Home Categories Thriller can not breath

Chapter 41 second quarter

can not breath 庄秦 2225Words 2018-03-22
When Wu Wei re-entered the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangdu University, he shrugged his shoulders.He didn't even want to understand why he came here because of an inexplicable anonymous phone call.In the usual sense, anonymous phone calls are often just silly pranks.But Wu Wei grabbed the phone call and began to investigate, maybe it was his innate keen intuition. The moment he entered the hospital, a black van passed by him.This van was refitted from a van. On both sides of the black van, there were five bold words written in white: Jiangnan Funeral Home. This is a hearse. The hearse passed Wu Wei's side without a sound, and then drove towards a gate with a vaulted roof and covered with ivy.Where is that door?

Wu Wei stepped over there, but before he could step through the door, he was stopped by an old man.The old man grinned and said loudly, "The inside is the morgue, not where you should come!" The morgue, the most eerie place in the entire hospital!There are only cold corpses, lying in the ice coffins one by one, silently telling their stories.Wu Wei couldn't help shivering for no reason. Only then did Wu Wei remember the anonymous phone call. "Human life is at stake!" Someone must be dead!The dead must have something to do with the mortuary, right?So Wu Wei showed his ID, and the old man showed a strange expression, but he still let Wu Wei enter the gate.

The morgue is a row of red brick bungalows built against the wall, covered with ivy.This winter day was unusually warm, and the ivy leaves showed a lifeless dark green color. One side of the leaves was a little bit bright because of the frequent washing of the rain, while the downward side was full of dust and was extremely dirty.Almost black lichens and moss grew on the damp and cold corners of the walls.It is a forgotten corner that few people usually stop here.Only when a patient died, would there be a few figures here and there. The hearse of the funeral parlor was parked outside this row of red brick bungalows. Two staff members in white coats were loading a stretcher into the car. There was only a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy beside him crying silently.

"Poor..." A sigh came from behind Wu Wei.Looking back, at some point, the old man guarding the gate also came in, and said to Wu Wei in a low voice, "This child is poor. His father died of a heart attack. The operation failed yesterday. This child is only sixteen years old." He was only 40 years old, and his father was only forty years old. I heard that his mother was in a trance when she heard the news, and she fainted on the ground. Poor..." Wu Wei then lowered his head and sighed, he knew that life in this world is really too fragile. At this moment, he heard a noise and footsteps rushing towards where he was.

He looked up, startled.A woman with disheveled hair rushed in front of him, her feet were bare and her face was covered in filth.The woman stood in front of Wu Wei, froze, then opened her mouth and screamed loudly. "what--" The screams were terrified to the limit, extremely sad. Wu Wei was dumbfounded. He didn't know what happened. He looked around and only saw a few medical staff watching him with vigilant eyes. After a long time, the woman finally stopped screaming due to overwork.When she was quiet for less than a second, she suddenly raised her head and said to Wu Wei calmly and word by word:

"They're going to die, they're all going to die, they're going to die, they're all going to die." As soon as she finished speaking, she laughed hysterically.She supported Wu Wei's shoulders with both hands and swayed very hard, almost exhausting all the strength in her body.Several doctors in white and female nurses in pink uniforms rushed over, trying to separate them. Amidst the laughter, Wu Wei felt weak and dizzy.The breath was held in his throat, and he couldn't go up or down, which made him feel like he couldn't breathe. When the doctors and nurses pulled the woman away, Wu Wei's shoulders hurt.This woman's strength is really great, her hands are like a pair of steel pliers.

"This woman is the wife of the patient yesterday. I heard that she is crazy." The old man behind him sighed and said with infinite sympathy. After the medical staff escorted the crazy woman away, Wu Wei felt that this might be a clue.He decided to look up yesterday's heart surgery. This heart valve repair operation is an emergency operation, performed by the director of the hospital, Li Hanliang himself.Li Hanliang is an authority in cardiothoracic surgery and neurosurgery in Jiangdu and even the entire Southwest region, and his medical ethics are well-known. The patient who passed away was Xiao Jian, who had a long history of heart disease. This time, he was sent to the hospital because he suddenly fell on the side of the road clutching his chest while walking. The call came back to Dean Li.

After three hours of rescue in the operating room, Xiao Jian finally died of heart failure. There were no flaws in the medical records, and Dean Li did not make any mistakes during the operation. Maybe it was really just because Xiao Jian was terminally ill. Wu Wei walked out of the hospital weakly. With his current state, he didn't want to drive home again, so he waved for a taxi. As soon as he sat on the seat, he suddenly felt hard in the inner pocket of his suit, as if something had stuck to him. Wu Wei reached out and took out a note from his inner pocket. This is a note written on a piece of medical record paper, folded squarely.Who put it in the pocket?Is it that crazy woman?It didn't look like it, she obviously grabbed her shoulders with both hands.Who is it then?Was it the doctor or nurse who took the woman away later?

Recall those doctors in white coats and nurses in pink uniforms, but in Wu Wei's memory, he can no longer imagine what those doctors and nurses looked like. This is normal, because at that time all his attention was focused on that crazy woman, even though the doctors and nurses used great strength to separate her, Wu Wei did not pay attention to these medical workers. Most of the doctors and nurses in the hospital are wearing white or pink uniforms. Because they have seen too much, they turn a blind eye to them and ignore their existence. I remember a famous case about concentration in the police academy. When a group of students were listening to a class, two people suddenly rushed in, cursing and fighting, but they left the classroom at the same time in a very short period of time.The teacher immediately asked questions, asking the students what clothes the two fighters were wearing and what they looked like, but none of the students could answer.Because at that time, all the people focused on the action of fighting, but did not pay attention to what clothes they wore and what they looked like.It is said that this is called the blind spot of attention.

What Wu Wei encountered today was the blind spot of his attention. He couldn't remember who actually put this medical record into his suit pocket. Wu Wei slowly opened the note. The note was folded in many layers, and he opened layer after layer.This seemingly small medical record paper was folded several times. Wu Wei carefully unfolded the note, then lowered his eyes to see carefully what was written on it.
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