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Chapter 12 Chapter Eleven: The Mummy in the Well

Eagle Grave 张宝瑞 5670Words 2018-03-22
Long Fei asked, "Mother Wu, what did you call me?" A smile flashed across Mama Wu's face: "Oh, my name was wrong. It should be Mr. Li. I am old and my memory is not good." Long Fei said: "Wu Ma, I think your body is quite strong, and your hair is not too gray. Why do you claim to be old?" Wu Ma wiped off the water stains on Long Fei's table with a rag, "I understand at the moment, but I am confused at the moment." After finishing speaking, she walked out of the living room. Long Fei thought to himself: This Mama Wu must have a background, she is elusive, she probably belongs to Taiwan's intelligence department, but I don't know which system she belongs to, is she a secret agent of the Bureau of Secrets?Or a spy of the Plum Blossom Party?When she sneaked into Jufu, she obviously wanted to spy on the vice-commander of the navy, Juzheng.

Ju Yun cast a cold glance at the direction in which Mama Wu was leaving, and said, "Qiu Liang, don't pay attention to her; she's an old woman, inferior!" Long Fei thought to himself: Mama Wu also suspects that I am Long Fei, and deliberately named Mr. Long, observing my attitude, it seems that the enemy has paid attention to me. Ju Yun said: "Qiu Liang, you're dreaming again." At this time, Ju Feng was neatly dressed, with his shiny hair parted in the middle, and descended gracefully from the second floor. "Brother, what are you doing?" Ju Feng said casually: "Go out to relax, it just so happens that the Navy Command gave me a few days off, so I'm bored at home."

Ju Yun curled her lips, "Hmph, are you going to meet that little nun again? She's already achieved a good result, and you still want to shave your head, so you don't have to worry about losing face at home." Ju Feng blushed when he heard it, and shouted: "I didn't disgrace you, let alone a little nun, I dare to touch even the Jade Emperor's daughter!" Ju Yun stood up angrily, and said, "Hmph, you dare to miss Seven Fairies, what if she is Lord Yan's daughter?" Ju Feng took out a small comb, combed his hair, and said, "I dare to go up to nine heavens to embrace the moon, and go down to five oceans to catch turtles!"

Ju Yun said, "Forget it, you're a mouse carrying a gun—you're in the nest! You can't even take down a little chick from National Taiwan University. Let my sister give you a few hands." Ju Feng's face turned from red to pale, and he asked, "You teach me? Can I teach you?" Ju Yun said: "Put some perspiration medicine in the tea, and kill her before she wakes up. Chinese women all have a sense of belonging. Once the body is handed over to a man, she becomes that man's private property. " Ju Feng said: "That can't be done, you don't know this little girl, she has a very stubborn temper; if you do what you say, she will definitely commit suicide."

Ju Yun said: "Otherwise, let's set up a trick, hire a few local ruffians to rob her, strip her clothes off, you show up, beat those ruffians to pieces with your bare hands, and run away in embarrassment. I think, That little nun named Gillian will definitely kneel in front of you, thankful; before you can get her hands on her, she's already stripped naked." Ju Feng walked to the armrest of the sofa, thought for a while, and said: "No, she is not that kind of person; she would say, Ju Feng, I thank you, I will never forget you in my life, I will always remember you name."

Ju Yun became a little impatient, and waved her hand, "Okay, I don't bother to take care of your business, let it take its course." Ju Feng strode out of the living room. Ju Yun discussed the topic of death with Long Fei again: "Although I am young now, I sometimes think of death. Once a person dies, there is nothing left, but a person must die. This is the law of life development." Long Fei said: "Chinese people often do not conceive the world after death, do not pursue the meaning of death, but focus on the care of life. Chinese philosophers are not like Western philosophers. Grasp the true meaning of life, but try to expel death from the field of epistemology. Chinese poets are not like Western poets, who sing the praises of the beauty of death, but express their melancholy towards the end of life in the chanting of human existence. Chinese poets The common people pay full attention to their daily life, try to avoid the shadow of death, and try to avoid the word death in their language. From a historical point of view, Chinese people’s fear of death usually comes from two situations.”

