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Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen

Schrödinger's cat 4 中雨 12668Words 2018-03-22
Xiao Wu and I quickly walked to the iron gate, our hands were always on the pistols on our waists. After all, we had shot at the gate more than ten minutes ago. He rushed forward at the sound of gunshots. Fortunately, after entering the iron gate, there was no one in that aisle at all.Xiao Wu paused for a moment, and then whispered to me: "Shao De, do you think that the senior officers of the Nine Sun Research Institute like Doi Fei may have all withdrawn from the distant mountains? Now the devil team that is blocking us, Just a small combat squad." I nodded and lowered my footsteps a bit: "You mean this is the only armed force left in the distant mountains to destroy us?"

Xiao Wu didn't look at me, and took the lead to the iron stairs: "If I were Doi, then I would choose to give up this underground base temporarily. It has been snowing for a few days, and the road to the distant mountain is very difficult. It can only be closed soon. Now there are unstable factors like us in the distant mountains, but because the devils closed the mountains, it is impossible to gather heavy troops to encircle us. And one thing is certain, the devils are always afraid of the planes that fly by in the sky from time to time , I don’t want people on the plane to notice that there are traces of large-scale battles in the distant mountains, which may be why the devils chose to start attacking us at night.”

I interrupted Xiao Wu: "Who sent those planes? Chongqing? Yan'an?" Xiao Wu froze for a moment, then stopped and glanced at me: "Shao De, those are Soviet planes, reconnaissance planes sent by the Soviet Red Army." "Soviet Red Army?" I widened my eyes: "Are they also interested in the mysterious phenomenon in the distant mountains?" Xiao Wu turned his head, looked down the iron stairs, and then changed the topic: "Shao De, if I remember correctly, the area we are entering now is only accessible by the upper iron door. " My mind is still on the Soviets he mentioned before, but in the current situation, it seems that it is not the time to discuss some peripheral forces.I thought for a while: "That's right."

Xiao Wu showed a strange smile: "That's easy, we just need to go over and check the number of devils in front, and determine their positions." After speaking, Xiao Wu quickened his pace and walked forward. I also followed closely. After we turned a few corners, we vaguely heard the voice of Guizibing. Finally, we sneaked a look inside at a new corner, and we found out A few devil soldiers were standing there guarding.And more voices came from a pile of stones beside them. Behind the pile of stones was the room with the pool that we escaped successfully. Xiaowu and I hurriedly retreated back, the two looked at each other, and then walked back the same way.I secretly planned in my heart: Lu Xu and the others should still have a lot of gas bombs in their backpacks. It seems that it is not difficult to wipe out these devils in Nine Days.Xiao Wu quickly followed behind me. Ten minutes later, we climbed up the iron stairs again and walked towards the iron gate at the end of the corridor.

At this moment, Xiao Wu behind him said softly: "Shao De, have you told Lu Xu everything we found in the distant mountains?" I turned my head and glanced at him, only to see that he had stopped walking, as if he was going to talk to me in private while there was no one else around. I also stopped, poked my head towards the iron staircase and glanced down: "I didn't say much, I just gave him a brief description of our previous experience." Xiao Wu seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, then frowned, not knowing what he was thinking. I was a little surprised, because Xiao Wu told me before that he was a member of the Falcon Regiment in Yan'an, and his direct leadership was the father and son of the Lu family.But with his current appearance, he seemed to want to hide something from Lu Xu again.

I didn't ask any questions, just stared at Xiao Wu, waiting for what he would say to me after he thought about it.Xiao Wu thought for a while, then opened his mouth and said to me: "Shao De, I don't want to hide anything from you. If I can't trust you, then there is no one in this world who I can really trust." I nodded, but still did not say a word, Xiao Wu continued: "You already know that I am not Chinese, but the other half of my body is your compatriots. You also know the current situation of the Chinese army, although There is an advantage in numbers, educational level, and weapons and equipment, etc., which are never comparable to the great powers of other countries. So, Shao De, if we want to completely wipe out the Japanese invaders, we still need to rely on foreign forces.”

"You mean the Soviets? Or the Americans?" I asked, frowning. Xiao Wu said "hmm": "The Americans are far away from the emperor, and the relationship with the Japanese has always been tepid. I hope they will have nothing to do. They also hope to make money through the war and sell more weapons. But the Soviet Union is different. The Soviet Union At the border with China, there is no guarantee that the devil army will not wage war against them after invading China. Another point is that the Soviet Red Army is also a team of the proletariat, and the proletariat of the world is united. So, we are now in the Northeast Puppet Manchukuo In the distant mountains of China, instead of counting on the Chinese army in the rear, it is better to count on the Soviets just outside the border."

