Home Categories Thriller Dragon's Lair 2 · Deadly Swamp

Chapter 6 Chapter 6 The Legend of the Black Bay

Dragon's Lair 2 · Deadly Swamp 庄秦 3400Words 2018-03-22
In fact, Fu Wang did not raise any objection to my decision to go to the swamp to find out.Perhaps in his mind, I have become a hornet's nest that stirs up trouble.In the short few days since I returned to Kansu, apart from so many things in the palace, it is really enough to cause him a headache. And this trip, I didn't take Dili and Osura with me, because Osura was shot in the laboratory building. As the saying goes, he was injured for a hundred days, and he was still lying on the hospital bed at this moment.He is a native and cannot speak the official language of the country, so it is difficult to communicate with others, so Di Li can only let Dili take care of him in the hospital.Although they are all good partners for me, I really can't take them on this adventure this time.

Although Dili was unwilling to make my decision, he still expressed his full understanding.After all, Ursula was his only clansman, and also the last clansman, so how could he leave his brother on the hospital bed and ignore him? But what I am most curious about is about the beautiful female reporter Anna.I was amazed at what Anna did.It's hard for me to imagine that a blond and blue-eyed Western beauty would hide Chinese Kung Fu in her body.In the past few days, I have also tried to visit Anna from the side, but whenever the topic of kung fu is mentioned, Anna will avoid it skillfully, pretending not to understand, and her pair of pure eyes make her look Like an ignorant baby.As a last resort, I had no choice but to hide my doubts deeply in my heart, and I will discuss them later when I have a chance.

Dr. Chen was only looking forward to this swamp trip soon, but I told him that in the face of monsters, we must make full preparations so that we can be foolproof.In a few days, I asked Dr. Chen to make many inflatable rubber models, and prepared many weapons, such as guns that can release anesthetic gas, sniper rifles that can be filled with diamond bullets, such as grenades... In fact, Waqing Swamp is not far from Kansu City, only a few days away. The swamp wetland covers a large area, bordering on the tropical rainforest on one side and bordering on the edge of the ancient city of Kansu on the other.And Anna told us that the person who broke the news lived in a small town called Moroqi, and there was no direct car to go there, so he had to go through the ancient city of Kansu and then go there by hovercraft.

Before leaving, I originally wanted to find a chance to catch up with the Peacock Girl, but unfortunately I came to the dining room of the Fuwang Palace, but I couldn't find her anymore.After all, her identity is a big secret, so I have no way to ask the chef in the palace. I, Dr. Chen and Anna, set off a week later. Although the ancient city of Kansu has been developed for several years, only one-tenth of it has been cleared out for tourists to visit.And more parts are still buried in the vast rainforest, making it impossible to see the true face of Lushan Mountain. We walked slowly towards the town of Moroki along a path made by rubber workers.Along the way, we are not alone, because there are many young people walking with us.Those young people all went there to watch the excitement after hearing the rumors of monsters appearing in Moluoqi Town.Because the road is not easy to walk, in order to welcome these curious tourists, Moroki Town also sent a young aboriginal man named Nawei to guide us.

In the Kansu Rainforest, the trees cover the sky and the sun, and the roadsides are overgrown with weeds.The fresh smell of green leaves mixed with the rotten smell of the hidden place behind the rainforest, blending into the unique smell of the rainforest. It is said that the magnificent ancient city of Kansu is buried under this rainforest, but because the funds for developing the ancient city are very large, the financial resources of this Southeast Asian country cannot support it, and all the ancient cities are still sleeping underground.King Kansufu has always dreamed that in his lifetime, he could see the complete ancient city of Kansu appear beautifully in front of the whole world, so he knew that cooperating with South Americans was to seek skin from a tiger, and he also insisted on developing the cooperation plan to go ahead.But in my opinion, this approach is not much different from drinking poison to quench thirst.

Back to our trip to the swamp.On the way to Moroki Town, Anna and I tried to get close to Neville, and learned about the rumors about the monster from the side.It has to be said that Anna was born with the talent of being a reporter, and soon she used sweet words to make Neville fascinated, and she didn't know why. In order to please Anna, Neville told the rumors of the monster like beans poured into a bamboo tube, telling the whole story. According to Neville, the monster was sighted a month ago.It was a dark night, because it was the rainy season, the sky was covered with a layer of dense clouds, without a trace of light.In the middle of the night, people in the entire town heard sharp roars coming from outside the town.It was the wild howl of a dying beast, accompanied by a dull growl, a sound the inhabitants had never heard before.

That night, all the people did not fall asleep, the sound really drove them to fear, boundless fear! Early in the morning, all the residents of Moluoqi Town gathered together, holding self-defense weapons, and slowly groped towards the place where the sound came from in the middle of the night. It is already close to the edge of the swamp, and the shadows of the trees are dancing. Through the gaps in the dense forest, the residents can see the black wetland and the lush creeping aquatic plants.The stench of water vapor from the wetland filled the air, and the owls of waterfowls could be heard in the distance from time to time, filling the silent surroundings with a gloomy atmosphere.

