Home Categories Thriller Secret Realm 3: The Lost Peerless Vault

Chapter 2 Chapter Two Misty Rain Fengling Ferry

Na Hua fell into deep disappointment all of a sudden, he was in a trance and didn't know how he got back to Mr. Bi's apartment. Mary left, and Mr. Bi cut off the last connection. At this moment, Na Hua had no choice but to decide to go home. In August 1937, Nahua had no choice but to take Mr. Bi's half of the rubbings of the secret document, risking his life, crossing the blockade, and returning to Xi'an from Japan. At this time, the domestic situation was already extremely severe. In order to ensure the occupation of Pingjin, invade south from Pinghan Road and Jinpu Road.

The Japanese army formulated the strategy of "two-wing containment and central breakthrough", that is, along the Pingsui and Jinpu roads, strategic containment was carried out from the east and west sides, and the focus was from the Ping-Han line to the depth to achieve a central breakthrough in an attempt to seize Shanxi and then control North China. Cooperating with central China and threatening the northwest, Xi'an, which is only separated from Shanxi by the Yellow River, is suddenly precarious and perilous. Even so, the return of Mr. Bi's rubbings of half of the secret document brought some hope and confidence to the Northwest Wind Special Team who deciphered the secret document. The secret treasures of the Forbidden City in Beijing have all been transferred to the south. For the Japanese, Ji Shunchen and the others quickly devoted themselves to deciphering the secret documents.

At this time, Ji Shunchen and the others, who were busy cracking the secret document, didn't know that Fukuda Masao, who had been coveting the secret document, had sent his spies to cross the Yellow River and sneak into Xi'an. This time, they came to snatch it with guns. Potential dangers are approaching them step by step, but the enemy hides too deeply in the dark. Ji Shunchen has preliminarily determined that the sun and moon box may have fallen into the hands of the Japanese, but his brother-in-law has not made much progress in investigating this matter.Several Japanese spies caught.It seems that they still don't know what the secrets and the sun and moon boxes are all about.

Anyway, the wooden tablet rubbings are back, if they can be deciphered in advance, they will go ahead of the enemy, all they need now is time. On September 24, 1937, the 5th Division of the Japanese North China Dispatch Army advanced towards Lingqiu and Pingxingguan in Shanxi Province under the command of Division Chief Seishiro Itagaki. On October 26, 1937, the Japanese army occupied Niangziguan. On October 30, 1937, the Japanese army occupied Yangquan. On November 2, 1937, the Japanese army occupied Xikou. On November 8, 1937, the Japanese army occupied Taiyuan. In February 1938, the Japanese army successively captured Changzhi and Linfen.

In March 1938, the Japanese army captured Yuncheng and Fenglingdu, approached Shaanxi, and confronted the Northwest Army on the south bank of the Yellow River. On this day, at Fenglingdu Ferry, Fukuda Masao walked back and forth, looking anxiously at the other side of the Yellow River. He has sent out three groups of people to contact the poisonous scorpion, and none of them have returned until now. If there is no news, he will He has to try to do it himself, but he has been in Xi'an for many years, so many people remember his face, and he will cross the Yellow River and sneak into Xi'an himself, unless things develop to the extreme.

Who is the poisonous scorpion hiding in Xi'an?It has been a mystery that has plagued Masao Fukuda for a long time. Who would have such energy in Xi'an like Masao Fukuda?But this poisonous scorpion did save him when he was most embarrassed. The intention of the headquarters for him this time is obvious. Coordinating with the poisonous scorpion is his main task. To win Shaanxi, Zhou Yuan's underground secret treasure belongs to the emperor. As for the sketch of the secret document in your hand, it is actually worthless. The secret document of brother-in-law Mr. Bi has long been in our hands, you just need to cooperate closely with the poisonous scorpion to get the other half of the secret document.

Masao Fukuda was shocked when he first heard this information from his superiors. He even concluded that his master Yamanaka was involved in the military and had not returned to China for many years. Could it be that this miser is also loyal to the emperor?He's just a crooked businessman who can't even pull the trigger.How is this possible? "Haha, Mr. Fukuda, don't think about it. Your master, Mr. Yamanaka, has abandoned you long ago. He said that you are always too soft-handed and useless. However, you are a very qualified Japanese soldier. In this regard, Mr. Yamanaka It's beyond hope, the headquarters will not abandon you, and the Emperor of Japan will not treat you badly, I wish you help the poisonous scorpion, and you will succeed in no time!"

The more the superior said this, the more Masao Fukuda felt that he had become a lifeless gun. Whoever owned it could use it at will. Back then, Mr. Yamanaka also used him as a gun. The Yellow River was roaring under his feet, and the wind blowing over the water brought a chill. Masao Fukuda wrapped his windbreaker tightly, and felt rain falling from the sky. At this time, a soldier ran over and handed sent him a telegram. "Report to Colonel, the headquarters is urgent!" Fukuda Masao took a look, turned and left the river bank, and jumped on the sidecar motorcycle parked by the roadside.

Far away in Xi'an, the poisonous scorpion calls back to the headquarters. The original route has been broken. The weather in Chang'an is very humid, and it is no longer suitable for the scorpion to survive. It is requested to start the second plan urgently. That is to say, the three batches of vanguards he sent out have already died in the west. This is too much to take human lives seriously. These people are the spy masters he has trained hard for more than half a year. In less than a month, if you say no, it will be gone. Fukuda Masao shook his head, followed the large army, from Beiping to Shanxi, and I don’t know how many people died along the way, it’s really not worth it, stealing is much cheaper than robbing, the purpose is the same, even though he became a soldier again, But he still has a deep-rooted businessman's consciousness deep in his heart.

Masao Fukuda had a lot of things on his mind, and he cherished understanding all the way. He didn't know what the second plan from the headquarters would be?The key question is that he hasn't figured out the ins and outs of some things, such as who stole the secret document of his brother-in-law, Mr. Bi?It was hidden in the coffin of his father Futian Zhongcun. Bi Zhongsheng told him personally that the secret document was lost, so it was not because he was going to be blamed, maybe his sister Xingzi must have killed him. When he thought about it, he always felt uncomfortable It's a taste, a feeling of being fooled.

Masao Fukuda has been tossing about antiques for a long time, and he always wants to clarify the problem. He does not need to figure out the current responsibilities, as long as he supports and obeys. At this moment, Masao Fukuda is very entangled. At this time, Futian's sidecar was driving very fast, and he couldn't hold his hand steady. He just crossed a ridge and was suddenly knocked out of the sidecar, causing several donkeys to roll over.Fell into the wheat field on the side of the road. Fukuda Masao got up, rushed towards the motorcycle angrily, and shot left and right at the soldier driving the motorcycle, and a few big ear scrapers went up, roaring in his mouth: "Baga! How did you drive the car! Do you want to fall to my death?"
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