I listened to Xiao Wu finish these words with a blank face, but I felt quite uncomfortable in my heart.Xiao Wu has always been a mysterious figure: a senior intelligence officer of the Japanese army, but accepted the political ideas of the Soviets, and at the same time obeyed the command and arrangement of Yan'an to carry out secret missions.His betrayal of his own country can be said to be due to his resistance to this meaningless war, but it does not prove that he is completely devoted to the Chinese nation—his foreign country!The current Chongqing government is corrupt and incompetent, and Yan'an has never been a climate.Then...then he serves wholeheartedly, isn't it...isn't it the Soviets?

Thinking of this, the incident that Landlord Zhang mentioned more than 20 years ago surfaced again in my mind.The mysterious force that entered Yuanshan and killed all the villages in Yuanshan at that time must not be the army of the devils, or Zhang Landlord and the others would not have been repeatedly questioned by the devil officers about what happened that night.At that time, the foreign forces that were active in the three northeastern provinces were mainly Japan and the Tsarist Russian government, which was going to perish at that time. I faintly sensed something, but I tried my best to pretend to be calm, and finally I raised my head and said slowly to Xiao Wu: "You mean that the Soviets also know the situation in the distant mountains and will try their best to Help us?"

Xiao Wu nodded without hesitation, and then said to me with a little excitement: "This time I contacted the people in Yan'an and was arranged by them to enter the distant mountains. The Soviet Red Army knows. Shao De, think about it. In the current situation, the Soviet Red Army dares to send planes over frequently for reconnaissance, which shows that they are not afraid of the devil army. Once they know the huge role of this strange force in the distant mountains Finally, asking them to send troops across the border and directly kill them in the distant mountains is not a dream."

I finally couldn't help it anymore, and my face grew longer: "After the Soviets knew about the mysterious power in the distant mountains, they sent troops to occupy the distant mountains. Will it be a good thing or a bad thing for our Chinese nation?" Xiao Wu didn't expect that my face would change so quickly, and he was also speechless.He glanced at me a few times, then turned his face away on purpose, not daring to look at me looking at him, and said in a deep voice: "Shao De, what will happen in the future is beyond our control. But what we can control is Right now, the top priority for you and me is to restrain the devil's thought-provoking atrocities in the distant mountains." I snorted coldly, because I grew up in the Northeast. When Uncle Lu was looking for a job in the hands of the commander-in-chief, I knew that no matter how glamorous the coat was, the forces of various countries were a pack of wolves and tigers.His own country is not strong, and with the help of external forces, even if Little Japan is driven away, there is no guarantee that the newly entered forces will not become new invaders. Xiao Wu also saw my displeasure, and he sighed: "Shao De, you should think about what I said. In fact, I could not tell you all this, but I sincerely treat you as a Treated like a brother." I interrupted him again, and said to him word by word: "Is the Chinese in your body still there?" Xiao Wu was stunned, and then I gave him a hard look: "It's fine if I don't know a lot of things, as long as I know, I have to take care of it to the end." After I finished speaking, I glanced down the stairs again, but there was still no movement below.Then I ignored Xiao Wu and strode towards the iron gate in front of the aisle. Xiao Wu didn't follow, he stood there as if he was thinking about something.Maybe I was overthinking. After walking a few steps, I suddenly felt a sense of crisis appearing behind me unsuspecting. I turned my head and looked at him, only to see Xiao Wu looking at me expressionlessly. The eyes are very strange.But his hand was tightly resting on the pistol at his waist. Seeing me looking at him, Xiao Wu quickly smiled wryly, then he left the pistol in his hand and strode towards me to catch up.After arriving beside me, he sighed: "Shao De, let's take a step and take a look." I didn't answer him, turned my head again, and walked out of the iron gate with him... We walked out of the gate and joined everyone, and then the work of eradicating the devils in the Nine Sun Research Institute went very smoothly.Lu Xu took a