Home Categories Thriller Old Corpse Inn

Chapter 20 Chapter Nineteen

Old Corpse Inn 鲁班尺 5391Words 2018-03-22
The warm autumn sun rose a pole high, and I sat on the threshold feeling restless, alas, if only Master Ahuang was still alive, the thousand-year-old dog is not only experienced in battle, but also eccentric, there must be one method. In any case, let's practice martial arts and meditate, to see if I can revive the martial arts of Ah Huang and the corpse demon, I began to breathe out. There are three poles in the sun, spitting back and forth, still the same "chicken flying dog jumping", it seems that it is still difficult to improve for a while, but my stomach is rumbling. Amei came out from the bushes with two chickens in her mouth.

She is such a good girl and considerate, no wonder Ah Huang fell in love at first sight. The cooking smoke rose, and the chicken was stewed, and the aroma was tangy. This is the authentic local chicken that people in the city can't eat.I found out the rice left by Fengniang, and cooked it in a pot. Ah Mei weighs more than 200 kilograms, so she must have a lot of food. After a full meal, there is no need to wash the dishes and chopsticks, anyway, the battle is approaching. "Ami, once the enemy strikes, run for your life if you can." I said to Ami, I don't know if it can understand.

The afternoon passed peacefully.It seems that maybe the lord and the others are active at night, if they do it, it will be tonight. As night fell, Amei also seemed to be more nervous, lying vigilantly inside the door without saying a word. On autumn nights, the sky is clear, the moon is melting, and the stars are shining. The crickets in the grass kept chirping, one after another. A black shadow leaped up to the top of the tree silently, crouched on the branch and looked at us quietly. Neither Amei nor I noticed... The moon was in the middle of the sky, and when it was about to arrive, I didn't feel sleepy at all. I turned my head and looked, Amei was staring at the door tirelessly with her huge dog eyes.

I don't know when it started, the crickets stopped chirping, and everything was completely silent. There was a slight growl from the back of Ami's throat, and I became alert immediately. In the yard stood three naked villains, holding hands, in green, blue, and purple colors. They looked only 50 centimeters tall, skinny and zombie-like, but all of them had torch-like eyes...
Amei and I stared nervously at these uninvited guests. They must be three of the twelve demons under the lord's command. The cyan little man took a step forward, stretched out a small hand, pointed his index finger down to the ground, and then stared at me with piercing eyes.

Could it be that they are dumb?Whatever it is, I risked my life to play with you.If you point to the ground, I will point to the sky, so I sneered and stretched out my index finger, pointing directly at the night sky. The villain was stunned, and turned to look for the other two companions. The little blue man stared into my eyes, and slowly stretched out a palm with five fingers. Just mess around, I raised my hands, ten fingers, more than him anyway. The little blue person was startled, looking around at a loss.I was secretly happy, it turns out that small people have low intelligence.

The little purple man took a step forward and squatted on the ground. Qing and Lan held hands and jumped onto the left and right shoulders of the little purple man. They stretched out their bodies and bent their remaining arms into a sun-moon shape. The sun and the moon are like a well-trained acrobat. Seeing it was interesting, I laughed, who knew that the abdominal muscles were stretched, the pubic area swelled, the gas churned, and a deafening loud fart stood out... The crotch felt cold for a while, it was broken, the pants must have been perforated. The three villains turned pale with fright, bent down hastily, and kowtowed to me.

How is this going? With a gurgling sound behind her, A Mei couldn't bear the little gut-wrenching breath and fainted. "Are you the twelve demons beside the lord?" I asked triumphantly. The little people nodded again and again. "Did you capture Yuan Tiangang and others?" I asked again. They nodded yes. "Are you dumb?" Still nodding. "Do you know who I am?" I coughed. The little people immediately panicked and nodded. Who am I? It's so funny in my heart. "Take me to see Yuan Tiangang." I said with emphasis. "No need." A cold voice came from behind.

I snapped out of my wits and looked back, "Huh," there's no one there. "Here, look down." It was still the cold voice. I looked down, and saw a pink baby standing at my feet. The baby was about one year old, with a face like a full moon, thin skin and tender flesh, and a bare buttock. It was a boy. "Little friend, are you talking to me?" I bent down and asked kindly. With the sound of "pa", I had already received a loud slap on the face, which made my eyes shine, and my cheeks were hot, as if my teeth had moved. "Hey, why are you so rude..." Before I finished my words, I received another heavy blow on the face, and I was dizzy and sat down on the ground.

