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Chapter 13 Chapter Twelve

scary beauty 牛哥 12246Words 2018-03-22
Jin Shanbo tried many times to meet Long Lingzi, although he did not intend to tell Long Lingzi about You Cui's suicide, he was deeply afraid that Long Lingzi would have another problem due to the stimulation and psychological abnormality. But he must try to prevent Long Lingzi from stealing Jia's house this time. Ever since Long Lingzi left without permission in Repulse Bay that night, Bai Yuniang has been stricter with her supervision, never giving Long Lingzi any chance to move freely. Because of this, the society was calm for a period of time, no spider thieves appeared, and no murders occurred.Jinshanbo should be grateful to God.But he was also very anxious that the one-week deadline given to him by Inspector Mo was about to expire, and he was at a loss as to how to get in touch with Long Lingzi.

Jin Shanbo once called Wu Hongzhou and asked about Wu Mei's health. Wu Hongzhou replied: "The little girl just took a mild poison. After gastric lavage and careful conditioning, her health has improved day by day. Now she can wake up like ordinary people. It's just that the trauma in her heart has not healed. This child is usually willful. I'm used to it, from now on, I should restrain her well." "That's right!" Jin Shanbo replied.His life path seems to be full of holes, and he needs to mend it everywhere. Whenever Inspector Modi had spare time, he would come to visit. He never mentioned the issue of Jin Shanbo's daughter. Naturally, Inspector Modi had his own conspiracy.

Inspector Mo came to the door this day and brought several certificates for Jin Shanbo to sign. He said: "After the autopsy, Mrs. Madam proved that she hanged herself, not homicide. The forensic doctor couldn't find out the cause of her illness even after the brain autopsy. Therefore, I made up my own mind to close the case for you. The two deceased , one is a housewife and the other is a nurse. There was a conflict between the housewife and the nurse. The housewife accidentally killed the nurse and then committed suicide. Nurse Zhang is an orphan and has no bereaved family. I can close the case for you. The only request is that you give her well. Burial!"

"How dare I disobey Inspector Mo's confession?" Jin Shanbo said gratefully. "The other case is your servant Han. It is a crime of injury, but the murderer is dead, and Han himself will not file a complaint. I don't ask questions, so it's fine!" "I just hope that these few cases will not be leaked to the press, and I will be grateful!" "That's for sure, whether to release the news or not? It's up to me!" Inspector Modi said seriously: "But I have checked the details of You Cui. She is not your wife, but your cohabitant. She is a The widow, the late husband Longtu, is your brother-in-law, according to legend, or you put him to death, what is the truth? It remains to be verified."

"This is a great injustice!" Jin Shanbo hastily defended. "I've never done anything harmful to my morals in my life!" "I know you may have unspeakable pain, but one thing, I have obtained proof that your daughter's surname is Long, so Long Lingzi is more suspected than Wu Mei! As for this point, I am not in a hurry You need proof, anyway, within the time limit, you will bring your daughter to justice, of course you will not randomly find someone to replace, I believe in your personality." After Inspector Mo finished speaking, he packed up the documents and left.

Jin Shanbo sat dumbly in the living room, he really didn't know what to do?Long Lingzi's crisis became more serious step by step. How can Jinshan Park just sit back and watch?He has the responsibility to save Long Lingzi, he can't let You Cui die in peace, but he can't contact Long Lingzi.That would be unless he was a night walker again, visiting the Bai Mansion at night again. Jin Shanbo thought, Bai Yuniang had already experienced it once, and I believe the defense will be tighter. If she is not careful, she will easily fall into her hands. At the same time, Inspector Mo Di seems to have leaked the news on purpose. Jin Shanbo watched more closely, the purpose was to find evidence of Long Lingzi!

If Jin Shanbo takes action, he is likely to throw himself into a trap, and he doesn't care, the problem is that it may harm Long Lingzi. Jin Shanbo was extremely confused, and suddenly had an idea, he still needs to tie the bell to untie the bell. This trouble was originally brought to him by the elder Chen Fulao in the rivers and lakes. At this time, why not ask this old man for advice? What about the elders? He made up his mind and drove out. Naturally, during this time, Jin Shanbo's actions were completely under the supervision of Modi's minions. No matter where he goes, there will always be people following him, not only him, I believe Long Lingzi, Bai Yuniang, Wu Mei, etc., will be like this for everyone on the blacklist, Jin Shanbo doesn't care about these anymore.

Chen Fu is always a retired old man in the Jianghu, but he still has influence in society. Just look at his mansion, the front and rear gates are heavily guarded. Some people think that Chen Fulao is arrogant, but in fact it is not. When Mr. Chen Fu heard that Jinshanbo came to visit, he hurriedly greeted him personally, and led Jinshanbo to the hall to sit down. After toasting tea and smoke, Chen Fu realized that the situation of Jinshanbo's sudden visit was a bit special. He waved , took Jin Shanbo into his personal reception room, which was also his smoking room. Chen Fu closed the door himself, and asked Jin Shanbo to lie down on the smoky bed. Jin Shanbo did not have such a hobby.

