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Chapter 23 Section VI

jilted woman 草野唯雄 2729Words 2018-03-22
On November 15th, the social pages of various newspapers publicly reported the news in a considerable amount of space, which dealt a heavy blow to Keisuke Tanigawa. The whole picture of the whole incident is vividly described, including the photos and real names of Keisuke Tanigawa and Akiyo Kikushima, as well as the relationship between the three.There is also how Keisuke Tanigawa slowly went astray, and how he cleverly embezzled 55 million yen. Next, write about Akiyo Kikushima's betrayal and escape, and the purchase and opening of a fast food restaurant.Tanigawa Keisuke finds faults and carries the weight, the murders and escapes caused by the fighting.In the end, Kikushima Akiyo and that man set up a lofty goal of opening a fast food restaurant. In order to raise funds, they contacted Keisuke Tanigawa in a planned way. The investigation headquarters publicly posted a photo of Keisuke Tanigawa across the country to track down his whereabouts. end.

Keisuke Tanigawa took the newspaper to the apartment and read it several times.The empty, unheated rooms of low-level apartments are always cold from morning till night.A red 20-watt light bulb shines on the spread newspaper.Keisuke Tanigawa sat cross-legged in front of the newspaper, silently.From the very beginning, he was mentally prepared that the fraud and embezzlement would be exposed sooner or later.Although Tomiko Matsumoto is an honest widow, she doesn't think she can sit back and relax. However, linking these circumstances to the fast food restaurant murder incident confirmed that he was the culprit.It's not something that people can easily think of.

After the incident, it didn't take long before it was completely exposed.How it was brought to light seems irrelevant.In short: that's all there is to it. Tanigawa Keisuke propped his arms crossed on his knees, and lowered his head deeply.Even if he was deceived and killed two people, if he was caught, he would probably be sentenced to death, maybe even death. When he thought of this, he felt sick, his eyes turned black, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat. "Bastard, the death penalty is horrible!" he thought, after the trial, the sentence, the prison, and the long, unbearable horror and pain... If so, it was horrible.

After being caught, it is better to commit suicide than to be sentenced to death.Yes, let's escape first, and you can also find a place to die by the way.Never mind where you can escape to?In short, escape first.Neighbors and landlords seem to have begun to feel strange, which he has noticed, which may be a good opportunity to escape. So, after going out from here, where do you go?Clover's hometown Hashimoto was still the first thing that came to his mind.The dilapidated and damp hut where he grew up, his parents have passed away, leaving only his elder brother and his family to run a bookstore together.

My elder brother used to be the head teacher of Wang Ba Zeiduo Primary School, but he retired later.He used his severance money to buy some books he liked, and set up a small bookstore that fits well with this small town. When Keisuke Tanigawa was a child, he had a vague impression of his elder brother, probably because of the huge age difference between them. Only once, when my elder brother took me up the mountain to catch white-eyed sparrows, I fell down and got a cut under my lip with a bamboo stubble, which seemed to bleed a lot.However, Keisuke Tanigawa himself was only crying loudly and didn't notice what his brother was doing.

The elder brother carried Keisuke Tanigawa on his back like flying, ran down the mountain and sent him to the hospital in the town.At that time, Gu Chuan felt his brother's anxiety through his strong back and arms.He still vaguely remembers this incident. Keisuke Tanigawa touched the lower part of his lips, through the stubble, he could still feel the scar from that time.A feeling of nostalgia arises spontaneously. He is my only relative on this earth. If possible, I really want to see him, say goodbye, and tell him that I am not a villain. Brother will definitely understand.The problem is police surveillance.

Hashimoto in Sagamihara City is his birthplace. For the police, finding out that his brother's family lives there is a piece of cake.Of course, they will set up a strict surveillance network. Where is Keisuke Tanigawa who has absconded?Where is it hiding?Currently nothing is known.Search headquarters can only cite two places. One is Hashimoto in his hometown of Sagamihara, where Keisuke Tanigawa's older brother Yukio Tanigawa runs a bookstore.Their parents are dead, and his brother is his only relative.Therefore, Keisuke Tanigawa has the surname Shino that appears here.Therefore, Interpol Minister Hirose and Interpol Aoto were sent to Hashimoto for surveillance tasks.