The baby stared at me closely with his disproportionately large eyes. It was hard to imagine that such cold words came out of his small mouth: "Yuan Li, why don't you just grab me?" I remember Gillian once said that every time the corpse demon in the corpse cave doubles its skill, its body size will shrink by twofold.In this way, the baby in front of him must have extremely high martial arts, far surpassing the corpse demon, the red demon, and the three blue and purple villains next to him. I don't know which demon he is? "I am the infant demon, the second guard under the lord's command." The baby seemed to understand my thoughts, and told me straightforwardly, and then added, "They are the green devil, blue devil and purple devil, and they are ranked in the ranks under the lord's command. Seventh, eighth, ninth."

"Oh, I didn't know it was the baby demon who came here, so I was greeted from afar, disrespected, disrespected." I hurriedly exchanged greetings, as is often the case in dramas. Infant Demon ignored him, turned to Qing Mo and the others and said, "Get up. This man is not the first emperor. He lied to you. He is the descendant of Yuan Tiangang." The green demon seemed to be in disbelief, and glanced at me. Yingmo frowned and said: "Lao Qi just pointed to the ground to show the identity of the lord. This kid randomly pointed to the sky, and you mistakenly think that the first emperor. The old eight's single palm means 'Wu Zetian', and he stretched out his two palms again. The palm is the big one, and then you jumped up into the air to form the sun and the moon, which is the name of the lord, this bastard turned his fart at each other, it was disrespectful, but you three fools thought him the first emperor, how unreasonable it is!"

