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Chapter 37 Suzuki-14

grasshopper 伊坂幸太郎 4128Words 2018-03-22
"There is no phone here." Hibiscus replied, and then said something unexpected like "this is not my home".Suzuki lost his voice, and finally said "What?" This ridiculous answer. Suzuki was sitting on the dining table, tongue-tied, with Hibiscus sitting in front of him, Sumire sitting next to him, and Kentaro and Kojiro sitting on the chairs on both sides. What kind of prank is this?Suzuki's mind was in a mess, he was at a loss, and finally managed to calm down, trying to clear up this chaotic fog.The head is idling, and there is something like a squirrel running on a wheel, making a hollow sound like a squirrel.

"It seems that the dangerous person you mentioned will not come." After listening to the movement outside the house, Jin said in a voice that was not like teasing or joking, but close to pity. Although I heard the sound of a car just now, there was no sign of anyone approaching the house at all, and there were no imported cars or footsteps of dangerous elements parked in front of the door.The silent residential area seemed to be mocking the bewildered Suzuki. "It seems so." Suzuki replied.Although he was embarrassed by his fuss, the situation he was in before him puzzled him even more.He was extremely embarrassed, "These things are not important..."

"You were panicking over these 'unimportant' things just now." Jin pointed out. "Big brother looks so serious." Kentaro pointed at him a few times with his index finger. "It's funny." Kojiro whispered. "What's going on here?" I surrendered, and Suzuki actually threw up his hands.I admit that I have lost, I know I am stupid, so please pull me out of the abyss of confusion. "Didn't Kojiro tell the other party his address?" "He said the address of other places." Hibiscus replied.Kojiro tucked his chin and nodded.

"other places?" "I asked him to take your mobile phone, and told him that if someone asks him where he is, just give him an address." "When? When did you give the order?" "yesterday." "Yesterday?" Suzuki asked loudly. "Isn't that before I showed up?" Suzuki visited this home during the daytime today. "You also came yesterday." Jin stared straight at Suzuki, and Suzuki fell into the illusion of looking at the lake again. "You followed me to this house. Didn't you?" "Oh, that matter." Suzuki nodded, he couldn't think of a reason to hide it. "Yes, I did follow you. Terahara's eldest son had a car accident, and—"

"You came here with me, thinking that you would attack me on the spot, but you didn't." "What would you do if I did that?" "I don't know." Hibiscus didn't seem to be pretending to be stupid, "I guess you should visit again, so I discussed it with them." "Discussion? What do you mean?" "Discuss how to deal with it when you come, and how to deal with it." "what?" "We want to determine the role you play? Are you here to kill me? Or just an employee who came to scout? Or is it an ordinary person who was involved?"

"So you accepted my self-proclaimed tutor?" Suzuki felt that there was a white mist in front of him, and the surrounding dining table was shrouded in thick fog. The content of the conversation and the truth told by Jin could only be vaguely grasped.No matter how you wave your hands, the fog refuses to dissipate. "Yes, we believe what you say." "To be precise, it's pretending to believe." "However, it's really fun to play football with you." Kentaro said in a low voice, as if to comfort Suzuki who had lost his mind. "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Actually," it was Xiao Jin who spoke, "We originally wanted to know more about Mr. Suzuki, and see if we could take the opportunity to get closer to Terahara." Suzuki didn't expect to hear Terahara's name from Sumire.He thought, is Pushing's wife really familiar with this dangerous world? "The Terahara you are talking about is the president of Terahara?" "Isn't there a company called 'Flowerline'?" Jin said unhappily. "'Daughter'." "What's going on here?" Suzuki asked straightforwardly. "Miss Sumire, and Kentaro and Kojiro, what's going on here?"

