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Chapter 15 Chapter 14 The blood-red eyes of the humble (2)

warm human skin 李西闽 4722Words 2018-03-22
This should be the painting that Zhu Yan hung up, but she didn't take it away, and Zhao Lu didn't take it down and replace it with a painting she likes. Zhao Lu said: "I also like this painting, so I keep it." Bai Xiaojie didn't speak. Zhao Lu said: "Xiaojie, you have resistance to me, it's not good, we still have to work together." Bai Xiaojie really wanted to ease the tense relationship with her and say something nice, but as soon as the words came out, the taste changed: "It's not that I have resistance, but you are against me." Zhao Lu still smiled and said gently: "Xiaojie, what you said is a bit too much. I am not against you. I just took office, and I still hope to get your support. Without everyone's support, my work would be impossible." How to proceed? I won't be so stupid as to give up my job and confront you, it won't do me any good at all."

Bai Xiaojie felt very disgusted when she thought of what she said to Yang Hong in the bathroom. She even said such high-sounding words, she really wanted to set up a memorial archway even if she was a bitch.Bai Xiaojie wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything. Zhao Lu said again: "Xiaojie, I know, you have prejudice against me. It doesn't matter, you don't know me yet, after a long time, you will naturally change your opinion of me. I am a part-time worker just like you. Yes, I don't need to feel sorry for anyone, just do what I should do, don't you think?"

Bai Xiaojie still didn't speak, but lowered her head. Zhao Lu said, "It's still a matter of work to call you here." Then, she asked Bai Xiaojie to make a plan for the launch of a new product, and it was urgent, and she would hand it over to her at work tomorrow.She gave Bai Xiaojie the information about the new product. Holding the thick stack of documents in her hand, Bai Xiaojie said, "This shouldn't be my job. I'm in charge of market research." Zhao Lu smiled and said: "I know, I want to make some adjustments in my work, so you don't have to worry about market research in the future. I've worked hard for you tonight. Write this plan out. It's really urgent."

Bai Xiaojie said, "This—" Zhao Lu said: "Xiaojie, I know, you are a smart person, this matter can't be difficult for you. That's it, go to work, work overtime, I will consider overtime pay, I will not let my subordinates suffer Yes. By the way, after you finish writing, just send the plan to my email, and you can rest at home tomorrow morning." Bai Xiaojie really wanted to throw that pile of documents in her face and offer to resign.But she didn't do this, but walked out of Zhao Lu's office with humiliation. Zhao Lu looked at her back with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

When it was time to get off work, Zhao Lu and Yang Hong left chatting and laughing, and colleagues also left one after another. In the end, only Bai Xiaojie was left working overtime in the office. Bai Xiaojie said to herself, "It's not that easy to drive me away." She gritted her teeth and calmed down to work. It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning that Bai Xiaojie sent the finished plan to Zhao Lu's mailbox. After sending the email, Bai Xiaojie felt like she was going to collapse, tired and hungry.Thinking of her own situation, Bai Xiaojie felt aggrieved and sad, feeling extremely sad.In this lonely night, who is she to rely on?

She suddenly thought of Huarong, so she decided to give him a call. Hua Rong said, "I just sent those girls home, where are you now?" When Bai Xiaojie heard Hua Rong's voice, she wanted to cry. Huarong said: "Xiaojie, talk, what's wrong with you?" Bai Xiaojie said, "I, I miss you—" Hua Rong said, "Where are you? Are you at home? I'll be right over." Bai Xiaojie said: "Brother, I'm in the company, come here quickly, I'm about to collapse." Huarong said: "Xiaojie, don't worry, I'll come right over, wait for me."

Huarong felt her forehead bulge and hurt.Only then did he stop banging his head, and he felt more at ease.Hua Rong turned his head and found a dirty and ugly face stuck on the window glass, with a pair of empty eyes staring at him firmly.Hua Rong screamed and quickly put on his hat. Seeing that he was nervous, the people outside the car were also startled, and even ran away. Hua Rong saw clearly that this was a ragged tramp.Hua Rong started the car and chased after him.The homeless man ran desperately, Huarong sighed, stopped the car, and watched the homeless man disappear from sight.Maybe this bum is the only one who has seen Hwa Rong's head not killed by him in all these years.

