locate it. When the word "positioning" popped up, Qin Yun was stabbed.He thought of the GPS locator, which was left behind by black bats, lost its signal, and became a plaything for Xiaobai.He got excited, got up, jumped up a few times, and threw himself onto Xiao Bai's bed.Sun Xueli and Xiaobai slept together, she sat up in surprise, grabbed the blanket and shouted: "Pervert!" She picked up a wrench and smashed it on Qin Yun's head. "Ah!" Qin Yun's scream woke everyone up. Blood flowed down his forehead, but Qin Yun didn't bother to wipe it off, pulled out Xiaobai's backpack, found the GPS locator from inside, and said loudly: "Xiaobai, you once let it make a beep, try again once." Xiaobai nervously pressed the automatic prompt button, and the GPS sounded: "Please turn right at 540 meters east, please turn right at 540 meters east..." "Haha... I know! I know!" Qin Yun shouted excitedly.
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