Home Categories Thriller can not breath

Chapter 56 fourth quarter

can not breath 庄秦 2175Words 2018-03-22
The confirmation process of the jigsaw puzzle made Xiao Gao in the technical department very upset.The doctor on duty in this hospital can't always speak clearly.He said it looked a bit like a pointed face; he said it looked a bit like a round face.In fact, the doctor on duty could not recall what the woman looked like at all. Xiao Gao couldn't help getting angry, and he said loudly to the doctor on duty, "What the hell were you doing at that time? Why can't you even remember whether a person has a pointed face or a round face?" The doctor on duty said aggrievedly: "You don't know how busy I am at work. I have to see so many patients and visiting family members every day. How can everyone remember?" He shrugged, "Besides, you are also a student. As a doctor, you should know that doctors are not obliged to remember what a patient's family looks like, we still have more things to do!"

Xiao Gao also admitted that the doctor on duty was right. The doctor is not obliged to record what a possible criminal suspect looks like.But he still insisted on asking: "Then can you still recall what kind of characteristics that woman has?" The doctor on duty shook his head regretfully and said, "I just remember that woman hid behind the patient when she walked into the duty room, keeping her head buried. I didn't even see her face..." After hearing Xiao Gao's report, Zhou Yuanyi was not angry at all.But he has no better solution to the current situation.After all, it was a murder case involving human life, and it was a series of related serial murder cases. If nothing was done, the citizens would definitely not be satisfied!

Wang Li leaned over and asked, "Captain Zhou, what should we do now?" Zhou Yuanyi pondered for a moment.He knew that the most important thing now was to find out the mysterious woman who finally met Xiao Zhijie's mother.Unfortunately, the doctor on duty couldn't remember what the woman looked like.And it's useless to ask other people. The hospital is full of mentally ill patients, and the proofs they have made are impossible to be adopted. However, there seems to be a turning point—the psychiatric hospital is located in the suburbs, and the transportation is inconvenient. There is only one shuttle bus line passing by, which runs every half an hour.There weren't many people riding there, and judging from the clothes of the mysterious woman, she didn't look like someone who owned a private car.So maybe she came to the hospital by bus and then left by bus.Perhaps a conductor saw her and made an impression.

Zhou Yuanyi immediately ordered Wang Li to go to the bus station near the hospital to investigate who had been waiting for the bus before and after the incident.Fortunately, there was a cigarette stall next to the station, and the business was bleak.The stall owner is a middle-aged laid-off male worker in his forties.He was divorced after being laid off, so he especially likes to spy on the opposite sex waiting at the station while doing business.He was no exception that day. He had been secretly looking at the woman waiting for the bus, so he naturally noticed the mysterious woman in her fifties when the incident happened.He still clearly remembered what the woman looked like, and agreed to go to the police station to help with the puzzle.

What a bonus. Zhou Yuanyi sat anxiously on the sofa, puffing out smoke rings feebly, waiting for Wang Li to bring the cigarette stall owner back to the police station.He raised his head, his eyes fixed on the ceiling.The stains on the ceiling are arranged irregularly in circles, like blurred human faces.Zhou Yuanyi closed his eyes, and the face-like stains on the retina seemed to be moving, slowly overlapping, and turning into strange faces one after another.These faces became clearer and clearer, and just when Zhou Yuanyi was about to see what the faces looked like, he suddenly heard a burst of intense twenty-four chord cell phone music, and Jay Chou sang loudly in the ringtone, "Use the nunchuck quickly, hehehe Xi! Quickly use the nunchuck, hehehe!"

Someone was looking for him again, Zhou Yuanyi opened his eyes, and the patterns on his retina instantly disappeared, completely disappearing. According to the caller ID, the call is from Xie Yixue. "Hello..." Zhou Yuanyi asked absently. "Officer Zhou..." From the phone, Xie Yixue's voice was a bit dry and weak.Probably because of a cold, the weather has been a little erratic these days.Zhou Yuanyi thought so. Xie Yixue told Zhou Yuanyi on the phone that she was going to live in the hometown of the reservoir in Guoshan for a period of time. There was no mobile phone signal there, and there was no landline at home.With regard to the case, she couldn't help much.

Zhou Yuanyi responded casually with a few words, then hung up the phone.To be honest, he never took Xie Yixue's words to heart, and he never thought that Xie Yixue would help this case. When he hung up the phone and was about to close the flip, he realized that there was an unread short message displayed on the phone screen. Zhou Yuanyi has always been an electrical idiot, and has only a half-knowledge about the powerful functions of business mobile phones.Because his mobile phone bill can be reimbursed, he has always stubbornly believed that as long as the mobile phone can make calls, text messages are just a dispensable function.

Zhou Yuanyi only set the notification tone for the arrival of a text message to a soft "di".He had been busy in the psychiatric hospital this morning, so he hadn't heard the cue. Zhou Yuanyi opened the text message, only to find that the message was also sent by Xie Yixue.But the content of the text message shocked Zhou Yuanyi, there were only a few lines on it: "Today someone called me to ask for a reward of 30,000 yuan to kill Ouyang Mei. The time is set at five o'clock this afternoon. I will make an appointment when the time comes." The letter was sent at eight o'clock in the morning.

Zhou Yuanyi glanced at his watch, it was already four o'clock!It's an hour to five o'clock! He was very surprised why Xie Yixue didn't tell him about it on the phone just now.He hurriedly called Xie Yixue, but unfortunately, there was only a cold female voice on the other end of the phone: "Sorry, the person you dialed has switched off, please call again later." Perhaps Xie Yixue has already entered her hometown in the mountains near the Guoshan Reservoir , there is no signal anymore. what to do?What should be done now?Zhou Yuanyi's mind was in a mess. Xie Yixue is no longer available.She sent this message at noon today, perhaps because she wanted to kick the ball to Zhou Yuanyi to solve it.The biggest beneficiary of Ouyang Mei's death is her, Xie Yixue.And Xie Yixue told the police after changing hands that she was innocent, and the pot of yellow flowers was only placed on the window sill because of an accident.And now she went to the Guoshan mountain area, perhaps just to avoid this scene that should come.

However, now Zhou Yuanyi has no choice but to take this move. Calm down, don't panic!Zhou Yuanyi took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, trying his best to maintain the ability to think and judge. Now that Xie Yixue has entered the mountain, not only the police cannot contact her, but naturally even the mysterious person who came to extort 30,000 yuan for the murder cannot contact Xie Yixue himself.So-- Zhou Yuanyi had already thought of what to do. He opened the flip of the phone, made a call, and then hurried out with a few men in an off-road vehicle. This call is for Xu Tingting.

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