Inwardly, Hua Rong had already killed him. Huarong suddenly thought of the kid at the subway entrance. Are he and his father still begging for money? Huarong drove to the subway entrance. The child's father was just getting ready to go.He put the child on his back and walked towards a lonely side street.Hua Rong drove behind them slowly.He didn't think about what to do, he just followed them. In this block, a thirteen-story building was unoccupied and had not been demolished.This building is the shadow of the city.Legend has it that this building is one of the earliest commercial housing in the city. After the building was completed, people moved in one after another. Later, the people who lived in it moved out one after another. In less than two years, it became a Empty building.It is said that often in the middle of the night, a woman would cry from the thirteenth floor to the first floor, and then from the first floor to the thirteenth floor, and so on until dawn.A certain resident heard the crying and opened the door to see what happened. Indeed, he could see a woman wearing a red cheongsam, red high-heeled leather shoes, combing her hair, and a rose in her bun.The woman's face was pale and her lips were painted with lipstick.She would smile at the resident who opened the door, wave the silk handkerchief in her hand, and float upstairs.Her feet did not touch the ground, and she floated very slowly.When the residents saw her disappearing at the corner of the stairs, they cried sadly again.The resident was scared out of his wits.But more than one resident found this woman in a cheongsam.Someone came home late at night, just arrived at the elevator door, did not press the elevator button, the elevator door opened automatically, entered the elevator, after the elevator door closed, unexpectedly found a woman in a cheongsam crying with her back to him, waiting for him to get out of the elevator door , Looking back, there was nothing in the elevator.Some people get up at night to go to the bathroom, enter the bathroom, and when they turn on the light, they find a woman in a cheongsam sitting on the toilet... There are many legends about the empty building. Huarong learned from a newspaper that the location of the empty building turned out to be a brothel.

Carrying him on his back, the child's father crossed the remote street and came to the empty building. He walked into the empty building with the child on his back. The empty building was pitch black and full of ghosts. Huarong parked the car, got out of the car, and stood in the open space in front of the empty building, thinking, could they be the residents here? He raised his head and searched the windows one by one to see which window had lights, but he couldn't see any lights.The empty building has already been without water and electricity, where is the light coming from?Hua Rong took out the flashlight from the car, and walked in through the doorway that the father and son entered just now.The building was terribly quiet. Huarong was a bold person, but when he went up the stairs, his heart was still cold, even though his body was sweating.When he reached the fourth floor, he heard someone yelling, followed by a woman's cry, and a child's cry.

He hesitated for a moment, wanting to leave this ghost place. Strong curiosity made him stay. Those voices probably came from the sixth and seventh floors. Huarong walked up the stairs step by step. His judgment was correct, those voices really came from the unit on the left of the sixth floor.Hua Rong tiptoed to the door of the unit.Stretching out his hand, he gently pushed the door, and the door opened a crack, and dim light leaked through the crack.Hua Rong looked through the crack of the door, and saw this scene: the room was unfurnished, but messy, with a mat on the floor, and the child was sitting on the mat and crying.It was a candle that illuminated their gray faces, and the space of the room.The middle-aged man pointed at a thin, yellow-faced woman and cursed angrily.The woman just kept crying.