dozen people down to the ground floor, and with a wet cloth wrapped around his face, he threw a gas bomb and then quickly withdrew back.We stood guard outside the iron gate with machine guns for a day, and when we sneaked into the ground again, we saw the corpses of more than a hundred devil soldiers.They were all gathered in the room with the water pool. Looking at the messy appearance of the corpses, it can be deduced that they were carefully looking for our escape route in the cave before they died. We carefully searched through every corpse, and did not find such senior officials as Ichiro Doihara or Kotaro Matsushita.Among them, the highest rank is only a small team leader, which further confirms Xiaowu's previous inference. The Japanese army temporarily abandoned the Jiuri Research Institute and withdrew from the distant mountains, leaving only this combat team to carry out the elimination of soil and fertilizer. our plan. In the next few days, I asked Yang Jian to lead people to throw the devil's corpse out of the base, and the corpse quickly disappeared outside the gate. It seems that the device similar to the black box in the Nine Sun Research Institute can only radiate inside the base. .We searched carefully every room in the Nine Suns Research Institute, and found no communication tools such as transmitters and telephones.Xiao Wu's inference is that Doi didn't pin his hopes on the one or two hundred devil soldiers. This retreat was just to survive the closure of the mountain and bring heavy troops back again.Of course, judging from the military food inventory in the material warehouse, Tufei has not completely given up the possibility of the soldiers destroying us.Yang Jian was quite pleased that the materials were not transported away, so he sent a few soldiers who had a good relationship with him to guard the warehouse door, and pulled out more than a dozen boxes of thick military uniforms for everyone to wear. To be honest, because of Yang Jian, I have saved a lot of worry. I will not comment on how he led the troops, but he still has his own plan for living.As a result, the soldiers quickly regained their vitality. Zheng Dabing arranged dark and clear whistles outside the gate, and Shao Tongjun also conducted a careful inspection of the few passages we know deep in the nine-day research institute.The final conclusion is that we are safe for the time being, at least until the next year when the snow melts and the devils gather their troops to counterattack. During those ten days, Lu Xu was always with me.I sensed that he was always trying to convince me of some of his ideas and beliefs.Finally, one evening, he came to my room with Ruan Meiyun with another man in gray who covered his face again. I thought he was going to tell me that set of comrades and doctrines again, but to my surprise, he The second time I came, I said goodbye to me.Their six-member team decided to leave the distant mountains temporarily. Xiao Wu was also in that room at that time, and he also came to me from time to time during that time, talking to me about the situation of the Nine Suns Research Institute without focusing on it.But he always glanced at Ruan Meiyun out of the corner of his eyes, and Ruan Meiyun would always return a smile that contained gratitude or friendship, and didn't talk to him much. Lu Xu stood against the wall, looking at me with complicated eyes.I heard that he was leaving, so I didn't say anything. After all, Lu Xu is a senior member of the Falcon Corps. We are the executors in Yuanshan, and the senior management of the Falcon Corps needs to know everything about the situation here.At this time, Xiao Wu who was standing at the door of the room said, "Shao De, I will go with Lu Xu too! I have always been an experiencer of many situations, so I can report the first-hand situation to the higher authorities in detail." Lu Xu nodded as he listened: "It's best for Comrade Xiao Wu to go out with us. We will try our best to make some arrangements and decorations on the periphery. After the heavy snow melts in the spring of next year, the devils' counterattack will definitely start. With our current These manpower are obviously not enough." I didn't say anything, I sat by the bed and smoked a pack of cigarettes that Yang Jian found somewhere.Ruan Meiyun stood behind me, she didn't wrap the blood-scabby skin with a cloth now, she was wearing a set of loose clothes, with one hand on my shoulder.When Xiao Wu said that she was going to leave the distant mountains, Ruan Meiyun's body trembled, and then the hand on my shoulder pressed me slightly hard. At that time, I really