Home Categories Thriller Nightmare Nightmare·Season 1

Chapter 10 night food

Nightmare Nightmare·Season 1 庄秦 10514Words 2018-03-22
The Xiyang Building has sixty-four floors, and Lan Xiaoqin lives on the top floor. The elevator in the building is due to maintenance failures, so it can only go up to the sixty-third floor since yesterday and can no longer go up.This is a pain for Lan Xiaoqin, who can only climb one flight of stairs to go home. The 63rd floor is very empty and has been abandoned for more than half a year. There used to be a very famous beef noodle shop opened in room 6311. Because of its unique taste and high location, you can enjoy the food while eating delicious food. The window of the window looks at the beautiful sea view of F City outside, so the business has been good.But later, because a person in the shop stumbled and fell into the building, the popularity dropped a lot, and the beef noodle shop closed within a few days.Not only did the beef noodle shop close down, but even other residents on the same floor also chose to leave.Lan Xiaoqin heard from the administrator that it was because the people living here always heard someone shouting "I want to eat beef noodles" at night, and the voice was terrifying.

"Ding!" The elevator door opened, and Lan Xiaoqin managed to open her eyes a crack. Last night, after a whole night of partying, she was the one who took the lead, but now she was so tired that she couldn't even open her eyes.Lan Xiaoqin came out of the elevator, the surrounding was gloomy, as if covered by a big black cloth, it was a bit depressing!Lan Xiaoqin walked to the door of her house, took out the key, closed her eyes and poked it for a long time without opening it. Lan Xiaoqin muttered in a low voice, opened her eyes to recognize the keyhole, although she recognized it clearly, but after the key was inserted, the door was still open. not open!

Lan Xiaoqin was puzzled, looked up to see the house number, and couldn't help stepping back a few steps in astonishment.The number 6305 hangs on the black facade. "Dizzy, I even forgot that this is the 63rd floor." Lan Xiaoqin patted herself on the head, kicked the door of Room 6305 badly, and walked towards the corridor. The corridor is at the back of the elevator, and Lan Xiaoqin dragged her tired body around the sixty-third floor. The empty corridor seemed very mysterious and deep, and there were gusts of cold wind blowing through the hall from time to time.Lan Xiaoqin turned a corner, and a room at the end in front was lit with red light, Lan Xiaoqin wondered: What?Is there someone living on this floor again?

The stairway is right in front of the red light room, Lan Xiaoqin suddenly felt a little hairy in her heart, looking at the flickering dark light, her eyes, which had been closed just now, were now wider than cat’s eyes, almost turning green Finished.Lan Xiaoqin turned around, pulled a trendy guitar behind her back, laid it in front of her, and walked quickly to the stairs. Approaching the red light, Lan Xiaoqin realized that the red light was just an ordinary store sign indicator light, the kind that consumes less power and is always on at night.Lan Xiaoqin shook her long hair in a funny way, and looked down. There was a sign under the indicator light, which glowed somewhat mysteriously against the red light.

"Old Friends Beef Noodle Shop?" Lan Xiaoqin read out the words, shook her head and said, "It's been so long, why is this brand and this light still there?" Especially this indicator light, it can be on for half a year?Oh, it really should be well publicized.Lan Xiaoqin swung the guitar back and strode past room 6311 where the beef noodle shop is located. When passing by the door, Lan Xiaoqin glanced casually and found that the door was actually ajar from the inside. Some small sounds came from the room. Lan Xiaoqin's natural eyesight is not very good, and her reaction is not fast, but her ears are definitely good. People who make music have the most flexible ears.

Although the voice was very faint, Lan Xiaoqin still heard it.Sensitivity to sound made Lan Xiaoqin unconsciously move closer, trying to figure out what the sound was. "Crack, click!" The voice became clearer, Lan Xiaoqin sounded like some carnivorous animal was gnawing on the bone and sucking the bone marrow.There was another hairy feeling behind Lan Xiaoqin's back, and it was stronger than before. Lan Xiaoqin shook her head, and rushed to the stairs, grabbed the door of the stairs, and rushed halfway in.Suddenly, the door of room 6311 behind him slowly opened with a creak! Although Lan Xiaoqin was terrified, human instinctive curiosity still prompted her to turn half of her body back and turn to the direction of room 6311 as far as possible, her eyes wide open, trying to see clearly.At this critical moment, a huge body appeared in front of Lan Xiaoqin like a ghost. Lan Xiaoqin was holding on to the doorknob at the stairway with one hand, but was suddenly frightened. Slumped to the ground.