I don't know whether it was out of pity for Suzuki or guilt, Jin frowned slightly, without exaggerating the foreword, and without showing a pretentious expression, said: "They are not my family." I gave up—I was speechless for a while.This time he really couldn't speak anymore.Suzuki's mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't think of anything to say. "They are my employers." Jin continued indifferently, "Have you heard of 'theater troupe'?" Suzuki nodded, he remembered Hiyoko had mentioned it to him. "She is a member of that group, I don't know the details, they are also a member." Jin looked at Kentaro and Kojiro, his eyes were not like a father watching his sons, but more different, looking at his companions Or Comrade - exactly, the look in the eyes of the employer.

"We have been cooperating with Terahara's company, but there have been some disputes recently." Xiao Jin frowned like a female college student complaining about her boyfriend, with a serious tone. "Assuming we wanted to solve this matter, we decided to entrust him. Although we can act, we are laymen when it comes to killing people." Hearing the word "murder" come out of her mouth, Suzuki almost screamed. "It's just that Terahara's company is very big." Jin said blankly, "It's very big." "Hmm." Suzuki couldn't tell whether it was a convulsion or a nod of approval, "It's very big and nasty."

"And violent, right? So we worry about what will happen if Terahara's son dies. We don't think that company will tolerate it in silence. Maybe because I pushed someone, there will be a storm that will affect innocent people. Some people may be blamed for this and suffer disaster." "It's possible." Suzuki fell into a haze, remembering Hiyoko's words.Terahara, whose son was killed and fell into a rage, as long as he has power, opportunity, and preparations, he may even launch a war against other countries in a fit of rage. "So, I deliberately let people follow me."