didn't figure out what she wanted to imply. On the contrary, after I thought for a few minutes, the opinions I expressed were completely based on my own considerations, which Ruan Meiyun recognized very much afterwards.After I exhaled a puff of smoke, I stared at Xiao Wu and said, "Xiao Wu, you should stay in the distant mountains." Xiao Wu was taken aback when he heard that, he had no idea that I would not let him go, he looked at me suspiciously, and then said: "Shao De, the distant mountains should be safe these few months, and I will not let him go alone. It's useless, isn't it? Besides, I will bring people over in the spring, we have so many good brothers, and we have experienced so much together in the distant mountains, it is impossible for me to leave you." I smiled and shook my head slowly at him.Lu Xu next to him also spoke: "That's right, Xiao Wu is one of us. Could it be that Shao De, you..." At this point, Lu Xu stopped talking and turned his head to look at the other man in gray behind him . Because there was Lu Xu in the middle, I couldn't see the face of the man in gray clearly, and even if I did, I could only see his eyes.But at that time, he and Lu Xu were very close to each other. I guessed that Lu Xu stopped in the middle of his words, maybe the man in gray was pulling the hem of his clothes underneath. Then the man in gray came out from behind Lu Xu. Although they all took off the black cloth covering their faces on the day of the counterattack against the Nine Suns Research Institute, I really don't have much impression of their appearance.The man in gray looked at me, then at Xiao Wu, and then opened his mouth and said, "We have a better understanding of what happened in the distant mountains these days. So in my opinion, whether Comrade Xiao Wu will be with us or not?" It doesn't matter much to go out. Comrade Shao De has a heavy task now, and with a helper like Xiao Wu by his side, the organization is more at ease." At this moment, Xiao Wu's face darkened suddenly, and he gave the man in gray a hard look, then looked at me and said slowly: "Shao De, why do I feel that there is some mystery behind what you said. Before In the face of such a tense situation, you and I always have nothing to say, why is it relatively speaking that we have ushered in a temporary safety, but we have become unfamiliar?" Xiao Wu's words made me a little ashamed, but what I'm afraid of this moment is always the question of which side the man in front of me is on.The Nine Suns Research Institute was brought back by sacrificing the lives of so many brothers. I don’t want any forces like the Soviet Red Army to intervene again to complicate all this.On the contrary, although there are differences in some concepts with Lu Xu, Lu Xu grew up with me and is an important figure in our own Chinese army.Therefore, among the people outside Yuanshan, what I really dare to believe is the Communist army in Yan'an behind Lu Xu.It can even be said that in my bones, I don’t quite agree with the Chongqing government that Zheng Dabing and the fourth brother belong to. I didn't dare to look at Xiao Wu's fiery eyes, so I lowered my head and lit a cigarette.Xiao Wu might still be very angry, his voice was louder, and he said to me very rudely: "Shao De, do you remember the fourth brother? You and Zheng Dabing both dislike the small belly of the fourth brother on some big issues. Now we There is a common purpose, and for this purpose, it is natural to let go of a lot of thoughts." Speaking of this, he clenched his fist and punched the wall hard, and then he said: "I see! You Chinese are fundamentally Just like the fourth brother." Xiao Wu's words made me a little annoyed, I stood up suddenly, and then my eyes widened at him: "Xiao Wu, you answer me first, should I call you Wu Yuesen or Musashi-kun? Or are these two names not your real name?" Xiao Wu glanced at Ruan Meiyun behind me in surprise: "My name is Musashi Oni, Shao De, it seems that I have never thought of hiding this from you." I nodded, and then asked him again: "Then, my brother Musashi, is the deepest part of your heart toward us Chinese, or your Soviet master?" Xiao Wu's face turned pale immediately, he took a step back, then leaned against the wall behind him, he was silent for a while, then looked at Lu Xu and said: "Brother Lu, I think you should be the one to answer this question !" Lu Xu didn't say anything, but the man in gray rushed to speak first: "Comrade Xiaowu, you are our international friend in Yan'an, and we are very grateful for your help to us. But Comrade Shao De was right. You have been through life and death