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Chapter 30 Chapter 30 Assassination

an embroidered shoe 1 张宝瑞 3050Words 2018-03-22
The female prime minister of country A was born in an aristocratic family. Her hometown is famous for its rich sapphires, rubies and amethysts.Perhaps due to the influence of her family environment, she became interested in social work when she was young. She liked music, played tennis, and traveled in high society. In May 1960, she was elected chairman of the Liberal Party.Then, she went all out for a new round of elections. Her campaign strategy was to form a united front.She ran around appealing to voters to trust her, and she fainted at the end of her last speech. As a result of the general election, the Liberal Party won a stable majority. Finally, wearing a plain white sari, she drove slowly to the Queen's Building, the Governor's Mansion, under the escort of the mounted police.The crowd standing on both sides of the road cheered her enthusiastically, and she was sworn in as prime minister.Then, the new Prime Minister stepped onto the balcony of the Governor's Palace with dignity and composure, clasped his hands together, and greeted the crowd below the balcony.

She established diplomatic relations with many socialist countries including China, clearly supported the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the Ten Principles of the Bandung Conference, and advocated friendship, solidarity and economic cooperation among Asian and African countries.After she came to power, she visited the People's Republic of China and promoted a policy of friendship with China. She strongly advocated that China should enter the United Nations and expel Taiwan Chiang Kai-shek from the United Nations. Her just actions were hated by Taiwan's Plum Blossom Organization. They decided to send People to assassinate this influential female politician in the international political arena.

Sophie finally came to this country. Sophie lived in a hotel, and it was just in time for Christmas, which is the biggest festival of the year, and people celebrate this festival.Before the festival, people buy paper from the market, and the whole family makes lanterns together. All kinds of lanterns are colorful and cleverly shaped. Wealthy people decorate their roofs and eaves with colored lights, and poor people also put lanterns on the walls of their houses. A row of coconut oil lamps.Sophie watched the gorgeous night scene from the balcony of the hotel, and her imagination was running wild.Instructor Sola's instruction to her sounded in her ears: kill her by any means.Sola opened those ferocious eyes, and described to her the tragedies of assassinating important people...

In 1809, Napoleon commanded the French army to occupy Vienna for the second time, and held a grand military parade in Schönbrunn Palace. When he was overjoyed, a German youth named Staps walked towards Schönbrunn Palace with a long knife in his arms. Later, he was determined to kill Napoleon, but because the long knife was exposed, the attempted assassination was executed. In 1835, U.S. President Jefferson was attending a funeral at the Capitol in Washington. After the ceremony, he walked out of the hall with his friends. A crazy person squeezed out of the mourning crowd and rushed to the president.Before others could stop him, the murderer aimed his pistol at President Jefferson's chest. He pulled the trigger, but the pistol didn't go off. In a blink of an eye, the murderer took out a second pistol and pointed it at Jefferson. The trigger was pulled again, and the gun failed to fire, at which point the president and his friends had thrown themselves on the murderer and handed him over to the police.

On the night of April 14, 1865, President Lincoln went to the Ford Theater to watch a play. Behind his seat, an actor named John Wilkes Boone took out a pistol and hit Lincoln. President Lincoln was killed. Seriously injured, he died at 7:20 a.m. the next day.Because Lincoln ordered the emancipation of the slaves and defeated the Confederacy, the actor held a grudge, so he killed him. After Garfield was elected President of the United States in 1881, he often received letters from a superstitious man named Charles Guito.Charles asked President Garfield to appoint him as the U.S. Consul in Paris, France. The President sent his letter to the Secretary of State for processing. The State Department wrote, raising many unresolved issues.When he didn't get a satisfactory answer, he held a grudge.One day, Charles learned from the newspaper that the president was leaving Washington, and he was determined to do it on this day.Charles also came to the Washington train station that day. When President Garfield walked past him, Charles suddenly pulled out a pistol and shot Garfield twice in the back. Garfield was seriously injured and fell in a pool of blood.The angry crowd threw Charles, who immediately surrendered to a police officer for shelter.A few weeks later, President Garfield died in the hospital, and Charles was sentenced to death for murder.

