Home Categories Thriller Dragon's Lair 1·Rainforest of Wrath

Chapter 12 Chapter Eleven

It went very well, and I quickly stopped a car on the side of the road with my thumb up.After more than an hour, I came to Kansu City.Fortunately, the money that Peacock Girl gave me, I bought a sympathetic T-shirt from the big driver, and replaced the blue and white patient uniform. Kansu City is the most famous tourist city in the country. There is a huge ancient ruins-Kansu Grottoes four kilometers away from the northern outskirts of Kansu. The Kansu Caves were built a thousand years ago and have countless temples, palaces, castles and gardens.After thousands of years of wind and rain, most of those majestic buildings that seemed to stand outside the world have become ruins.The ancient city of Kansu was desolate in the smoke of history, annihilated in the long river of history, and turned into a pile of ruins, buried in the grass and jungle.Until 1860, a lost French soldier accidentally walked into the jungle. While looking for food, he pulled away the weeds attached to the ruins and saw the stones carved with patterns, so he discovered the Kansu Grottoes. .

This is an ancient city, built of huge stone blocks, covering an area of ​​forty-five square kilometers.In the process of construction, the wise and wise ancients did not use any iron materials or even adhesives when building the city with stones.All the stones are cut and put together, but they are seamless, there is not even a gap between each stone.Even today's construction engineers have to marvel at the masterpieces of the ancients when they see the Kansu Grottoes.It is hard to understand how much manpower and material resources the ancients spent to build such magnificent and beautiful stone temples, palaces and other buildings. There are sculptures and decorations carved on every wall, and even the pattern decorations on the carved dresses are vividly depicted. Meticulous.

It is said that in the underground of the ancient city, there are the tombs of the kings of the ancient Kansu kingdom.There are countless sacrificial treasures in the mausoleum.But that's just a legend, and no one has actually found the tomb site there. There are five gates in the Kansu Grottoes. The Kansu Palace in history has collapsed, but the fifty-four pagodas are well preserved. Huge smiling faces are carved on all four sides of the pedestal.It is said that these smiling faces are the smiles of gods, but more people believe that they are the faces of Emperor Kansu, the founder of the Kansu Dynasty who built the Kansu Grottoes.He has always protected Kansu City from being stolen by thieves. It is said that some thieves tried to enter the ancient tomb, but those who entered all died of serious diseases without exception.Legend has it that this is the curse, the deadly curse, brought by the smiling face of Emperor Kansu.

The ancient city of Kansu has attracted countless tourists from all over the world and has become the country's largest tourist resource. The ancient city of Kansu is surrounded by jungles, which are full of wild and rare plants and animals.Therefore, the largest zoo in this country is just one kilometer south of Kansu Cave.As long as tourists who come to visit Kansu Caves, they usually will not forget to visit the largest wildlife park in Southeast Asia for a while. It was at this time that the dolphin Xingxing tamed by Si'er came to the wildlife park.I believe they will become one of the most popular programs.

And now, I have become the target of the police.I knew that when they found out that I had disappeared from the psychiatric hospital, they would be sure that I was Peacock's partner.Maybe they'll want me too, maybe even offer a bounty.It seemed I had no choice but to leave the country. Either way, before I leave the country, I should go and say goodbye to Sier.Although now maybe she doesn't even know who I am, maybe she doesn't even have much impression of my existence.But I don't care about that, I just want to have a clear conscience. It was already ten o'clock in the evening when I arrived in Kansu City. I walked into a small hotel in the old city paved with slates against the thin mist.There, I got a fairly clean room with the money the peacock girl gave me.

When I entered the room, I felt so tired, it was the tiredness in my heart.Indeed, today's day can be called thrilling.When I woke up in the morning, I never dreamed that so much had happened.And now, I don't know what will happen tomorrow.Alas, no matter how much it is, let's sleep first, let's think about tomorrow's matter tomorrow. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I fell asleep instantly. I got up early in the morning.In this subtropical Southeast Asian country, the whole street exudes the fragrance of tropical fruits.Smelling this fragrance, I will feel refreshed.

After washing his face, he looked at himself in the mirror, and there was a circle of shallow stubble, looking extremely haggard. After removing the stubble with a hotel disposable razor, I wiped my face.The self in the mirror returned to its usual appearance. Downstairs, I asked for the day's paper at the counter.As soon as I opened it, I saw my photo on the front page. "The Peacock Girlfriend Is on the Run, Offers a Bonus of 300,000". I was shocked and turned sideways, just in time to see the fat hotel proprietress, she was staring at me from head to toe with a pair of dead fish eyes.