"What are you doing?" A thick male voice asked above his head. "Ah?" Lan Xiaoqin's buttocks hurt from the fall, but she was more worried about her precious guitar, and refused to relax in her arms.A tall man in front of him, wearing a light blue costume of a floor manager, was none other than Zhang Wei, the manager above the 30th floor.Zhang Wei is also a good friend of Lan Xiaoqin.Lan Xiaoqin grabbed Zhang Wei's outstretched hand, jumped up from the ground with her strength, and said with a smile, "It's you, why didn't I see you just now?" Zhang Wei straightened his blue uniform, and pointed the flashlight in front of the two of them: "I just came up. Miss Lan, how did you perform such advanced moves?"

"Ha, you should ask about our old-fashioned elevator, it breaks down every now and then, why not dismantle it! And you, you big man, what are you doing out of nowhere?" Lan Xiaoqin took off her high-heeled shoes Take it down and hold it in your hand. Zhang Wei was aware of the malfunction of the elevator, and said with a smile on his face: "Miss Lan, for you, I called three groups of people to repair the elevator today. But it was useless, this elevator looks like there is a ghost! Why? Xiu is not good, so I will not stay here to wait for you, I am going to dedicate myself once, and be a flower protector once!"

"You're a ghost! Miss Ben is not afraid of anything, and I still rely on you to protect her. You'd better take care of yourself!" Lan Xiaoqin laughed. "Miss, the sixty-third floor is really weird. The original residents have all moved out. It seems that the owner of the beef noodle shop is haunted and forced everyone to eat his beef noodles!" Zhang Wei said with a face. He said with a smile that was not a smile. "Come on, your tricks can only deceive those little girls, and it's useless to Miss Ben! But then again, when you passed by that beef noodle shop just now, did you hear any special noises inside? ?" Lan Xiaoqin glanced at 6311 behind Zhang Wei and asked in a low voice.

"A special... sound?" Zhang Wei shook his head blankly. "At this time, there are only you and me on this floor, and there is no third person. Where is there any special sound? Is there really..." "No, it's just the voice, it's just..." Lan Xiaoqin wanted to explain clearly to Zhang Wei, but seeing Zhang Wei's expression of confusion, Lan Xiaoqin shook her head and said: "Forget it, maybe I heard it wrong. I'll go up Now, you should leave early, this floor always feels weird." After Lan Xiaoqin finished speaking, she rushed upstairs like a puff of smoke.

The 63rd floor was quiet again. Zhang Wei stretched out his hand and opened the door of the stairs, and stopped again: "A special sound?" Zhang Wei turned around, looked at the red room 6311, hesitated, and walked over . Lan Xiaoqin didn't sleep well all night, curiosity about the sound made her guess and deny again and again, and ended up tossing and turning all night. Waking up in the morning, Lan Xiaoqin found two big dark circles under her eyes in the mirror, and angrily cursed in a low voice: "This damn beef noodle shop!" It was too simple to eat breakfast, Lan Xiaoqin went down listlessly Lou, I could sleep well today and go to work at night, but my best friend is sick today, there is no way, based on humanitarian principles, I still have to save this emergency, and I can only take care of her day shift!Lan Xiaoqin put on her clothes, carried her guitar on her back, walked slowly to the stairs, opened the door and went downstairs. Lan Xiaoqin yawned a lot, and opened her eyes again to find that she came to room 6311 again. Lan Xiaoqin was surprised to find that the door of 6311, which was originally hidden, was closed.Who shut it down?Zhang Wei?Lan Xiaoqin thought in her heart. Lan Xiaoqin walked towards the elevator, suddenly there was a "pop!", and a human hand fell from his shoulder, and then a familiar and deep voice rang in Lan Xiaoqin's ear: "We meet again!" Lan Xiaoqin turned her head abruptly , the person behind him in neat blue clothes, with a handsome face and a bit haggard, was none other than Zhang Wei. "Morning Miss!" Zhang Wei laughed.The smile was vague and inexplicable. "Hey, big man, if you scare Miss Ben again, then Miss Ben will never see you again!" Lan Xiaoqin smiled, and was taken aback for a moment, stretched out her hand, pointed at the corner of Zhang Wei's mouth and said, "You...your mouth how……" Zhang Wei's smile froze in an instant, and he touched the corner of his mouth with his hand. There was a small piece of beef on it, which was bright red, as