On September 6, 1901, when U.S. President William McKinley was shaking hands with people welcoming him in Buffalo, New York, a gangster pulled out a pistol and shot him. President McKinley was seriously injured and died .The murderer was Leon Zorgoz, an anarchist whose creed was to kill all rulers. On February 15, 1932, President Roosevelt delivered a speech to the public in Miami Bay Park, Florida. After the speech, President Roosevelt returned to his convertible car.At this time, Chicago Mayor Anton Sameni came to him, standing beside the car, talking and laughing. Suddenly, Zangra, a delirious Italian immigrant hiding in the crowd, jumped onto a chair and pointed a pistol at him. Five shots were fired from the president's convertible, a bullet that grazed a security guard's hand before hitting Mayor Sameni, and four other bystanders, including a New York police officer.President Roosevelt was unharmed, but Mayor Sameny died in the hospital.The murderer was sentenced to death a month later.

On November 1, 1950, two assassins stormed into the Blair Building in Washington to assassinate President Truman.The guards fought fiercely with the assassins, one assassin was killed and the other was injured. On the afternoon of November 22, 1963 in Dallas, U.S. President Kennedy and his wife, at the invitation of Dallas business leaders, took a Lincoln car to the Trade Center for a luncheon.They sat side by side in the comfortable back seat of the convertible car, smiling and waving to people on both sides of the street.Sitting on the folding seat of the car are Texas Governor John B. Connally and his wife. The driver of the car is William R. Greer, a security guard from the Security Service Bureau, and another security guard is sitting next to him Personnel Roy H. Kellerman.A few yards behind the presidential limousine was a Cadillac valet with eight security personnel on board, followed by the car of Vice President Johnson and his wife, followed by the motorcade to the dinner.

At 12:30, the convoy of the president and his party turned around Houston and entered Elm Street at a speed of 11 kilometers per hour. A security guard in the accompanying vehicle notified the trade center through an intercom that the president and his party would arrive in five minutes.As soon as he finished speaking, he heard several crisp gunshots. President Kennedy put his hands on his neck, leaned forward straight, and then fell on his wife's lap. The bullets hit his head and neck. . Hill, the security guard who was sitting in the entourage car at the time, immediately jumped onto the sidewalk and rushed towards the presidential car when he heard the gunshots. Seeing that Mrs. Kennedy was clearly trying to get up from the back seat, Hill jumped up and pushed her away. Go back so she won't fall.Wende, a security guard in Vice President Johnson's car, heard the gunshots and immediately realized that the Vice President might also be the target of the assassination, so he used his body to cover Vice President Johnson.

At 1:20 p.m., President Kennedy died at the hospital. The bullet that struck President Kennedy came from a sixth-floor window of the Texas Depot overlooking Elm Avenue.After searching the building, it was found that there was an M.C. 6.5mm rifle next to the window on the sixth floor. It was found on the gun that a worker in the warehouse named Lee Harvey Oswald fingerprint. Oswald, who fled after the shooting, shot and killed a Dallas police officer in another part of the city an hour later and was caught as he was about to shoot the second officer . On the morning of November 24, the Dallas police authorities were preparing to transfer Oswald from the bureau headquarters to the county jail. When Oswald was escorted out, many newspaper reporters and police officers were watching around. Suddenly, a man named Jack Ruby's men rushed out from the crowd, took out their guns and aimed at the Austrian prisoner, and Oswalds was killed on the spot.Ruby was arrested and later died of cancer...

Sophie thought about it, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she saw the female prime minister appearing, surrounded by officials and guards, she came down to the carnival crowd, the colorful lights were extremely dazzling, and people sat around and called "Rabana" In front of the big flat drum, clap the palms of both hands, and there is a bunch of fireworks under the drum.They beat very rhythmically, chanting prayers from time to time.After a while, they pressed the button, and a light ship covered with a white cloth was uncovered. The whole hull was covered with countless small incandescent lamps, shining brightly. The children cheered for joy, and everyone shouted in unison: Du! Sadhu! . . . "

Sophie quickly took out the double-barreled rifle she had prepared, and aimed at the female prime minister who was walking slowly... As she got closer and closer, the dazzling light shone on her body, glowing like a garland.She was wearing a royal blue sari trimmed with peacocks and glittering gold thread, her sari fell to her knees, the fringe was tied at her waist, her hair was thick and smooth, and her hair was dark and shiny. The skin, the bright eyes, the straight bridge of the nose, the red soft lips, and the blood-red spot between the two eyebrows, are extremely beautiful.Her big circle gold earrings, rose inlaid gold sari, wrapping her graceful and healthy body... Sophie has never seen such a charming and solemn woman in her life. Her hands trembled, her heart trembled, and she was sweating. The rifle slid gently to the ground, and her body slid down softly... A few days later, the waiter at the hotel discovered that a beautiful Chinese lady had committed suicide by taking poison in the room...
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