together, so some things are embarrassing to say, let me speak for him. Xiao Wu, this mysterious power in the distant mountains, we... um! We Chinese don't want any foreign power to get involved." Xiao Wu's face stretched even longer: "I don't need to say more about the Soviet Red Army's position on China's resistance to Japan?" The man in gray didn't show any weakness, and when Xiao Wu's voice fell, he had already opened his mouth: "But does the Soviet Red Army also hope to use all these things in the distant mountains to build an army that can conquer all mankind?" The man in gray's words made Xiao Wu's distorted expression stiff due to anger, and the man in gray continued: "Comrade Xiao Wu, friends of international communism like you, your ideas are lofty, and what you strive for is The ultimate victory of the proletariat of the world is the pursuit of the ultimate peace of the world. Xiaowu, you, like us, hate war. Although you are Japanese, you have your own thinking ability about this war. You have paid so much What I hope is that the war will end and the people can live and work in peace and contentment.” Xiao Wu nodded, but still said unwillingly: "The Soviet Red Army is a powerful military force. With their help, China can end the war as soon as possible." The man in gray shook his head: "Xiao Wu, Stalin was a great man, there is no doubt about it. But... but the whole world knows about Stalin's ambitions. We are just little people in this great war , can’t control the world structure, we can only rely on our contributions to make our respective governments move towards different goals. I believe you are a hundred times clearer than me about how huge the use of this mysterious power in the distant mountains is. So, what do you think of the Soviet Union? Will there be a more terrifying and huge Nine Suns Research Institute immediately after people get involved? The Japanese are at best wolves, while the Soviets... once they change their faces, they will be real tigers and leopards." Xiao Wu opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to refute something, the man in gray took a step towards Xiao Wu, and his tone was a little heavy: "Twenty-six years ago, the chief culprit who massacred all the residents of the two villages inside and outside the distant mountains The culprit, don't I need to tell you again?" The words of the man in gray made me more sure that my doubts and worries were correct.Xiao Wu also finally fell silent. He lowered his head in silence for a few minutes, and finally raised his head to look at me: "The aborigines in the distant mountains and the villagers in Zhang Landlord's village were all done by the Russians. Shao De, I hope Forgive me for not telling you this situation, I don’t want to make you feel disgusted with the current red regime in the Soviet Union because of the crimes committed by the previous Tsarist Russian government.” The man in gray sneered: "It was just a change of regime, but Rudolph who was in charge of the Yuanshan affairs twenty-six years ago and ordered the massacre of those hundreds of innocent people, if I remember correctly, he is now Is he a major general?" Xiao Wu sighed: "Okay! Don't talk about these things, if I don't leave, I will continue to stay with Shao De in the distant mountains. It's okay." The man in gray nodded, and then the light in his eyes quickly extinguished, and he stepped back, standing next to Lu Xu again. Looking at Xiao Wu's depressed expression now, I feel a little guilty, but guilt is guilt, and there are still some things that must be done.So, I walked towards Xiao Wu, and put a hand on Xiao Wu's shoulder: "Xiao Wu, you and I are life-changing friends. If a bullet is shot at us, you and I will not hesitate to shoot at us." Go in front of the other party. Today, as a brother, I have a request, I hope you promise me." Xiao Wu turned his head, and there was a look of friendship with me in his eyes. He nodded heavily and said: "You tell me! As long as I, Xiao Wu, can do it." Speaking of this, Xiao Wu smiled slightly: "Wrong Yes, as long as I, Musashi Oni, can do it, I will promise you." I nodded, and then said word by word: "Unless you and I die, the other person will never leave each other's side." Xiao Wu quickly understood the meaning of my words. With his skill and ability, if he really wants to sneak out of the distant mountains and return to the Soviet Union to report all this, I believe no one can stop him.My request seems trivial, but in fact, I want him to stay in China forever and keep this secret in this inch of land forever. So, Xiao Wu lowered his head again and thought