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Chapter 2 Chapter 1 Suffocation (1)

warm human skin 李西闽 4297Words 2018-03-22
Bai Xiaojie never thought that her fate would change on Valentine's Day. On the night of Valentine's Day, Bai Xiaojie and Zhu Tou went to see the performance of "Folk Songs on the Road".Originally, she wanted to go to the till to sing with Xiami, but because Xiami was stingy, she promised to buy her a new mobile phone, but she said that money was tight recently, so she didn't buy it.Bai Xiaojie was so angry that she left with Zhu Tou. This is an indoor performance venue that can accommodate more than a thousand people, full of standing people.After the performance began, the singers on stage sang hard, and the fans in the audience twisted their bodies frantically.Bai Xiaojie was infected and also twisted her body.Zhutou shook his head violently, looking very excited, but kept touching Bai Xiaojie's butt with his hands.Bai Xiaojie patted his hand away and said, "Be honest." She doesn't like to be fickle in public.After being honest for a while, Zhu Tou touched her buttocks again.Bai Xiaojie didn't like having a fit, so she had to hide and let him go quietly.Zhu Tou didn't know that she had moved her place and touched another girl's buttocks. The girl couldn't help but slapped him loudly.

Zhu Tou was wronged, he didn't dare to attack, and he stopped shaking his head, standing there, looking for Bai Xiaojie with his eyes.He didn't find Bai Xiaojie, so he touched her hot face, thinking, this girl is too ruthless.Zhu Tou felt ashamed and bored, so he left the performance. When Zhu Tou left, folk singer Ma Tiao was singing "Blockade": The pig's head squatted at the door angrily, smoking a cigarette.The cold wind was bitter, and after a while, he couldn't take it anymore, and his nose flowed out.Pighead blew his nose, took out a crumpled tissue from his pocket, wiped his nose, and walked into the nearby cafe.

After the performance, Bai Xiaojie couldn't find Zhutou and called him on his cell phone after going out. The pig said, "I'm in the cafe, come in." Bai Xiaojie said, "I won't go in, you can come out." The pig said: "I haven't finished my coffee yet, come in and finish my coffee with me and leave." Bai Xiaojie had no choice but to walk into the cafe. There is a girl sitting opposite the pig's head, and they are talking about something.Bai Xiaojie sat beside him reluctantly.The girl smiled and left.Bai Xiaojie said: "Who is she?" Zhutou said: "I don't know who she is either." Bai Xiaojie said: "I don't know that you still have a hot fight with her." Said, "You're easy enough, pig!"

Bai Xiaojie's cell phone kept getting messages, and she kept sending messages. Zhu Tou moved his head closer to watch her send a message.When Bai Xiaojie sat across from him, he couldn't look at her anymore. Pig head said: "Who do you send messages to?" Bai Xiaojie said, "A friend." Pig head said: "What friend?" Bai Xiaojie said, "Why do you care so much?" Pig's face is not very good-looking. Bai Xiaojie went to the bathroom and put her phone on the table.Driven by strong curiosity, Zhu Tou grabbed her mobile phone.Zhu Tou looked at the news on his phone, his face changing.It turned out that Bai Xiaojie was flirting with Xiami through short messages on her mobile phone.He threw the phone back to the table, stood up, and left angrily.After Bai Xiaojie came back, the pig's head disappeared.She thought Zhu Tou had gone to the bathroom too, so she sat down and waited for him.After waiting for a long time, Zhutou still didn't come back, so she dialed his mobile phone number, but Zhutou's mobile phone turned off.

Bai Xiaojie was annoyed, so she got up and left. A sweet-looking waitress smiled and said, "Miss, you haven't paid yet." Bai Xiaojie said, "He didn't pay the bill?" The waitress said, "Yes, he said when he left, you will buy it." Bai Xiaojie wailed in her heart: "Fuck, what is this! Why do I always meet such disgusting men?" The night was deep. The cold wind howled. There are snowflakes in the sky. At this time, the city is a huge tomb. Those who wander in the night are lonely ghosts. This place is relatively remote, Bai Xiaojie waited for a long time, but did not see the shadow of the taxi.She regretted spending Valentine's Day with Zhu Tou very much. If she knew this, she might as well go to sing with Xiami, and even then, watching a video at home is better than going out.Bai Xiaojie felt extremely sad in her heart, and vowed never to talk to Zhu Tou again.

