Home Categories Thriller can not breath

Chapter 2 first quarter

can not breath 庄秦 2918Words 2018-03-22
"I hate it, Xiaoye, you scared me to death!" Chen Ke'er yelled dissatisfied with a pink face. Shen Xiaoye smiled and said, "This is a ghost story I just made up." "Then... what is that black shadow?" Although Chen Ke'er was scared, she still wanted to know what the most mysterious black shadow in the ghost story was. "Water ghost..." Shen Xiaoye's voice suddenly became deep and deep, as if the voice came from a distant and unknown space, which made Chen Ke'er tremble all over, and felt creepy all over. "Do you know? When our Jiangdu University was built 20 years ago, it happened to encounter a flood that was rare in 50 years, and the water level rose rapidly. The river beach is a backwater bay, and everything washed down from the upstream will be here. Turn around in Huishui Bay before rushing out. During that time, on the river beach, there were often floating corpses washed down from the upper reaches. After the floating corpses appeared, the migrant workers present dug a deep pit on the spot and buried them So there are countless corpses hidden under the lover's beach here, all of them were victims of the flood that year." Shen Xiaoye continued expressionlessly.

"Xiaoye, stop talking, I'm afraid..." Chen Ke'er hid in the blanket and cried.Although it was still September and the weather was annoyingly hot, she was still shivering in bed. Shen Xiaoye continued to say heartlessly: "Did you know that because those floating corpses were soaked in the water for too long, all the flesh was swollen, and they were swollen like a giant fat man. So those who live by the river The migrant workers call the floating corpse a 'fat man'." Coincidentally, Chen Ke'er was a bit baby fat, so the sisters in the dormitory all called her "Little Fatty" in private.

Chen Ke'er pulled back the blanket and roared angrily: "Xiaoye, you are not allowed to say any more!" "Hey," Shen Xiaoye laughed gloatingly, "Do you still want to know what happened to the man and the woman?" "No, I don't want to listen." Chen Ke'er hurriedly stuffed the MP3 earphones into her ears and turned up the volume.Jay Chou's singing immediately drowned out Shen Xiaoye's pretentiously deep voice. However, Shen Xiaoye still did not stop her story.She walked up to Chen Ke'er, stretched out her hand and pulled out the earphones plugged in Chen Ke'er's ears, and murmured to Chen Ke'er, like a witch in the dark night, "You know? The couple's bodies were found on the river beach one day. The man was strangled to death, while the woman died of a heart attack, she was scared to death!"

"Ah—" Chen Ke'er opened her mouth wide because of fear, and screamed loudly.The scream pierced the silent midnight, hovered in the night sky, and drifted into the distance. "What are you doing? It's so late, why are you still making a fuss here?" The aunt in the dormitory knocked on the door, and the dormitory immediately became quiet again. Lying in bed, Shen Xiaoye was secretly proud.She giggled, thinking that she would write this story tomorrow and post it on the Internet to scare the cowards in the BBS. She was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, and she was always thinking about how to write this ghost story carefully.Shen Xiaoye is quite famous in Jiangdu University's campus BBS. She is best at writing bizarre ghost stories, and every ghost story posted on the BBS has a high hit rate.Whenever she had an inspiration in the middle of the night, she would be so excited that she couldn't sleep. She just waited for the day to light up and the electricity in the dormitory to turn on the computer to translate the weird ideas in her heart into words.

However, she will fall asleep eventually, because the tiredness will always come like a tide when she is most excited, making her irresistible. She didn't know when she closed her eyes, her eyes were blurred, like a cloud of fog filled her side, a cloud of black fog... Black mist filled the surroundings, but only floated below the waist, like a black fishing net, slowly opened.Shen Xiaoye walked slowly in the black mist, she looked around but couldn't see anything.She glanced at the ground, only seeing her waist, and below that, she could only see the fog as thick as ink.It's a very strange feeling, as if I only have the upper body, and the parts below the waist have disappeared out of thin air.

She is like a fish, walking through the fog, her eyes flickering, but she can't see anything.She was curious, what kind of strange things were hidden in this fog as thick as ink?She began to feel cold, and her body couldn't help shivering.Inexplicably, she felt fear, but what was she afraid of?She doesn't know.Perhaps, the scariest thing is something unnamed that peeps at me in an unknown place. The skin of Shen Xiaoye's whole body was tightened, and her vest was drenched with cold sweat. She felt a little dizzy, and in a trance, she saw a dark figure in the distance, tall but fat.Fat as a ball, a ball of meat.