if blood had just flowed out.Zhang Wei took the beef off, opened his mouth wide in front of Lan Xiaoqin, and swallowed the beef in one gulp. His tongue kept licking around the corner of his mouth. After licking for a long time, he recovered his smile with satisfaction. Said: "This beef noodle is really delicious, miss, do you want to have some?" Lan Xiaoqin was frightened by Zhang Wei's seemingly normal but slightly weird movements, she shook her head violently, and said anxiously: "Forget it, I've already eaten! I'll go first!" Lan Xiaoqin hurriedly said Jump into the elevator. Zhang Wei looked disappointed, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "It's really delicious, you will definitely like it. Sooner or later you will definitely... definitely!" Lan Xiaoqin spent the whole day in a state of disorientation. Remembering the scene of Zhang Wei swallowing bloody beef in the morning, Lan Xiaoqin couldn't help snorting, and seriously warned herself that she would never eat beef noodles again, not only would she not eat beef On the surface, anyone who has something to do with the beef strips will be exempt from talking about it. Another busy day, singing, guest appearances on the guitar, and socializing with many friends, at the end of the day, Lan Xiaoqin was already exhausted.When we returned to the Western Building, it was already past one o'clock in the morning. In the main hall of the building, Lan Xiaoqin almost bumped into the door in a daze. After taking a closer look, she realized that it was not a door at all, but a blackboard hanging next to the elevator, with a few words written crookedly on it: "Old Friends Beef Noodle Shop reopened today. Anyone who comes to patronize will be free of charge. You can eat as much as you want!" Lan Xiaoqin opened her eyes suddenly, and murmured: "Reopening... That beef noodle shop has actually reopened gone?" The elevator slowly ascended, but Lan Xiaoqin kept thinking about the beef noodle shop. "I've long objected to opening restaurants in residential buildings. Isn't this messy enough?" Lan Xiaoqin murmured. With a sound of "ding", the elevator stopped, Lan Xiaoqin moved into the elevator, and two people walked in, one was an old man and the other was also an old man.All three of them went up to the sixty-third floor, the elevator door opened, the two old people went out together, Lan Xiaoqin followed. The two old men folded together like shadows, walked to the entrance of the beef noodle shop, and the old man in front walked in, just when Lan Xiaoqin thought that the old man in white behind would also follow in, the old man in white suddenly turned around and looked Facing Lan Xiaoqin. "Ah!" Lan Xiaoqin cried out. The old man's eyes were bloodshot, drops of blood flowed out of his mouth, his face was distorted, and he walked towards Lan Xiaoqin: "Beef noodles, delicious beef noodles..." When Lan Xiaoqin opened her closed eyes again, the old man in white was gone.The blood drops on the ground are still bright, like a few bright red plums blooming! Lan Xiaoqin ran upstairs without looking back, and never looked at the beef noodle shop again. Lan Xiaoqin didn't sleep well all night again. On the second day, she always felt a cold voice next to her ear kept saying to herself the words from last night: "Beef noodles, delicious beef noodles... ..." Confused, I don't know how long it took for me to fall asleep, Lan Xiaoqin only felt that I was so tired, so tired, it seemed that I could sleep until the end of the world without waking up again.Of course, it is impossible for Lan Xiaoqin to sleep until the end of the world. When Lan Xiaoqin woke up again, it was already 7:35 in the evening and she had slept for a whole day.Lan Xiaoqin yawned for a long time, feeling as if she had come back to life.What happened yesterday was like a terrible nightmare, Lan Xiaoqin couldn't figure it out, and didn't want to think about it again. "Goo..." Stomach growled suddenly, Lan Xiaoqin remembered that she hadn't eaten all day, she couldn't help but get off the bed, rummaged through the box but found nothing, no wonder, Lan Xiaoqin usually settles dinner at her place of work , I seldom eat at home, so naturally I don't save anything to eat. Lan Xiaoqin sighed and walked out the door.Reluctantly, she walked around to the stairs and walked down the first floor. A very fragrant smell wafted over. It was the aroma of beef noodles, but this aroma was stronger than ordinary beef noodles, and it was almost tempting to seduce people's souls. come out.Lan Xiaoqin stopped at the entrance, looked