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Chapter 50 Section 3 The dragon tattoo on Liu Muzhi's body

golden curse 狼牙瘦龙 4630Words 2018-03-22
After Sakai left, Ma Yunlong arranged food and drinks to entertain the two Japanese soldiers warmly. Maoluer had already hired a skilled old painter. Several people nailed the white paper to the wall and projected the graphics on the negative onto the white paper. Then trace it stroke by stroke according to the projection. The artist spent an afternoon tracing the painting.Ma Yunlong asked him to draw another one, which was for Sato Yamaki. After that, he called the donkey over and asked where Yun Zhongfei had been running recently, and he had to be found. It is naturally difficult for Donkey to find Yun Zhongfei, his only way is to place a signal at a designated place, and Yun Zhongfei will take the initiative to contact the bandits.Since Ma Yunlong's men moved to the city, Yun Zhongfei only came once.

The donkey asked cautiously: "Ma Commander, look, how can I send a letter to him?" Ma Yunlong thought for a while and said, "Just say, we got the picture of the dragon behind Liu Muzhi, and he will definitely be interested." The donkey said triumphantly: "Commander, what you said is good. By the way, you arranged for us to keep an eye on that Taoist priest. Recently, there is news that he went to the pharmacy several times. Our people went to see the prescriptions he made. A few days ago, he asked the doctor in the pharmacy for ginseng and other fine ingredients, but the pharmacy didn't have such good fine ingredients, so he was very upset."

Ma Yunlong thought for a while and said: "It seems that he is treating a person's injury, so this person's injury is not serious. Is there any major case recently, the victim was injured and dared not come out for treatment, is there such a victim?" The donkey shook his head, unable to remember.Ma Yunlong said: "In this way, you can give the painting we painted to Sato Yamaki first, and you can't offend them now. In addition, how is the matter in the Liu family compound handled?" Donkey said with a smile: "Commander, don't worry, the affairs of Liu's compound have been arranged. I have already given that carpenter Zhang." Donkey made a scratching gesture.

Ma Yunlong asked: "So, how is Sato Yamaki's nail now?" Maoerlu said: "It is estimated that two people from Sato Yamaki have gone deep into the Liu family compound." Ma Yunlong said: "The feng shui turns around. A few years ago, the Liu family and the Wu family were all powerful here. Now, I think it should be dilapidated." The donkey said flatteringly, "Commander, I think Feng Shui has turned to you." Ma Yunlong knocked on the donkey's head and said, "Okay, let's go to your business." The donkey ran out happily.The donkey was already wearing a yellow military uniform at this time, and he was very different from other people running on the street because he still had a bastard cap hanging around his waist, slapping his buttocks.

While he was running, he suddenly heard a bang bang gunshot, which scared him to the ground.This squatting action showed his sophistication. He raised his head and saw two people running over. These two people were wearing gray cloth clothes. He heard a few more shots, and he saw that one of them seemed to have been shot, but the two moved quickly, and they disappeared into the alley in the blink of an eye. Before the donkey could get up, Shandao ran over with someone, kicked the donkey on the ground, and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?" Donkey saluted: "Taijun, hello."

Shan Dao asked, "Did you see the two Communists?" Donkey was not used to Shan Dao's questioning, so he asked, "Communist?" Shan Dao was very rude, and slapped him hard, cursing: "Hurry up!" The donkey pointed hastily.The Japanese soldiers ran away rumbling away. The donkey scolded angrily: "Damn, it depends on the owner to beat the dog." The donkey is now Ma Yunlong's right-hand man, almost equivalent to a platoon leader, but he never expected Shandao to treat him like this he. Donkey: "I went out this time to do two things, one is to send a signal to Yun Zhongfei to come to patrol the camp; the other is to go out of the city and give a picture of a dragon tattoo to Sato Yamaki, When he arrived at the gate of Kinugawa Company, he saw Er Gouzi translating in."

Sato Yamaki is worrying about the Linglongback Gold Mine. The soldiers of Sakai have already driven away the existing mine owners, but the laborers are also driven away.This Ergouzi translator has certain contacts in the local area, and Sato Yamaki intends to use him to organize some manpower.Naturally, Er Gouzi likes money, Sato Yamaki thought of this.They discussed it and decided to give Er Gouzi a certain number of taps for every certain number of heads organized. Er Gouzi knew that this was a good deal.However, he also felt that it was difficult to organize so many people in a short period of time. These Japanese are not easy to mess with, but this Sato Yamaki is always more gentle than Sakai.He thought about it, and it is not so easy to earn this money. There is only one way to earn this money and organize people in a short time, that is to organize the foremen of the former mine field. Will get people here quickly.