Qing Mo and the others seemed to wake up from a dream, and they swept their vicious eyes at me. The battle is imminent.
It turned out that these mentally handicapped villains regarded me as the first emperor, that is, Gaozong Lizhi, the husband of the lord Wu Zhaoyi, which is really funny. A blue flame emanated from the palm of the green devil, and then shot towards me silently... I turned pale with shock, no matter how you say it, this green demon is a senior martial artist, and he did it without any notice to the younger generation, so I have to get ready. A few tricks. Under the thought, the scorching flame that had approached the face turned around slightly, and went straight to the purple devil.When the danger came, I subconsciously resorted to "chicken flying dog jumping", which is what I am most familiar with. The purple demon was startled, turned his palm and shot out a burst of purple flames, resisting the blue flame head, but his skill was obviously not as strong as the blue demon's, and the blue tongue of flame still approached step by step.Seeing this situation, the blue devil also helped out, adding a light blue flame, and Fang Gang was able to withstand the green fire. The purple and blue demons glared at the green demons, with their mouths open, probably cursing.The green demon himself was quite surprised, he knew he had hit the road, but he couldn't withdraw his palm force, fearing that once the palm force was withdrawn, the blue and purple two demons' ambiguous real fire would hurt him back. At this moment, the petite infant demon turned his face to the sky, took a deep breath, and blew it towards the junction of the three flames, extinguishing all the flames abruptly. The infant demon realized that I was playing tricks, he laughed a few times, and said to the three demons: "The real fire whiskers of the three samadhis are emitted at the same time to show their power, try again." The three little devils faced me together, and they palmed at the same time, the green, blue, and purple fires mixed into a thick real fire of Samadhi, and rushed towards me with the momentum of thunder. Master bless me, I prayed in my heart and concentrated my mind to push hard to the side, and then push hard... Wow, what a risk!The scorching real fire of Samadhi passed close to my ears, and the high temperature even scorched my temples a little. With a loud "boom", the real fire of Samadhi hit the grass, producing a big fireball, and then there was an explosion, the flames soared into the sky, and the air waves shook the two old locust trees. Like a bombshell. The black shadow lying on the top of the tree was still watching the battle while hugging the branch. Immediately afterwards, another real fire of samadhi struck, and I threw it aside with great effort, and it was blazing and deafening again.Swiping left and right is like playing ping pong balls. In the blink of an eye, there have been more than ten explosions, and I have become more and more comfortable. The place where the Samadhi real fire exploded even the soil was burning, and the fire light reflected the night sky was red, and the smell of scorched earth wafted with the wind. "Stop!" The baby demon roared, his voice was not like a baby at all, but like an elderly man. "Retire for the time being, the old man will meet this yellow-haired boy." Infant Demon ordered. He came to me, looked up at me, and said slowly: "Yuan Li, I never imagined that there is a number one person like you in the Jianghu. It's not easy. The old man asked you, who did you learn from?" I looked down at him, thinking about how to get out of trouble today. This baby-like devil is the second child. His martial arts are extraordinary, and I don’t know anything else. I’m afraid my life will die. It is an example of a turning point and turning danger into a bargain. How can I meet it. "Haha, old man, how dare I ask you how old is your longevity?" Whatever it is, the haha ​​will only last for a while. "Why do you ask this question?" Infant Demon asked in surprise. "Respecting the old and caring for the young are the traditional virtues of our socialist society. Have you ever heard of the five virtues and the four virtues?" I said sincerely. "What five stresses and four beauties? Which sect's martial art is that?" Yingmo said. "Then what about the eight honors and eight disgraces?" I asked.
"Is it the Bagua Wandering Soul Palm?" Yingmo asked cautiously. "No." I answered firmly. Baby Demon's face was red, and he felt very embarrassed. "As the famous No. 2 bodyguard under the lord's command, you don't even know the five words, four beauties, eight honors and eight shames, let alone the A-share B-share market and sandstorms. Let me ask you again, 'a bloody case caused by a steamed bun'" You should know, right?" I said more and more angrily. Infant Demon whispered, "I know Fuwa." "..." Now it was my turn to be surprised. "Fuwa has five brothers in total, who are smaller than us, but I don't know how good martial arts are. I always want to meet them." Seeing the surprised look on my face, the baby demon immediately became complacent. "Their martial arts are mediocre. Last year, the five Fuwa brothers even joined forces and couldn't defeat me." I made a final decision. The infant demon showed admiration. "How long have you been with the lord?" I asked carelessly. "Thousands of years." The infant demon replied. "Very good. Can you introduce the lord for me? I have something important to meet with the lord. This matter is of great importance." I began to take the initiative. "My lord is now in Taiwan..." The infant demon felt that his words had slipped away, so he hurriedly shut up. "Well, you are responsible for helping me contact the lord, and notify me as soon as there is any news." I ordered. "This..." The infant demon hesitated. A siren is heard in the distance... "Stop, everyone is not allowed to move!" Under the blinding lights, more than a dozen heavily armed policemen jumped out of several police cars, and the leader was Xiao Tianlong. It seems that the explosion sound and burning flame of Samadhi real fire attracted the public security police. The policemen were all shocked when they saw these naked little people, they looked at each other speechlessly. Xiao Tianlong swept his eyes and found me: "Yuan Li, why are you here? What happened here? Where did these children and babies come from?" I am speechless. At this moment, the infant demon moved his little feet forward two steps, and shouted angrily: "Who are you, dare to spoil the old man's good deeds!" Xiao Tianlong couldn't believe his eyes and ears, and stood there in a daze. At this moment, the three demons of cyan, blue and purple made a move, and the real fire of cyan, blue and purple