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Chapter 9 Chapter 8 Relativity Space-time

Hang Yi didn't understand what happened at all, he just felt as if he was sucked into a huge vortex.When he came back to his senses, he found himself standing in a vast white world. There was nothing around him, only the vast whiteness, and he couldn't distinguish the sky from the earth. It was just him alone, and a few classmates who had gathered in the middle of the classroom just now. "What is this place?" Lu Hua asked confusedly. "I don't know." Hang Yi looked around and said, "It looks like another world." "Another world? Are we dead?" Lu Hua's face turned pale.

"Do you have breathing and heartbeat, don't you feel it yourself?" Sun Yuchen walked towards them, "It's not so easy for us to go to heaven." "It doesn't look like heaven here either." Helianke looked around, frowning. "Heaven wouldn't be so bad." "Although it's not heaven, at least it's not hell." Lei Ao continued their words, "We are in a wonderful space, and I suspect this is not the real world." The eight people who were sucked in together gathered together, everyone seemed puzzled, obviously none of them realized what happened just now.

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance: "Ah! You are here too?!" Everyone looked together and saw a girl running towards them - it was Ni Yanan who disappeared first. Panting, Ni Yanan ran to everyone's side. She was as cold as ice just now, but now she hugged everyone excitedly like seeing a long-lost relative."Great, great! Finally someone is here... I'm going crazy!" she said through tears. "Great?" Wei Wei raised her eyebrows and looked at Ni Yanan. "No..." Ni Yanan realized that she had said the wrong thing, "I'm just, so happy, please forgive my indiscretion. You don't know, I'm alone in this empty, pale and dull place. The world is about to collapse!"

Lu Ping wondered: "Ni Yanan, we rushed over after hearing your screams, and it was only a minute or two before and after—although it's very depressing here, you won't be able to bear it so soon right?" "What? A minute or two?" Ni Yanan said in surprise, "How is it possible? I feel like I've been here for a long time!" Everyone looked at each other in astonishment, and Hang Yi asked, "How long do you think you stayed?" "I don't know, maybe... a few hours." Ni Yanan said. "How many hours? How is it possible?" Sun Yuchen frowned and said, "An illusion?"

"No, it can't be an illusion." Ni Yanan said firmly, "The best proof is that I am very hungry now. But I had breakfast in the morning. Based on this alone, I guess I have already stayed here Three to four hours." Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment.Wei Wei pointed to the watch on Ni Yanan's wrist and said, "Why 'estimate'? Aren't you wearing a watch?" Ni Yanan shook her head and said, "I don't know what the hell kind of place this is - since I came in, the watch stopped moving." Everyone was taken aback, and hurriedly looked at the time displayed on their watches or mobile phones—as expected, all objects that indicated the time stopped working.

"Time here... is static?" Sun Yuchen was amazed. "I'm afraid it's not that time is still, but that time flows very slowly." Helianke said in thought, "From what Ni Yanan said, it seems that one or two minutes outside is equal to several hours here." "Is there such a place in the world?" Lei Ao scratched his head and asked. Everyone was silent for a while.Lu Ping asked Ni Yanan: "What did you do during the few hours you stayed here - if it was really that long?" Ni Yanan said: "I was very scared and wanted to find an exit to leave this ghost place, but this place is as wide as a vast ocean. No matter how long I walk in any direction, all I see is a boundless white..." She Pause, "And I suspect that there is no real 'direction' here, no matter which direction you go, you will eventually return to the starting point - the evidence is that I have been walking in one direction at first without turning back, but just now But heard your voices, and found you soon."

"That is to say, you are actually circling in place?" Liu Yujia asked uneasily. "That's pretty much what it means." Wei Wei took a deep breath and said, "There's no 'time' or 'direction' here, and I guess there's even no 'exit'. It's just a white grave!" Wei Wei's words made everyone shudder.Seeing that Lu Hua frowned deeply, Hang Yi seemed to be thinking about something, and asked, "What are you thinking, Lu Hua?" Lu Hua raised his head slowly, and said, "I remembered some incidents I read in books before, which are very similar to what we are experiencing now."

"What happened?" Everyone looked at him. "In 1975, an unbelievable case of disappearance occurred in the Moscow subway. A subway train departed from Belarusian Station, and it only took more than ten minutes to reach the next station. Unexpectedly, within ten minutes, this train full of passengers The subway suddenly disappeared without a trace. After that, the police and subway management personnel launched a blanket search of the subway lines all over Moscow, but they never found the subway and the hundreds of passengers full of trains. These people are on the subway track line Miraculously disappeared."

"You say this is a real incident?" Sun Yuchen frowned and asked in disbelief. "Yes. There are many similar incidents." Lu Hua continued, "In July 1999, more than 100 saints from Colombia in Central America went to worship on the top of Mount Arris. These saints believed that 1999 August 2009 was the "end of the world", so they went up the mountain to pray collectively, hoping to be saved by God. Unexpectedly, this group of believers never came down after going up the mountain, and disappeared. This incident alarmed the Colombian government, and they sent a large number of policemen to A large area was searched around the top of Mount Arris, and helicopters were dispatched. In the past month, the entire Sierra Nevada was searched, but there was no trace.

"If these are just accidents, then what happened in the famous 'devil's sea' Bermuda Triangle is even more difficult to explain. There are countless planes, ships and people missing in this area. No one knows about these missing planes Or where did the ship go." Lu Hua paused for a moment, "Moreover, these disappearances all have one thing in common, which is quite similar to what we encountered - they all disappeared without a trace in an instant." Everyone stared at Lu Hua.Hang Yi asked: "You have said so much, what do you want to express?" Lu Hua said with a pale face: "If the situation we encountered is of the same nature as these disappearances... I know where we are."

"Where?" Everyone asked together. Lu Hua swallowed: "We are in a different space." "Different space?" Everyone was surprised.Hang Yi asked, "What do you mean?" "A different space is a mysterious place that exists outside the normal world, and it can also be called a different-dimensional space." Lu Hua said, "Just like what we are facing now-the time flow in a different space is very slow, about an hour outside. Equal to ten years here." "How do you know?" Sun Yuchen asked. "Read it in a science magazine." "You mean 'Science Fiction' magazine?" "No, it's a very rigorous scientific journal." Lu Hua emphasized, "Although the concept of extra-dimensional space often appears in science fiction novels and movies, scientists have long come to the conclusion that extra-dimensional space does exist. " "Tell me, what's going on?" Lei Ao said with interest, as if he wasn't worried about being in it. "According to the concept of 'four-dimensional space-time' mentioned by Einstein in "General Relativity" and "Special Theory of Relativity", our universe is composed of time and space. The relationship between space and time is different from that of ordinary three-dimensional space in terms of space structure In addition to the three axes of length, width, and height, there is another time axis, and this time axis is an imaginary value axis..." "Oh, don't talk about these profound things." Lei Ao pretended to have a headache. "Say we understand." "Well," Lu Hua concluded, "simply put, a different-dimensional space is a 'parallel universe' hidden around the real world. This space is completely independent of the normal world. Only the 'door' to another world will open, and once people in the real world enter this door..." Having said that, Lu Hua stopped, biting his lip.Hang Yi asked: "What's the matter? Let's continue." Lu Hua closed his eyes, hesitated for a long time before continuing: "Once you enter, you will be sealed in a different space, and there is no way to leave."
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