It was difficult for Jin Shanbo to speak, he hesitated to speak slowly. Mr. Chen Fu had a clear vision and said: "Brother, from the look on your face, I can tell that you are in trouble. If there is anything you can't say, is it Long Lingzi's problem?" Jin Shanbo was taken aback.He wondered about Long Lingzi's question, why even Chen Fu knew about it. "If Long Lingzi is your daughter, the only way is to take her out of Hong Kong as soon as possible!" Chen Fulao said again. "Did Inspector Mo tell you?" In Jin Shanbo's heart, he quickly realized that perhaps Inspector Mo had also come to ask for instructions. "So, don't you feel sorry for Inspector Mo?"

Chen Fulao suddenly solemnly whispered: "Don't worry about Inspector Mo, I will pave the way for you in the future! There is only one problem. If you really want to take your daughter away, you must do it as soon as possible. Fortunately, within a few days or a week! Otherwise, Inspector Mo will take decisive measures. This problem is not entirely on Inspector Mo. He is pressed by his superiors and is in a helpless position! " One week, this is a very short time, and it passed in an instant. Can Jinshanbo get Long Lingzi out of Hong Kong and Kowloon with confidence?Whether Bai Yuniang would let Long Lingzi escape was one question, and whether Long Lingzi would escape by herself was another question?

"Brother Jin, don't think too much, this is the only way, there is no other way to go! There is only so much time, I can tell you another truth, Inspector Mo has already collected information on Long Lingzi It's almost there, he is setting up a trap, ready to get everyone's stolen goods!" Chen Fu said again. Jin Shanbo couldn't think of an appropriate answer. He was in a difficult situation. Mr. Chen Fu had pointed out the proper way for him and was willing to stand up for him to deal with the aftermath. Now, can he have further requirements? Therefore, Jin Shanbo expressed deep emotion and repeatedly stated that he asked Elder Chen for more support, so he left. Chen Fu was very polite, and personally delivered it outside the gate, and repeatedly urged Jin Shanbo to take Long Lingzi away within a week. He finally said: "People who eat official meals also have difficulty eating official meals. There are many superiors, 'a mountain is higher than a mountain', and no one can stand the pressure from the top. I don't mean to help Inspector Mo by saying this. He is still a moral person, otherwise, he would have arrested people first!" Jin Shanbo didn't want to say more, just stepped into his car and left.Jin Shanbo needs to meet Long Lingzi again, but he doesn't want to be a night walker anymore. He calls to the Bai Mansion again. The only hope is that Long Lingzi answers the phone in person, so Jinshanbo can have a chance to talk to her directly. However, unfortunately, every time he picked up the microphone, it was either Bai Yuniang, Bai Jinfeng or Zou Ming. Jin Shanbo could distinguish their voices, and he immediately hung up the phone. It seemed that meeting Long Lingzi, apart from being a night traveler, was more difficult than going to heaven. Jin Shanbo was perplexed, his problem seemed to be getting worse, Long Lingzi's time was running out; this girl was getting closer to death, she was Jin Shanbo's daughter, and her daughter was in danger , which means that you are in danger. "How could I not save her?" Jin Shanbo said to himself. The next person enters the room to report.The eldest young master was drunk, vomited messily, and babbled nonsense... Jin Shanbo had already guessed that this was an inevitable consequence. Long Lingzi was trying his best to refuse to associate with Jin Rensheng. "The young master is beating and cursing at the same time. We can't control him. Maybe it will be different when the master is gone..." the servant said. When Jin Shanbo was young, he also experienced the pain of losing his first love. He nodded: "It's nothing, just take him into the room and throw him on the bed!" "But he beats and curses, we can't stand it!" "I believe you are more than capable of dealing with a drunk!" Jin Shanbo replied. The servants had no choice but to follow Jin Shanbo's instructions. Soon, Jin Rensheng calmed down. He was thrown on the bed in the dormitory by his servants, covered his head with a big quilt, and slowly fell asleep. Jin Shanbo came to the door of the room, seeing his son in such pain, there was nothing he could do about it. Who told him to fall in love with his half-sister? Jin Shanbo called Wu Hongzhou and said, "My child, Jin Rensheng was drunk tonight. It is said that yesterday, he bought roses to inquire about Wu Mei's condition, and was insulted by Wu Mei, so he excused himself Drink away your worries! Get drunk." Wu Hongzhou was baffled, and said: "They broke up because they disagreed! When Jin Rensheng left, he was very angry and threw a bouquet of flowers into the spittoon." Jin Shanbo hurriedly said: "So what I'm saying is that young children are like this. When they get angry for a while, they can get out of control. In fact, let's talk about it. I believe both parties will be fine-brother Hongzhou, can you listen to me? In a word? This is the so-called successful completion of a good thing, we both persuaded it to be done, tomorrow, you let Wu Mei come to investigate Jin Rensheng's illness, how about it? Anyway, I can guarantee that Jin Rensheng will not insult her. " Wu Hongzhou needed to think about it, he couldn't let his daughter be stimulated again. Jin Shanbo emphasized his tone and said: "When Jin Rensheng was drunk, he kept calling Wu Mei's name. As far as I know, for men and women in this love time, love is hate, and hate is love; without love, there is no love." There is no hate; there is no hate, and there is no love! Jin Rensheng and Wu Mei are like this, they love deeply, and hate even deeper—I believe you don’t think that Jin Rensheng is not worthy of Wu Mei? I believe Wu Mei too You won't be unworthy of Jin Rensheng, we two old couples, we want to make this young couple! Don't you think so?" Wu Hongzhou stayed for a long time before he said: "I have to see Wu Mei's own opinion to make a decision!" Then the phone was hung up. Jin Shanbo guessed that Wu Mei might come; Jin Rensheng lost Long Lingzi, and Wu Mei made up for it, and it was always better spiritually. Wu Mei was not a bad boy, but Long Lingzi took all of Jin Rensheng's early heart of. But he sincerely hopes that the love between Jin Rensheng and Wu Mei will be successful.