The black shadow drifted slowly, getting closer and closer, slowly dragging and elongating like a projected shadow, and gradually becoming clearer. What is clear is only the rough outline, but the face of the black shadow is still blurred, and the details cannot be seen. The black shadow floated to Shen Xiaoye's side, only a light white gap was seen, could it be its mouth? Shen Xiaoye heard a strange laugh, just when she was terrified, the black image separated to the two sides like a split amoeba.The shadow squirmed, like a crawling earthworm, struggling to escape to both sides, a dark gap appeared out of thin air from the middle of the shadow, and slowly split.Shen Xiaoye even heard a hissing sound, which was the sound of blood vessels bursting, bones and periosteum being torn apart when the body was separated from the body.

In this faint voice, the black shadow split into two shadows, one left and one right, floating beside Shen Xiaoye.Shen Xiaoye couldn't believe her eyes, she was already dizzy by the weird things happening in front of her eyes. Suddenly, a strange light shot from behind her, cool blue and white, like an arrow, and shot at these two shadows. Shen Xiaoye looked up and couldn't help but gasped.The shadow's face was still blurry, it seemed to be a flat plate, with its eyes, nose and mouth cut off, like a white radish carved with a knife.On the neck of the shadow on the left, there are two obvious handprints, the trace of the thumb and even the fingerprints are clearly visible.The shadow on the right is petite and exquisite, and it can be seen that it belongs to a young woman with a graceful figure.But in front of her chest, there was a big hole, unfathomably deep, but there was no blood dripping, it was just a dark hole.There was nothing inside, just a skin.This hole is just above the left chest, where the heart is.

The two shadows laughed sullenly, and their bodies floated towards Shen Xiaoye, all covered in darkness. In this great fear, Shen Xiaoye couldn't help crying out a miserable voice. "Ah—" She felt suffocated. Can't breathe anymore!She can hardly breathe! When she sat up suddenly from the bed, Shen Xiaoye was covered in profuse sweat.I had an inexplicable nightmare, how could I bring the story I conceived at night into my nightmare?This is something that has never happened before.How strange. Looking at her roommate, Chen Ke'er is still sleeping.But Shen Xiaoye didn't feel sleepy at all, she got out of bed and stood by the window.The sky is getting brighter, it's almost dawn.

Outside the window is a piece of lawn, which is still dark, with a thin mist forming on it.In the distance of the lawn, there are rolling hills looming, and the shadows of the trees on the top of the hills are slightly swaying, which is the passing of the mountain wind. Shen Xiaoye began to feel a bit of chill, she pulled out a chair and sat down in front of the desk, found a pack of Teju Sanwu in the drawer, took one out and put it in her mouth. She never smokes in class, and she is a real lady in front of her classmates.Only when she was back in the dormitory and typing in front of the computer would she inhale one after another.

The electricity in the dormitory has not come on yet. In the dormitory of Jiangdu University, the electricity will not be turned on until half past six.It's really boring now, Shen Xiaoye couldn't help being dazed.She didn't care what she was thinking about, she just sat silently.In her mind, she saw lovers embracing in the forest of lovers for a while, and saw the swaying headlights of trucks roaring past on the dry bridge for a while.What frightened her the most was that she even thought of the two black shadows that appeared in the dream, and they were rushing towards her with strange smiles. When the special alcohol burned Shen Xiaoye's fingers, she instinctively shuddered and threw the cigarette butt on the ground.Looking at the scarlet light spot on the ground, Shen Xiaoye felt inexplicable dizziness again. She glanced at Chen Ke'er who was lying on the bed, still soundly asleep, and Shen Xiaoye also felt a little tired.Just when she was about to go back to bed for a sleep, she suddenly heard the shrill siren outside the dormitory. "Woo-ooo-ooh-ooh-" Shen Xiaoye walked to the window curiously, and saw that at the end of the lawn outside the window, a police car with a siren was roaring past, and the shrill siren pierced through the silent dawn.Many students were awakened by the sound, and ran to the window to watch, not knowing what happened. The blue and white lights of the police car turned rapidly, and the dazzling light turned the lawn into weird colors. The police car did not stop, but passed through the campus of Jiangdu University at the fastest speed and drove towards the back gate. Outside the gate of the back school is the legendary lover's forest and lover's beach!
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