So where have all these foremen gone?Er Gouzi thought, Lao Jiu often goes to the mountains, he is familiar with these people, so he can be asked to do this. Ergouzi said his plan, Sato Yamaki thought, it seems that it is feasible to use Chinese people to deal with Chinese people. Sato Yamaki was a little worried again: "Will it cause trouble if all those people from the past are recruited back?" Er Gouzi translated and said: "I am afraid that everyone can see the majesty of the Imperial Japanese Army." Sato Yamaki thought for a while and said: "Go and try it first. In short, someone needs to work, and work efficiency must be there."

The translator Er Gouzi nodded and left politely.Sato Yamaki was thinking about how to arrange it at Sakai, when the servants brought in the paintings sent by the donkey. Sato Yamaki didn't rush to look at the picture of the dragon tattoo sent by the donkey. In fact, he knew that this Ma Yunlong had dug his wall many times. He knew that this guy would not give him anything real. A trick was set for Ma Yunlong, so that he could talk in front of Sakai. In the evening, Sato Ichiro had not come back, Sato Yamaki decided to go to the barracks to see Sakai. Sakai was looking at the sand table at the headquarters, and when he saw Sato Yamaki coming in, he beckoned him to come over.Sakai put a small red flag on the sand table with relish, not only Linglong's back, but also the sphere of influence of the bandit Ma Yunlong.Sato Yamaki asked: "Master Sakai, what are you doing?"

Sakai replied: "Today, the superiors came to ask about the progress of our gold mining. I told the superiors that the Linglongbei mine field is already under our control. They urged us to speed up. Do you know that the empire needs a lot of gold, and we grabbed it This gold is no less than killing tens of thousands of Chinese troops. The Communist Party is also plotting gold here, and according to my information, the Kuomintang also wants to get benefits here.” Sato Yamaki asked modestly: "Master, how do you arrange it?" "According to the requirements above, I plan to station two squadrons of troops in the mountains, build fortifications, and control the existing minefields by our army, so that the Chinese can dig them, and your Kinugawa company will be responsible for the unified purchase of ores. Then they will be transported from Longkou Port back to Japan or to the Northeast." Sakai pointed to the sand table.

