Home Categories Thriller Ashes of Time 1. Under the Iceberg

Chapter 17 Section 16

I hailed a taxi and went to the studio of my computer-savvy colleague. He has checked the account and confirmed receipt of the money I transferred to him yesterday. He skillfully transferred the photos I took on my mobile phone to the computer, and soon the picture of Dr. Xue appeared on the LCD screen of the computer.The colleague looked at Dr. Xue's photo, smiled and said: "This kind of face without feminine characteristics is the most suitable for disguise. Put on some blush, draw eyeliner, wear false eyelashes, and put on a pair of colored contact lenses. Putting on a wig can definitely turn her into a beautiful woman. Of course, it is easier to turn her into an old woman. With other blush, eyeliner, false eyelashes, colored contact lenses, and wigs, she can become someone else.”

As a detective, of course I understand that too. The colleague smiled and called up a software from the computer.This is a practical software that can add various dresses to pictures. For example, he can add a touch of blush to the face of the woman on the screen with one click of the mouse, and another set of wigs can be added with another click. According to my description, it only took a few minutes for my colleagues to make Dr. Xue on the LCD screen into another person—it was the sweeping lady I met in the lobby of the apartment building at No. 29 Xiangshan Street that day. It took a few more minutes for the colleagues to turn Dr. Xue into another person.This time, my appearance appeared on the screen.Not to mention, besides being a little shorter than me, Dr. Xue is dressed as a man, if you just glance at him, he really looks a bit like me.As for the height difference, it is not a problem at all. Now, even some famous stars are using height-increasing shoes.

I finally understand why I can be seen in the surveillance cameras of the real estate agency sales department. As for the group photo of me and Yi Xiulian found in Block C, 7th Floor, No. 29, Xiangshan Street, and the rental house in the suburbs, after uploading it to the computer of the same person and enlarging it, he immediately confirmed that the two photos were both It is a photo synthesized by computer and made with PS software. Although the details are sufficient, there are still a few places where it fits with the background and there is a stiff feeling. Everything is strung together.

At first, it made me think that everything that happened around me might be a bureaucracy, which actually came from a sentence of Dr. Li Lynch.He said that he was doing scientific research, and he would never publish any opinion-based conclusions without 100% certainty.As Dr. Xue mentioned, he cannot completely rule out the possibility that Chen Qingyun's notes were not forged. Since even he, who is engaged in scientific research, is not 100% sure that Chen Qingyun is a patient with dual independent personalities, how can I, an ordinary person who has nothing to do with scientific research, be sure that I have been possessed by another set of personalities?What's more, is that possessed personality a bloodthirsty nose-cutting murderer?

If this is a bureau, then this bureau has undergone long preparations.At least, since a year ago, someone has started to carry out crazy indiscriminate serial murder cases.The murderer chooses the victim at random, injects ketamine into the victim's body, cuts off the nose, little finger, and cuts the victim's throat with a razor. At the same time, I met and fell in love with Yi Xiulian. Although I didn't give my heart when we were in love, when I met her, it was when the nose-cutting murderer started his first case. This bureau, a year ago, was only doing preparatory work.It wasn't until a year later that it gradually began to exert its power.

A year later, due to accidental reasons, I came to the hospital to visit Yi Xiulian.When I asked the doctor about Yi Xiulian's condition, Dr. Xue inadvertently revealed to me where Yi Xiulian lived before.And it was in that residence that I found the key to the safe deposit box in the bathing center.Then, I began to gradually suspect that I had been occupied by a nose-cutting killer. It seems that by chance, I began to suspect that I once had another bloodthirsty independent personality. But when I think about it carefully, this series of accidents seems to start to rotate closely, like a pair of invisible hands leading me, trying to make me believe in the existence of Feng Ziqiang II.

First of all, did Dr. Xue really reveal Yi Xiulian's address to me by accident? Secondly, I came to No. 29 Xiangshan Street. Is the sweeping lady who gave me the door key really the sweeping lady in the apartment building? Again, the sweeping aunt said that she would clean Block C on the seventh floor every week, and after I picked up the photo frame, the glass slipped to the ground, allowing me to find the key to the safe deposit box in the bathing center.Didn't the sweeping lady never pick up the photo frame and let the glass slip when cleaning? Then, through the efforts of my peers, I found the hut rented by Feng Ziqiang II in the suburbs.But in fact, it is an urban-rural fringe area, and all the houses are self-built by the landlords. The rent is low and the facilities are simple.However, Feng Ziqiang II rented a house through a real estate agency.Don't forget, he is a bloodthirsty nose-cutting maniac, why would he rent a house through an intermediary?It looked as if he had left clues for me specially.

And in that rental house in the suburbs, I found another safe deposit box key in a picture frame.It seems that the key that I found easily in Block C, 7th Floor, No. 29, Xiangshan Street, seems to have given me a special reminder. Judging from the handwriting on Feng Ziqiang II's handwriting, it seems that it was indeed written by me.However, it is not difficult for those who are willing to imitate a person's handwriting, as long as they practice for a period of time, they can do it. The group photo in the photo frame can naturally be synthesized by computer with PS technology. However, it is not so easy to synthesize the images captured by the sales department of the real estate agency.

When I saw this video from a colleague, I immediately thought someone was pretending to be me.Naturally, I thought of Dr. Xue from the Center for Psychiatric Disease Control.From the perspective of detective skills, her completely devoid of femininity face is the best makeup template like a textbook. The planner seems to be well versed in psychological analysis. The group photo on the bedside table in Block C, 7th Floor, No. 29 Xiangshan Street is to prove that I have a lost memory.But if I send the photo to an expert for appraisal, maybe I can find out that it is a computer-generated photo.

But there was a key to the safe deposit box in the photo frame. The organizers expected that my investigation would turn to the Roman Holiday bathing center that this key pointed to, regardless of whether the group photo was a computer-generated photo. Just like the dominoes that have been arranged in advance, when the first piece is pressed, every subsequent piece will fall down. However, if one piece is taken out, then this domino killing array that has been arranged for a long time will lose its effect. That group photo was confirmed to be a composite photo, which was a domino drawn by me.

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