Home Categories Thriller Rogue Twin
Rogue Twin

Rogue Twin


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 379262

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Chapter 1 preamble

Rogue Twin 玉七 737Words 2018-03-22
According to legend, in the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Chizhu, the king of Miaojiang in Yunnan, rebelled. The general Wei Qing led an army of 80,000 to fight against Chizhu's troops. Wei Qing has two generals under his command. One of them is surnamed Yu and named Guan Shan, and his style name is Xuan Pu. The second surname is Zhang, whose name is Potian, and whose character is Liyong. According to legend, he is a descendant of the Maoshan school. husband. Wei Qing appointed Yuguan Mountain as the front vanguard, and Zhang Potian as the deputy vanguard. He led 10,000 brave forward soldiers to pave the way and attack the village to seize the land.

The two were good friends at first, and they benefited from each other with their prowess and martial arts. They were invincible all the way. Yuguan Mountain was good at using soldiers, Zhang Potian was invincible, and the Miao soldiers retreated steadily, and soon the Miao Jiang Wang Chizhu was trapped in the general village.Chizhu, the king of Miaojiang, pretended to negotiate a peace, but took advantage of the night to break through with a few confidantes. The five guardians and the eighteen golden sword guards under him were all loyal, brave and good at fighting. . Chizhu's confidantes escorted Chizhu to the main altar of the Five Poison Sect, a national defense religion in Miaojiang, Yunnan, to take refuge.

Chizhu was defeated and led all his men to fight and retreat. The five guardians and eighteen golden sword guards died in battle one after another. Finally, Chizhu was trapped in Qinglonggou, Yunnan. In desperation, Chizhu swung his knife and killed himself. Nian Chizhu in Yuguan Mountain is also a generation of heroes. He couldn't bear to destroy his body, so he took five treasures of the town from Chizhu's body and donated them to the court. Centipedes, psychic toads, octopus, and silver-tailed scorpions. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was overjoyed when he received the good news, and reappointed all the officials with meritorious service. Yuguanshan was an expert in using poison, so he named Yuguanshan as the general of poison sage; The treasure was given to Yuguan Mountain and Zhang Potian as a reward.

A few days after they were named generals and rewarded officials, Yuguanshan and Zhang Potian disappeared inexplicably, as if they had evaporated out of thin air.At the moment when the northern Turkic forces are attacking, Emperor Wu of the Han urgently called all the generals back to Kyoto to discuss military affairs, so the matter was delayed. The five treasures also lost news.
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