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Chapter 37 5. Exorcism

High School Mysteries Archives 庄秦 1360Words 2018-03-22
"An Encyclopedia of Ancient Arts" is an ancient book that records folk magic. Professor Chen said that it was a thread-bound book she found in an ancient tomb of the Song Dynasty many years ago.In ancient books, a spell called "ghost flame" was recorded.In order to murder a certain enemy, ancient Chinese folk warlocks would capture a ghost whose grievances have not been dispersed, burn it into ashes with three flavors of real fire, and then attach the ghost to some kind of carrier to become an evil spirit.This carrier may be a piece of paper or a bamboo strip.The warlock will send the carrier containing the evil spirit to the enemy. At a specific time, the carrier will suddenly turn into a flame inexplicably, and the evil spirit will be released accordingly, attaching to the enemy, absorbing the enemy's essence and blood until the enemy dies .According to the ancient book, the whole process will be very short, only three days at most, and the enemy will eventually die.

However, Professor Chen has always believed that the so-called "ghost flame" is just a fabrication in ancient books, and never thought that he would see it in reality. "So, now the evil spirit has attached to me? Am I really going to die within three days?" After listening to Professor Chen's words, Yan Haoling's pupils shrank sharply because of fear, and her body wobbled involuntarily. , the whole body seemed to have fallen into an extremely cold ice cellar. Professor Chen said with a gray face, "It's not just you, maybe the four of us have been possessed by evil spirits. Many ancient Chinese mysteries cannot be rationally explained by science, such as witch doctors, such as Gu techniques, such as Qimen Dunjia... Maybe, all four of us will die within three days..."

Luo Wei couldn't help crying too. Only Qin Xianxian asked calmly: "Professor Chen, do you have a way to crack this "ghost flame" spell? Is the cracking technique recorded in the "Encyclopedia of Ancient Arts"?" Professor Chen nodded and said, "Yes, there is a method of cracking it recorded in ancient books. But that kind of exorcism method will be very complicated, and it will be very difficult to implement." Yan Haoling shouted anxiously: "Since there is a solution, let's implement it as soon as possible! As long as it can save lives, I am not afraid of any difficulties!" Luo Wei and Qin Xianxian also quickly echoed.

"Okay. After the evening self-study tonight, that is, at the same time that you two girls made the rubbings last night, let's gather next to the tombstone of the general's tomb." Professor Chen said calmly. I spent the whole day in a daze, and finally arrived in the middle of the night.Qin Xianxian, Luo Wei, and Yan Haoling walked through the collapsed wall, along the stone road, climbed to the top of the back mountain, and came to the general's tomb, where they saw Professor Chen who had been waiting there for a long time. Beside the tombstone, there was an altar table, on which were several antique dishes, each containing glutinous rice, black donkey hooves, coriander, candles, and various plants of unknown origin.

"Glutinous rice exorcises evil spirits, and donkey's hoof wards off evil spirits." Professor Chen said as he sprinkled glutinous rice on the four people, and then rubbed the black donkey's hoof back and forth on everyone's face a few times.Then she took out a needle, pricked her finger, squeezed the blood out, and dripped it into a sea bowl.Then, Professor Chen handed the needles to the three girls and said, "Okay, you can also drop the blood from your fingers into the sea bowl." It's a bit like killing blood for alliance in the movie. Although I feel a little numb in my heart, the three female voices still tremblingly did it.The blood of the four people was fused together. Professor Chen lit a candle and dipped the unnamed plants in the blood bowl one by one.Then, she drank a mouthful of the blood in the sea bowl, and handed the sea bowl to the three girls.

"Is this the great way to exorcise evil spirits?" Qin Xianxian asked. Professor Chen nodded and said, "Yes, as long as you drink the blood in this bowl, the evil spirits in your body will be driven away." "Then the process is not very complicated." Professor Chen smiled wryly and said, "Yes, it doesn't seem complicated to you now, but I spent a lot of energy looking for these herbs. I almost went all over the hills near the back mountain before I found all these plants." The three girls drank the fishy-smelling blood according to Professor Chen's instructions, and the exorcism of evil spirits was considered complete.When going down the mountain, Professor Chen said to them: "You must not tell anyone about this, otherwise the Dafa of exorcism will lose its protection for you, and the evil spirits will possess you again at any time. Also, don't come to Come to the general's tomb, especially this tombstone. Keep the rubbings a secret and don't tell anyone! This is very important!"

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