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Chapter 12 third quarter

dying green 乙一 3764Words 2018-03-22
The teacher's voice woke me up. When I passed out, I didn't know where I was at first, I only felt that the surroundings were pitch black, but it didn't take long for me to realize that I was in the bathroom.The light shone in dimly through the frosted glass on the door, and the hair stuck to the dry tiles in front of my eyes.A sharp pain in my head reminded me why I was here.I was beaten up when I broke into Haneda-sensei's house.The teacher's expression at that moment was as if he saw something that shouldn't exist in this world.Maybe he understood right away that my intention was revenge?The agitated teacher punched me until I fell and my head hit the floor hard.

At this moment, I gradually regained consciousness. I wanted to touch my head but couldn't move, only to find that my hands and feet were tied. "Why do you think that guy knew right away that you were here for revenge?" I heard Xiaolu's immature voice sounding from behind me.Falling in the bathroom, I twisted my body and looked at him with difficulty. Xiaolu squatted down and looked down at me. His body was shrunk in the darkness of the bathroom, only his white eyes were shining brightly. "Somewhere in that guy's heart must have been afraid. He felt uneasy about what he should not have done. The guilt made him worry that someone would punish him one day, so he immediately knew that you were looking for me. He took revenge."

After waking up, I heard the voice of the teacher speaking faintly outside the door. I pricked up my ears and listened carefully. Judging by the distance of the voice, his location may be in the corridor or in the living room. "Who is the teacher talking to?" I asked, and Xiaolu tilted her head, pretending to be listening. "Sorry, it's not very convenient today..." I vaguely heard the teacher's voice.Other than that, hardly any spoken content can be heard. "It seems that someone wants to come to him, but he is calling to refuse." Xiaolu said. The teacher must not want others to see me here, right?He tied my hands and feet, what terrible thing is he planning to do later?Xiaolu bit her lip that was about to bleed hard, and stared at the teacher's direction with hatred.

Suddenly, the teacher's voice stopped, and the footsteps came towards the bathroom. The fluorescent lamp above the head was turned on without warning, and the bathroom was suddenly filled with dazzling white light. I only felt dizzy before my eyes.The teacher opened the bathroom door and poked his head in, the wireless phone in his hand. "Are you awake?" The teacher's voice was terrifying. "Hey, Masao, do you know? It's against the law to break into someone's house!" "I...I..." I didn't know what to say, so I could only stammer. "I'm going to hand you over to the police!" the teacher said threateningly.

Xiaolu put her face close to mine and stood between me and the teacher, only I could see him. "Zhengxiong, don't listen to his nonsense. Listen, you can't cry, and you can't apologize. Don't listen to everything he says, and stare at him fiercely." The little green eyes protruded, as if to eat me He seemed to yell at me: "It doesn't matter whether it's a crime or the police arrest it, it doesn't matter, just imagine killing that guy!" The teacher looked at me with a surprised expression.I think it's because my eyes are fixed on Xiaolu's scary face, so in the teacher's eyes, my eyes are always fixed on a certain point in the sky.

I decided to put into practice what Xiaolu had told me, turned my gaze to the teacher, imagined cutting his neck with a kitchen knife, and imagining driving a nail between his eyebrows.Thinking of all the pain I have experienced before, thinking that I don't want to live like that again... The teacher who thought I would cry and beg for mercy found that I was not only not crying, but also stared at him fiercely, showing a very uncomfortable expression. "Whatever you want!" He cursed and left the bathroom. "That's enough." Xiaolu nodded in satisfaction. After a while, the teacher took a towel and stuffed it into my mouth, making me unable to speak.There was a small window in the bathroom, although it was closed, when night came, the sound of pattering rain came through the glass.I knew the rain had really started to stop falling.

Looks like I'm going to have a long night in confinement.Although I don't want to think about it, my consciousness naturally flies to my family members who are waiting for me at home. My family must be very worried. I didn't tell my family where I was going, so they might be in a mess, wondering what mom is doing now?I recalled the accident that barely saved my life, and I remembered that I once told myself that I would never make my mother sad again, but now things have become like this.What are sister and Ono doing now? It was late at night, and the teacher opened the bathroom door.Wireless phone in hand.

"Please calm down, Zhengxiong's mother, he must be fine." The teacher said into the microphone with a sincere voice: "Isn't Zhengxiong at your friend's house?" I found out that the teacher's caller was my mother, so I tried desperately to make a sound, but the towel in my mouth made me unable to make a sound.The teacher held the microphone and moved his face closer, with a smile in his eyes.It seemed to tell me that the way I struggled to make a sound was ridiculous. "Well, I'm really worried. It doesn't matter. I can definitely find someone... I will also look for a few possible places." The teacher hung up the phone in front of me.I'm so annoyed... The teacher looked at me helplessly, as if looking at a toy.

The lights in the teacher's room were still on until late at night.In fact, as long as he closes the door, the light will not leak out, but the teacher deliberately opened the door, so that the white light belonging to his room flows in intermittently on the frosted glass of the bathroom door. "That guy must not be asleep yet. He wants to see if you can escape. He opened the door of the bedroom to monitor the movement in the bathroom." Xiaolu smiled happily. Desperately trying to fall asleep, but the hard floor in the bathroom made it difficult for me to fall asleep, and I could only listen to the sound of rain outside the window.The hot weather made the airtight bathroom shrouded in heat, and the constant sweat from my body made me almost suffocate.I closed my eyes tightly, resisting the urge to cry.