in through the glass on the door, and wondered, "Is it really so delicious?" "Beef noodles, delicious beef noodles..." The voice reappeared in Lan Xiaoqin's ears. Lan Xiaoqin seemed to be under a spell. She had completely forgotten the horrible scene yesterday, and murmured: "It's just beef noodles, it's nothing. There are so many people eating it, why am I afraid!" Saying this, Lan Xiaoqin pushed open the stair door and walked to the Laoyouji beef noodle shop next to it. The red indicator light outside the beef noodle shop was flickering, Lan Xiaoqin looked at it with a little hesitation in her heart, and stopped outside the door. With a "ding", the sound of the elevator arriving in the distance seemed a bit harsh on the silent sixty-third floor!A few people came out of the elevator, old and young, men and women, like a family.A woman in a red dress led a little girl by the hand, walking straight towards the beef noodle shop next to Lan Xiaoqin.The little girl asked curiously: "Mom, are the beef noodles really delicious?" The eyes of the woman in the red dress were also dimly red, and she smiled and said, "It's delicious, it's really delicious. Ling'er will definitely like it." The little girl was jumping happily.Several people walked into the beef noodle shop led by the woman in the red dress.The woman in the red skirt smiled when she walked past Lan Xiaoqin, that smile surprised Lan Xiaoqin, the inexplicable smile on the face of the woman in the red skirt was very similar to that of Zhang Wei. The elevator went back and forth, and several groups of people came up in a short while, and they all walked into the Laoyouji Beef Noodle Shop. Through the gray shop window, Lan Xiaoqin could only see a crowd of people inside, at least thirty or forty people. The inexplicable tension in Xia Lan Xiaoqin's heart was a little less, only the red light was on at the entrance of the beef noodle shop, and it was a bit dim, Lan Xiaoqin smiled and said: "The business is so good, it doesn't matter if you change it quickly. A little lamp! It's really generous!" Lan Xiaoqin finally opened the door and walked in. Everyone was just eating the noodles with their heads down. No one looked up. Lan Xiaoqin found a bright place, and there were only a few dimly lit lamps in the beef noodle shop. A small lamp, the weak red light is not much brighter than a candle.What a sting!Lan Xiaoqin beckoned, and a man in a white uniform came from the back of the store. He had a kind face, and his eyes were hidden in the lowered uniform hat. "Show me your menu." Lan Xiaoqin stretched out her hand. "Okay!" The man in uniform turned around and went in. After a while, he took out a thin piece of paper. It was a very ordinary note paper. It was not a menu at all. It was clearly marked with 1, 2, and 3 from top to bottom. It reads in turn: 1 beef noodles. 2 beef noodles. 3 beef noodles. 4 beef noodles. 5 Beef noodles... Lan Xiaoqin saw that the whole paper was from top to bottom, from left to right, and there was nothing else except beef noodles. Lan Xiaoqin put down the paper and said helplessly, "Then give me beef noodles!" "Okay, wait a minute!" The man in uniform turned and went in.Lan Xiaoqin stared boredly at the diners on the tables next to her. Among them, Lan Xiaoqin had seen two of them before. One was the administrator Zhang Wei, and the other was a little girl whom she had just met.The little girl and Zhang Wei are now like everyone else, just engrossed in eating noodles, not caring about the surrounding situation at all. "Zhang Wei, didn't you see me? I'm here!" Lan Xiaoqin waved his hand, but Zhang Wei still lowered his head and didn't respond.Lan Xiaoqin became very angry for a while, and wanted to go and shoot Zhang Wei for a while, but felt that it was not suitable, so she had to give up temporarily. "You brat, are these noodles really so delicious?" Lan Xiaoqin couldn't help frowning as she watched Zhang Wei eating the noodles.It turned out that the few people around were picking up and eating beef noodles with their hands, not using chopsticks at all. It seemed that eating with their hands seemed to be more delicious, and they wolfed down noodles and pieces of beef into their mouths. , and swallowed it whole without chewing. Still dazed, a bowl of beef noodles has already been smashed down. "Your face!" The man in uniform looked at Lan Xiaoqin with his eyes hidden under the brim of his hat. "Where are the chopsticks?" Lan Xiaoqin asked. "Without chopsticks, you can taste the delicious food by eating with your hands." After the man