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Chapter 11 Postscript Writing "Sly Gun" in Guiyuan

trick gun 李西闽 2841Words 2018-03-22
My current mood is actually not suitable for writing an afterword, depressed, lonely... Looking up, the road ahead is boundless. I think that some people living in the present world are not like this. Still, I have something to say, about Homecoming, about, and some thoughts. Why should I write?In the 1990s, I basically spent a certain part of the Air Force in eastern Guangdong. At that time, I often traveled between Shantou and Xingning. Entering the Hakka mountains in the Meizhou area from the open Chaoshan Plain, you have to pass through a place called the barracks. There are no troops stationed in the barracks. It is just a village with dozens of families in the mountains.

But this place once stationed a regiment of the 19th Route Army during the War of Resistance Against Japan, defending this fortress and preventing the Japanese army from entering the hinterland of the Hakka people in the mountainous area of ​​eastern Guangdong. Every time I pass the barracks, as a soldier, my heart will not be peaceful, the sound of guns will ring in my ears, and the smell of gunpowder will smell in my nose. Many legends about heroes are tormenting my heart. Over the years, I have not forgotten the place of the barracks. Every time I think of the mountains there, I want to write something.

I always feel that in the mountains there, there are still figures of anti-Japanese heroes standing firm, and there are still many souls of heroes crying out. All sacrifices are immortal, and I want to pay tribute to those ordinary heroes with words in my heart, so here it is. Zhou Qiang is my friend and my elder brother. He has done a lot of business in Huangshan. I think this has something to do with his heroic spirit. In fact, he is a poet. Even now that he has a net worth of hundreds of millions, his poetic temperament has not changed at all. He does not smell of copper, and he is still so righteous.

Zhou Qiang was moved by Sai Jinhua's life, and spent huge sums of money to restore Sai Jinhua's former residence, Guiyuan, in Longjiang, Yi County at the foot of Huangshan Mountain. Sai's hometown is deep and tortuous, and the relationship between history and reality is complicated and confusing. Endless gravel paths, pavilions, halls and corridors... Sai Jinhua has experienced ups and downs and experienced ups and downs in her life. The most legendary and controversial woman in Chinese history is always memorable. From the vase door in the boudoir of the former residence, which heralds a desolate life, to the dusty photos and biography in the Banyun Hall, people can deeply feel the helplessness and strength of this romantic woman in the late Qing Dynasty.

The most amazing thing is what Sai said to the revolutionaries while imprisoned in prison: "The country is everyone's country, and saving the country is everyone's duty..." Therefore, it is not surprising that a generation of literati such as Liu Bannong and Xia Yan wrote biographies for him, and Xu Beihong, Mei Lanfang and other art circle experts raised donations for him. Therefore, I think there is a good explanation for the restoration of Saijinhua's hometown by the wall. In the early autumn of 2007, I moved into this huge garden. To write this book called . Guiyuan is open to the outside world during the day, and tourists who come from Hongcun or Xidi are usually tourist groups.

I locked myself in a wing room of the old house of Sai Jinhua’s former residence, and turned a deaf ear to the sweet voices from the loudspeaker from the tourists and tour guides who occasionally entered the courtyard to visit. I kept tapping the keyboard with the index finger of my left hand, line by line. Words appear on the computer screen. These words surprised me, and many times, I thought I was a born gangster who wrote novels, a guy who taught himself without a teacher. In the evening, when everything is quiet, I am the only one left in the huge homecoming garden. The hooting of owls can be heard occasionally from the high walls of the old house, which is a little weird.

I dare not open the carved wooden window, as soon as I open it, many moths will fly in and pounce on the light bulb of the desk lamp desperately. In the middle of the night, I dare not turn off the light to sleep, because when the light is turned off, bats will fly out from nowhere, and sometimes they will even get into the mosquito net. At that time, the wooden boards upstairs will creak. The voice, that room is the room where Sai Jinhua was born... The bed I slept on was an ancient bed. According to Zhou Qiang, this ancient bed was called the Baishi Bed. When I was bored, I would count the little lions of different shapes carved on the bed, but after counting and counting, there were only ninety-nine lions.

