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Chapter 33 Chapter Ten Gambling

Sun Xian was a little discouraged at first, but when he heard that the treasury supervisor Lan Meng lost three thousand guan in gambling early last month, his heart suddenly brightened again.As a small treasury supervisor, he naturally couldn't afford to pay back so much money. He must have been chased for debts, and he was really helpless, so he managed to steal the treasury money from Zuo Zang treasury. However, the gap between three thousand guan and one hundred thousand guan is really too big.Moreover, even if only 3,000 guan were stolen, it would take 30 boxes, weighing more than 10,000 catties, and it would be impossible to smuggle them out of the left treasury no matter what.It seems only to fish some of the money that flew away.

In addition, he lost 3,000 crowns. From Ye Dalang, the owner of the restaurant, he couldn't find out the details, so he had to find someone from Zhang Qilang Winery.It's just that I have never gambled before, so I went in hastily, which made people suspicious.Sun Xian remembered that Ye Dalang said he found out about it from a servant woman in the wine inn, so he walked to the river bank in front of Zhang Qilang's wine inn, pretending to be waiting for someone, walking up and down, watching from time to time. After wandering around for a while, only guests came in and out, but no servants were seen.He was about to leave, but he heard someone calling behind him. Looking back, he saw that he had a slender body and high cheekbones, and he was an idler.

"Sun Xianggong, how long has it been since I saw you? When you look closely at Fu Rongzun, you look even more noble." Bai Huazi arched his back and bowed, greeting with a smile. "Brother Bai, how have you always been?" Sun Xian suddenly remembered that Bai Huazi was only trying to lure gamblers for Zhang Qilang Tavern, and he had seduced him before. "Thanks to Mrs. Sun, it's very good. I have accompanied several nobles to this wine inn for a few nights. I don't know if it's their wealth that got me, or my own wealth. It is taking a lot of money, winning big for a few days in a row."

Sun Xian saw that he had a cold face and a poor body, only a pair of sunken eyes and dozens of wrinkles trying to squeeze out a smile, knowing that he was trying to trick him into gambling again, so he also smiled and said: "Oh? I see your Yintang is shining brightly, so it's because of your wealth." "Weird Dao has been itching in the bottom of his heart and soles of his feet these days." "One of my father's subordinates named Lan often talks about Big Brother Bai." "My surname is Lan? But Lan Meng, the supervisor of Zuo Zangku? What did he say about me?"

"Brother Bai is said to be able to bring money to people. Could it be that Brother Bai introduced him to Zhang Qilang Winery?" "Isn't it? He used to gamble in Nancheng, and he always lost. I saw that his five elements belong to wood, but Nancheng belongs to fire, and the positive phase restrains. The east side belongs to wood, and it is close to water, which happens to restrain fire. I advised him to come to the East Water Gate." Try it outside, and you will be prosperous all the way here. Sun Xianggong, you seem to belong to the earth?" "Yes. Where is the best position for the earth?"

"Naturally, the east side is better. Native wood grows, and wood prospers money." "But I heard that Lan Meng lost a lot of money and went in?" "That's because he restrained himself." "Oh, what do you say?" "At first, I was with him all the time, but then that Guo Gaier squeezed in and threw me aside. Do you think that Guo Gaier is a metal, and he is dedicated to chopping trees and roots, so he can continue to make money? " Sun Xian heard him talking nonsense, and hurriedly pulled back: "Did he lose three thousand guan in one night?"

"Isn't it? In the first few days, I was by my side and won consecutively, winning seven or eight thousand guan. I said that there is a time for wealth and luck, so I have to take a break. But Guo Gaier tried his best to encourage him , he believed that lie, and you see, not only did he lose everything he won that night, but he also lost three thousand strings." "With that rich businessman Wang Shi?" "Ok." "The seven or eight thousand guan he won earlier also belonged to Wang Shi?" "Well. Wangshi belongs to water. Although water can moisten wood, there is a limit. If there is too much, it will become waterlogged. That Lan Meng was moistened first, and if he was greedy, he would die of waterlogging if he moistened too much. I heard that he even died the day before yesterday. sent."

