Home Categories Thriller Secret Realm 3: The Lost Peerless Vault

Chapter 93 Chapter 93: The Bronze Mask

When Ji Shunchen was in a hurry, he suddenly saw Daoist Xu walking out from behind the boulder with a bag of luggage on his back. Everyone felt strange. They all knew that after they were fixed on the ghost mill, all the luggage should be in the hands of those sand ghosts. How could it be behind the stone now? Ji Shunchen was even more startled. He saw that Daoist Xu was carrying his own fortune. After waking up, he almost despaired of losing his luggage. Could it be that this was an elusive turning point and miracle? Sure enough, Taoist Xu who returned to the shore said to everyone: "There is only shopkeeper Ji's luggage and this head behind the boulder, and nothing else!"

Daoist Xu said, and threw a human head at Keiko's feet. Keiko jumped up in fright and hugged Bi Hua, screaming in shock. Ji Shunchen looked down carefully, and it was a great retribution. The long head has been torn beyond recognition by the tiger. "Hehehe, man is not as good as God, retribution! This scout has been following us, and I didn't expect the devil to clean it up for us!" Inspector Wang sneered, and only then did he understand that any form of attack on the wooden tablet secret The greed and extravagant hopes of Tibetans can only lead to death in the end. "Miss Huizi, it seems that you have no backup. This is not our intention. You should find a place in the back and bury your section chief!"

Ji Shunchen took out his dagger and handed it to Keiko. Keiko stopped crying, bent over tremblingly and lifted the section chief's head, walked to a lake bank not far behind them, knelt down and dug a hole. "Master Dao, where are those tigers? Where did they go?" After Keiko left, Bi Hua asked impatiently. "I don't know where they went. There is no trace behind the stone. I suspect that they are not tigers, but spirit beasts similar to tigers. Shopkeeper Ji's luggage is most likely sent by those spirit beasts!" Daoist Xu deduced. "Then why didn't they bring our weapons and equipment, food and so on?" Yi Jin asked.

"Because they don't want to kill, because there is no war or plunder here!" Daochang Xu answered very well. "Then who sent us up? Even if it's really hell down there, there must be a way to get here! If our journey is a dream, how come everyone's dream is exactly the same?" Professor Zou is also being fucked now I was confused, so I asked Daoist Xu. "Professor, although I can't explain the question you raised, in fact, we have already left hell. Based on my experience, it seems that this place is indeed a paradise on earth." "Xu Daochang, is this still in the human world? The environment and temperature contrast too much, it doesn't look like a glacier relic, as far as I know, China's Qinling Mountains don't have such vegetation and climate, this is another world! We must still be in hell! "After so long, Dr. Steven's mood has not stabilized.

Ji Shunchen looked up and saw that the sky was getting dark, so he had to interrupt everyone's questions and arguments: "It's useless to say anything now, let's look up at the sky, darkness will come soon, the ice lake is not calm, since the wooden tablet Coming back means that the future is promising, let’s start to act now, and search around the lakeshore as soon as possible before dark before making any plans.” Ji Shunchen had just finished making arrangements here, and Keiko, who had been digging a hole with a dagger not far behind them, suddenly screamed again, and Na Hua was the first to rush over when he heard the sound.

"Daoist, shopkeeper Ji, come over quickly and see what are these? There are still so many heads!" Ji Shunchen and Daoist Xu hurried over, and found that the sand and mud flat excavated by Keiko might have collapsed suddenly, and a large pit of about three square meters was sunk. In the pit was a pile of white skulls piled together. Some broken bronze wares were scattered on the side. There was a bottle of bronze wares that was relatively small in damage and was very large, about one meter high and low. If it was used as a ritual vessel, it would look quite strange, and Ji Shunchen had never seen it before.

"Daoist, do you think this is a sacrificial offering or a ritual vessel? It's too exaggerated. How can a person have three eyes and horns! I have never seen this type of vessel in the Western Zhou Dynasty ritual vessels that I know!" "It may be a bronze vessel from before the Western Zhou Dynasty. It's strange. So many heads, why did they appear here? Nahua, Yijin, hurry up and continue digging around the lakeside to see if there is anything else!" Daoist Xu said and jumped off. After stepping into the trap, Ji Shunchen followed suit. "Such a dangerous place, could it be a secret treasure from the Western Zhou Dynasty?" Ji Shunchen was very excited, and he said vigorously, digging through the sand one after another bronze wares that he had never seen before.

"It's basically damaged! There are very few inscriptions. It doesn't look like the bronze shape of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Look at this monster, he has six fingers on each hand, and the third eye still has double pupils!" Daoist Xu peeled off the bronze humanoid Said the sand on the palm. "It's unbelievable, Daoist. Most of the tripod legs of Western Zhou ritual vessels are basically elephant-legged, either three or four legs. How come there are only two human-like legs? It's so strange, I think it's closer to In reality, it's even a bit ahead of its time!" Ji Shunchen tried to straighten the crooked bronze, but Daoist Xu stopped him.

"What's wrong?" "Look, they're moving!" Daoist Xu stood up and pulled Ji Shunchen up. When Ji Shunchen turned around and saw the pile of skulls behind their buttocks, he suddenly started to move. He felt that his feet were slowly sinking. "No, hurry up, there may be a big trap down here!" Ji Shunchen pulled up Daoist Xu, jumped out of the trap, stepped back a few steps and just stood firm, then the trap collapsed again, and a gust of wind swept the sand. The mud rushed up, almost blowing Ji Shunchen and Xu Daochang to the ground. "Quick, hurry up and let them stop, it's dangerous!" Ji Shunchen turned around and hurriedly greeted Keiko who was behind him in a daze.

After a while, Nahua and Dr. Steven walked over holding some smaller bronze vessels. "Treasurer Ji, this is simply a miracle. Look at this bronze mask, which is exactly the same as the golden mask of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh!" "Really? Doctor, so the Pharaohs of Egypt copied the patents of our ancestors! Nahua, what else did you see?" Ji Shunchen joked. He was more concerned about whether Nahua and the others had made any other new discoveries. "Under a large pile of broken bronzes, I found a few sections of metal tracks, which seem to be a transportation line, extending towards the cliff. I don't believe that our ancients have started to use the principle of trains thousands of years ago!"

Nahua gave Ji Shunchen something similar to a train track. "It's not surprising. This is the simple principle of rolling logs. Our ancestors used it to transport huge objects to their destinations in ancient times!" Daoist Xu took it from Ji Shunchen's hand and looked at it.
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