"Following you?" "If people have nowhere to go, they will explode. Just leave a way to survive. As long as you leave clues, people will follow them desperately. We estimate that Terahara should not have any troubles when we track down my whereabouts." Realizing his role, Suzuki nearly covered his face. "Is that me?" "It doesn't matter to others. We expected that someone would come after us, so we lured that person to this town, this home. This was originally an empty house, which was rented for this mission." "We prepared it." Xiao Jin said, "we" refers to the troupe. "This room is let with furniture." "And then?" Suzuki asked even though he felt that there was no need to listen further. "She and them," Jin looked at Xiao Jin, Kentaro, and Kojiro in turn, "pretending to be my family." "To mock me?" Suzuki asked self-deprecatingly knowing it was not the case. How could such a thing happen, he was dumbfounded. "You," he saw his late wife pointing at himself with a suppressed smile, "you, you treat them as a family, and it turns out that they are a family in disguise." She smiled. "You are just impatient, and you are too wishful thinking." "We didn't mean to mock you." Jin said quietly, and Xiao Jin took his words and continued: "Not only Terahara Chief, we also want to get rid of the president. We have been looking for opportunities." Do you even want to kill the president?Suzuki thought he was only thinking this in his heart, but subconsciously said it. "Our goal is to be the eldest son, but we don't like the company itself. If we can get rid of the president, it will be beneficial to us, so we want to take advantage of this opportunity." Xiao Jin replied. "That's why we want to observe Mr. Suzuki who is following us." "It's just using me, isn't it?" "It's too embarrassing to say that you are used." Jin shrugged, "We want to use you." "Isn't it the same?" Suzuki's expression on the verge of tears made Sumire and Kentaro laugh out loud. Suzuki felt extremely ashamed that he was standing alone on the stage instead of sitting in the auditorium.He lowered his head with a blushing face, breathed evenly, stared at the scratches on the table, and silently organized his thoughts, but it didn't go well.He stared at Jin on the opposite side again. The transparent and quiet expression on that face is like a snow field that no one has stepped on and the sunlight that melts it bit by bit.A cold and heartless face, but somehow there is a hint of warmth.It's incredible—Suzuki thought sincerely. "But," he began, he still had doubts. "Why was the plan suspended? Did you give up killing Terahara?" Why are you telling me the truth now?Because I have no use value? " "Since you know the secret, you cannot be allowed to live." Jin whispered. Suzuki felt as if a cold hand was caressing his neck, have they already decided to kill me? "I lied to you." Jin raised his eyebrows nonchalantly.If this is a joke, there is really no joke that makes people laugh less than this, and Suzuki is even a little angry. "It's not giving up. It's because President Terahara seems to be dead." Jin continued. "Eh?" Suzuki couldn't help but screamed even though he was already surprised. "What time?" "Just now." Xiao Jin replied, looking at Jin's side face, "Our people contacted us and said that Terahara was dead. He should have been killed." "By, by who?" "I don't know." Xiao Jin didn't seem to be lying. "I don't know yet." "what……" "Didn't she call on the way back?" Jin looked at Xiao Jin. "She notified me of this at that time, so there is no need for us to use you again." "Please say it is a flexible use." Suzuki retorted reluctantly. "Actually, we didn't intend to tell you the whole story. Anyway, it's not something worth explaining. Originally, we wanted to drive you somewhere, let you go back after saying goodbye, and end all of this." "Then why did you decide to tell me the truth?" "Because you want to. You don't look like a bad guy." "Yes, not like a bad guy." Xiao Dong agreed, and Kentaro grinned, "Looks like a good guy." "And Brian Jones' answer is quite pleasant." Jin said without smiling. Suzuki went to the entrance as if in a dream, all of which lost the sense of reality.Anyway, he wants to go back. Where should I go?Is the apartment safe and sound?Is Business Hotel available?Miscellaneous problems emerged at the same time.In short, you have to go back, only this thing is true. "This is the second time I've sent Mr. Suzuki off today." Sumire said to Suzuki who was standing on the concrete floor of the entrance, and Kentaro and Kojiro were also standing side by side.I don't know if it's because they are supercilious, their expressions look a little sad, as for whether this is the polite acting skills cultivated by the "theater troupe", or if they really feel lonely, the suspicious Suzuki can't judge. "Is big brother going back?" Kentaro said. "Yeah." Suzuki said while nodding. "But this is not your home." I had no choice but to go back. "That's right..." Kentaro looked very depressed, and Kojiro held Kentaro's hand and whispered, "Are you going back?" Looking closely, the two of them look alike, with thick and thin eyebrows and ears The shape is exactly the same, maybe they are really related by blood—Suzuki thought. It is only now that Suzuki is shocked that they joined the "theater troupe" at a young age.Their lives so far must have been very different from ordinary people, or abnormal or strange, unfortunate or suffering-in short, it is hard to say that they lived ordinary lives.Suzuki was taken aback.What about their parents?Didn't you even go to school?He thought of Kentaro when he played football, his happy appearance may not be acting, but from the heart. Did you play football at school too?When Suzuki asked him this, Kentaro's reaction was a bit lonely. "Well, almost." He nodded listlessly. You obviously don't know the situation, so what's the point of sympathizing?The dead wife's voice sounded.You are too wishful thinking.That's right - Suzuki thought to himself, but when he saw the two brothers face to face, he could imagine how dangerous and difficult the road they were walking on, Suzuki almost sat on the ground.You two are amazing - he thought from the bottom of his heart. Kojiro stood in front of Suzuki and held out his right hand. Suzuki was so surprised that he bent down and moved his face closer, Kojiro said in his usual whispering voice, "This is for you." "Huh?" Suzuki saw a sticker in his right hand.Suzuki took the sticker tremblingly and embarrassedly, and took a closer look, and there was a beautiful purple longhorn beetle on it. "Can I take it?" he asked, and Kojiro nodded vigorously. Suzuki looked at the sticker carefully, feeling very precious. "It's rare, isn't it?" he said. "Can I really take it?" Kojiro shook his head seriously, "No, that's a duplicate, the one I have the most." "I think so too." Compared to being disappointed, Suzuki couldn't help laughing. "I'll see you off." Jin said. "No, no need." Suzuki stretched out his left hand and waved it.Getting in your car, it seems that something strange will happen again——he was about to say this, but the fingers of his left hand came into view.Ahh...he hung his head in frustration. "What's wrong?" Xiao Jin asked. "It's better if you send me off." Suzuki lowered his head. "I want to find the ring." "ring?" "I have to find it." Great, the late wife clapped her hands in her ears. "I thought you forgot." - Suzuki always thought she would say that. For you, I work very hard, right?
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