Jin Shanbo refused to be a night walker anymore, his situation was already confusing enough, and he didn't want to cause more trouble. He couldn't meet Long Lingzi, so he could only wait for the opportunity. This day was the day when Bai Yuniang held a grand banquet to send off Mr. Jia to go abroad. Jia Renxin's family was the host and guest, and all the guests invited by Yu Wai were accompanying guests. Both Jin Rensheng and Wu Mei had received invitations, so naturally, they were one of the important accompanying guests. Jin Shanbo is also ready, he will be an uninvited guest again, and take this opportunity to meet his daughter. Modi is a powerful person. He came to visit Jinshanbo early in the morning and said: "There is a grand banquet tonight, are you ready to attend?" "Are you referring to Bai Yuniang's banquet?" Jin Shanbo smiled reluctantly. "I don't intend to participate because I am not an invited guest!" Inspector Mo also sneered, and said, "But Brother Jin, my friendship is at the forefront. I have asked Mr. Chen Fu for instructions, and I hope you will bring your daughter to justice?" Jin Shanbo held back for a while: "Help others to the end, send Buddha to heaven, I ask you to give me a few more days to consider!" "In terms of favor, I have the possibility to agree to you; but in terms of business, I can't accept your request!" Inspector Mo said casually: "According to my guess, you are very likely to take your daughter to escape! " Indeed, Jin Shanbo had already made preparations. He had already hired a steamboat. He was going to explain his interests and her situation to Long Lingzi, and after convincing her, he would take her away. Even Jin Shanbo would do whatever it takes to kidnap Long Lingzi with drugs, for the sake of her safety. Inspector Mo left, it seemed that his purpose was to say these few threatening words to Jin Shanbo. Jin Shanbo is very worried. Inspector Mo is a cunning and cunning police dog, and his tricks are really hard to guard against. He must have a conspiracy for the banquet at the White Mansion tonight. At this moment, the phone rang, and Jin Shanbo picked up the receiver. To his surprise, it was Long Lingzi who called. "I'm asking you for trouble! Your godmother is too tight, how could you have the opportunity to call me?" Jin Shanbo said. "Godmother, Bai Jinfeng, and Zou Mingquan went out to invite guests. I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you a question!" Hearing these words, Jin Shanbo felt agitated in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "What's the problem!" "Last night, I went to the weaving factory in Yuen Long again. As a result, the room seemed abandoned and empty inside, like a haunted house. Did something happen to my mother? Or did you move her to another place?" Where did you go?” Jinshan Bo Na Na said, "Why did you go again?" "I went there that night, and it happened that she was insane, and she almost killed me. Therefore, I hope to have a careful talk with her when she is in a normal state!" "What do you need to talk to her about? She's more insane!" "If we are a mother-daughter relationship, and we have been apart for more than ten years, there should be more time for reunion?" Long Lingzi said with concern: "Are you going to let her avoid me and move her somewhere?— — or what's wrong with Mom?" It is difficult for Jin Shanbo to answer. He still does not want Long Lingzi to know the news that You Cui hanged himself to avoid causing Long Lingzi to be stimulated. "It's a long story, and it's not something that can be settled in a few words. Can we find another opportunity and let's talk in detail..." "How do you find a chance?" "I'll be an uninvited guest tonight and attend your banquet! Then how about we sneak out and talk about it in detail?" "Oh! The godmother is back, I have to hang up the phone! Then it's a deal, see you tonight!"