in uniform finished speaking, he turned and went back without further words. "If you eat with your hands, don't you become a primitive person!" Lan Xiaoqin complained in a low voice, but her stomach let out a groan again, seeing that everyone around her was eating with their hands, Lan Xiaoqin finally stretched out her hand as if surrendering, He wiped a couple of times on his clothes, and inserted his hands into the beef noodles. Although the way of eating is very weird, I have to say that the beef noodles are too fragrant.White noodles and red meat, before Lan Xiaoqin ate it, he felt the smell of noodles and meat almost made him faint. Before that, Lan Xiaoqin had eaten beef noodles many times, but he really couldn't believe that beef noodles could be cooked So delicious and moving!It doesn't look like human food! Lan Xiaoqin swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, stirred the noodles with both hands, and was about to pick it up to eat, when suddenly she felt something hard and sharp with her fingers.Lan Xiaoqin let out a low cry, quickly pulled her hand out of the noodles, and the noodles were also picked out. Lan Xiaoqin saw a black beef bone under the noodles and beef! Finally, Lan Xiaoqin couldn't bear it anymore, held onto the table and vomited, but she didn't eat all day, so she couldn't vomit anything, just poured out a lot of jaundice, Lan Xiaoqin managed to bear it with difficulty. Stopping vomiting, he immediately slapped the table and jumped up, shouting loudly: "Boss, boss, come out! How did you do it? There are so many bones in the noodles, how can you eat them!" After Lan Xiaoqin finished drinking, she felt something was wrong!In such a situation, everyone around me is still eating noodles with their heads down. Not only do they disagree with me, they don't even raise their heads.Lan Xiaoqin approached the little girl closest to her for unknown reasons, looked down, Lan Xiaoqin almost vomited again, the little girl was eating the black bones in the beef noodles one by one, swallowing them , the little girl's face showed an intoxicated and satisfied expression from time to time, as happy as eating delicacies from mountains and seas!Lan Xiaoqin looked at the little girl in disbelief, and then looked at the other people beside her. In the whole Laoyouji Beef Noodle Shop, apart from Lan Xiaoqin's own retching, there was only the sound of swallowing noodles! "Don't eat it! Don't eat it! Don't eat it anymore!" Lan Xiaoqin's ears were buzzing, she shook her head and yelled.The voice drifted far away in the empty corridor on the sixty-third floor, and the echoes echoed over and over again, "Don't eat it! Don't eat it! Don't eat it..." Lan Xiaoqin looked at a group of indifferent diners, as if looking at a group of aliens.She couldn't control the others, so she quickly walked around the two tables and ran towards the door. Just as she was about to rush out of the door, a man in uniform suddenly appeared. Can't go yet!" Lan Xiaoqin threw down a few banknotes, the man in uniform shook his head, and pointed to Lan Xiaoqin's table: "You haven't finished eating. If you haven't finished eating, no one can leave, no one will let you go!" As soon as the man in uniform finished speaking, everyone raised their heads at the same moment and looked at Lan Xiaoqin. Lan Xiaoqin felt a chill behind her back, especially when she was stared at by dozens of pairs of icy eyes at the same time. "What... exactly do you want?" Lan Xiaoqin had a pleading look on her face. "It's very simple!" The man in uniform brought the noodles over and said, "Eat it, and you can go!" "No, I can't eat it!" Lan Xiaoqin turned her head in disgust.The man in uniform brought the noodles to his nose, smelled them, and praised: "How can you not eat such delicious beef noodles?" The man in uniform opened his mouth wide and ate the noodles in the bowl in one gulp. "Can I go?" Lan Xiaoqin glanced outside in disgust.The man in uniform shook his head and said, "I ate the noodles for you, of course you can't leave! I have more and better beef noodles, which are definitely delicious that you will never eat again in your life. I want to give them all to you." people!" "What?" Lan Xiaoqin asked in surprise. The uniformed man turned back and locked the door, and slowly pushed out a long dining car from the depths of the store, covered with a dining cover.The man in uniform sneered and lifted the cover, and inside were dozens of bowls of beef noodles, one bowl after another, filling the entire dining car!The man in uniform yelled at everyone