for a while, and finally he raised his head and asked me: "Shao De, is your request completely out of your country's considerations, or your personal considerations? I also hope to be honest." I replied without hesitation: "I don't want my good brother to do something that hurts my country, you know!" Xiao Wu sighed, then he looked over my face, glanced at Ruan Meiyun behind me, and finally said: "Okay! I promise you. Not only because of you, but also because of another person. You understand." I also turned my head to look at Ruan Meiyun, this woman with scars all over turned her head, not daring to look into Xiao Wu's and me's eyes.Finally, I replied, "I understand! Thank you, Musashi...no, Brother Xiaowu." Our hands were tightly held together again.At this moment, the man in gray standing in the corner behind Lu Xu spoke again: "Comrade Shao De, Lu Xu and I have another matter that we need your help with." Because of what the gray-clothed man said before, I am already admiring him now.Without thinking, I said, "Go ahead." The man in gray stood up from behind Lu Xu again, looked at me, and then at Xiao Wu: "Comrade Shao De, tonight, can we go to that room with the strange machine again." In the middle of the night, Xiaowu, Lu Xu and the man in gray, we quietly entered the room with the pool without notifying anyone.Because the iron plate was also smashed into pieces by the devils, the waterway under the floor had already been opened, so the water level in the pool was not high.We swam to the bottom of the water source with the rope, and Xiaowu and I used our fingers to pick the protruding stones on the stone wall and climbed up. When Xiao Wu climbed to seven or eight meters, he lost his foot and fell down in embarrassment.I turned my head to look down, smiled slightly at the drowned Xiao Wu, and continued to climb up. Because I got enough rest and nutritional supplements these days, my body should have reached the ideal state at that time.After being drenched from head to bottom by the flowing water above, although it was cold, the muscles of my whole body contracted tightly, and I felt that the whole universe just quietly existed around me.I am a creature in this universe who can do whatever I want. My senses are constantly amplified by the cold water, and I can even clearly hear the sound of running water slapping the water below, and vaguely hear Xiao Wu saying to Lu Xu: "If you want to climb to the top with this torrent, there should be no People can do it." Xiao Wu's words made me feel a childlike stubbornness.My fingers are still tightly digging into the gaps on the stone wall, and my feet are looking back and forth for a support point that I can step on.I closed my eyes, opened my mouth wide and took a deep breath through the gap of the flowing water pouring down my face, feeling my pupils dilated.Finally, I opened my eyes again and climbed up hard. The narrow cave at the water source is getting closer and closer, and in the end there is only less than one meter away.Behind me, Xiao Wu, Lu Xu and the man in gray didn't dare to say anything, they raised their heads and stared at me.I opened my mouth wide again and took a deep breath, then propped up my hands and feet on the support, and straightened my whole body up. My hands rested firmly on the rock at the entrance of the cave, and then I pushed up again, with my elbows hard, and got into the cave.And at this moment when my physical fitness reached its peak, my eyes suddenly went dark, and then my body fell down on the cave floor.I tried my best to keep my consciousness from being blurred, and grabbed a large protruding rock with one hand.My head fell heavily into the cold water on the ground. A series of fragmented pictures reappeared, and were quickly combined in an orderly manner to form a coherent memory picture.In this memory, I saw Ruan Meiyun, Huang Bihui, Ichiro Doihara and Matsushita, and Zheng Dabing and many more faces that became familiar at once.Immediately afterwards, a voice called out from the depths of my heart: "I am Cao Zheng, I am Cao Zheng who is powerless to change the world and cannot control his own destiny." With a sound of "wow", I raised my head in the water, and with the help of the white light in front of me, I actually looked at my reflection on the water.It was still the flesh-faced Shao De I was familiar with, but this Shao De's face shook again, and then a hideous pale face appeared. On this face, one eyeball had left its socket , floating on the surface of the water, the skin seemed to be swollen after soaking in the water for a long time, and there was even a hint of light