I shouted: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a handsome guy?" The lady boss looked at me and suddenly exclaimed, "Wow! It's you! I recognized you!" My chest skipped a beat, and I muttered inwardly. This is such a nuisance that I can't ask her to call the police.With enough strength in my palm, I wanted to rush over and give her a hand knife.I am confident that the power of the knife in my hand can at least put the proprietress into a coma for three hours.Just when I was about to raise my hand, the proprietress yelled at a very high decibel: "You are the singer Chen Guanjun from Hong Kong, right? Is it really you? Sign your autograph for me."

I laughed dumbfounded, wondering how she would recognize me as Chen Guanjun.After I signed an autograph for her dumbfounded, I hurried out of the hotel.Of course, I signed the name of Chen Guanjun. Walking on the street, my heart was uneasy, I was very afraid of being recognized by others.Although the currency of this country is not worth much, 300,000 yuan is not enough for an ordinary family to save in a lifetime.I had to worry about whether someone would recognize me and turn me over to the police station in exchange for the 300,000 members who gave me bonuses. My photo has already appeared in the newspapers, not everyone will recognize me as a singer in Hong Kong.I have to be careful and not be careless in the slightest.

First, while taking the tram, I fumbled for a wallet in the trouser pocket of a rich man with a pot belly, then got out of the car and bought big sunglasses in a store to wear.I went to the barber shop to get my hair cut again, and I changed into a fashionable rage hairstyle, and I also dyed the sides of my hair blonde. Now, when I walk on the street, I look like a local gangster. I made myself so conspicuous and eye-catching that it seemed even more dangerous.But I know that only in this way can others focus on my hairstyle and sunglasses, but ignore the similarity between me and the photo in the newspaper.This is the blind spot of attention, and it is also the effect and purpose I want to achieve.

Looking at the time, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning.Si'er's performance started on time at one o'clock in the afternoon, so I called a rickshaw and asked the driver to drive me to the gate of Kansu Safari Park. Kansu Wildlife Park is close to the ancient city of Kansu, which is a vast and clean virgin natural forest area. The abundant rain in this subtropical Southeast Asian country makes the jungle here grow lush.Countless lakes flicker among them, and what connects these lakes together is a surging river.There are strange rocks along the river, some are bare and flat, some are covered with moss marks, and some are overgrown with trees. I took the battery car in the park and drove to the central hall of the zoo along the artificial road beside the river.Sier's performance is there. The dolphinarium uses a ready-made natural lake to directly build stands and performance pools alongside mountains and water.The stand is made of logs, and it feels cold when sitting on it, but this does not affect my desire to appreciate it. I was the first to buy a ticket to enter the dolphinarium, and it was only twelve o'clock at noon.I bought a hamburger and a Coke and sat down directly in the first row.I was waiting for the show to start, but there was still more than an hour before the show started, so I looked around. I have been practicing Chinese martial arts for more than twenty years, and I often have a keen sense of the approaching danger.At this time, I suddenly felt that danger was approaching again. I always felt that someone was peeping at me from the dark, and the back of my neck was always hot. This feeling of peeping behind me.When I looked back, there was a high stand behind me, and behind the stand was a wall that was not too high and only reached my waist.When my eyes swept to the wall, I clearly saw a head quickly buried behind the wall. I yelled inwardly that it was not good. Could it be that Professor Situ sent someone to arrest Si'er? I turned my head back, looked at the pool, and then slowly lowered my waist.When I straightened up again, I already had a very small mirror in my hand.I place the mirror under my left armpit and slowly raise my left elbow.I can see things behind me through the mirror through my armpits just by looking down. I saw a man standing behind the fence.And this person is very familiar to me.Dark complexion, emaciated senior police officer - Lashawa. He is currently patrolling the dolphinarium coldly, like a lingering ghost. Sure enough, they have already come here, what kind of thing do they want to do to Si'er?My heart started pounding. I believe that the way I am now, he can't recognize me.However, I must ensure Si'er's safety.Since they are here now, at least it means that Si'er has not fallen into their hands.My mind was spinning, I had to think of a surefire way to protect Si'er. The audience around me gradually increased, and I ate hamburgers and drank Coke blankly. A staff member opened the gate, and the beautiful dolphin Xingxing swam into the pool, swimming back and forth happily wagging its tail, and leaping out of the water vigorously from time to time, shaking the water droplets on its body. The children all around cheered.But I didn't seem to hear their cheers. In my heart, there were more important things to think about. At this time, the applause around me was even stronger, dragging me back to the real world. I looked up, and saw Miss Si'er, who was full of blonde hair and wearing a black tights, had already walked to the pool, calling out the names of the stars.She was still the same as usual, with a black veil covering her face, her face could not be seen. She is still so mysterious. I lowered my head again, wanting to see Lashawa outside the wall behind me through the mirror.But now there are people sitting behind me, blocking the view of the mirror.I shook my head helplessly, stood up, and looked back. There was no trace of Lashawar. However, he will never leave.He must be peeping here from somewhere I don't know. Where is this lingering Lashawa?Is Professor Situ here?If he comes, where is he?
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