The man seemed to be very angry, Hua Rong knew the reason for his anger after listening for a while.It turned out that after he came back, he was about to eat, but found that the woman forgot to buy him wine, so he lost his temper at the woman.The man is getting more and more fierce. Judging by his ferocious appearance, he doesn't look like a cancer patient at all. The woman cried and begged: "Father Huzi, don't be angry, okay, I'll go buy it now, okay?" Daddy Huzi suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the hair, dragged her to the wall, and slammed her head against the wall vigorously. The woman cried, "Kill me, kill me, I don't want to live anymore, following you bastard, I have suffered so much—" Hu Zi shouted: "Father, Daddy, stop beating mom, Daddy—" He crawled over to his parents. Climbing up to his father, he hugged his father's feet and begged, "Father, let go of mom, let go of mom—" Huzi's father still slammed his wife's head against the wall. Huzi suddenly opened his mouth and bit down hard on his father's calf. Huzi's father screamed, kicked Huzi away, and finally let go of his wife's hand.Huzi's father shifted his target to Huzi. He stared at his blood-red eyes and roared, "Little bastard, how dare you bite me, see if I don't kick you to death." Kick the tiger on the ground. The woman rushed forward, hugged him, and shouted: "You are a wolf, you have made the child like this, and you still want to kick him, you are a beast, you beast—" Hua Rong thought of his mother, his childhood, and that pig butcher... Hua Rong was trembling all over and gasping for breath.He also recalled the dream he had at the footwashing shop in the afternoon, Huzi Daddy was that rabbit that ate people, damn it, damn it! He couldn't hold back any longer, he kicked open the door, rushed in, and yelled at Huzi's father, "You fucking stop!" Huzi Dad looked at him in astonishment, and stood there in a daze. Hu Zima also let go of her husband's hand and stared at him blankly. Huzi was still crying, and said while crying, "Uncle, save my mother—" Hua Rong suddenly threw Hu Zida to the ground, raised his fist, and punched Hu Zida on the head. Huzi Dad wailed, unable to fight back. Hu Zima knelt down towards Huarong and said, "Good man, let him go, if he really dies, what should we mother do." Huarong seemed to see his mother begging for mercy. In front of his mother, he had always been a good boy.He stopped his hands, rolled over from Hu Zi Dad's body, sat on the dirty mat, panting heavily.Huzi's mother went over and wiped the sweat off Huzi's father's head and face with a towel.Huzi Dad pushed her away and sat up, his blood red eyes were filled with hatred. Huzi's mother ignored him, sat beside Huzi, hugged Huzi in her arms, and said, "Huzi, does it hurt?" Huzi said, "Mom, I don't feel pain, do you feel pain?" Huzi's mother said: "Mom doesn't feel any pain. Mom is used to it. She doesn't know the pain anymore." With trembling hands, Hua Rong took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled thick smoke. Huarong said: "What happened to you? Why did it happen?" Huzi's mother's tears welled up again. Hua Rong said, "Don't be bitter, just speak carefully and see if I can help you." The mother of the tiger started crying. Huzi's mother's crying made Huarong tremble, as if he and his mother were suffering inhuman torture. He knew the cruel truth: Hu Zi's father went out to work when Hu Zi was not born. Although it was hard work, he still had some savings for a year, which was better than farming at home.After Huzi was born, Huzi's father was happy, he lived frugally outside, and sent money home every month.Huzi's grandmother often said that Huzi's mother and Huzi's father were right.In the summer when Huzi was five years old, Huzi's father suddenly stopped sending money home.For three months in a row, not only did Huzi's father not send money, he didn't even call home.Huzi's mother is in a hurry, it doesn't matter if she doesn't send the money, maybe something happened to him.Huzi's mother took Huzi to the city where he worked.Hu Zima found him through fellow villagers who also worked in this city.He lives in an unfinished building in the suburbs.The fellow called him yes, and he rushed out of the unfinished building and ran for his life.When he found out that the fellow was with his wife and children, he stopped, turned around, and scolded his wife, "What are you doing here?" Seeing this, the fellow said to Hu Zima, "I helped you find him. It's nothing more to do with me. I'll go first." After the fellow left, Huzi's mother looked at him who was disheveled and said, "Why are you running? How did you become like this?" Huzi's father didn't say anything, but blamed her for bringing his son here look for him.That night, she and her son lived in an unfinished building that was ventilated on all sides.After Huzi fell asleep, she said to her husband, "What's wrong with you? You don't go to work, you don't go home, what are you doing hiding in this crappy place?" Huzi's father was silent.She said: "No matter what, come home with us tomorrow, we have fields and land at home, we won't starve to death." After a long time, Hu Zi's father said: "I won't go back, I won't go back!" She said: "Why? Tell me, why?" Huzi's father said: "I owe a lot of gambling debts, I have no face to go back, so what if I go back, they can still find me." It turned out that he was dragged into the water by a fellow villager, and he gambled. He became addicted, not only did not send money to his family, but also owed a heavy gambling debt.Huzi's mother cried: "How is this so good—" He was silent again.At dawn, he said to his wife, "Let's run away." The mother of the tiger said, "Where to escape?" He said, "Whatever, as long as you escape from this city, you can go anywhere." I had to agree.So, he took his wife and children and came to this city.When he first arrived in this city, he vowed to change his mind and be a new man.He found a job in a vegetable market and helped people carry vegetables. Although the money was not much, it was enough for them to eat and drink.But soon, he reverted to his old ways, and went to gamble every night with a group of gangsters from the vegetable market. The hard-earned money was not enough to lose.At that time, Hu Zi's mother happened to be ill and was bedridden, and Hu Zi screamed from hunger.He also felt sorry for his wife, and was anxious because he had no money to take her to see a doctor.One day he took his son out and came back very late.He happily said to his wife: "If you have money, if you have money, I will take you to the hospital for treatment tomorrow." She said: "Where did you get the money?" At this moment, Huzi cried and shouted: "Mom, I It hurts, it hurts—" Huzi's mother struggled to get up from the bed, and saw her son's feet were broken and wrapped in rags.The mother of the tiger understands that he broke his son's leg to swindle people's sympathy and ask for money!She rushed towards her husband like crazy, and shouted heart-piercingly: "Beast, beast—" Huzi father threw her on the bed, and said viciously: "Stinky bitch, I didn't do this for you— ——"...Since then, Hu Zi's father often broke his son's legs and took him out to ask for money. As time passed, the child's legs were really disabled, and he couldn't even walk.They moved to this empty building and lived here.Every night when he came back, Huzi's father would drink, and if he didn't drink, he would beat and scold his wife. The mother of the tiger choked up and said: "Brother, you don't know how much regret I have in my heart. I regret marrying this beast, and I regret taking the children out to find him. Now, we can't go back, we can't go back. Poor tiger Son, his whole life was ruined by this bastard." She couldn't stop crying. Huzi said, "Mom, don't cry. When we earn a lot of money, we will go home, to grandma's house." She hugged Huzi tightly and said, "Mmm, yes." She knew in her heart that those who didn't have enough money for Huzi's father to drink would have to earn enough money to go home after a monkey year.
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