Bai Yuniang went out to invite guests, which was the courtesy she should have in her social career. Among the bigwigs in society, apart from invitations, sometimes they would invite guests in person. She returned home suddenly, and as soon as she stepped through the door, her eyes were so sharp, she saw Long Lingzi put down the phone in a panic at a glance. Bai Yuniang grabbed Long Lingzi and asked, "Who did you call?" Long Lingzi was very calm and said, "I am inviting guests just like you!" "Who are you inviting?" "Godmother, do you treat your daughter as a prisoner or something? Otherwise, why do you control me so strictly that you have to interrogate me even after making a phone call?" Bai Yuniang had nothing to say, and let out a long sigh: "Oh, daughter, I'm not worried about anything else, I'm just afraid that you will associate with that old thief Jinshanbo, you are too young and easily deceived!" "I will not be deceived by anyone!" Long Lingzi replied. Seeing that Long Lingzi's mood was not quite right, Bai Yuniang immediately changed her tone, and said with a smile: "I have already been to the tailor's shop for you, and your new clothes will be changed for you right away, and you must dress up tonight. You know, this banquet tonight is entirely for you!" "Do it for me? Godmother's action plan for Jia's house is not mature yet!" "Oh, child, I'm just saying this, why do you have to feel bad for your mother?"
It was night, the front of the white house was cleaned spotlessly, the inside of the house was also wiped clean, and the vases were filled with flowers. Before seven o'clock, the cars outside the door arrived one after another, almost all of them were streamlined new cars, and the poorest customers also came by taxi. The inside of the White House was extremely lively.There are all kinds of guests, but most of them wear small dresses. For this banquet, Bai Yuniang was very cautious. She wore a new suit and wore a two-carat diamond ring on her skinny finger like an eagle's claw. Under Bai Yuniang's order, Zou Ming also put on a new suit. He has been a fool all his life and hated suits the most in his life. But tonight's banquet is a Western-style banquet, so he has to dress more Western-style a little. Long Lingzi and Bai Jinfeng are still getting dressed, they are the main characters, and they won't go downstairs until the banquet starts. Jin Rensheng and Wu Mei are already guests. They made an appointment and came together. They are both frustrated people. The difference is that Jin Rensheng still has a glimmer of hope for Long Lingzi. Jia Renxin and his son also attended the meeting, and Bai Yuniang was very courteous and accompanied them, introducing the guests one by one for them. In the center of the large living room, a long concave-shaped dining table was set up, covered with white cloth, and brilliant silver tableware. Between two or three seats, there was a bottle of fragrant flowers. Ou Ou, a temporarily hired servant, has been waiting for her for a long time, and Bai Yuniang has learned enough of the Western style, and she can perform all the kung fu in Western-style social situations. Zou Ming was already ringing the bell, which was urging the guests to take their seats. Bai Yuniang invited the guest of honor and the guest of honor first, and took their seats according to the rankings listed in advance. At that time, Long Lingzi and Bai Jinfeng appeared on the stairs at the same time. Long Lingzi was wearing a rose-red organdy gauze evening gown with an open breast and back, with diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, and a diamond bracelet. She was dressed gracefully and luxuriously like a princess Same. Bai Jinfeng was dressed in a plain white gauze evening dress. She was wearing pearl earrings, a pearl necklace and a pearl bracelet. Zou Ming applauded them first, and immediately, all the guests responded with thunderous applause. The guests were seated one after another. At this moment, two uninvited guests came. The first one to arrive was Inspector Mo. Ever since Bai Yuniang knew that he was a police officer, she would not ignore him, but for this uninvited guest, Bai Yu The mother has nothing to do, she has to move her seat and come forward to receive her. When the food was served, another uninvited guest came, that is Jin Shanbo, he was very neatly dressed, wearing a small evening gown, and looked at ease.I found my own seat and sat down. Bai Yuniang was unhappy, and had nothing to do. Inspector Mo had already expected that Jinshanbo must be there, so he didn't think it was surprising, he just smiled lightly. Long Lingzi was very happy that Jin Shanbo appeared at the banquet. She was having many problems and needed to solve them face to face with Jin Shanbo. Bai Jinfeng and Zou Ming were astonished, they wanted to see what Bai Yuniang meant, and seeing Bai Yuniang's stern face, they naturally didn't dare to express anything. When Jin Rensheng saw his father, he also secretly felt strange, why did his old man attend this banquet?Wu Mei fell in love with the scene and lowered her head. Jia Renxin and his son were Bai Yuniang's main guests, because after Jin Shanbo arrived at the meeting, the father and son saw that each of them had different expressions, and were deeply surprised, so they couldn't help but also started to pay attention to Jin Shanbo. What Bai Yuniang prepared was a very rich food and wine, with many dishes, halfway through the dishes, all the guests toasted to the host and the host and guest one after another. Jin Shanbo was no exception. Holding a wine glass, he came to Long Lingzi. Long Lingzi was very alert and immediately stood up to return the salute. "How do we find opportunities to talk?" Jin Shanbo asked. "Wait until the dance begins!" Long Lingzi laughed softly. Bai Yuniang paid great attention to Long Lingzi's every move, and immediately got involved. She leaned on her crutches and stood between Jinshanbo and Long Lingzi. She pointed to Jin Shanbo's chest and said: "What are you doing here? Who invited you here? If you are shameless, I can publicly accuse you of coming here for free and drive you out of the gate!" Jin Shanbo sneered, and replied: "Today I am