frantically: "Everyone come and eat, this is a night banquet I have carefully prepared for you all! As long as you eat it, you will never forget it in your life!" After the man in uniform finished speaking, everyone in Friends except Lan Xiaoqin rushed towards the dining car. Everyone had distorted desire and greed on their faces, like a group of beasts that had been hungry for a long time scrambling to eat the beef noodles in the dining car. Swallow it into your stomach! Lan Xiaoqin saw Zhang Wei pouring a large bowl of beef noodles down his throat, making an uncomfortable suffocating sound, but his face was full of enjoyment, Lan Xiaoqin couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted: "You are a devil! You are not human!" Lan Xiaoqin yelled hysterically, and desperately slapped on the door to escape, but the door was locked firmly and did not move at all! "Haha! I am the devil! I am the devil who brought you hell's meal!" The man in uniform looked excited, and said, "Look at them, how happy they are eating!" Come and be a part of them too! Why don't you come and eat! Why don't you like my noodles? My beef noodles are the best delicacy in the world, why does anyone not like it! In this case, I will let you Come eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, come eat..." "You lunatic!" Lan Xiaoqin yelled, with some strength coming from nowhere, she jumped at the man. With a bang, the glass next to the window was shattered, and the man in uniform was knocked out of the window, holding Lan Xiaoqin tightly with one hand, shaking his head and shouting: "Don't, don't fall! I don't want to, I don't want to!" ...Help me, save me quickly..." Lan Xiaoqin was stunned for a moment, and when she tried to reach out to pull the subdued man, the subdued man had already screamed and fell straight down from the height of the sixty-third floor! "No..." An extremely miserable cry tore through the original silence of the night, and opened the gate of hell! Lan Xiaoqin looked at the falling man, and couldn't help but yelled, as if her body was emptied in an instant, and she passed out! The lights were dazzling, and when Lan Xiaoqin woke up again, she was already in the hospital!There were several doctors and policemen in white and blue uniforms standing beside her. Lan Xiaoqin was not clear-headed yet, when she saw the white uniforms, she couldn't help but yelled, shaking her hands with disheveled hair, and shouted: "I don't want to eat. , I don't eat, I don't eat anything..." "Okay, okay! Don't eat, don't eat! Don't get excited. This is a hospital, you are already safe!" A tall policeman next to him pressed down on Lan Xiaoqin's body, and said in a solemn voice. Stop drinking. Lan Xiaoqin looked around again, and finally saw the people around her clearly. She let out a long breath, but the cold sweat on her forehead still couldn't help dripping down.Lan Xiaoqin looked at the white sheet, and quickly played back the last moment in her memory.Suddenly asked: "What about him, how is he..." Several people present looked at each other, and the tall policeman lightly pressed Lan Xiaoqin's shoulder and said, "We know that you have been greatly frightened! I am Li Nan, the deputy captain of the investigation brigade of the Municipal Police Department. You are now absolutely It's safe." Li Nan paused, and then said: "As for that person, he is already dead!" "Dead, yes, I must have died if I fell from such a high place!" Lan Xiaoqin panted. "Not necessarily!" Seeing that Lan Xiaoqin had calmed down, Li Nan sat beside Lan Xiaoqin and said, "Do you know who he is?" "I haven't seen him before, who is he?" Lan Xiaoqin asked curiously. "His name is Xiao Pingsheng. He also opened Laoyouji beef noodle restaurant half a year ago, but once because a diner said his beef noodles were not good, Xiao Pingsheng had a dispute with that diner, and the dispute turned into a fight. , during the physical contact, Xiao Pingsheng accidentally broke the window and fell down. Fortunately, he was stopped by a big tree when he fell, and he managed to save his life. But his brain was severely traumatized, he suffered a concussion, and later became even more insane , suffered from severe depression. The family found a psychiatrist for him to treat him, and tried many methods to no avail. Later, he adopted hypnotherapy and achieved certain results. But no one thought that instead of recovering, Xiao Pingsheng He developed a strong sense of revenge, and he also learned psychological hints from a psychiatrist, as well as some techniques of hypnosis, using