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Chapter 60 first quarter

Uneasy 庄秦 427Words 2018-03-22
This sensational serial murder case was finally over. The files of Tang Yifei and Wang Shengyang were transferred to the procuratorate, and Zhou Yuanyi came to the police station as usual. In the inspection building of the police station that was covered with dark green climbing plants, Zhou Yuanyi saw Feng Santing, an old man from the Heisha tribe again. Feng Santing came to the police station to re-conduct the "night burial" ceremony for his nephew Feng Shu.Of course, this time Feng Santing asked the eight coffin bearers to walk all the way from the inspection building of the police station, carrying the red lacquered coffin that was two meters long, one meter high and one meter high, all the way to the cemetery.

Because the Yuanbaoshanzhuang Cemetery is too far away, it is definitely impossible to walk there in one night, so Feng Santing also made some corresponding changes, changing to a cemetery that is closest to the police station.But no matter what, it was enough to exhaust the eight young people. Fortunately, Zhou Yuanyi and Xiao Gao do not need to participate in this night burial ceremony. The two young coffin bearers who were hospitalized due to food poisoning have been discharged from the hospital after treatment. They had to hold their recovered bodies to participate in this ceremony. second ceremony.

However, Feng Santing still turned his head and said to Zhou Yuanyi: "In the night burial ceremony, the more people who see the deceased off, the easier it is for the soul of the deceased to rest in peace. Can you and Doctor Gao come to funeral Feng Shu? Please." ..." After Zhou Yuanyi and Xiao Gao looked at each other, they didn't know how to answer.
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