Feng Sai bid farewell to the porcelain merchant, feeling chills in his heart.Wang Shi is actually from Jiangxi!And involved me in this official loan incident.Could it be that he and Tan Li, Yu Fu, Zhu Guang, and Fan Tai are really in the same group?Why did they use such a big battle against me? He couldn't figure it out in every possible way, but he felt more and more that the origin of this Wang Shi must be found out.If he really was with Tan Li, the whereabouts of Qiu Han's mother, daughter, and Bi Fu might have to be found from Wang Shi. He hastily urged the horse under him to rush to Huang Sanniang's house.

Huang Sanniang is the head of the Bianjing silk shop.She was originally a daughter of an official family, but her father was involved in the old and new party struggles, lost his official position, and died young.Her family was in decline, and she married a small silk merchant.After only three years of marriage, the silk merchant died of an emergency, leaving behind a young daughter and a small silk shop.Huang Sanniang ran the family business alone and ran the silk shop.She has a beautiful face, a keen mind, and is kind to others.Everyone is willing to help her, and she is never short of an inch.As a result, the business has become more and more prosperous. In more than 20 years, it has not only become the first silk merchant in Bianjing, but also been promoted as the leader of the silk industry.

Huang Sanniang's house is by the Qinghui Bridge in the north of the city. Feng Sai and the Silk Company often do business, and Huang Sanniang trusts him very much.Before arriving at the house, Feng Sai tied his horse to the stone pillar next to him, and the family members of the gatekeeper were also familiar with each other, one of them had already gone in to inform, the other asked Feng Sai with a smile, and invited Feng Sai to enter the house. Although Huang Sanniang is a wealthy man in the capital, the house is not big, and the furnishings are simple and plain, without any extravagance.She is very willing to give up to the poor and sick. Every year, together with wealthy businessmen such as Qin Guanghe and Zhou Changqing, she collects a large sum of money to help the poor.Today, the emperor opened a nursing home to adopt orphans, and opened a pharmacy for the benefit of the people, distributing medicinal materials to the poor.Huang, Qin, Zhou and others contributed together to supply the nursing home and Huimin Pharmacy all year round.

