Home Categories Thriller Dragon's Lair 2 · Deadly Swamp

Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen

Dragon's Lair 2 · Deadly Swamp 庄秦 3265Words 2018-03-22
Now, we have no other choice but to go to Black Bay to see the murder scene. After waking up Dr. Chen, the three of us, plus Mayor Ronnie and Neville, as well as Wabon and his companions, a group of nine rushed to Heiwan. In the swamp under the sun, the shiny black mud exudes a stench, and blisters emerge from the depths of the ground one after another.The soil at the edge of the swamp doesn't contain much water, and when you step on it, you will only feel a little bit sunken, not like in the movie where the whole person is submerged in the mud. After some troublesome twists and turns, we came to the field called Black Bay.

The thatched cottage had been destroyed long ago, leaving only a pile of black remnants. Chano's body was still hanging on the trunk of a tall palm tree, the blood had already drained away, and the body looked very pale, as if transparent. Anna's strength is far beyond my estimation.Seeing such a tragic situation, she didn't even blink her eyes, and just took photos professionally.After the flash, I saw her bright eyes, which were so beautiful. While she was taking pictures, Dr. Chen and I walked around.As soon as he walked to the thatched hut, Dr. Chen suddenly pointed to the ground and yelled: "Ah! The footprints of the Yuelong!"

I followed Dr. Chen's gestures and couldn't help being surprised.In the remnants of the burnt thatch, I saw a row of footprints, exactly the same as Neville's forged dinosaur footprints!A seventy-centimeter-long round pit with three small pointed pits in front. Dr. Chen lay on the ground and observed excitedly.But I calmly called Neville, pointed to the row of footprints and asked in a low voice, "How do you explain it?" Neville nodded, and said, "Mr. Zhe, it's really none of my business. We came back together yesterday, and after I got back, I went home to sleep, and slept until dawn."

At this time, Dr. Chen suddenly jumped up, waved his fist, and said loudly: "It's incredible! These are really the footprints of Yuelong! Facts have proved that Yuelong is a carnivorous animal, and the Chano who was killed by Yuelong is the evidence. Su, Quickly take down Chano's body, I want to check the tooth marks on his legs, and I want to make a model of Yuelong's teeth!" He actually called me Su, I quickly stared at him for a few times before he understood, and quickly said: "Zhe Musu, quickly put down Chanuo's body, if I can spell out Yuelong's tooth model, Even if I can't catch Yuelong alive, I may still win the Nobel Prize!"

I smiled wryly and came under the palm tree. There is no police station in Morochi Town, and it is far away from the nearest Kansu police station. Even if you call the police, the police may not come.In order to keep the promise of confidentiality, we also decided not to call the police. Looking at the dead body of Chano on the palm tree, it is not an easy task to get it off.The treetops are five meters high, and the trunks of the palm trees are bare. It is very difficult to climb up.There is no way, we can only cut off the tree trunk and let Chano's body fall to the ground naturally.

However, none of us brought a saw, and it was not easy to cut down the tree. At this time, I heard Mayor Ronnie say to Neville: "Quick, go back and get the saw! Really, you opened a knife shop, and you don't even have a knife on you." "Hey, mayor, you still run a coffin shop, why didn't you see you carrying a coffin board with you?" Neville raised the bar. From their conversation, I learned that Mayor Ronnie opened a coffin shop in Moloch Town, while Neville was a blacksmith and opened an iron shop in the town, specializing in the sale of all kinds of iron tools such as knives, guns and sticks.

I smiled and said to Mayor Ronnie: "There's no need to ask Neville to go back to get the saw. He'll go back and forth for an hour. Why bother?" I turned around and said to Wabon and his group of young people, " Which of you has a Swiss Army Knife?" The Swiss Army Knife is one of the hardest knives in the world. It was first produced in Switzerland, a small Nordic country in the middle of the nineteenth century.The quality of the Swiss Army Knife can be described in three words, namely "sharp, strong and durable".It is not an ordinary knife, but a multi-functional and multi-purpose utensil.In addition to the blade, it usually comes with nail clippers, bottle openers, scissors, small screwdrivers, corkscrews, toothpicks, and tweezers.Even miniature wood saws.Of course, such a saw is not used to saw things, but to sharpen wooden holes.

Because the Swiss Army Knife is easy to carry and expensive, it is a small accessory worth collecting for young people who pursue fashion. Chano and his group, to put it in a nice way, are a group of hunters with extraordinary skills.In other words, they are actually a bunch of playboys who pursue excitement and fashion.I guess, they must have a few swiss army knives on them. Sure enough, I was right. As soon as I finished asking, they brought out a bunch of sabers. Although the wooden saw on the saber cannot be used as a real saw, it has no problem piercing the trunk of the palm tree.I asked them to use the wooden saw on the saber to stab into the palm tree bit by bit, first inserting a few small holes.However, the positions of these small holes are very special, and I pointed them out to them.