Bai Xiaojie shivered in the wind and snow. She felt like a homeless stray dog. At this moment, a silver-gray Hyundai sedan stopped by the side of the road. The driver poked his head out of the car window and said with a smile, "Beauty, do you want to take a car?" What Bai Xiaojie saw was a thin face under a canvas hat. His small eyes were particularly energetic, shining with an unpredictable light.Bai Xiaojie looked at him warily. He smiled again: "Beauty, you don't trust me? Afraid?" Bai Xiaojie said angrily, "Who are you? Why should I trust you." The corner of his mouth twitched and he frowned, but he quickly returned to his previous appearance.He said: "My name is Hua Rong, and I tell you clearly that I am a black car driver. Do you think that people who drive black cars have very dark hearts?"

Bai Xiaojie felt that this person was quite frank, so she relaxed her vigilance a little and said, "I didn't say that people who drive black cars have black hearts." The snow fell harder and harder, and Bai Xiaojie shivered all over. Huarong said: "Beauty, get in the car, if this continues, you will get sick from the cold." Bai Xiaojie thought for a while, but couldn't care less, stepped forward, opened the car door, and got into the back seat.Sitting in the car, Bai Xiaojie felt very warm and recovered in one breath. Huarong said, "Where are you going?"

Bai Xiaojie suddenly didn't want to go home, but she didn't know where she should go.Xiami was still singing and drinking at the cash drawer, and sent her a message, begging her to go. Thinking of his naughty face, Bai Xiaojie gave up the idea of ​​looking for him."I don't know where to go," she said in confusion. Hua Rong looked at her from the rearview mirror and said, "If you don't mind, I'll take you to have a supper." Bai Xiaojie said suspiciously, "Are you so kind?" Hua Rong asked back: "Then you think my heart is vicious?"

Bai Xiaojie said: "That's not true, I just find it incredible, and we don't know each other well, so why would you treat me to supper?" Huarong said: "You're right, why treat you to supper. But, do I need a reason to treat you to supper? Just like you suddenly fall in love with someone, do you need a reason?" Bai Xiaojie said: "That's right, there is no reason to live. Well, I promise you, I will go to have supper with you." In the wind and snow, you can always see couples hugging each other walking on the sidewalk, or kissing, or standing on the side of the road to take a taxi.Their sweet appearance made Bai Xiaojie sad.On this Valentine's Day night, she didn't have hugs, kisses, or roses... She was taken to supper by a black car driver, how could she not be sad?

Hua Rong drove through the night in the city. Bai Xiaojie didn't know where to go. She was a little worried and said, "Where are we going?" Hua Rong casually said, "Let's eat late at night." Bai Xiaojie said, "I mean, where should we go for supper?" Huarong said: "You will know when it arrives." Bai Xiaojie thought to herself, did she make a mistake and shouldn't get in his car in the first place? She wanted to get out of the car, but couldn't say it because she couldn't find a suitable reason for a while. The car turned into a quiet side street.Bai Xiaojie panicked, would there be a place for supper in such a quiet street?Will he conspire against himself?