changes in color and low-frequency sound waves to control people's actions and behaviors, and even people's subconscious thinking! You are in All the scary scenes seen in room 6311 were Xiao Pingsheng's use of psychological suggestion to control the first few people, and then use these few people to attract their family and friends, thus controlling more people, almost He did a very crazy act!" Li Nan, the deputy captain, explained the reason of the incident. "That's not right. If it's psychological suggestion and hypnosis, then why am I fine?" Lan Xiaoqin shook her head to express her incomprehension. Li Nan smiled lightly, and an old man in white clothes behind him said: "At first we didn't know what caused you to survive! Later, after investigating your occupation, we will understand." "my occupation?" "Yes! Your occupation! Because Xiao Pingsheng's hypnotic control relies on the dark red indicator light at the door and the weak low-frequency sound waves in the light to exert its effect! Once ordinary people get close to the light and sound waves, they will unconsciously You are not controlled by him. Because of the environment you work in, continuous work in a high-decibel environment makes you immune to low-frequency sound waves! Therefore, you are not controlled by Xiao Pingsheng! It is also fortunate that you Still awake, otherwise not only Xiao Pingsheng, but also I will fall into the abyss of sin that will never be restored!" Lan Xiaoqin looked at the old man in astonishment, and said, "You are the old man from that day..." The old man in front of Lan Xiaoqin was the old man in white that he saw in the elevator yesterday.The old man sighed, nodded and said: "Oh, I am Du Fang, Xiao Pingsheng's psychiatrist half a year ago. After Xiao Pingsheng disappeared, his family found me, and I also searched for him for several weeks, but couldn't find him. Later , I suspect that he may not be able to forget Friends and return to the Western Mansion!" The old man took off his glasses and looked at the flooded mirror: "So I went to Xiyang Building, it was yesterday! I didn't expect to be careless for a while, and I was almost controlled by Xiao Pingsheng's hypnotic red light. In an emergency, I had to bite my own tongue. , let myself maintain the remaining consciousness. Then I escaped, and then passed out next to the building, and was in a coma for a whole day. After waking up, I was worried that Xiao Pingsheng would use hypnotic suggestion to do terrible things, so I immediately called the police! But it's still a step late, thanks to you, otherwise, I don't know what else Xiao Pingsheng will do in the future!" Du Fang put on his glasses again, and said regretfully: "In fact, Xiao Pingsheng is not a bad person. He may not know what he did, but because he is so fond of faces, he can never forget the day that the guests admired him the most. The humiliation of Hao’s beef noodles, the inability to accept others’ negation of beef noodles, and finally being unable to control the devil in his heart, was blinded by revenge and led to today’s tragedy! It’s such a pity, alas!” Lan Xiaoqin nodded, and everyone was silent for a while. Lan Xiaoqin came out of the hospital three days later, and asked the company for another week's leave, planning to rest at home for a few more days.Go back to the Western Building and press the elevator of the building. The lights flicker to indicate the replacement of floors. "Ding!" The elevator stopped.Lan Xiaoqin let out a long sigh, and walked out of the elevator. The sixty-third floor was still empty and gloomy, like a deep black mouth, leading to some terrible place.The wind coming from nowhere is blowing by Lan Xiaoqin's side, it's chilly!Lan Xiaoqin took a deep breath, there was nothing to be afraid of!Xiao Pingsheng was already dead, and he was the one who watched him fall down the stairs, so there would be no more surprises!Lan Xiaoqin nodded, and walked towards the stairs on the back side of the elevator. The more terrifying and eerie the place, the longer it felt. Although Lan Xiaoqin quickened her pace, she still felt that the time passed slowly and heavy.Finally at the top of the stairs, Lan Xiaoqin turned her head slowly, and beside her was Room 6311. Now the red indicator light at the door had been removed, and the door of Room 6311 was tightly closed, and it was pitch black inside. .Indeed, there was nothing more to fear. Lan Xiaoqin let out a breath, and was about to leave when suddenly there was a rapid sound of "Ding Lingling, Ding Lingling, Ding Lingling...", Lan Xiaoqin