Could it be that the lion was shadowed by Sai Jinhua's ghost?Legend has it that Sai Jinhua slept on this ancient bed. Only on the day before I left, I asked Zhou Qiang about it, and he smiled and told me that there were indeed only ninety-nine lions, and it was just called the Hundred Lions Bed. I was relieved, but when I slept on this precious and mysterious ancient bed, there was always an inexplicable emotion from the bottom of my heart, fear, vicissitudes, confusion... It was indeed an unusual experience. I once dreamed of a young woman sitting by the bed, talking to me with a smile. Her expression was bleak and beautiful. I don’t know if it was Sai Jinhua when she was young. ...

Indeed, there are times of fear. It rained heavily that day, and the sound of the rain drowned out all possible sounds. The electricity suddenly stopped, and the darkness was suffocating and hopeless. I sat there blankly, smoking one cigarette after another, I didn't know what would happen on this thundery and rainy night... After more than two hours, the light finally came on again. I let out a long breath. Only those who have been tortured by darkness can appreciate the preciousness of light. Immediately after the call, I was online and couldn't wait to chat with a group of friends in one, and seeing them talk, I didn't feel alone.

But these guys seem to be inhumane. A guy named Lao Mao asked me to look back. What did I say to look at?He said that there was a woman standing behind me. When I saw what he said, I got goosebumps all over my body. I knew it. He threatened me that Sai Jinhua was standing behind me. But it was because of these "inhuman" guys that I felt a sense of security in those dark nights. Or one day, I will write a novel based on Sai Jinhua, but what I was writing in Guiyuan at that time was a story of a hero. Zhou Qiang and his beautiful wife often come to visit me and have a drink with me.

One night, we were in the main hall of Sai Jinhua's old house, drinking and talking about some trivial matters. Only at this time, he would have a normal state of mind when he was busy. It was raining lightly at that time, and the rain was dripping from the eaves of the patio. Listening to the sound of the rain, we seemed to be in a paradise. At that time, I thought, Guiyuan is indeed a place for the soul. No wonder Sai Jinhua returned to her hometown to heal her spiritual wounds after being in distress. My friends have been staying in Guiyuan for a while, and I heard from Zhou Qiang that even Mr. Feng Jicai has become very interested in Guiyuan... It was happiness for Sai Jinhua to have such a place for her to heal her wounds at that time, and it was happiness for Zhou Qiang to return to the garden... I think, do people who are exhausted on the road of life long for a peaceful "returning garden" in their hearts, as a shelter for helpless souls? Writing in the garden, I miss my wife and children. Daughter Li Xiaobai is only four months old. My wife took a video of my daughter and sent it to me. When I was free, I watched it over and over again. My daughter’s immature voice made my heart very soft. Indeed, the arrival of my daughter has changed me a lot. What a violent person I was before!Now that I have more calmness, my works may have more power. This is what I thought the morning I finished writing, exhausting all my energy. At that time, I laid myself flat on the white lion bed, my whole body was limp, and my mind was blank. I don't know when I'm going to start writing the next book, or when I'll be able to regroup. Every book is a child of mine, however insignificant they may appear to others. I can pat my chest and say that any work I write is serious and written with soul. Therefore, I believe that my works cannot be compared with many current novels. Many novels nowadays are indeed vulgar, spoiling the appetite of readers, and too much "garbage" drowns out good works of quality. Coupled with the malicious hype of irresponsible publishers, readers are increasingly distrusting current literary works... I don't think I will join the ranks of those disgusting people, and I will not use inferior things to fool readers and mess up the current publishing atmosphere. Any type of literary work should have its depth and breadth, and should have a kind of power!I have been born, I still have the same sentence, I can only let it go, as for its fate, it is up to the readers to judge, it is useless for me to say more, writers can only speak with their works Undeniable truth. Acquiring a meager reputation through bragging and malicious hype, that's not what I do, haven't been, haven't been, and won't be. However, I still want to thank those who have worked hard for it. Zhou Qiang and his family, and those who cared for me in Guiyuan; Lu Jinbo, Qu Hongbin, Haiping, Yu Yimei, Dong Honghong from Wanrong Company... They are my sincere friends, and their efforts for me and my works will not be forgotten; the editors of Wanjuan Publishing Company; those friends who chatted with me in the middle of the night to let me overcome my fear, old cats, mud , Lengyue, tickets, etc.; and my wife and daughter, you are the source of my strength... Life goes on and writing goes on. I use my life to maintain the dignity of writing, no matter what others say!Today is my daughter's first birthday.
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