"Which two situations?" Hearing this, Ju Yun couldn't help lifting up her slippers. The pair of pink satin slippers with golden mandarin duck patterns were lightly placed on the edge of the tea table; As the pair of slippers rose and fell, she couldn't help but blushed; because this movement revealed the scenery under her cheongsam, revealing the demeanor deep in her plump and white thighs.She didn't wear underwear, not by oversight, but as a play on someone she admired and loved. She hurriedly put her feet down and squeezed her legs tightly. But Long Fei didn't notice this detail, he was immersed in the eloquent narration.

Ju Yun raised her head and noticed Long Fei's expression, feeling that he hadn't caught this embarrassing detail, so she relaxed slightly, and her blushing face gradually returned to calm. She gently picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea carefully. The fragrance of tea is refreshing. Long Fei’s posture has not changed, and he is still narrating: “One situation is feeling the passage of time. As early as the pre-Qin period, Confucius lamented painfully that life is gone forever, and felt the fragility of individual life.” Even Hey, I’m declining, and I’m no longer dreaming of Duke Zhou.’Sometimes, people understand the passage of life from the changes of natural scenery. Su Shi praised Cao Cao in the “Ode to the Former Red Cliff”: “Fang Qi broke through Jingzhou and went down to Jiangling , Going downstream to the east, sailing for thousands of miles, covering the sky with banners and flags, drinking wine on the river, and writing poems horizontally, how magnificent, but where is it now? Heroes and heroes are inevitable, let alone ordinary people? Life is like a dream, and it turns out in a flash Empty.’ The second situation is feeling the sinisterness of interpersonal relationships. The great investment of attention in interpersonal relationships will inevitably bring about the tension and complexity of interpersonal relationships, which will cause anxiety about the existence of life. In the dark period of politics, people and People's hostility intensified, mutual calculations, murders and vendettas intensified, and the safety factor of individual life dropped sharply, making people feel the fear of life as if they were walking on thin ice. There are many people of insight in history who finally gave up the high-ranking officials they yearned for when they were young. Lu, lived in seclusion in the rivers and lakes, avoided the open guns and dark arrows in the officialdom, and escaped the disaster of death. The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest in the Eastern Jin Dynasty felt joy in nature is an example. Zhong, Han Xin and others did not know how to retire after their success, and finally died at the hands of their masters. Losing a wife in old age and losing a child in old age have become the traditional three taboos. When you are young, you can’t take care of yourself and you need the support of your father; Losing care, in terms of psychological effects, it is as terrible as death."

Speaking of this, Long Fei and Ju Yun picked up the teacups and took a sip of tea at the same time. Ju Yun pulled out a piece of tea from her mouth and pinched it into the ashtray. "Qiu Liang, let's change the topic. Such a topic is too heavy. Which kind of flower do you like?" Long Fei stared closely at Ju Yun's eyes, and said word by word: "Plum Blossom." Ju Yun smiled sincerely, "Why?" "Because it blooms in the cold winter, it has a unique charm." "Just because of that?" "It has pride." Ju Yun smiled sweetly, "Am I proud?"

Long Fei shook his head, "I can't tell." Ju Yun stood up, head held high, like a fighting rooster. "I am a plum blossom. I have no intention of fighting for the spring. I will be the envy of the crowd. The scattered parts are turned into mud and dust, and only the fragrance remains the same. Qiuliang, you are a learned person. I will test you. I will recite a poem about plum blossoms by the ancients, and then You recite another poem about plum blossoms by the ancients, let’s have a competition, and whoever can’t recite it in the end will be fined ten cups of wine!” Long Fei said: "What's the point of being fined? It's meaningless to get drunk and act weird. It's better to punish the loser with a black cloth over his eyes and look for him in this building; if he finds him, let him treat him to Western food." , if you can’t find it, treat the other party to Western food.”