Hua Rong seemed to see through her mind, and said with a smile, "Are you afraid?" Bai Xiaojie felt that there was something in his words, so she quickly said, "Stop, stop." Huarong said: "The place for supper will be here soon, don't be afraid, I took a shortcut." Bai Xiaojie said, "I don't want to eat, let me get out of the car." Huarong didn't stop, but speeded up instead. Bai Xiaojie said in her heart, it's over, it's over. She hurriedly dialed Xiami's cell phone, but unexpectedly his cell phone was also turned off. Bai Xiaojie had no choice but to resign herself to fate, regretting getting into Hua Rong's car.What kind of person he is, Bai Xiaojie has no idea; what kind of things he will do, Bai Xiaojie also has no idea. The car drove out of this gloomy and quiet alley, turned a corner, and stopped on the side of the road. Hua Rong said, "Here we are, get out of the car." Through the car window, Bai Xiaojie really saw a small restaurant with a small appearance. This is a Chaoshan hot pot restaurant called "Chaoshan Dabianlu".After getting out of the car, Bai Xiaojie felt ashamed of being a villain just now, and felt sorry for Hua Rong.Hua Rong didn't care either, and led her into the small restaurant with a smile.The small restaurant is really not big, there are only a few small rectangular tables, and each table can seat up to six people.It seems that the sanitary conditions here are not very good.There were three tables of guests in the store, and they ate happily. Huarong said: "Don't look at this small shop, the food tastes first-class. I come here often." Bai Xiaojie nodded. They found a table and sat down facing each other. A fat man came over and said to Hua Rong with a smile, "Mr. Hua, what would you like to eat today?" Hua Rong said to Bai Xiaojie, "Do you mind eating snake meat?" "Snake?" Bai Xiaojie felt hairy at the thought of snakes. Hua Rong said, "Yes, snake. The milk snake here tastes very good." Bai Xiaojie shook her head and said, "No, no." Hua Rong turned his head and said, "Boss Chen, I don't want snake meat. You can arrange other things." Boss Chen nodded and said, "Okay, okay." The waiter brought out a pot of clear soup.After a while, a plate of bones was brought up and poured into the pot.Hua Rong told Bai Xiaojie that this was the bone of a teal duck. The bone was boiled into soup, and the sliced ​​meat was boiled and eaten like mutton. The teal duck was freshly killed and very fresh.Immediately afterwards, plates of teal meat as thin as paper were brought up one after another. In addition to teal meat, there were Chaoshan beef balls, cuttlefish balls, tofu skin, green vegetables, etc., and the table was full. Huarong said, "Are you drinking?" Bai Xiaojie thought for a while and said, "Have some beer." Hua Rong said, "I want to drink beer too." The food here is indeed delicious, Bai Xiaojie felt an inexplicable pleasure, and her mood improved.She thought, let the pig's head and shrimp go to hell.Bai Xiaojie has a good impression of Hua Rong and thinks he is different.Bai Xiaojie's face gradually turned rosy, while Hua Rong's thin face was still pale, and the hat on his head was not taken off, but this did not affect Bai Xiaojie's affection for him. Bai Xiaojie asked curiously: "Brother Hua, aren't you afraid of being arrested for driving an illegal car?" Hua Rong took a sip of beer and said, "I'm afraid, why aren't you afraid." Bai Xiaojie said, "Isn't that very dangerous?" Hua Rong said: "Dangerous, those people are black, blacker than our people who drive black cars." Bai Xiaojie said, "Ha, why is it dark?" Hua Rong said: "Fishing. Not only black car drivers like us, but also ordinary private car owners. Damn, is it easy for us to make a living?" Bai Xiaojie said, "I've heard of it. Have you ever been caught?" Hua Rong shook his head and said, "No." Bai Xiaojie said, "Then you are really good." Hua Rong said: "This is all forced out. I don't know about other black car drivers. I have to be careful, I have to fight wits with them, and I have to play hide-and-seek games with them. After a long time, I can basically see those drivers. Fishermen, they cannot escape my eyes." Bai Xiaojie said: "You can brag, don't you really miss it?" Hua Rong thought for a while and said, "I really missed it once." Bai Xiaojie said, "Caught you?" Hua Rong said, "No." Bai Xiaojie said, "Then how did you escape?" Huarong said, "I killed her." Bai Xiaojie said, "Ah, tell me quickly how you killed him." I'm a night owl person, like to be active at night and sleep during the day, or stay inside and watch TV.I don't like the daytime, especially the sunny days, the sun stings my eyes.It would scare me during the day and I would tremble at the sight of people's eyes.Only at night can I relax and feel like a normal person. It was a night in the summer, and I went out refreshed. Some people call us black car drivers who come out at night "city mice" and don't treat us as human beings.We don't steal or rob, we don't sell drugs, we don't embezzle, we don't corrupt, we don't force our good people into prostitution... We earn hard money, so how come we become rats?Still, a mouse is a mouse, no big deal. In order to catch us mice, the people in the traffic control department installed many mouse traps in the city, and put bait on the mouse traps, waiting for us to be fooled.I can tell exactly what kind of person is the bait, not because of my ability or the mark on their face, but by feeling.I feel very sensitive to those who want to harm me, and I have been like that since I was a child. That night, after going out, I felt something was wrong, as if something was going to happen.Under normal circumstances, if I feel something is wrong, I will not go out and stay at home. I believe in premonitions.However, by accident, even knowing what would happen, I still drove into the night of the city.Soliciting customers at night, I will choose some places according to time.For example, the girls who work in the entertainment city are more concentrated in the rental community. After sending the girls to the entertainment city, they will solicit customers at the entrance of some small and medium restaurants, then find people in remote places in the city, and finally wait for those at the entrance of the entertainment city. Miss, take them home.After a long time, I became familiar with those young ladies. I went to the Xingfu Community on Zhangyang Road to pick up the three ladies and sent them to the "Hell Carnival" entertainment city. After sending them off, I drove to Changjiang Road where restaurants are more concentrated.At this point, diners basically finish their meals, and taxis are more difficult to get there, and it is easy to pick up customers.When crossing an intersection, I ran into a red light and stopped the car.At this time, a middle-aged woman in plain clothes knocked on my car window.I lowered the window and saw a face contorted in pain.She said: "Master, my stomach hurts like hell, please take me to the hospital." Listening to her accent, it doesn't look like a local. I'm not a native either, so I felt compassion for her. She begged: "Master, please, please take me to the hospital, I really can't take it anymore." I thought about it and said, "Get in the car."
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