The bell at the entrance woke me up from my shallow sleep.The faint light coming in from the small window is the morning light outside, maybe the weather is still bad?I heard the teacher answering someone politely, as if someone who lived nearby came to see the teacher.I wanted to call for help, but I couldn't even make a sound because I was stuffed with a towel.I could not help feeling sad that the hope of rescue vanished as soon as the guest was gone. I was so hungry and the teacher acted like I didn't exist and of course wouldn't even give me any food.From time to time he opened the bathroom door and looked down at me.

"Hey, you won't tell everyone what the teacher did?" He asked me once. With the towel stuffed in my mouth, I couldn't speak at all, so I kept nodding my head to say no.The teacher looked at me for a long time, his eyes were full of thinking about things. "I can't believe you." He muttered disdainfully. "You're going to tell everyone, right? You're just trying to trick me into letting my guard down and letting you go. Hey, that's what you're planning, isn't it?" I saw sweat coming out of the teacher's forehead, and his eyes looked like he was afraid of something. He grabbed my hair and asked me repeatedly, "That's how you plan, isn't it?" Approximate pleading. The attitude of the teacher scares me.I have never seen the teacher look at a loss, and I feel so surprised by his current appearance. "That guy is finished." Xiaolu said that night. The teacher didn't know how to deal with me, and the binding and imprisonment were still minor problems, but he didn't know what to do in the future.I just passed the day without being able to move or make a sound.The rain that started yesterday seems to be weakening gradually.I can't be sure, but the rain should stop soon. When it was midnight, I bent my body and looked at the only small window in the bathroom. The fluorescent light on the ceiling suddenly turned on. The dazzling light made me squint my eyes, and the world was suddenly white.The teacher came over and took the towel from my mouth. "This way you can talk." The teacher said, "Listen, don't make a sound. As long as you keep silent, I will set you free. Do you hear me? I will take you home. After you go back, you will be with your family." Say, you've been wandering around the next town for two days." The teacher didn't notice, but Xiaolu shook his head at me behind his back.Although I was scared, I still followed Xiaolu's suggestion and rejected the teacher's proposal. "Do you know what's going on?" Haneda-sensei grabbed my hair and shook it anxiously. "Tell him that you are going to be imprisoned by him and tell everyone what he did in the classroom!" Xiaolu said to me, that was the thought hidden in my heart. "I'm going to tell everyone about the teacher..." As soon as I said it, the teacher screamed excitedly.He kicked the bathtub hysterically and beat me up.After that, I still insisted on telling everyone about it. "This kind of physical pain will pass. This guy is violent to you because he is afraid of you." When I was beaten all over my body, Xiaolu said to me.The teacher's scolding sound echoed in the bathroom, but only Xiaolu's voice quietly entered my mind.Although the body is really painful, I still don't want the teacher to do what I want.And every time I was beaten, the wounds on Xiaolu's body also increased. After a while, the teacher left the bathroom panting, facing the sink opposite the frosted glass, not knowing what to do.At first I thought he was washing his face, but then I heard the door switch on the sink.Soon, the teacher came back with a look of giving up, his haggard eyes were full of gloomy colors, the teacher approached me, untied the rope on my body, wet the towel placed next to the washstand, and stuffed it in I have it. "Wipe off the nosebleed..." I wiped the blood off my face with a towel, and the bleeding from my nose never stopped. Haneda-sensei lowered his head and said timidly, "It's my fault. I will reflect on myself." "It's crazy for me to hit a child. I don't know what to do anymore...I'll take you home later..." His voice was almost crying. After my hands and feet were untied, I still fell on the bathroom floor and did not get up.While wiping my nosebleed with a towel, I listened to the teacher's repentance.The teacher stared at me for a long time, then left the bathroom, and after a while came back with a glass of orange juice in his hand, and handed the glass to me without saying anything, I took it and drank it immediately do. "Say you have to go to the toilet." Xiaolu advised me. "I'm sorry, please let me go to the toilet." I said, the teacher nodded and helped me up. The toilet is right outside the bathroom. I walked in and closed the door. "Put your fingers deep into your throat," Xiaolu said. "There must be sleeping pills in that glass of juice. The guy opened the cabinet on the sink before pouring the juice. I remember sleeping pills in it." Although I resisted a bit, I stuck my index finger deep into my throat, and let the orange juice in my stomach flow back, and the orange liquid filled the white western-style toilet.It was the first time I induced vomiting like this, and I felt very sad, but I could only trust Xiaolu. "Listen, what he just gave you may be a fatal dose of sleeping pills, but I don't think the real possibility of death is high, because taking sleeping pills to commit suicide requires taking more and more doses than most of us imagine. Okay, the amount dissolved in a glass of juice shouldn’t kill anyone. That guy tried to put you to sleep, and he pretended to be sleepy after he got out of the toilet.” After I walked out of the toilet, the teacher pushed me into the bathroom again. "You stay here for a while, I'm going to send you back." The teacher said apologetically.Luckily he didn't tie me up this time. "That guy thinks there is no need to tie you up anymore." Xiaolu said, "That guy has let his guard down. Just pretend to sleep!" Xiaolu calculated the time when the effect of the medicine would take effect, and asked me to pretend to be sleepy.The nosebleeds still kept coming, but I ignored it.Not long after, the teacher opened the door and I knew he was looking at me.
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