Ju Yun sat down, clapped her hands and laughed, "This game is good, but you must abide by the rules of the game." Long Fei nodded, "Of course." Ju Yun said: "Lin Bu's "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden" in the Northern Song Dynasty: "All the fragrances shake off Du Xuanyan, "Taking all the amorous feelings towards Xiaoyuan. "Sparse shadows and slanting waters are clear and shallow, "Dark fragrance floating moon dusk. "The Frost Bird stole the eyes first, "Pink Butterfly knows how to break souls together. "Fortunate to have Wei Yin to meet with each other, "There is no need for a sandalwood board to share a golden bottle." Long Fei said: "Okay, I will recite a poem "Appreciating Red Plum Blossoms at the Beginning of Spring" by Yuan Huai, a poet of the Yuan Dynasty: "Last night the east wind turned the dipper, "The willow snow on the street just disappears. "At dawn, a tree is like apricots, "Drive to the isolated village across the small bridge. "It should be that the painters think they are too thin, "That's why I use color to help Huajiao. "Why do you need to distinguish green branches and green leaves? "Win the championship among the thousands of flowers." Ju Yun chanted: "The wine has not been opened, the sentence has not been cut, "Looking for spring and asking wax to Penglai. "Don't ask for the dew in the big master's bottle, "For the begging Chang'e, the outer plum blossoms. "Enter the world cold peach red snow go, "Lichen Xiang cut Ziyun. "Who cares about poems and thin shoulders, "The clothes are still covered with moss from the Buddhist temple. "This is a poem about plum blossoms written by Cao Xueqin, a litterateur in the Qing Dynasty. It's up to you." Long Fei had already made up his mind, and chanted: "The peaches are not fragrant, the apricots are not red, "Chonghan first laughed at Dongfeng. "The soul flies to Yuling and spring is difficult to distinguish, "Xia Ge Luofu's dream has not come through. "Green calyx adds makeup and melts the torch, "The onyx immortal helps the drunk to cross the remnant rainbow. "It seems unusual, "The shade is up to him in the ice and snow. "This is also Cao Xueqin's poem about plum blossoms." Ju Yun thought for a while, smiled, and chanted: "White plums are lazy to endow red plums, "Show off your beauty first to open your eyes to drunkenness. "The frozen face is full of blood, "A sour heart without hatred also turns into ashes. "Swallowing the pill by mistake to move the real bone, "Stolen the fairyland to get rid of the old tire. "Jiangbei Jiangnan spring is splendid, "Send a message to the bees and butterflies with suspicion. "This is another poem chanting plums by Old Master Cao." Long Fei chanted: "Sparseness is the branches, brightness is the flower, "The children of spring make-up are extravagant. "There is no snow left on the winding threshold of the idle hall, "There are sunset clouds in the flowing water and empty mountains. "Youmeng follows the red sleeve flute coldly, "The fragrance of Youxian spreads across Jianghecha. "The predecessor must be the Yaotai species, "There is no complex phase doubt hue difference. "This is Old Master Cao's poem about plum blossoms. It seems that Old Master Cao has a special liking for plum blossoms, and he can't put them down." Ju Yun pursed her lips, "Let's not hang around Old Master Cao all the time, I'll replace it with a poem chanting plums by an ancient poet: "Wearing this body in the snowy forest, "It's different from peaches and plums mixed with fragrant dust. "Suddenly a night of fragrant hair, "Scattered into heaven and earth, thousands of miles of spring. "Qiu Liang, whose poem do you think this is?" Long Fei laughed and said, "It's Wang Mian's poem about plum blossoms, I'll sing one: "Qiong Zhi is only in Yaotai, "Who is planted everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River. "Snow-covered mountains in Gaoshi's bedroom, "The beauty under the moonlight forest is here. "Han Yi Shu Ying Xiao Xiao Zhu, "Spring covers the residual fragrance and moss. "Since I went to He Lang, there is no good chant, "Dongfeng's sorrow never leaves. "Miss Ju, who do you think is the author of this poem about plums?" Ju Yun bit her lips and thought for a while, then said, "Wang Anshi's poem?" Long Fei shook his head. "Su Dongpo's poems?" Long Fei still shook his head. "Then it must be Li Qingzhao's poem?" Long Fei shook his head and said, "It's Gao Qi's poem." Ju Yun said: "This poet is too biased. I recite a poem about plum blossoms. Guess who the author is? "Plum snow fights for spring but refuses to