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scary beauty

scary beauty


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 189222

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Chapter 1 The preface describes "Brother Niu's defense of this novel when it was published"

scary beauty 牛哥 973Words 2018-03-22
Not every novel by Brother Niu will cause a topic of discussion, but this horror beauty has caused a lot of discussion in the public, especially, not all of the comments are positive praise; not long after this novel was serialized, outside criticism But "Brother Niu's stories about the underworld are getting more and more outrageous. Now (in the early 1960s), how can there be any superman who can fly over the wall? And the heroine is still a beautiful girl in her twenties!" Brother Niu ignored the comments from the outside world and continued the development of the story. Due to the climax of the plot, he still attracted readers' interest in reading, but the newspaper continued to receive criticism from readers: "The genetic neurosis written by Brother Niu has neither I’ve seen it but never heard of it, it’s really a fantasy!”

In the end, an editor actually called Brother Niu tactfully, suggesting that he should write some more realistic stories, etc... Brother Niu finally couldn't help it, and at the newspaper's year-end dinner, he came up on stage to speak for his work: "Writing a novel is originally about the author making up stories in a wild way. If the story is reasonable and popular, the author will achieve his goal!" "Although my story describes the dark side of society, it is about 'keeping promises, emphasizing love and righteousness, and talking about right and wrong!' Especially the emphasis is on persuading people not to do wrong or evil, because there is always no good result if you go the wrong way! I believe this is just a warning to some ignorant young people that they should think more before stepping into the underworld! This kind of warning work should be positive!"

"As for the mental illness I wrote, no one has heard or seen it, but who can guarantee that such a strange disease will not happen? Many strange diseases that have never been heard of since ancient times have been discovered one after another. Human beings are progressing, who can tell? Guarantee that bacteria and viruses will not evolve and evolve again?" "What I'm describing is a kind of martial arts that has always existed in romance novels in the past. Whether there are still people who have this kind of martial arts now, no one is sure that it has been completely lost. I would like to ask the current famous martial arts novels in their works. , all kinds of weird martial arts and techniques, aren’t they mysterious? Could it be said that if the background is written in ancient times, this kind of novel will be recognized by everyone. Is the story reasonable? Besides, science fiction is popular in foreign countries now, and it takes place not only in modern times but also in the future, wouldn’t it be even more unbelievable?”

"So I will not only continue to write, but also write several books in succession! Do you have any opinions?" Brother Niu's confession made people in the newspaper who had opinions on this novel unable to find any rebuttal points, and most of them thought it was indeed reasonable and gave warm applause. Later, Brother Niu really used this almost lost martial arts technique to write several novels one after another, such as "Zi Piao Xiang", "Piao Xiang Sha Shou", ... and so on. From this, we can see Brother Niu's straightforward personality, but in his unique style of stories, no matter what the plot, he always emphasizes that "good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil" Credibility, talking about right and wrong, and emphasizing friendship" are the basic principles.I personally think that the success of human nature sculpture is the reason why Brother Niu's novels are always so charming.Do readers agree?

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