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Chapter 26 Chapter 26 Polar Bears Covet Asia

an embroidered shoe 1 张宝瑞 3100Words 2018-03-22
Bai Lei had a good sleep, and when she woke up, the sunlight had already entered the room.This room is very luxurious, completely Russian-style architecture, milky white cabinets, milky white sofas, milky white bookcases. Bai Lei happily slid down from the soft bed, got dressed while humming a little tune, and finished washing happily.She pressed the bell, and a Soviet lady brought her a hearty breakfast. At ten o'clock in the morning, a tall, dignified Soviet man in his fifties walked into her room.Behind him is a young Soviet man with a leather bag in his hand.The hair of the man in front was already grey, but very thick, combed back flat, his pale face revealed a look of joy.Behind the rimless glasses are a pair of hazel eyes, deep and sharp. He is Colonel KGB Ivanov. The Soviet youth behind him is a standard handsome man. He is Lieutenant Eugene, Ivanov's assistant. .

Ivanov asked, "Did you sleep well last night?" "Excellent." Bai Lei replied happily. Ivanov leaned on the sofa casually and said, "I have passed the information you brought to General Andropov. We are very satisfied with your cooperation and hope that we can cooperate further in the future." Then, he waved to Eugene. Eugene opened the leather bag, took out a large wad of dollars and handed it to Bai Lei. Ivanov said: "According to the contract, I will pay you three hundred thousand dollars. How about it, shall we keep our word?" Bai Lei was flattered and said, "What should I do next?"

Ivanov said: "Take good care of your injuries first, and travel in the Soviet Union for a period of time, and we will send you out safely at that time. After your injuries recover a little, you can visit our specialized training school. If you are interested, Please also give the students a few lessons, and you can introduce your training in the United States and your work experience to the students." In the place where Bai Lei lived, there were several buildings surrounded by tall brick walls.It is located far away from the main street, and people who go to Gorky can't see it on the main street, they can only see it when they turn into the back street, but its building is ordinary, no different from many schools, no will attract the attention of the general public.The difference is that every exit of the school is guarded by heavily armed soldiers, and a special pass is required to enter.

Bai Lei clearly remembered what happened on that day a year ago. She traveled between Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and other places as a liaison officer of the Taiwan Kuomintang Plum Blossom Organization. Her public identity was that of a Taiwanese newspaper reporter. At that time, in order to deal with China, the former Soviet Union established a spy network surrounding China in Southeast Asia. The espionage center is located in Tokyo, Japan, and there are active espionage organizations in Bangkok, Thailand, Yangon, Myanmar and Singapore.The former Soviet Union also made every effort to transfer intelligence activities to Hong Kong, because they hoped to use Hong Kong as a bridgehead to spy on the political situation in mainland China. In Hong Kong, using a legal identity to operate, the Soviet Union's plan to break into Hong Kong has never been realized.

Malaysia and Singapore have always been pro-American countries in the past. The Soviet Union rushed into Malaysia and Singapore while the United States was mired in the quagmire of the Vietnam War.Major KGB Khabarovsky of the Soviet Union gathered a large number of "China hands" in Singapore. They checked Chinese newspapers every day and collected information from newspapers.Southeast Asia is located in the connecting zone between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, and is connected to the three continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Its strategic position is very important.This area is rich in resources, and the former Soviet Union has coveted this area for a long time.

At that time, the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Thailand after World War II.Thailand was not only the rear base of the United States in the Vietnam War, but also an important base for spying on Chinese intelligence.Bangkok became the center of the Soviet KGB's espionage activities in Southeast Asia.There are 25 official diplomatic officials in the Soviet embassy in Thailand. The Soviet embassy does not employ local people as staff. All cooks, drivers, servants, and attendants are all sent by Moscow. These people are not considered diplomatic personnel and do not hold diplomatic passports. , but almost all have some connection to the KGB.Most of these special diplomats are familiar with naval intelligence, and they can clearly track the movements of the Chinese navy from the coast of Thailand.KGB agents not only carried out activities against the CCP in Thailand, but also established pro-Soviet forces within the Thai Communist Party, which was conducting underground activities.

The former Soviet Union has been eyeing China's Xinjiang because there is a nuclear test base there.More than once, troubles were caused on the Xinjiang border, and KGB agents continuously broadcast in Kazakh and Uyghur at the border, inciting local people to rebel against China. The KGB of the former Soviet Union and the CIA, two secret service organizations, both colluded and competed with each other. They exchanged information about China's nuclear secrets. Because Hong Kong is adjacent to Guangzhou, the southern gate of China, and was an important base for the Soviet Union to spy on China's intelligence, the former Soviet KGB tried every means to get involved in Hong Kong.The number of ships from the Soviet Union to Hong Kong has gradually increased in recent years, from only one in 1960 to ten in 1964.For a ship of less than 10,000 tons, about 30 crew members are enough, but this kind of ship in the former Soviet Union must have at least 50 crew members.