Long Lingzi's guest, if you don't give me face, it is tantamount to not giving Long Lingzi face! If you want to make trouble, I don't care, you will hardly step down!" He seemed Is confident. Bai Yuniang's eyes widened angrily, looking back at Long Lingzi. Long Lingzi calmly said, "Godmother, today's banquet is held in my name, should I have the right to invite some guests?" Bai Yuniang was furious, but during the banquet, she was still the host, and she couldn't get angry with her goddaughter. At the same time, there were too many guests who came to toast, Bai Yuniang was a face-saving person, so she had to put on a smile to socialize with these guests. Long Lingzi relieved Jin Shanbo and had to entertain guests, so Jin Shanbo returned to his seat.Inspector Mo came here with a special mission, and he has moved his seat to Jin Shanbo's side. "The scene just now was brilliant! I noticed everything!" Inspector Mo said casually, pretending to be relaxed, not wanting to attract anyone's attention. "From what I see on your expressions, it is likely that you have failed!" Jin Shanbo didn't want to answer, but he couldn't help but perfunctory the old police dog.His greatest hope is to delay time. "Inspector Mo, you seem to know too much! If Mr. Chen Fu didn't speak from it, I'm afraid you would have done it long ago!" "I know you have paid a visit to Mr. Chen Fu! Mr. Chen told me to fulfill the morals in the world and give you a deadline to bring your daughter to justice! If you can't keep your promise, I have no choice but to carry out my own plan!" "It can be seen from this that Inspector Mo is nothing but a hypocrite! The morals he talks about are still showing merit for himself! Every step of the way, he is pressing me to sell my own flesh and blood." "Boss Jin's words are too serious!" Inspector Mo was a little embarrassed. He paused for a moment, took out a small piece of paper from his pocket, and said solemnly: "No matter what you think of me, tonight's banquet, There may be unexpected accidents. This piece of paper was pressed under my plate when the waiter was serving the dishes. At that time, I didn’t pay attention to it. When they changed the plate, I found this piece of paper. ! I don’t know who the servant who quietly placed this note is?” Jin Shanbo was deeply surprised, took the note in Inspector Mo's hand, opened it, and saw a line of words scrawled on it. "If you want to know who the spider thief is, please check the cloakroom!" "Check the cloakroom?" Jin Shanbo was taken aback. Inspector Mo nodded, "Yes, I went to the cloakroom to check it once! I found this - he took out a bunch of five-clawed golden dragon soft ropes from his pocket, which was held by the dry spider thief. evidence." "Who's clothes did you find?" Jin Shanbo asked. "Miss Wu Mei's coat." Inspector Mo replied. "Oh, that's despicable!" "I also know that this is framed, but when I went to check in the cloakroom, several journalists stared at me, and they were also invited guests! Be sure to ask what I checked out." "How do you answer?" "I said this is the rope used by children for jumping rope! But will these pervasive guys believe it? Now my only hope is that this news will not be published in the newspapers tomorrow, otherwise, Wu Mei will jump into a sewage pool. Cleaned up!" Jin Shanbo looked back at Wu Mei who was sitting with Jin Rensheng, she and Jin Rensheng were chatting and laughing, putting aside their melancholy, they didn't know that a catastrophe was imminent. "This five-clawed golden dragon, I have seen its claw shape, it is the claw marks where every murder happened!" "No! Inspector Mo, you should find out which servant handed you the note? Whose order did he take? And you should find out who passed the message to let the journalists pass while you were checking the cloakroom. of?" "The waiters are easy to deal with. I have ordered my subordinates to register them one by one and summon them one by one. But the journalists are difficult to deal with. In the journalism industry, there is a saying that the news does not trace the source. I treat them Nothing to do." Inspector Mo said. Jin Shanbo picked up the note and looked at the handwriting on it carefully. Who wrote this note?It's nothing more than Bai Yuniang, Long Lingzi, or Bai Jinfeng, Zou Ming, these four people, who would do such a despicable thing? He looked at the handwriting carefully, he was most familiar with Zou Ming's handwriting, but it was definitely not written by Zou Ming!Jinshanbo can be sure.Jin Shanbo had seen Long Lingzi's handwriting before, and it was absolutely different. Bai Yuniang and Zou Ming didn't have much education, so they couldn't write such fluent characters. So, who could have written this note?Jinshanbo couldn't figure it out, Jinshanbo said: "Inspector Mo, you have to work harder on the servants, it's probably their fault." "But there are reports and evidence, how can I not ask Wu Mei?" Inspector Mo said with a smile. "Wu Mei is a good girl, you can't let her be wronged, this girl has already committed suicide once, you can't hurt her self-esteem again!" "Have committed suicide once? Why didn't I know?" Inspector Mo seemed to have caught another clue. "His parents think that family ugliness should not be publicized, and if they just save their daughter's life, they will be fine." "But the doctor who saved her, if he doesn't report the facts, it's against the law! From the standpoint of my public office, I must investigate!" Inspector Mo said resolutely, "Do you know who this doctor is?" Jin Shanbo was not happy: "If Inspector Mo is determined to harm someone, please investigate it yourself. Today, I slipped my tongue and betrayed the information of my junior. I will bear the moral responsibility in the future!" Inspector Mo ha, ha, ha, laughed: "I didn't expect Boss Jin to be moral! Then, I have no choice but to give up Wu Mei's clues and wait for you to bring your daughter to justice." Later, when the guests were about to return to their seats, Inspector Mo hurriedly stepped aside. He saw Jin Shanbo's face was very embarrassed, it seemed that this old elder in the rivers and lakes who had taken over the mountains had completely fallen into his hands.
