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Chapter 11 Whale-4

grasshopper 伊坂幸太郎 2349Words 2018-03-22
When the vertigo happened in the taxi, the whale wrinkled his face and thought: Does it happen in this kind of place?It seems that the undead don't care about time and place, have no rules, and don't know how to be polite. Whale leaned on the back of the rear seat, looking at the car window inadvertently, his head was shaken as if being shaken by someone, at first he thought it was a taxi driving on a bumpy road, but the spasm in his stomach made him know immediately that it was not.Whale felt his temples tighten and his eyes hurt, so he had to close his eyes. "It's a luxury to take a taxi in broad daylight."

Voices came from the driver's seat, Whale raised his head, and he and the driver met each other's eyes in the rearview mirror. That's not the driver, exactly.When Jing got into the car, the person holding the steering wheel was a middle-aged man with an accent, glasses and messy hair, but what Jing saw now was a long-haired woman about forty years old with an elegant appearance. "long time no see." The whale didn't answer, and looked out the window again. The small green printing shop was left behind, and a round clock was set up next to the signboard. Although it was not clear, it was roughly judged from the position of the pointer that it was not yet noon.

As soon as the car drove onto the national highway heading towards Tokyo Station, it immediately encountered a traffic jam, as if the water in a water pipe suddenly turned into clay and could not move, and the traffic flow stopped. The rain should have stopped, but it may have been water dripping from the trees on the sidewalk, and the water splashed on the car window. The brake lights of the car in front of you kept stepping on the brakes were bright red, and the clouds circling in the sky in the distance gradually thinned and dispersed. "It's about to clear up." The woman said softly, "May I ask you something? Why do I have to die? I'm just a small employee working in the office of a private university."

That woman, three years ago, the whale forced her to commit suicide by jumping from the top floor of the building.He forgot which government official the client was working for. He only remembered that the client had a steady appearance, and he contacted Jing Jing through the introduction of a politician he was close to. "Why should I be killed?" "You are the one who will die." Unknowingly, the whale replied.He couldn't tell if he was speaking the words or just responding in his head. She smiled softly: "It's a pretext. I did jump down by myself, but it was forced by you. It's like being forced to die for love. That's forced suicide."

"Someone thinks you are in the way." Whale heard the outline from the client. The reason was very common. The official had a relationship with a woman other than his wife—this long-haired woman who worked in a private university. But one day, he discovered that I had sex with this woman more times than my wife, and I suddenly became scared. "It's not counted in years, but in total, it is more than wives." He was shocked from the bottom of his heart, and then feared that the positions of wives and women would be reversed. "Even so, there's no need to kill people, right?"

"Whoever told you to lose your mind, keep pestering him." "That person is bad." "No matter the time, it's always 'the guy' who is bad." The traffic was still at a standstill, perhaps out of impatience, and the car ahead honked like a dog responding to barking, and the other cars started honking too.The brake light of the four-wheel drive vehicle in front went out, the car moved slowly, and the taxi that the whale was riding in also started to move forward, but the driver's appearance remained the same, it was still the same woman. "Don't talk about this, I was thinking, are you really going to the restaurant?" She had long eyelashes as she frequently glanced at the rear-view mirror. "The congressman who called is called Kaji? I can't trust you."

"More untrustworthy than 'that person'?" "They're all the same." About an hour ago, Whale received a call from Kaji. "What about yesterday?" Whale thought of the secretary who hanged himself in a restaurant.Kaji said with an almost unnatural candid attitude: "Don't mention that matter, it's over anyway." Then he said: "Next, I want to ask you another matter." "It's weird, isn't it?" The woman in the driver's seat covered her mouth with a smile. "Yesterday I was scared into that virtue, but today I pretended to be okay."

"Fake it?" "What else can it be if it's not pretending? That congressman is actually terribly scared." The outline of the woman became more and more distinct, and Jing felt doubtful and anxious about this. The figure of the undead or ghost should be thinner and more vague, right?Don't they have the integrity to be undead? "It's not just that Mr. Suspicion is satisfied with my performance and entrusts me with a new job, that's all." "Actually, you also feel very suspicious in your heart? You don't really think of him as a regular customer? Didn't he say worriedly yesterday, 'You won't say it?' It's impossible for that kind of person to come and say something today' I'm going to give you a new job'. It's not so much a change of attitude, but a change of person. Something is wrong?"

"That's what politicians do." "Are you going to the Tower Hotel as he said? It's dangerous." Kaji's commission is as follows: After one o'clock in the afternoon, meet at the lobby of the Tower Hotel next to Tokyo Station. "What to do?" replied the whale. "I want to discuss the next job with you." Whale replied, "Just say no on the phone?" The result was a half growl: "It's hard to explain without meeting directly! It's very complicated!" Whale knew, When people are angry, it is often time to feel fear.Being beaten, ridiculed, gossiped, seen through a trick, cheated; these behaviors all trigger insecurity about one's own safety, in other words, fear.People get angry about it.

Whale agreed to meet at the hotel, but instead, he told Kaji: "You must come in person. No matter what the reason, if you don't show up, I will take it as you lied to me." "If so, what would you do?" "I'll find you." There is always a way to find the address.Even Kaji didn't continue to ask "what do you want me to do". "I see, of course I will go." Kaji's voice trembled slightly at the end of his speech. "Who is the target of suicide?" "My secretary." "Didn't your secretary hang himself last night?"

"It's another secretary." "There are so many secretaries, the votes of the secretaries alone can be elected." "Anyway," Kaji said, "just do what you did yesterday. You've helped me a lot." He went on to detail the secretary's name, age, address, and family members. "That must be a lie. The secretary committed suicide two days in a row. It is impossible not to be suspected. No matter how stupid and cowardly a politician is, he would not do that. This is a trap." I also found out. "He wants to frame you." I also found out. "You've been underestimated." I also found out.Then Jing thought that this woman was an illusion created by himself, so of course he would think the same thing. The national highway finally became much smoother, and the traffic started to flow. When the taxi drove into the fast lane, Jing felt a slight headache. He pressed his hands on his temples, closed his eyelids, and endured the pain. "Sir, are you okay?" Upon hearing the question, he opened his eyes, and there was a man sitting in the driver's seat.The other party's eyes reflected in the rear-view mirror were stiff, as if watching the back of a poisonous insect, trembling. "Did I say something?" "Hey, hey, that's right..." The driver showed hesitation. "What did I say?" The man wanted to speak, but hesitated, and then said with a painful expression of "since I've been asked, I have no choice but to do so", "What are you killing, go die yourself... something like that." "Really." Whale replied angrily.The driver must have regarded me as a lunatic for talking to the undead, but even so, so what? "Did anything else be said?" "Others," the driver seemed to be hesitating whether to say it or not. After thinking for a long time, he opened his mouth several times but made no sound. He opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish. "The customer also said 'regular customer'." The driver said.
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