green with moss growing on it. I quickly realized that this was Cao Zheng, this was Cao Zheng who was dormant in my body besides Lei Zi.Immediately afterwards, Cao Zheng's memory continued again. He appeared at the downhill where we captured Dao Liu, and he rushed towards Ruan Meiyun on the distant tree with his hands waving.Then, his body hit me, and finally... finally, this extremely complete and clear memory came to an abrupt end... Cao Zheng died in the river below the cliff three years ago. Could it be that my body is now carrying the thoughts of three people?But why is there no idea of ​​the third person in my current thinking, but just an extra memory? Cao Zheng... Scenes of living in the distant mountains without death or life also emerged one by one.The third state... The third state in Schrödinger's cat experiment - the cat that is neither dead nor alive... I finally understood what happened in my body. After entering the distant mountains, Shao De was in the world of life; Lei Zi was in the world of death; The old Cao Zheng is now living in my body, but Cao Zheng died three years ago, so I can remember everything he experienced, but a dead person cannot have thinking. I closed my eyes again to calm myself down.A few minutes later, Xiao Wu and Lu Xu's shouts at the water pool below brought me back to reality.I opened my eyes and looked left and right at the narrow cave where I was now. Finally, I took a deep breath of the watery air, twisted my body, and dropped the rope towards the bottom of the waterfall. Xiao Wu and the three of them quickly climbed up, because the space is small, I only need to twist my body casually to avoid their eyes looking at my face.To be honest, I don't know if I need to tell the three of them this secret, or if all this should be hidden in my heart forever, and I won't tell anyone until I die.The result of Schrödinger's cat experiment finally produced a perfect warrior carrying the stamina of three people, but... this result will only make more ambitious people launch more endless snatches. I crawled silently at the front of the cave, taking deep breaths to calm myself down, and then calm down... At this moment, the man in gray who was crawling behind me coughed a few times, and then spoke to us: " What happened to Yuanshan twenty-six years ago? Do you want to know?" Lu Xu interrupted quickly: "Shentou, don't say it's inconvenient." The gray-clothed man whom he called Shentou let out a "hmm" and continued: "Comrade Shao De is already a core member of the Falcon Regiment's operation team, Comrade Xiao Wu is not an outsider at all, we also need to let them know Everything that happened sixteen years ago." Then he cleared his throat, and a thick, slightly magnetic voice sounded in the cave... Twenty-six years ago, the situation in Northeast China was extremely chaotic, but it was all just secret rivalries between various forces, and the people's lives were peaceful. Yuan Shikai's republic or restoration seemed to be indifferent in this black land far away from Beijing. matter. That summer night was very clear. Looking up, one could see the stars all over the sky, and one could even clearly see the whole process of a shooting star from flickering to dying.At that time, there were a few old scholars in Shenyang City, who were so old that half of their bodies were buried in the yellow earth.They claim to be astrologers. The so-called stargazing at night can tell everything about the past and the future, but in the chaotic era, few people like to listen to their nonsense. It just so happened that the Tsar had a military attache stationed in Shenyang at that time, so that was fine.That guy was Rudolf, who grew up on the Sino-Russian border and was very familiar with Chinese culture. In addition, he was still young and curious at the time.Therefore, Rudolph took those old scholars to his residence. His idea at the time was to combine traditional Chinese astrology and powerful modern Western astronomical theories to figure out his own unique set of insights and become A truly promising scientist in Western society. It is a pity that he himself is a soldier, and a vigorous revolution is going on in Russia, and the status of the tsar is in jeopardy.Rudolph stays in Northeast China every day, and there is nothing he can do if he wants to contribute. He can only study astronomy and astrology with these old scholars every day, trying not to think about it. One night late at night, Rudolph was awakened by a hasty knock on the door. He put on his clothes and got up to open the door.The soldiers said that the old pedant had something important to report