Some "crew" are surreptitious and don't know how to do sailor work at all. They are beautiful and fair-skinned, and they can be seen at a glance that they are not weather-beaten sailors.Some "female" crew members can not only read Chinese newspapers, but also speak Chinese fluently, and some have even lived in China. The British authorities in Hong Kong did not want the Soviets to set foot in Hong Kong, for fear of causing social chaos, so they did everything possible to prevent the Soviets from settling or staying in Hong Kong.The KGB of the Soviet Union decided to work hard to find Kuomintang spies, so that some of them became KGB spies, mainly because the Kuomintang spies were Chinese and it was convenient for them to engage in spy activities.Khabarovsky's gaze was fixed on Bai Lei and Huang Fei of the Plum Blossom Organization who frequently traveled between Southeast Asia and Taiwan.But soon, the KGB discovered that Concubine Huang had close ties with the US Central Intelligence Agency. She flew to New York and Washington, USA many times, and lived in the apartment of the CIA official in Southeast Asia many times. A double agent for the CIA and the KMT.Then, the KGB sniffed at Bai Lei again.

That night, Bai Lei was walking towards the Broadcom gambling game run by Jin Laowai, when a Volga car drove up, the headlights dazzled her so much that she could hardly keep her eyes open.She was stunned by the big man who got off the car, and when she woke up, she was lying on the Soviet ship "Jelesky", which had just left Hong Kong and was heading for Thailand.Several girls "crew" took turns to serve Bai Lei.When they saw Bai Lei woke up, they truthfully revealed her identity as the KGB and persuaded her to work for the KGB. Bai Lei pretended to be a tourist from Taiwan and pretended not to understand anything. The girl "crew" took out a large stack of photos and threw them In front of her, Bai Lei was stunned when she saw it.These photos are photos of her and her father, side photos of her talking with Jin Laowai, etc. She bowed her head in front of the solid facts, but she still did not want to become a member of the KGB. She clearly realized that if this The matter should be passed down to let Taiwan know that it must be smashed to pieces. A member of the Plum Blossom Organization provided information for the British intelligence agency. Shortly after the incident, the unlucky guy disappeared and was found on the coast of Singapore a few months later. his body...

Seeing that Bai Lei refused to give in, the girl "crew" immediately changed her face. Several people punched and kicked Bai Lei until she was beaten to death. Then they tied her naked to the railing of the boat and let the waves hit her body.At this time, Major Khabarovsky, the head of the KGB, appeared. He personally untied Bai Lei, and drinking away the snarky girl "crew", and invited Bai Lei into his bedroom.Major Khabarovsky showed his interests to Bai Lei, followed the temptation carefully, and guaranteed absolute secrecy, which made Bai Lei suddenly enlightened and decided to throw himself into the arms of the KGB of the Soviet Union, becoming a double agent of the KGB and the Kuomintang Plum Blossom Organization. Khabarovsky signed a contract with Bai Lei. Contract: Bai Lei will receive a reward of 300,000 U.S. dollars for every important piece of information she provides to the KGB. Khabarovsky also gave Bai Lei her contact information and password.

Bai Lei was dispatched by the headquarters of the Taiwan Plum Blossom Organization to sneak into the mainland as a tourist, and went to Hongshi to connect with the cotinus lurking there, preparing to sneak out of the mainland with the nuclear submarine design stolen by cotinus.Who knows that Cotinus cotinus doesn't want to live a life of fear in the mainland anymore, and wants to get out of the mainland alone and go to Taiwan to repay the merits.There was a dispute between the two parties. In a fit of rage, Bai Lei killed Cotinus cotinus, creating a false love triangle. Bai Lei fled to Hong Kong with the blueprint of a nuclear submarine. Cotinus cotinus is the eldest daughter of Huang Feihu, the leader of the plum blossom organization, and the elder sister of Huang Fei.She initially served as the dean of the Plum Blossom Organization Training School on the China-Myanmar border, presiding over the training of secret agents.With the hard work of Scutellaria chinensis, a group of spy students were sent to all over the world after graduation. Later, the plum blossom organization Huang Feihu decided to send her to work in the mainland, becoming another plum blossom spy organization besides the Baiwei branch.The pseudonym Zhuang Meimei of Cotinus cotinus, and reluctantly gouged out one eye in order to install a miniature camera.She settled down in Hongshi as a returning overseas Chinese and carried out a series of espionage activities until she was killed by Bai Lei. Bai Lei came to Broadcom Casino in Hong Kong to copy a copy of the nuclear submarine design, one to the Taiwan headquarters, and the other to the KGB of the Soviet Union. Unexpectedly, she was attacked by the CIA agents that night and the nuclear submarine design was robbed. Go, I almost became the ghost of the gun, and the reward of 300,000 US dollars was also in vain. Later, she learned from the newspaper that the two agents of the CIA were also robbed, and the whereabouts of the drawings were unknown.As a result, Bai Lei was warned and punished by the headquarters of the Plum Blossom Organization, fined 10,000 US dollars, and placed under confinement in Taipei for two months.
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