No matter what it is, there will be a force point, as long as this force point is destroyed, the thing will collapse.As with walls, so with palm trees.The selection of the force point requires the use of a concept in the so-called mechanics of materials: Hooke's law.I remember that before I came to this country, I watched a popular suspense drama. On TV, a prisoner who was about to escape from prison used Hooke's law to destroy a solid brick wall with an eggbeater. It was precisely because of watching that TV that I took three months to study mechanics of materials, figured out the meaning of Hooke's law, and learned how to destroy a wall in this way.

Walls and palm trees are definitely different, but they also have something in common—a wall can be trampled by an eggbeater, and it is normal for a tree to be cut by several Swiss army knives. When they were busy drilling holes in the palm trees in Wabon, I quietly called Neville aside and asked in a low voice: "Neville, can you tell me how to make the flippers you used to fake dinosaur footprints?" of?" "I found a fossil picture of Yuelong in the Kansu Library on purpose. I made a model of the dinosaur's foot with rubber, and then used mud from the swamp to paste it on the model. After the fire was heated at high temperature, the rubber melted and flowed Come out, and I got a mold made of hard clay," Neville replied.

I am no stranger to making molds. I remember watching a horror movie called "House of Wax Museum of Horror". After watching it, I spent two months making wax figures.The way in which the molds were made was not much different from Neville's. I said to Neville: "Do you know that the row of footprints I saw in the burnt thatched hut are exactly the same as the footprints you forged last night, there is no difference. Since your flippers are made of molds Yes, then those dinosaur footprints discovered today must have been made from your mold!" "Ah?!" Neville couldn't believe it. He said, "My molds have always been kept in my knife shop. There have never been any thieves in our town. We never close our doors at night and never pick up lost items on the road. Go to the knife shop and use molds to make flippers!" I nodded and said, "Yes, I don't know who went to your knife shop to make flippers, and then killed Chano last night." "How do you know that person killed Chano? Maybe there really are dinosaurs here..." When Neville said this, his eyes lacked confidence, and even he himself didn't believe what he said. At this time, we heard a "bang", Wabon and the others had already completed the small holes drilled according to Hooke's law, and with a slight push, the giant palm tree had slowly fallen down and fell to the ground . Wabon and the others rushed towards Chano's body in a frenzy. Dr. Chen was trying to keep them away, because he wanted to study the bite marks on Chano's body first. And I led Anna and Neville to the hollow of the palm tree.Groups of flies buzzed around the tree trunk, and I lit a torch to smoke away the large number of flies. The blood stains outside the tree hole were still obvious, so I took a flashlight and took a photo into the tree hole.All three of us saw what was inside, and Neville turned in a panic and rushed into the woods.I knew he must be throwing up. Inside the tree trunk were Chano's two legs bitten off, which are still bloody and bloody. Looking at these two legs, I confirmed that Chano did not die in the mouth of a dinosaur—a dinosaur would not bite off a person's two legs and stuff them into a tree hole.Everything was done by someone in the dark. He wanted to use the rumors of dinosaurs to pass the murder on to the dinosaurs. However, there are people who think differently than me.This person is Dr. Chen. When I managed to take out Chano's two stumped legs from the tree trunk, Dr. Chen was excited again.Although he said he was muttering to himself, his voice was surprisingly loud. "It's really amazing. There are food stumps in the tree hole. Yuelong is a very smart animal. After hunting, it will hide the uneaten food in places where others can't find it—such as This tree hole. My God, Yuelong's IQ is so high, it's higher than I imagined!" His thinking is really different. I pulled Dr. Chen over and said, "Dr. Chen, can I ask you a question?" "What question, Su, feel free to ask it." He replied, but he immediately changed his words, "Oh, it's not Su, it's Mr. Zhe." "Hey, you're smart this time." I tapped his head and asked, "If Yuelong hid the unfinished food in the tree hole, then what exactly did it eat? It was food. Which part of Chano's body?" Dr. Chen turned his head, looked at Chano's body, and then at the stump in the tree hole.Only then did he realize that when the stump and the corpse were put together, they became a complete corpse, without any part missing. I thought he should admit defeat this time, but unexpectedly I heard him "mumbling" in a very high voice: "It's amazing! It's amazing! Is this a vegetarian dinosaur? It Killing people just for fun? Just to satisfy their own psychological needs? Do dinosaurs also have psychological needs? What kind of psychological needs does it have? Why does it have such psychological needs? This is another series of new topics, and I just need to research an answer , is enough to make me famous for the Nobel Prize!" Sweat, several black lines slid out of my cheeks.I was completely defeated by Dr. Chen, the great god!
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