was shocked, and when she looked down, she realized that it was only her mobile phone When it rang, Lan Xiaoqin laughed at herself, and murmured: "Is it true that I have become so timid?" Picking up the phone and pressing the answer button, a deep man's voice came from the other side of the phone, asking hurriedly, "Is it Lan Xiaoqin?" "Yes, I am!" Lan Xiaoqin replied, her voice was somewhat familiar. "Lan Xiaoqin, I'm Li Nan, the deputy captain of the investigation team you met a few days ago! Where are you now?" Li Nan's voice on the phone was a little anxious.Lan Xiaoqin's heart tightened, feeling that something was wrong, and immediately said: "I'm at home, Xiyang Mansion! Why, did something happen?" "This... well, I should tell you." Li Nan's voice was a little anxious, "Xiao Pingsheng's body is gone! We searched all possible places, but we couldn't find it!" "What, Xiao Pingsheng's body... disappeared? How is it possible? Isn't he already dead?" Lan Xiaoqin shook her head, staring at the black door of room 6311 in front of her, and murmured. "Yeah, we can't figure it out either! All the police forces are trying their best to search and investigate Xiao Pingsheng, but so far, there is still no clue. So, go home now and close the door, don't leave the house for half a step ! We have sent colleagues to protect you! Just in case anything happens!" Li Nan said. Lan Xiaoqin shouted: "Come and protect me, how long will it take to come, how long will it take..." With a low sound of "啪!", a little red light slowly spread around Lan Xiaoqin. Lan Xiaoqin took down the phone, and a small red light was lit in room 6311 next to her, and room 6311 The door is being opened bit by bit from the inside! Lan Xiaoqin's ears suddenly felt like countless bugs got into them, itching and numb, Lan Xiaoqin tried hard to scratch her ears, almost wanting to tear them off. With a sound of "da", a long black object floated out through the depths of room 6311, it was the dining car that Xiao Pingsheng had used! The dining car is now covered with snow-white satin, just like the smooth skin of a young girl.Lan Xiaoqin wanted to leave, but her body was completely out of her control, standing in place like a stake, motionless. The white silk and satin was slowly uncovered, and Lan Xiaoqin's eyes widened little by little!The white silk and satin slipped to the ground, and it was Xiao Pingsheng inside! Xiao Ping opened his dead gray eyes angrily, looking at the top of his head, there was still a trace of coagulated blood at the corner of his mouth! "Hey, welcome!" An old voice came from the depths of Room 6311. When Lan Xiaoqin heard this voice, her brain was shocked, and she blurted out: "It turned out to be you!" Lan Xiaoqin clearly remembered that this voice was that of Du Fang, that old psychiatrist. "Haha, that's right, it's me! Do you really think that Xiao Pingsheng is so smart that he can learn hypnotic suggestion by himself? Haha!" The white uniform, the old face, and the same cold tone. "Everything he knows is what I taught him, otherwise how could he be hypnotized and suggestive!" "It turned out to be you, you did everything? Why, why did you do this?" Lan Xiaoqin's body seemed to no longer belong to her, and she was starting to stiffen little by little! "Humph! Xiao Pingsheng suffered from severe depression after falling from the building and was born. He completely closed himself up and isolated himself from others! The general medical treatment methods have no effect at all. He is like a walking corpse that has lost his soul. But this is good news for me. Human beings' previous hypnosis and psychological suggestions have only stayed on the surface of stimulating people's subconscious memory, and someone needs to take it a step further. So I used a whole For half a year, hypnosis hinted at Xiao Pingsheng, so that the evils and desires hidden in his subconscious could be realized in a conscious way! Haha! He did not disappoint me, I succeeded! I changed him, I shaped him I gave him a different soul, and gave him a new life! Hehe, although his life is too short! Fortunately, I have found his successor, a new experimental subject!" Du Fang The voice became colder and deeper, approaching Lan Xiaoqin a little bit. 杜方话语疯狂,蓝小芩不由得想起了萧平声坠楼前所说的话:“不想的,我不想的……”原来萧平声在控制其他人之前,已经受控于他人。蓝小芩心中一阵阵的冰冷。 “你,你想对我怎么样?”蓝小芩不自觉地望着黑暗中的一点儿红光,意识竟开始模糊起来。 “新的生命!新的灵魂!这就是我所要对你做的!”声音来自四面八方,风一样灌进蓝小芩的耳朵,钉子一样刺入她的脑海里! 蓝小芩拼命地想要逃离,但身体却一点点地追随着餐车而去,餐车一点点重新沉入6311室的深处,蓝小芩意识瞬间消失,所有世界中只剩下了一片黑暗,还有黑暗中闪动的一点红光。 “啪!”6311室的门重重地合了起来!
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