When the ball started, Bai Yuniang had already taken close care of Zou Ming and Bai Jinfeng, she had to keep an eye on Long Lingzi and never give Long Lingzi and Jin Shanbo any chance to get in touch. Bai Yuniang said to Zou Ming: "When necessary, you can lure Jin Shanbo to the back garden and give him a hard meal! Take care of Xue Bao, he can be your amulet!" Zou Ming is obsessive. For this dance, a group of college students in Hong Kong are invited to form an amateur rock band. They are all for fun. There are more than ten people, some of whom are playing music and some are singing. The lineup is neat and strong. , the program is very relaxed. The main purpose of Jin Shanbo is to have the opportunity to have a private conversation with Long Lingzi, which is the last chance that Long Lingzi has to escape from the "magic clutches". However, in this occasion, Long Lingzi is busy enough, she needs to deal with many, many guests!It is difficult for Jinshanbo to get a chance. But Bai Jinfeng came up, she said with a smile: "Mr. Jin, I always want to find a chance to talk to you alone. I don't know if you are interested in 'talking' with me?" Jin Shanbo was surprised, he doubted that maybe Bai Jinfeng was sending the message on behalf of Long Lingzi or Bai Yuniang, so he nodded. Bai Jinfeng winked, then walked out of the living room and went out to the garden. Jin Shanbo followed behind, without thinking about any special conspiracy in her heart. After Bai Jinfeng led Jin Shanbo to the outside of the garden, she had a secretive attitude. She led Jin Shanbo to the corner of the garage behind the house. It has been out of contact with every angle of sight in the room. Jin Shanbo was beginning to be puzzled, but his attitude was calm, because in his eyes, Bai Jinfeng was still a daughter. "What do you have to say to me?" Bai Jinfeng began to turn around, and immediately his face darkened, and said: "I am ordered by my godmother to drive you out of the house!" Jin Shanbo was taken aback, but said calmly: "This seems impolite, right? Do you know that I am Long Lingzi's guest? Today she is the host of the banquet!" "You make trouble everywhere you go, the godmother can't tolerate you! So I asked me to convey to you, I hope you will leave immediately, or else..." "What else?" "Otherwise I will kick you out!" "Do you have this ability?" "Of course!" Bai Jinfeng clapped her hands, and two big men appeared behind Jin Shanbo, one was Bai Yuniang's bodyguard Xue Bao, and the other was old gun Zou Ming. Jin Shanbo was furious, Bai Yuniang's style became more and more bad, it can be said that he acted recklessly, as far as he was alone, he had absolutely no problem dealing with Bai Jinfeng and Zou Ming, but Xue Bao was a fool, Stunned, he was born with a brute force, obeyed Bai Yuniang's orders, and did what he said, so Jin Shanbo had to be wary of himself. "Bai Jinfeng, your methods are too despicable!" Jin Shanbo said seriously. "Are you walking by yourself? Or do you want us to do it?" Bai Jinfeng pursed her lips and said. Xue Bao already wanted to do something, and Jin Shanbo was already on alert for self-defense, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and angry, and pointed at Zou Ming. "Zou Ming! Do you have