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Chapter 34 postscript

connector 丁东歌 2066Words 2018-03-22
A man, caught in an irreparable desperation. He sat on the snowy wasteland of Alaska, surrounded by a pile of rotten meat that used to be his tall and tall friends. The cannibals who waited around told him maliciously that his coming end would be worse than his friends. Here is a Pole who has been on the go and struggling all his life.From Europe to America, failure has been his closest friend. I don't know if it was a long-planned plan, or a sudden inspiration. The man who was not even qualified to enjoy the fear and crying stood up and walked towards the chief, and calmly proposed the terms of negotiation: he would use a formula and spell of a potion that would make him invulnerable when he applied it on his body in exchange for his own life, a large amount of Subsistence and the chief's hideous daughter.His fearless demeanor and the insatiable businessman's face shown in the bargaining finally made the chief doubtful.

The potion was successfully prepared and applied to his neck.As a test subject, he lay on a dwarf tree, humming a love song popular in Paris as a spell, and recalling his short and dark life involuntarily. This is his last counterattack against fate! He won, and the sharp ax sliced ​​off his head effortlessly.He managed to escape torture and brutality, earning a "decent" death.But the chief who was fooled has since gained a nickname-"Shame". The above is the outline of the story of the American writer Jack London's novel "Shame". Yesterday, when the editor teacher of Qidian Chinese.com asked me to write an afterword, I immediately returned to the state of reading this novel for the first time seven years ago, because the origin that inspired me to create this story is Here it is.

I don't want to say the nonsense of "covering the book and thinking deeply, and the emotional tide is hard to calm down for a long time".But it is true.As a literature lover, I have also read a lot of serious or popular literature.But the image of literary characters that can arouse my spiritual shock is so far unmatched. A man can orchestrate his own death!What a story, what characters!At that time, I had a desire to create, but I couldn't start. About a year later, I saw this memoir in a magazine. The author is an American war reporter who interviewed on the Far East battlefield during World War II.

His interviewee was a young Chinese junior military officer.When asked how he viewed the outcome of the Sino-Japanese War, the young soldier firmly said that China would surely win!He talked eloquently and said many reasons why China defeated Japan, with a happy and relaxed smile on his face.The reporter asked again, if the war is over and China has defeated Japan, will you stay in the army or go to other jobs.The soldier said calmly, at that time, I was already dead. The Jack London novel and the memoir I read later were superimposed in my mind.In a short period of time, the ending of the book, the later chapters "Secret Detachment" and "Cheers", was thus conceived.

This ending made me so excited that I couldn't give up anymore. It can be said that I conceived this story backwards.The beginning, the development, the climax, the turning point, all the plots and all the characters are all set for the appearance of this ending. Before writing, I read a textbook called "Story" about the theory of film and television drama creation. One of the principles that stands out to me is to write a one-sentence summary of the story you want to create and stick it on the typewriter.The purpose of this principle is to make the story more compact.After thinking about it for a while, I came up with a sentence: "Jump out of the trap, please enter the urn." I didn't write it as a note and stick it on the computer, but printed it in my mind.

In this way, I found that although it brought certain limitations to the conception of the plot, after narrowing the scope, it was easy to come up with some exquisite scenes.So for this story, on the whole, what I'm most satisfied with is that it doesn't have muddy things. Speaking of it, the two chapters that were the most difficult to write and took the longest to conceive were the chapters "Manfred Clinic" and "Flash of Light", which tormented me for nearly two months and made my head spin.There are plots before and after that time, but I just don’t know how to connect them.But fortunately, the painstaking efforts were not in vain. These two chapters made me consider myself a major highlight of the story. Not only did I successfully connect the two broken ideas, but also let me go through a "thrilling" quickly. "Addiction.

Also, the ending of the story is also satisfying to me. (Personally, the ending and the ending are two different things) Although there is no suspense to show, but in terms of the rhythm of the work, there should be such a slowing down process.The most important thing is its symbolic meaning; I used "joint" as the name of the novel because I thought that people living in that state would live every day as if they were completing a joint task, full of unpredictable dangers.On the surface, the connection between Xu Yaozu and Ah Si achieves the formal effect of echoing from beginning to end, but it is actually a more positive interpretation of Qin Zheng's tragic ending; A kind of irony of Kenichi Terao who is pregnant.

There are also dissatisfaction. For example, there are less excavations on the character level of the heroine Shen Qiong, and more things that are mere formalities.There is really no way, the description of women's psychology is really my weakness.Writing Shen Qiong as a little misty and mysterious is just a kind of opportunistic trick taken out of desperation. It has been several years from the initial creative impulse, to the subsequent layout and planning, to the current completed work. Close your eyes, as if you really saw the Polish man on the snow field and the eloquent young officer.Their lives are humble, but they are so noble and awe-inspiring.One used reason to defeat his own weakness and fear in order to gain the dignity of death; the other died calmly with a smile and calmness for the freedom of most people.

They are my heroes. Now I superimpose their courage and wisdom on a young man named Qin Zheng.I sincerely hope he can win your hearts. I like to read, and I believe that the human nature depicted in the book is real and the most brilliant thing in the world. Thanks to my family, who have been silently supporting me on the road of literary creation. Thanks to Qidian Chinese.com, especially Mr. Liu Yuexue from Wenxue.com.Her growth is inseparable from her guidance and encouragement. Thanks to the great Internet age for providing me with such an opportunity to realize my dream.
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