to Lord Rudolph. Rudolph walked quickly to the residences of those old pedants in the embassy district.On the way, he, who likes astronomy, habitually looked at the sky, and suddenly saw several particularly bright meteors moving rapidly in the sky.Rudolph quickened his pace and rushed to the roof of the attic where the old scholars were guarding at night. I saw four old gentlemen with white beard and white hair on the top of the building, frowning and talking around a large square table, and there was something like a compass in the middle of the table.Seeing Rudolph go up to the roof, one of the old men called Mr. Wolong rushed up to greet him: "Mr. Rudolph, generals! We saw more than a dozen generals descending to earth." Because Rudolph grew up on the Sino-Russian border, his Chinese is not bad. He raised his head and looked at the sky self-consciously: "General Star? Is it the extraordinary god who can control the war?" Mr. Wolong nodded, and then pointed to another unusually bright meteor flashing in the sky and said to Rudolph: "Look carefully, from the same direction, it keeps falling down, and Mr. Rudolph can see clearly , where did the general star fall?" Rudolph heard the words and looked in the direction Mr. Wolong pointed. Sure enough, this time the meteor did not perish in the night sky, but fell vertically, towards a certain place in the darkness. Rudolph was shocked. According to modern astronomical theory, the situation in front of him was a meteorite hitting the earth.According to visual estimation, the location where the extra dazzling light falls is not far away, it should be hundreds of miles outside Shenyang City. At this time, Mr. Wolong walked slowly behind Rudolph: "Sir, so many magical soldiers descended from the sky and came to China, it is really a blessing for China. With these generals reincarnated, China will definitely be ashamed , to quickly become a rising power in the universe, it is really a blessing for the people and the country." After saying this, the old man stroked his white beard and smiled and looked at the other old gentlemen, who also showed joy. 鲁道夫听着这话怎么都觉得刺耳,但他依然微笑看着几位老学究问道:“什么是将星呢?” 卧龙先生正色道:“能带兵叱咤风云,扭转战争乾坤之人,便是将星。鲁道夫先生看过三国吧,诸葛孔明这些人便都是将星转世,辅佐刘备一定江山之人。” 鲁道夫点了点头:“您的意思是有无数个能扭转乾坤的人今晚降生在沈阳城外某处?” 卧龙先生点点头:“正是正是。” 鲁道夫瞟了一眼桌子中间那个罗盘模样的东西继续问道:“那依先生们看,这些将星应该是落在哪个方位呢?” 卧龙先生又看了几眼旁边的老汉,那几位老汉也面露犹豫。鲁道夫脸色一变,朝着他们几个人跨过去一步,阴沉着脸说道:“几位先生不会觉得我查不到吧?” 老汉们有点慌乱,最后另外一个老汉小声说道:“应该就是在沈阳城外远山境内。” 话刚落音,从之前闪出那几道流星的位置,再次划出几道……不,是几十道亮光,鲁道夫看得非常真切,这些闪着强光的流星一样的白点,都是从夜幕上同一个点射出的。紧接着,光束迅速地划破夜色,降落的位置和之前的位置依然一样,就是沈阳城外的某处。 当晚,鲁道夫就叫了几个亲兵,要他们连夜赶到远山境内找当地百姓查一下,有没有陨石降落的情况发生。第二天下午亲兵就赶了回来,说压根就没出现过类似于陨石降落的事件,当地人甚至连前晚有那一片奇特流星雨的情况都不知道。不过,亲兵们还带回来一个当地的传闻,说是在远山的原始森林里,可能住着一个与外界完全隔离的村庄。传说中说那村子里的村民以打猎为生,男儿都长得异常高大,女性也分外妖娆,是上古留下来的一股子天人后裔。 鲁道夫皱着眉听完了亲兵们的汇报,心里就打上了小九九:如果真如那几个老学究所说,有那么多所谓的将星降世,那这股子带着神话色彩的力量,如果能为我沙皇俄国所用,岂不是一件大好事。再者……鲁道夫眼睛里慢慢放出凶悍的光来:再者,就算这股子力量不能为己所用,也万万不能便宜了中国人。俄国与中国边界相交,难保以后中国强大了,不会成为大俄罗斯的潜在对手。 鲁道夫当晚就差人把那几位老学究带到了使馆后的小山坡上,挖个坑给埋了,然后叫醒了当时的俄国大使,把昨晚的奇事给大使说了。大使沉默了一会,接着也阴着脸对鲁道夫如此这般叮嘱了一番。第二天中午,鲁道夫便带上一百多个俄国大兵,开着几台卡车朝着远山里驶去。 当天深夜,车队便驶进了远山。远山里没有道路,开进去一会后,鲁道夫带着全副武装的大兵下了车,留下几个人看守卡车,其他人跟着鲁道夫继续往山里赶。也是奇怪,冥冥中好像有个指引一般,鲁道夫带着大兵们居然径直找到了远山深处那个正沉睡着的村庄。 接下来的事情就有点血腥,鲁道夫指使着士兵们直接杀入这小村庄,看到成人就扣动扳机,并叮嘱他们只留下孩童的活口。 但诡异的事情就发生了,中枪倒地的村民们,尸体在俄国人面前慢慢变浅,接着完全消失了,连身上的衣物也都不见了。大兵们都吓破了胆,鲁道夫自己也心里犯怂,寻思着今晚来的计划本也是能把将星们纳入囊中最好,退一步也不过是让这些所谓的将星消失。再说,全村上下,也并没有发现老学究们所说的新生婴儿。于是,鲁道夫咬了咬牙,对大兵们发出了屠村的命令。 远山里那平静了几百年的小村庄,两百多老小就那样被鲁道夫带着的俄国军人屠杀一空。到第二天凌晨,鲁道夫面对着没剩下一具尸体的村子,松了一口气,再组织士兵在村子里搜索了一整天,并没有发现什么奇异之处。最后,鲁道夫一招手,带着士兵们在第二天深夜又赶回了沈阳城。 鲁道夫与大使本以为这事到此就算结束,无论老学究他们的将星之论是真是假,结局反正是在萌芽之前就被消灭干净,也算少了个后患。谁知道几天以后,有人来大使馆通报,说传教士彼得领着几个乡下汉子,在城里到处说道这远山里被屠村的事。 大使非常生气,一方面派人盯紧了彼得那几个人的动静,然后把鲁道夫叫去,关着门狠狠骂了一顿,最后大使要鲁道夫一不做二不休,干脆把远山外的那张家村也给平了,平就平个彻底,直接让那个多事的村子从这世界上消失去。 于是,远山外的张家村也被心狠手辣的俄国军队从地图上抹掉。当地政府私底下也知道一些,但没人敢出声,鲁道夫做事本就狠毒,没留下任何把柄让人握住。 一个多月后,消失了一段时间的传教士彼得被使馆的人逮住,大使以叛国的罪名,派人把彼得带回了国。再接着,就是俄国大革命,国内动荡不安。大使和鲁道夫也都相继回国。 只是,很多年后,当时的武将鲁道夫,又成为了苏维埃政权下的鲁道夫少将。 这个叫沈头的灰衣人紧紧地跟在我们身后,声音不大但条理非常清晰地说完了二十几年前发生的这一段故事。一路上,我努力让自己从之前乱糟糟的思维里走出来,尽量让自己不因为曹正的记忆突然清晰完整,而扰乱了自己本该冷静的思维。 沈头的话落音后,大伙都沉默了起来。当时我们也已经穿过了狭长低矮的山洞,身子都已经能直立起来,弯着腰行走了。我依然走在最前面,头也没回的对着小五质问道:“这一切你以前就知道吧?” 小五没有马上回答我,他好像在思考什么,接着他的声音从我身后传来:“邵德,那都是沙俄政府所做的事情,现在的苏联和以前早就不一样了。” 我“嗯”了一声:“可几百个无辜百姓的血债,是不是应该记在沈头说的那鲁道夫身上呢?” 小五没出声了,这时,陆旭插嘴道:“邵德,咱也必须承认,鲁道夫当时还年轻,有些事,也不是他自己能做主的。” 我扭头看了陆旭一眼,虽然心里不接受他这说法,但也不想反驳他,我反而望向了那位叫做沈头的灰衣人:“沈头,你到底是什么人?” 沈头愣了一下,接着依然很平静地对我说道:“邵德同志,我是陆旭的战友,一个普通的共产党员而已。但有一点你放心,我和陆旭除却战友与同志的关系,也是多年来命换命的兄弟。所以,我也希望有朝一日,能与你邵德成为真正的好战友,好同志。” 就这么说着说着,面前那个拐角再次出现了。我们结束了话题,快步绕过拐角,走到了有强光的那堵墙跟前。我习惯性地朝着小五望过去,可这次他没有看我,反而像是刻意地避开着我的目光,自顾自地望着上方的光源。 我苦笑了一下,大步走了过去,就要跃起翻上石壁。可是,小五突然喊住了我:“邵德,情况不太对。”
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