the guts?" Zou Ming had always been afraid of Jinshanbo, of course he had no intention of it, and immediately retreated two or three steps, Bai Jinfeng gave a look, but Xue Bao rushed towards Jinshanbo. To deal with this kind of barbarian, we must guard against his brute strength. Jin Shanbo stepped back and said, "Xue Bao, you are asking for trouble!" He reached into his pocket and found a cloth bag. In his hands, Xue Bao wouldn't care about these things, he was born with a strong body, a person like Jin Shanbo, three or two people would not be his opponents, he rushed over. Jin Shanbo had already secretly untied the cloth bag in his hand, and when Xue Bao approached, he suddenly raised his hand, the cloth bag spread out, and a cloud of smoke-like things came out, directly hitting Xue Bao's face, and he was His eyes were fascinated, Xue Bao rubbed them hastily. Jin Shanbo took the opportunity to fly up and stomp towards Xue Bao's chest. Xue Bao's eyes were foggy and unable to parry, he staggered and fell to the ground on his back. Jin Shanbo's movements were faster, he used the cloth in his hand to take out a small bottle of medicine from his pocket, sprinkled it on the cloth, rushed forward, and put his foot on Xue Bao's chest , wiped Xue Bao's mouth and nose with the medicine in his hand. Xue Bao only struggled for a moment, then stopped moving, lying straight on the ground as if dead. Bai Jinfeng and Zou Ming relied on Xue Bao to strengthen their courage, but seeing the situation was not right, Zou Ming had already slipped away.Bai Jinfeng was still standing there dumbfounded.It turned out that Jinshanbo had prepared this medicine to deal with Long Lingzi. Now, in order to deal with Xue Bao, he had to use up the medicine first.He can restrain Xue Bao, Bai Jinfeng and Zou Ming don't have to worry, especially Zou Ming has already slipped away, only Bai Jinfeng is left, Jin Shanbo has enough strength to deal with this girl.After he was fascinated by Xue Bao, he turned around and saw Bai Jinfeng still standing there, leaning against the corner of the wall. "I'm an authentic member of the Spider Party, you're just heresy, do you want to compete with me?" Jin Shanbo sneered. Cold sweat broke out on Bai Jinfeng's forehead. Only then did she realize that she had to run away. When she was about to lift her foot, Jin Shanbo gave her a kick, and Bai Jinfeng fell down. Jin Shanbo rushed forward and pressed Bai Jinfeng to the ground. Bai Jinfeng wanted to scream, but Jin Shanbo blocked her mouth with a handkerchief, and pressed her tightly so that Bai Jinfeng could not even breathe. There was a belt on Bai Jinfeng's evening dress, Jin Shanbo untied it, tied her hands, and made her lose even a little strength to resist, and then carried her into the garage, where there were many waste ropes, he Treating Bai Jinfeng as trash, he tied his whole body up and down tightly with ropes, if no one rescued him, he would never have escaped. Jin Shanbo was thinking that if he dragged Xue Bao into the garage, let the two of them lie together, and then locked the garage, it might save a lot of trouble.When he walked out of the garage and wanted to drag Xue Bao who lay straight on the ground like a dead man, another accident happened.It