Another place is Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture.This is the hometown of Tanigawa Keisuke's former wife, Yumiko.However, there are objections to this place, since all the testimonies agree that from the time of Takenori's marriage, Keisuke Tanigawa was very indifferent to his wife Yumiko. With the help of his boss, they got married, but he often said to his colleagues: "It's a failure." Fucking bad luck." Just when his dissatisfaction was escalating, Kikushima Akiyo, a charming woman, appeared.The existence of the bow has become completely redundant, which is the direct reason for the separation of the husband and wife.

Will Keisuke Tanigawa really go to the wife who separated due to the above reasons? Detectives Morita and Onodera put forward their own different views on this doubt: "However, when Tanigawa Keisuke already understood that after he was fooled by that woman, he might miss his virtuous ex-wife." The opinions of the two of them are closely related to this nest and cannot be ignored.Therefore, the best way is to propose a compromise plan: that is, to keep a close eye on Hashimoto's monitoring results, and if there is no harvest, immediately send the two of them to Iwate County to investigate.

Soon, the Sagamihara Police Department was contacted through the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department.As a result of the negotiations, it was decided to use the front room on the second floor of a soup noodle restaurant called "Asahi Shokudo" located opposite Keisuke Tanigawa's bookstore to monitor Yukio Tanigawa. Two days later, detectives Hirose and Aoto arrived at Asahi Cafeteria under the guidance of detective Keiwashita from the Sagami Police Station.This is a store run by an old couple and an elderly woman. Both the house and the store are quite old, and it is difficult for young people to patronize.

However, this has nothing to do with surveillance.The three of them followed the indifferent proprietress and climbed the creaking and creaking stairs to a room with six tatami mats on the second floor. Dilapidated tatami mats, foldable cheap small tables.There was an ashtray on the table, two broken seat cushions.Other than that, nothing. The three of them stood by the window and looked down through the thin, dirty curtains. Diagonally below, they could see the signboard and glass door of Yukio Tanigawa's bookstore.The door is closed, so you can't see inside the shop. The key to the problem lies in the entrance and exit. The criminal police officer Yanxia said: "It is a house without a back door, so it is enough to only monitor the front and back. The food is cooked below, and you can move it up. Fortunately, the two of them don't hate noodle soup. Also need a change of taste.They decided to go out in shifts and sleep in shifts at night. After Iwashita left, only the two policemen were left. The young Aoto took out a portable chess set and a kipan from his bag. "How about it? Kill a game, keep staring, time flies slowly." "Chess, I think...forget it." Detective Hirose said decadently. "Why? Give you a car!..." Aoto detective deliberately seduced. "Not interested." Detective Hirose shook his head. "Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I'm afraid I am worried about losing chess? Let you a gun again! ..." In fact it is.Aoto is superior in chess, even if he voluntarily gives up a rook, Hirose will definitely lose, so he is not very interested.However, there is no way to say that I am afraid of losing. "No? What should I do if I just let go of the target while playing chess?" "Well, how about a game of poker?" "Playing cards?...I even brought the playing cards, and it's the same for playing poker!..." "Let's pull the cart, we can monitor and play at the same time." "No, no!... The policeman who is in charge of surveillance plays chess and poker. If people find out, it will definitely become the material of the report." There is really no way to be so serious. "Well, it seems, let's sit upright and get rid of distracting thoughts." "Hey, that's the way it should be. Now it depends on you, young man, how concentrated your attention is. Do it well!..." Detective Guangse waved his hand and encouraged him righteously. "Don't be angry, I'm not a fledgling novice like me. When it's time to make an appearance, it all depends on your experience and feeling as an adult!" The criminal policeman Aoto apologized hastily to the other party with a livid face, for fear of being caught off guard. Detective Hirose took the opportunity to file a complaint. The two of them argued bitterly, then lay down on the ground again, and started the heart-wrenching and difficult secret surveillance mission.
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