When Feng Sai walked into the courtyard, Huang Sanniang had already stood up in the front hall to greet her.She was in her forties, wearing a moon-white plain brocade beige and a light yellow silk skirt, with a plump face and a kind smile.People in the capital call her "Yellow Bodhisattva".Although she had just shouldered the heavy responsibility of millions of government loans, and her son-in-law was detained in Dali Temple Prison, there was no worry in her expression. "Aunt Huang." Feng Sai raised his hand and bowed. "Second brother Feng, please sit down quickly. Are you here because of that Wang Shi?" "Yes. What does Aunt Huang think of Wang Shi?" "I don't think Wang Shi would run away with money. He should have been caught by something." "Oh? Aunt Huang believes in Wang Shi so much?" "Judging from his previous behavior, he should be a person who values ​​trust and righteousness. If it weren't for him, the food shortage in the capital during the first month would not be cleared. In addition, you only know that he saved the food shortage, but you probably don't know that he also saved it. Silk shortage." "Silk shortage?" "Well. During the first month, not only was there a shortage of food, but the silk was also half shorter than usual. It's just that there was no shortage of food for a day, and it took a month and a half for the silk to appear. So you didn't notice it. Many silk merchants in the capital, like grain merchants, saw The price soared, so I covered it up and refused to sell it. I was very anxious at the time, when Wang Shi found me and said that he had 80,000 bolts of northern silk. At that time, the price of silk was the same as that of grain, and it had more than tripled. It was raised to four pennies. I thought he had hoarded it to ask for a high price. But he said he didn’t want to take advantage of the fire, so he reduced it by fifty cents and sold it all to me. I hurriedly distributed it to various silk shops. Slowly lower the price. Only this matter, this person is very trustworthy." When Feng Sai heard this, he was surprised at first, and then felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out for a while, so he asked again: "After that, did Aunt Huang and Wang Shi have any other transactions?" "No." "After that, he came directly to ask Aunt Huang to be his guarantor?" "Ok……" Feng Sai saw that Huang Sanniang's expression flickered slightly, and her tone was also slightly weak.His heart moved, but he didn't want to force it.He said, "What does Aunt Huang plan to do?" "I have already handed over the 4,000 guan interest this month to Taifu Temple. Next month, I think Wang Shi will come back." "What if he doesn't come back?" "Then wait." Feng Sai saw her look calm, it seemed that even if she lost 300,000 pennies, she would admit it. "Second brother Feng, I heard that all your family business has been confiscated. If you need money, just tell me. In case Wang Shi doesn't come back next month, I will discuss with Lao Qin about the interest next month. , share it for you." "Thank you Aunt Huang for taking care of me. I don't need any money yet." "Well, when you need it, don't let it go." Feng Sai inadvertently noticed that Huang Sanniang had a multicolored silk rope hanging around her neck. When she turned sideways to serve tea, a copper coin slipped out of her tube top and hung in midair. "Mother money"?
Qiu Han sat in the dark, holding the food in his hand, and swallowed it. She set fire to the table and bed, trying to force those people to let her out, but passed out in the thick smoke.When I woke up, I found myself lying on the bed, surrounded by darkness.She stretched out her hand to feel it, and found that the bedding and bed curtains were all new, but there was a residual burnt smell all around.It wasn't until his eyes could see for a while that he realized that he was still in the underground dark room, but Liu Bifu was gone. After a long time, the door of the dark room opened, and a tall black figure put something on the ground, then closed the door tightly and locked it.Qiu Han smelled the aroma of food, and immediately felt very hungry, but she was so exhausted that she didn't want to eat at all, she just wished to lie unconscious and starve to death. After an unknown amount of time, in a daze, she vaguely heard her two daughters calling her from far away.A burst of bitterness rushed from the bottom of my heart, and tears welled up again. "I can't just die like this, I can't die before I find my daughter!" She struggled to get up, her legs were weak, and she couldn't stand at all, so she used her hands and feet together, slowly crawled to the door, and reached out to touch the rice bowl, which was a wooden bowl with a pair of chopsticks on it.She didn't even have the strength to grab the chopsticks, so she lay down beside the bowl, grabbed the food in the bowl with her hands, and stuffed it into her mouth...
Huang Pang came to the alley again, and saw the handsome woman who asked last time sitting on a small stool in front of the door, peeling beans. "Where is sister-in-law peeling beans?" Huang Pang leaned over and greeted with a salivating smile. "you again!" "I forgot to ask one thing last time." "My husband is not here. I'm a woman. It's not good to talk to men like this. You should go." "It's not that you close the door and whisper, the sky is bright and the sun is clear, what are you afraid of? By the way, I haven't thanked my sister-in-law last time." Huang Pang took out two sticks of pearls and emeralds bought on the road from his arms, and handed them to the woman . "What is this? It's getting worse and worse. Put it away quickly, I can't take it." "You helped me, of course I should thank you!" Huang Pang saw that although the woman refused her mouth, her handsome eyes showed a little envy, and he saw that