fall, "The poet puts down the pen fee to comment on the chapter. "Mei Xu Xunxue is three points white, "Snow loses plum fragrance." Long Fei thought for a while, but couldn't think of any, so he smiled and said, "Could it be that you wrote the poem?" Ju Yun smiled and said, "If I could write such a beautiful poem, it would have entered the history of literature long ago. This is Mr. Lu Meipo's poem about plum blossoms. It's your turn." Long Fei chanted: "Seven plums were newly planted by the pond, "I want to check when it's time to spend. "Don't be afraid of Changzhou peaches and plums being jealous, "This year is good for Shijun. "This is "New Planting Plum Blossoms" by Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty." Ju Yun said: "I recite a poem: "The wild plum blossoms behind Wenjun Temple, "Fragrant honey is dyed palace-like yellow. "Not intended to be folded to cover old eyes, "To know the beauty of spring, go to the pond." Long Fei laughed and said, "It's a poem about plum blossoms written by Huang Tingjian, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty." "What's the topic?" Ju Yun was aggressive. "From Zhang Zhongmou's Wintersweet." Long Fei's mind was calm, with a few hints of wisdom flashing in his eyes. Long Fei went on to chant: "Hua Fa is looking for spring and happy to see plum blossoms, "A snow piled up on the road. "Nanmo, Fengcheng recalls his past years, "It's hard for Xiangyao to come with the post envoy." Ju Yun said: "This is Su Dongpo, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty..." Long Fei interrupted her, "Who said it was Su Dongpo's poem?" Ju Yun gave him a blank look, "I haven't finished yet, it's a poem written by Su Dongpo's political enemy Wang Anshi, and the title is "Losing a Plum Blossom Poem Playing Chess with Xue Zhaoming"." Long Fei said: "Amazing." Ju Yun chanted: "There is an east wind and a west wind, "Ye Kong in the group of wood mountains. "Only plum blossoms can't be exhausted, "Still the new white embraces the new red." Long Fei said: "This is a good poem." "Who is the author?" Long Fei scratched his head, "Maybe it's Lu You?" Ju Yun laughed triumphantly, "It's Li Gongming's "Zaomei" poem." Long Fei said, "Who is Li Gongming? Why haven't I heard of it?" Ju Yun clapped her hands and laughed, "You lose, cover your eyes!" Long Fei said: "We don't have an author of archaeological poems, but archaeological poems about plums written by ancient people. I will recite another poem about plums "Qinyuanchun · Yongmei": "Do not rely on the spring breeze, do not accompany the remnants of the lotus, and do not accompany the clear autumn. Avoid vulgarity, bury the spring, crush the fine peaches, and put on a white fur coat. Thousands of pear trees, hundreds of rivers and cliffs, ancient temples for drinking tea and playing chess. The heart is lonely, and the pillow is alone. With a sword in hand, it rains suddenly in the middle of the night. "Thank him for the BMW car, the golden bottle is broken, and the white clouds let themselves flow. Look at the wild cranes in the clouds, the sparse bamboo forests, the eternal masterpiece, a piece of romance. The book is broken, the ink is splashed, and the snow is stained with the vastness. A boat. Where the clouds roll, break a proud plum , to the end of the sky." Long Fei took a sip of tea and asked, "Guess, who wrote this poem about plums?" Ju Yun thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, she shook her head and said, "I've never heard of this poem." Long Fei smiled and said, "It's my humble servant! Mr. Qiu Liang." Ju Yun jumped up and shouted: "Don't be beautiful, we are singing the ancient poems about plum blossoms!" Long Fei said: "Okay, I have." Then he chanted, "Concubine Xiang stands on the back of a frozen dragon, and the sea moon hangs coral branches. The ugly is amazing and charming, and only Xiaohan knows the broken soul. It's your turn." Ju Yun was thinking about the meaning of Long Feiyin's "Qinyuanchun · Yongmei" just now, without any preparation, she couldn't answer for a while. Long Fei said: "Miss Ju, you lost!" Ju Yun said, "There should be a time limit." Long Fei said, "OK, three minutes." Three minutes passed, Ju Yun was dripping with cold sweat, but there was still nothing to say. Long Fei said: "The time is up, you lost." Ju Yun blushed, wiped the sweat with her hands, lowered her head and said, "I admit defeat." "Okay, blindfold." Ju Yun found a piece of black cloth, handed it to Long Fei, and said, "Come on, don't tie it too tightly." Long Fei looked around, but there was no sign of Mama