Sato Yamaki asked worriedly: "But, with such a large mine field, do we have enough troops?" Sakai nodded and said, "So I want to develop Ma Yunlong's power and bring the minefields he controls into our scope. The ore from him will be sold to you Kinugawa Company." Sato Yamaki asked: "What about the dragon vein map? What about the dragon vein map operation?" Sakai said: "That's just the icing on the cake. I'm afraid the boss doesn't have that much patience. It's a good thing to get the most accurate mine map. If we can't get it, we can't wait. We must hurry up to get the gold. You know, The empire has been militaristic for so many years, the treasury is short of blood, and we are in urgent need of bloodshed. We have deployed troops in the mountains, one is to ensure that you speed up the mining of gold, and the other is to prevent the Chinese from buying gold here. Therefore, your mines must be started as soon as possible. In addition, I have informed Ma Yunlong that from now on, his mines are not allowed to smelt privately, and must sell the ore to your Kinugawa company, their technology is too poor, and it is a waste of time." Sato Yamaki said: "Will Ma Yunlong obey? He wants to get the dragon vein map! I guess the dragon tattoo blue map he gave me has been tampered with." Sakai sneered: "Ma Yunlong is one of our lackeys, even if he gets it, it means we got it." Sato Yamaki said bitterly, "However, Mr. Sakai, I still stick to my idea. The most important thing is not to find the dragon vein map in the hands of the Chinese, because I have been fighting for it for decades." Sakai smiled and said: "You continue to do it, and I will support you." Sato Yamaki nodded, and left to return to Kinugawa Company. Sato looked at his back and said helplessly, "After all, he is a businessman, not a soldier." In the evening, Sato Ichiro and Yang Shaochuan returned to Kinugawa Company. These two young men had been busy in the mountains all day, and their bodies were still covered with dust. Because the Japanese army had a gun battle with the Chinese when they robbed the mine field, the mine field There was chaos inside, and the Japanese army was not responsible for cleaning up, but only for occupation.Ichiro Sato is worrying about the lack of labor.Sato Yamaki told Sato Ichiro that he had tried to organize labor.Then, he said seriously: "It's really not possible, let Sakai send troops to catch the laborers." Ichiro Sato nodded, knowing that this was a good idea.He saw the roll of pictures on the table, opened it, and saw a tattoo of a dragon, and asked where it came from.Sato Yamaki told Sato Ichiro that it was sent by Ma Yunlong. Sato Ichiro said: "What they think is really simple. How could this be a map of the dragon veins? A slight mistake is a thousand miles away. The accuracy of Ma Yunlong's drawing method is too low. It is impossible to get a map of ore veins. This Ma Yunlong Without culture, only he can draw pictures so stupidly." Yang Shaochuan stood there watching without saying a word, but the dragon's head on the picture was lifelike, which was very intimidating. Sato Yamaki said: "Of course I know this. I just want to test the loyalty of this bandit to our Japanese Imperial Army. Sakai Sakai is very partial to him. This bastard who once killed us has created a lot for me. trouble." Sato Ichiro said: "Father, I don't think he needs to worry. The Liu family is the most cunning, especially that Liu Muzhi. We must find a way to deal with him." They were talking, a Japanese servant came over and said: "Someone Send the picture, please accept it." Sayamaki nodded.After a while, a servant brought in the painting, and Sato Yamaki opened the picture, which was also a tattoo of a dragon.The inscription on the picture is a lark, and there is a message written in Japanese: "It is best to have a 1:1 picture, otherwise it is only for reference." Ichiro Sato asked curiously, "Is this drawn by a lark?" Sato Yamaki nodded. He opened the two paintings and compared them together. It was obvious that the sizes of the two paintings were different. Sato Yamaki looked at other details again. The painting given by Ma Yunlong was different from the painting sent by Lark in many places.Sato Yamaki smiled triumphantly: "Ma Yunlong, you finally have something in my hands. If I tell Sakai that you sabotaged our 'Operation Dragon Vein', won't you be punished?" Ichiro Sato asked, "Father, where is the secret of this painting?" Sato Yamaki said: "According to the information we have, the paintings left over from that year must be part of secrets. There are three paintings we know so far. The first is the landscape painting of the samurai family, which is hung in Wolongju. The drawing is the real picture of Luoshan; second, it is the blueprint of the Liu family’s Wolongju, and it is possible that the mine vein map is hidden there; third, it is our current dragon tattoo picture, and it is also possible that the mine vein map is hidden in this painting. In the picture, take a closer look, this dragon tattoo has very dense lines, if some redundant lines are removed, it may be a dragon vein map." Sato Ichiro said in surprise: "Father, your reasoning is too profound, but, based on your understanding of Yang Zhongshan, could he make this matter so complicated?" Sato Yamaki said: "I also doubt this. Could there be someone who is behind Yang Zhongshan?" At this time, Yang Shaochuan who was on the side had been observing, and he said: "Even if you get both paintings, if you want to combine these two paintings into one, you must have two basic points." Sato Yamaki nodded, and said to Yang Shaochuan: "Shaochuan, take these paintings and study them carefully. If you know some professional knowledge, you may be able to see the way." Yang Shaochuan nodded, and Sato Yamaki said: "As for the Wu family's landscape painting, there is no need to worry about it. We already know that it was derived from the map of Luoshan twenty years ago. You can directly find a picture from that time. Map to test, if you figure out this matter, it is estimated that the cause of your father Yang Zhongshan's death will be fully understood." Yang Shaochuan said: "Father, don't worry, I will try my best to do it." He took the things into his room, and Sato Yamaki and Sato Ichiro looked at each other and nodded, as if there was a lot of tacit understanding between them.Sato Yamaki looked at the sky and said, "Let's go, let's eat something and reward ourselves." The two went to another room. At this time, there was a figure on their roof, which squirmed a few times, then jumped and ran out, and went straight to the city. He quickly came to Ma Yunlong's patrol camp, jumped in, and Ma Yunlong jumped suddenly. He got up and shouted: "Who?" The gun in his hand pointed at the person coming. Yun Zhongfei took off his hat and said, "It's me." Ma Yunlong groaned and said, "Second Uncle, you scared me to death." Yun Zhongfei said coldly, "What's the matter, I've done too many bad things, and I'm so scared." Ma Yunlong said: "Second Uncle, don't make fun of me. I have a big deal with you. Look, I got the dragon tattoo on Liu Muhou's back. Please see if you can decipher it." Ma Yunlong opened the picture and asked Yun Zhongfei to take a look. Yun Zhongfei smiled and said, "I think you don't have to worry about it. This dragon tattoo was stabbed on Liu Muzhi's back by Daoist Yang Mingzi." , with Taoist Master Yang Mingzi’s practice, if you want me to understand it, then you underestimate his Taoism too much.” Ma Yunlong said: "Then, let's arrest this old Taoist priest and force him to speak out." Yun Zhongfei laughed loudly and said, "You should think about it first, if there is nothing else, I will leave first." Yun Zhongfei jumped out and disappeared. Ma Yunlong froze in place. He was in a daze. The donkey came in and reported the situation today. Where did the two Communists go? Mao Luer said that he saw them running in the direction of Liu's compound. Ma Yunlong nodded deeply, and the donkey asked: "Will the Japanese let us go and destroy the Communist Party?" Ma Yunlong didn't answer, and waved his hand to let the donkey go down first.
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