although she was wearing coarse old clothes, she only had hair stuck in her bun. A wooden hairpin, but indescribably romantic and pretty.I thought, if I could take the opportunity to hang out, it would be a surprise.So he threw the two sticks of pearls and emeralds into the big thick bowl of beans, "I bought them all, and I don't have a wife at home, and I don't have any friends outside, so I'll take it, sister-in-law. If you don't like it, you can throw it away. " The woman hesitated for a moment, glanced around, threw a bean sprout in her hand onto the bowl, covered the pearl, looked up at Huang Pang, and smiled slightly: "I won't be a matchmaker for you." , What are you talking about so much? Ask, what else is there?" "Does the patrolman Cai Da usually gamble?" "Why don't you gamble? For this gamble, his ugly lady cried with him day and night." "Where does he usually go to gamble?" "It vaguely sounds outside the East Water Gate."
"Excuse me, are you Bailiu's father?" Guan Gan'er knocked on the door of the guard Zhu Bailiu's house. "Yeah, you are..." a thin old man. "I'm Bailiu's friend. My surname is Guan. I owed him 8 cents last time, and I haven't paid him back. I passed by here today, so I stopped by to pay back the money." Guan Ganer took out the 8 cents and handed it over. "You still remember the eight cents. Come in and have a cup of tea." Old man Zhu took the money. "I'm thirsty, I want to ask for a bowl of water, I'm bothering my father." Guan Gan'er took the opportunity to go into the main room and sit down, and saw that although the furnishings in the room were not rich, they were neat, much better than his home. "This is freshly brewed tea." Old man Zhu poured out a cup of tea. "Is Dad the only one at home?" "His mother and his mother went to play with relatives outside the city, but I have trouble with my legs and feet, so I didn't go." "One hundred and sixty ranks one hundred and sixteen, how many fathers and children are there?" "Where. This rank belongs to the generation of relatives. I only have two sons in this house. The eldest son has joined the army and is in the border area." "My father's filial son, Bai Liu always thinks of my father when I'm in front of me." "Filial piety? He has traveled two thousand miles, and he still doesn't know if he will see him again in this life." Old man Zhu shed old tears. Guan Gan'er realized that he had been intimidated, and smiled and said: "He was wronged. I know the son of the treasury supervisor. His father was also implicated and demoted. He is running around complaining. Once it is done, Bailiu I can come back too." "real?" "What are you talking about with Dad? Bailiu is such a filial son, God will protect him." "Brother Guan, drink some more tea!" Old man Zhu hurriedly wiped away his tears and poured another cup of tea. "Thank you, Dad..." Guan Gan'er drank it in another gulp, anxiously thinking about how to get his words out, he put down the teacup, looked around the room, and praised with a smile, "Daddy's family business seems to be very prosperous." Now, at that time, a group of friends and I asked Bailiu to go out for a drink, but Bailiu never went, saying that he would save the money to honor his father..." He paid attention while talking, and found that although the old man nodded, his expression was a little strange, and he hurriedly continued: "Two friends said that he took the money home and used it for gambling. But I don't believe it. Got into an argument with those two." The old man Zhu's expression became more and more embarrassed, and he sighed after a while: "Hey! Brother Guan is a sincere person, so I won't hide it from you. Everything is good in my place, but later I was seduced by bad people and got into gambling. Two years really hurt us." "Oh? I never knew!" "Even we didn't know it at first." "Where did he gamble? Why have you never seen it?" "I don't know either. A neighbor said he saw him come out of the gambling cave of the Zhang Family Restaurant in Bianhe..."
"Your Hu Jiu borrowed two pieces of money from me. This is a deed!" Standing in the fruit shop, Pi Er handed an old piece of paper to Hu Jiu's wife, casually grabbed a handful of hazelnuts from her stall, threw them into his mouth and started chewing without bothering to peel them with his hands. The woman was only in her twenties, and timidly took over the false loan deed. After reading it for a long time, Pi Er saw that her eyes were suspicious, and she knew that she was illiterate. "He borrowed it for three years, with five cents a year, including the principal and interest, which should cost me more than six pennies. I see that you are a woman, and it is not easy to support a family, so I am merciful. I don't want the interest from you." , only return the capital to me.” "But……" "But what? Brother, it's rare for me to show kindness. If you don't want to, we'll see you in court!" "I……" "Scared, aren't you? Then pay back the money honestly! Also, your Hu Jiu often goes out to gamble, doesn't he?" The woman looked terrified and nodded timidly. "That's right. You think I'm the only creditor for him? I'm still young, and there is a big creditor who has been looking for him." The woman was even more frightened. "Where does he often go to gamble?" "I... I don't know, it's just... I often go outside the East Water Gate." "No wonder! Yesterday I went to Dongshuimen and met a rich businessman friend. He asked around for your address and said that your Hu Jiu owed him more than 300 gambling debts. I thought you were a pity, so I lied to him. You have already returned to your hometown. If you don’t know who you are and don’t pay back my money, I’ll bring that friend along to ask for it. You don’t want to open this small shop again!” "I'll pay it back, I'll pay it back!"
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