Wu. "Where's Mama Wu?" He asked. "I went to the street to buy groceries, and now it's just the two of us in the residence." "Two people?" Long Fei understood that there was a half-aged beauty in the basement. Ju Yun didn't speak. Long Fei covered Ju Yun's eyes with a black cloth, and the strong scent of powder made him unable to open his eyes. Ju Yun said, "Don't tie it too tightly." Long Fei said: "It's not tight, it's not tight." After Long Fei finished fastening, he quietly went up to the second floor.He quickly came to the door of Jufeng's room, took out the master key, and opened the door of Jufeng's room.Long Fei came to the inner room, there was a safe next to the bed.Long Fei managed to open the safe, and there was a stack of materials inside. He took out the materials and took a closer look. It was the materials of the Flying Eagle submarine. Among them was a confidential report from Ju Feng to the Ministry of National Defense. The content was to request the introduction of the latest facilities from the United States The Eagle Submarine.From the report, Long Fei found that Ju Feng knew a thing or two about the mainland's naval equipment. Long Fei quickly took out the miniature camera inside the watch case, took pictures of these important documents one by one, and then put the documents back into the safe. The moment Long Fei turned around, he found a one-foot-high mirror cabinet on Jufeng's bedside table, and inside the frame was a nude photo of Gillian; on the beach, a naked Gillian was lying on the beach looking at Facing the blue sea, the carcass is covered with glistening drops of water and sand. Gillian was smiling happily, and the sea breeze was blowing her soft hair. Is this Gillian's nude photo? For Gillian, who has a stubborn personality and is pure and lovely, Long Fei couldn't imagine that she would take this kind of photo. But that graceful figure, fair skin, round buttocks, and graceful curves are clearly A-Jiao's body. This may be a composite photo. Long Fei laughed secretly: This Jufeng, by mistake, he thought that A-Jiao was really insane, and even resorted to this method! Long Fei shifted his gaze, and suddenly found a little rubber man next to Ju Feng's pillow, his whole body was covered with needles, his face looked a bit like himself, and there were two words written on his body: Autumn Cool. Long Fei felt angry and horrified when he saw this little rubber figure full of sharp needles. This narrow-minded Ju Feng pursues Gillian with unrequited love, regards himself as a rival in love, and tries every means to kill himself, but he even adopts such a superstitious method to curse himself to death. Thinking of this, Long Fei couldn't help shivering, and got goosebumps all over his body. At this time, he felt extremely terrified. Ju Zheng, who is the deputy commander of the navy, is sinister and vicious, and he has been elusive. He has not shown his face recently. Juzheng's son Jufeng was in such a hysterical state. Juzheng's daughter, Juyun, is a lustful devil woman. She is a social butterfly and has an unfathomable background. She will change from love to hate and take crazy revenge on herself. Juzheng's wife, Chu Chunxiao, that poor short-lived woman, is a schizophrenic patient, squatting in the corner of the basement to wipe her wounds. Wu Ma, an old servant in the residence, has a pair of mouse-like cunning eyes, with murderous intent in her eyes; usually she can't see a smiling face, but always has a gloomy face, with a thoughtful look, which is difficult for ordinary people to see. her actual age. Long Fei left Ju Feng's room and was walking, when he found that the door of Ju Yun's room was ajar, out of curiosity, he walked in. He suddenly heard movement in the back room, so he came to the back room. There are two embroidered pillows on the double bed, the bedside posts decorated with cherub patterns are shiny and golden, and the bedspread decorated with red plum blossoms and golden background slips down. The dressing table was in a mess, with lipstick boxes, makeup boxes, eyebrow pencils, cosmetic pencils, etc. piled up one by one. The windows are half open, and the breeze blows the white gauze curtains. At this time, footsteps came from the corridor. Long Fei could hear the sound of Ju Yun's footsteps. Before Long Fei had time to think, he quickly crawled under the bed. He was startled when he touched something soft. Just as he was about to open his mouth, a pale and delicate hand covered his mouth and whispered, "Don't talk..."
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