turned out that Long Lingzi appeared in front of him. "I've been paying attention to you and Bai Jinfeng for a long time! I tracked it down and saw you fighting with Xue Bao, and you tied up Bai Jinfeng. What's going on?" Long Lingzi said. Jin Shanbo was not afraid of Long Lingzi, he stayed for a while, tied up Bai Jinfeng, and then dragged Xue Bao in.When he walked out of the garage and locked the door, Shi Cai said: "Bai Yuniang ordered Bai Jinfeng and Xue Bao to kick me out of the banquet, I can't show weakness." "Aren't you afraid of causing trouble by doing this?" "For your safety, I will not hesitate to sacrifice, not to mention imprisoning two thugs is not illegal!" Jin Shanbo dragged Long Lingzi out: "Your mother must let me lead you on the right path, I have to spend my time thoughts, even willing to risk their lives!" "Speaking of my mother, where did you hide her?" Long Lingzi asked with widened eyes. "Ah——" Jin Shanbo sighed, but before he could say anything, there was a sound of footsteps outside the house, and Long Lingzi said again: "Just now, I saw Zou Ming hurried into the house, most likely he was going to Xiang Qian."妈报告,我们要小心。”她主动的拉着金山泊向前跑步,要躲过这方向的视线。 果然不出所料,是邹鸣带着那蹶腿的老太婆,一拐一拐地向车房赶出来了。 龙玲子路道熟,带着金山泊躲藏在黑暗处,蹲伏在地上,屏息凝神,静看他们的动静。 只听得白玉娘斥骂邹鸣说:“车房好好地在锁着,一点动静也没有,这是怎么回事?” “我们刚才出来的时候,车房好像是开着的。”邹鸣急答。 白玉娘便去敲车房的门,砰,砰,砰,连一点动静也没有。这个蹶腿的老太婆便恼了火。 “我早关照过你,少吸烟!少喝酒!少打吗啡针!你的神志就不会昏迷了;至少也可以少给我添麻烦。” “四姐,我向你所说的完全是事实,你怎么反向我疑心起来了?”邹鸣有苦说不出口。 “这车房,只有三根钥匙,我一根,龙玲子一根,白金凤一根,谁还能打开这车房的大门?”白玉娘说。 “但是我刚才看见车房门明明是打开的。”邹鸣搔着头皮说:“我亲眼看到薛宝被金山泊打倒,白金凤又被他擒拿,我虽不在现场但是我的确看到了。” “但是现在,他们的人呢?” “四姐,你还怪我不行?我除了嗜好爱吸吗啡以外,什么时候向你撒过一点谎?” “薛宝和白金凤在一起,金山泊即使使用迷魂药,也无法打倒他们两人,你是否存了心在恐吓我?”白玉娘原是个多疑的人物,她在疑惑邹鸣之投靠,是金山泊所用的反间计:“邹鸣!我不说别的,自从你离开金山泊向我投靠以来,你对我有什么贡献?你除了每天向我索钱,花费在黑白两顿上,以及你要嫖、要赌,此外,你还替我做了什么事情?今天,我命令你盯牢龙玲子和白金凤两个女儿,你做到了吗?你所给我一切的答覆是这样的含糊——要知道,今天我赚几个钱,摆出这场面,实在不容易,你不能够把我只当做支钱的钱庄,要老老实实的为我卖上一点力。” 邹鸣连喊冤不迭,但是白玉娘向有这种习惯,她斥骂起人来,是喋喋不休的。 金山泊和龙玲子在黑暗中,这些话全听到了。龙玲子也颇有疑惑,她问:“这车房的大门,你是怎样打开的呢?” 金山泊答:“我有百合匙!” “你怎么将薛宝打倒的?他的块头这样大?” “我用了迷药!对付这种没有头脑的人是很容易的!” 不久,只见白玉娘和邹鸣离去了,也许,他们是回屋子去找寻开车房的钥匙。 龙玲子便放了胆站了起来,在葡萄藤架之下,找了个座位坐下:“你今天肯冒险来参加这个宴会,可能是有什么重要的事情要告诉我罢?” 金山泊吁了口气,说:“我的目的,是为救我的女儿而来!” “你还没有告诉我,你把我的母亲藏匿到那里去了?你的用意,是否是怕我和母亲见面?” “我既然引你们母女相见,为什么还要将她匿藏呢?”金山泊吞吞吐吐地说,他知道龙玲子的时间不能耽搁太久,白玉娘回返屋子之后,发现两个女儿都失了踪,必然会发动她全部的人力,加以找寻。所以,他需要赶时间。“玲儿!我需要向你说明……你不但需要收手,还需要马上跟我走!因为警探网正包围着你,包围着白玉娘,包围着你们这一家人。” 龙玲子半信半疑,扬了扬眉毛,她心中在想,凭白玉娘的交际手腕,及她们平日交结的一些朋友,尽都是上流社会,有名誉有地位的名流,警探方面,又怎会对她们怀疑?而且,龙玲子自命在外犯案,从未失过风,也没留下过什么蛛丝马迹,警方又怎会怀疑到她的头上?金山泊的话可靠吗?也许是故意对她恫吓,以逼她收山而已。 “你还未有向我说明,我的母亲到那里去了?”她又问。 金山泊犹豫了半刻,立下决心说:“玲儿,我说出来,怕你受刺激!” “我什么样的刺激都受过了,不会在乎的!”她说。 “我引你们母女相见之夜,事后,你又单独前往,尤翠病正发,几乎将你杀了,你逃走之后,大门大开,尤翠为追你追出了屋子,在屋外,又差点将跟踪着我们的一个人杀了,这个人,就是莫探长!” “莫探长?”龙玲子惊讶起来。“莫探长为什么要追踪我们?” “他要证明你与我的关系!” “道于他有什么用处?” “我是蜘蛛党这脉的掌门人;我收了山,但是我的后辈在外犯案,他不得不追踪我,他怀疑所有的案子都于我有关!” “他已经怀疑到我了?”龙玲子疑惑不已,这好像是不大可能的,白玉娘掩护得这样好…… “是你的亲生母亲给你泄漏了秘密,她追出屋子之后,拼命喊'我的女儿',还号啕大哭,莫探长已经知道,你就是我的女儿了,命我自动带你归案!” “那么,今天你的目的是为拿我而来的?” “不!我是为救你而来!”金山泊正色说:“玲儿,我已经预备好了一艘船,我们马上动身逃走。” 正在这时,金山泊和龙玲子,又看见白玉娘和邹鸣匆匆忙忙走出了屋子。 龙玲子,比金山泊更是紧张,她拉着金山泊,跑出了葡萄架,因为,这地方,是她们干交际事业的一个重要联络感情的所在,白玉娘或许会找到这地方。 白玉娘有车房的钥匙,她大概是听信了邹鸣的报告,将车房的钥匙取出来了,将车房打开,扭亮了电灯。 “啊!”白玉娘大吃一惊,事实摆在眼前,和邹鸣的报告没什么两样。 她的保镖,躺在地上,好像是一具死人一样,直条条的动也不动,除了呼吸尚存之外,简直是一具尸首。 另外,她看到她的乾女儿,白金凤,手脚俱被捆绑,嘴巴也被捆扎,躺在那工具架及油桶之旁。
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