The residents of Moroki Town stood silently at the edge of the swamp without saying a word.They probably already guessed where those screams came from last night.They all trembled involuntarily, and their gazes all looked sideways at the depths of the swamp, where there was a really obvious black stone.There was a look of fear in their eyes. That place is called the Black Cove by the residents of Moroki Town, and it is a mysterious place that is taboo and cursed. It is said that twenty years ago, a strange Chinese middle-aged man suddenly came to Morochi Town with a baby in his arms. When he arrived, he told the residents in the town that a disaster would happen here and the houses would be destroyed. If it is thrown into the air, more than half of the residents in the town will die, and the plague will prevail for a long time.Residents must leave the town if this catastrophe is to be avoided.

However, no one believed the strange man's words.They thought that this man was bewitching the public, and they rushed to drive him away with hoes. Even children picked up stones on the ground and threw them at him. The man sighed, carried the baby across the town, and walked towards Heiwan alone.The men in the town were chasing after him, and he just walked in front in a leisurely manner, but the men in the town who were chasing behind couldn't catch him, and could only see him walking in front from a distance. When the man walked to the black bay, something strange happened.He was gone all of a sudden, like a drop of water evaporated in the desert, gone.The moment he disappeared, countless waterfowls flew out of the swamp, flying towards Moluoqi Town densely.Many lizards, salamanders, and even crocodiles also crawled out of the swamp, lined up, and swayed towards Moroki Town with their teeth and claws waving.

The men in the town were stunned. They vaguely felt that the mysterious strange man hadn't lied to them, so they rushed back to Moluoqi Town.The moment they entered the entrance of the town, there was a loud bang, and a crack opened on the ground of the square in the town, and countless steaming red magma gushed out from under the crack.At the same time, a series of strong explosions occurred on the ground, and the sound of explosions continued for a long time-an earthquake! Sure enough, just as the Chinese man said, the houses in the town were thrown into the air by the earthquake, and more than half of the residents died in the disaster.Because Moluoqi Town is located in a remote area and close to the swamp, the rescuers failed to arrive in time, and a plague broke out after the earthquake, which claimed many lives.

However, the strange thing is that although Heiwan is not very far from Moluoqi Town, there is no trace of the earthquake left there, and it is still full of green trees and colorful flowers. The surviving residents came to Heiwan, but did not see the mysterious man. They guessed that the man must have left here. However, in the days that followed, they would often occasionally see a middle-aged man in fluttering white clothes, sitting on the black stone in the swamp Heiwan with a baby in his arms, but he disappeared after just a glimpse In a cloud of mist. Some daring residents tried to get close to the rock in Black Bay by hovercraft, but after they stepped on the ground through the wetland, they couldn't find anything.There is no trace of the man, and no trace of his life. In the days to come, people still continued to see that man, he was like a ghost, flickering, and the baby beside him also grew up gradually with the eyes of the witnesses.It is said that it was a girl. In the minds of the residents, the middle-aged man has long been regarded as a ghost, and they dare not approach Heiwan again, they regard Heiwan as a place where ghosts live. Having said this, Neville, who was telling stories to Anna and me, couldn't help shaking. I held his shoulders and asked, "Have you seen that Chinese man?" He nodded in fear and said: "Yes, I have seen it. It was ten years ago. One day I went to the swamp to pick mushrooms. I passed by the path beside the Black Bay and suddenly heard a strange sound. This sound It's very special, like the music played by a flute, but the sound is not as harsh as a flute, but very peaceful. As soon as I heard this sound, I felt very comfortable all over my body, and I wanted to lie on the ground lazily and sleep At this moment, my nostrils suddenly felt cold, and I suddenly woke up. It turned out that a water bird pulled a drop of feces on top of my head, which happened to land on my nose. After I woke up, I followed the sound to see Looking over, I saw a man in a white robe standing there, holding a flute in his hand, but he held the flute in a strange posture, instead of playing it sideways, he stuffed one end of the flute into his mouth. I didn't expect to blow like this, but I could also make a sound. Just when I was dumbfounded, he also found me. He glanced at me, shook his body, and disappeared in front of me inexplicably." Hearing this, of course I knew that the mysterious middle-aged man was not playing a flute, but a unique Chinese musical instrument - Xiao.Neville is a native of Moroki Town, so it's normal to have never seen this kind of musical instrument. The stories Neville narrated really made me feel very curious.However, until now, after interjecting so many stories about the Chinese man, he hasn't talked about what is going on with the monster rumors in Moroki Town.I couldn't help urging Neville to continue.
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