Samadhi shot towards Xiao Tianlong with a "huh"... The policemen hurriedly dodged, and the uniforms of the few policemen who couldn't dodge were instantly ablaze, and the samadhi real fire crashed into a Santana police car, and there was a loud bang, and the police car exploded. This enraged the policemen, and the muzzles of several pistols spat out flames, and the gunshots were mixed with shouts: "Aliens!" Amei woke up, looking at the situation in front of her in surprise, not knowing why. The little devils seemed to be unafraid of bullets. After hitting their bodies, the bullets bounced straight to the ground, and there was only a faint red spot on their skin. At the same time, two police cars caught fire and exploded. Under the attack of three real fires, several policemen have already died in their duties. Xiao Tianlong was burning with anger, his eyes were red, and the submachine gun in his hand had already emptied two magazines, but these nasty little people were unscathed! Evil, too evil! Amei and I were lying in the corner to avoid stray bullets, our minds were in chaos. At this time, I was amazed to see Xiao Tianlong screaming up to the sky, stretching one hand into his crotch, shouting loudly, pulling out a strand of pubic hair, stuffing it into the muzzle of the gun, and then pulling the trigger at the Three Demons... "Da da da" gunshots sounded again, and the naked chests of the blue, blue and purple demons gushed out blood, and pieces of flesh and bones shot out in all directions.
The Infant Demon who stood watching the battle with his small hands behind his back was shocked when he heard this. With a kick of his calf, he jumped up and threw himself on the body of the Three Demons lying in a pool of blood. Curly pubic hair... "Hehehe, I can't imagine that there are still people in the world who use such indiscriminate means! Today is considered a downfall, my lord, please forgive my incompetence." Infant Demon laughed wildly, without turning his head, he flung out the pubic hair in his hand, "Return the original." The strand of pubic hair was wrapped in the sound of piercing the air, and shot out quickly. Xiao Tianlong was too late to dodge, more than a dozen black pubic hairs pierced his face, penetrating every inch of his flesh. Xiao Tianlong yelled and fell backwards. "Ah!" I couldn't help exclaiming, and what happened next is even more unforgettable for me. But seeing all the policemen on the scene reached into their crotches, endured the pain, pulled out their pubic hairs, stuffed them into the barrels of their guns, and fired at the infant demon. "No..." I yelled. After a burst of jagged gunshots, the infant demon lay down.I rushed out and came to the front. The infant demon's white and tender body like a baby was covered with bullet holes, and there were black pubic hairs standing upright everywhere on the skin, just like a hedgehog. The Infant Demon was still alive, he looked at me, moaned and struggled and said: "Yuan Li, please try to inform the lord that my seventh, eighth and ninth brothers and I can no longer do our best for the great cause of the restoration of the country." I nodded and said, "Don't worry, but where is my lord now?" "In Taiwan...the protagonist's pseudonym is Yu...Xiulian, also known as 'East Corpse'." "Where are Feng Niang Yuan Tiangang and the others?" I hurriedly asked. At this moment, the infant demon exhausted its last strength, took a sharp breath, and blew towards the corpses of the three demons, then kicked its calves wildly, rolled the whites of its eyes, and died. In an instant, green flames ignited on the corpses of the three demons and the infant demon, and within a moment, there was no ashes left. On the one hand, the police notified the rescue, and at the same time began to rescue the wounded. "Take Yuan Li back to investigate." The voice of the injured Xiao Tianlong ordering others came from behind. If I entered the Public Security Bureau, I would never be able to tell clearly, and I am afraid I would never be able to get out again. Taking advantage of the confusion, I quietly slipped into the woods... A black shadow jumped up from the old locust tree, and rushed straight towards me...
I didn't take any precautions, and was caught by the black shadow. After a closer look, it turned out to be the dead mouse queen I released last night. The Queen of the Rat blinked her deep eyes and beckoned me to follow it. "Are you taking me away? Do you know where Feng Niang and the others are?" I asked puzzled. The Mouse Queen nodded, her eyes were still so gentle and calm. I followed it along the creek quickly, no one spotted us.While walking, there was a sound of panting behind him, and it turned out that Amei followed. In the night, Liangshan lay across the field like a huge monster. Dark clouds gathered in the northwest, and the stars gradually dimmed. This is the shade of Liangshan, with towering trees, entangled withered vines, damp and moldy smell, and gusts of wind. The mouse queen took the lead and got into the bushes, and I also scrambled to keep up, and Amei broke the back.There are many cracks at the root of the granite, some are only palm wide, and some are just enough for people to squeeze in sideways. After the mouse came to a crack, he turned around and nodded. "Are they in here?" I asked suspiciously. The Mouse Queen nodded affirmatively, and then burrowed into the crack. I gritted my teeth and squeezed in sideways.The rock face does not see sunlight all the year round, the humidity is very high, and the sides are covered with sticky moss. I moved in step by step in the dark, and behind me was Ami's panting. I felt that the cracks in the stone wall were sloping downwards, and we should be heading obliquely to the ground.I don't know how long I walked, but I also crawled for a long time, and I felt that the surrounding area was much warmer.There also seemed to be a stone wall made of fluorite in front, showing a faint green light. The green fluorescence became brighter and brighter, and the front suddenly opened up. Looking closely, it turned out to be a stone gate, and there were two lines of chiseled characters on the closed stone gate. I went up to check it carefully, and it was written on the stone gate: No face of Lord Huhualang, the owner of the chaimen opened every night. These seem to be two lines of love poems, which mean that if the lord who protects the flower does not come, the master will open the firewood door every night and wait. Who is the master?Who is Mr. Lang?What do you mean, unfortunately, Fengniang is not around, so maybe her historical and literary talents can figure it out. The Mouse Queen stood by the door, her apologetic gaze...
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