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Chapter 33 third quarter

Uneasy 庄秦 3432Words 2018-03-22
Since Feng Shu would threaten Mo Feng's personal safety, he might also threaten other people who were going to attend the funeral. It seems that Feng Shu hopes that everyone will come to the police station to bury the unknown skeleton.In Feng Shu's view, everyone should now regard that skeleton as his remains.Maybe, he also wants to see who is his real friend, who will come to see him off for the last time. The thoughts of a perverted killer are always unpredictable, otherwise it wouldn't be called a perverted killer. Before, Zhou Yuanyi had learned from Chen Ziyan that Chen Ziyan and Sanpi would attend the funeral ceremony as scheduled.So when he made the decision to send someone to pick up Mo Feng, he immediately ordered his men to drive to pick up Mo Feng, and then stopped by to pick up Chen Ziyan and Sanpi to ensure that they all arrived at the police station safely on time.

Only when people come together can a good show be staged. Don’t those famous detectives in mystery novels also like to call all the suspects together in one room to make a final statement, and then find the hidden murderer on the spot?Now, Zhou Yuanyi also wants to be a famous detective, even though he still has no idea what will happen next. Zhou Yuanyi has already done all the preparations.Of course, all the preparations were done in secret. He didn't want to startle the enemy, but he hoped that Feng Shu would act according to the original plan. It was Wu Qiang who was sent to pick him up.When he left the police station, he called Sanpi first, and the phone was turned off. He had no choice but to go to Xiaowen's house to pick up Mo Feng, then Chen Ziyan, and finally asked Chen Ziyan to take him to Sanpi's house.

After Wu Qiang successfully received Mo Feng, he went directly to Chen Ziyan's house.When they walked into Chen's house, they saw Chen Ziyan sitting in front of the computer, proudly looking at the page on the screen.He squeezed the fingers of his hands that were intertwined, and there was a slight cracking sound between the phalanges. Chen Ziyan had already finished writing the latest chapter about cutting in half, and then made an unusual move—he posted all the works of the first few chapters he had just completed to the Lianpeng nonsense column of the Tianya community. When Chen Ziyan knew that the two ancient tortures mentioned in the first two chapters of his novel, "grooming" and "skinning", had become real murder methods in real life.Chen Ziyan is a sensitive writer. He believes that now is an extremely special opportunity. This new work that can turn him around will definitely attract the attention of countless people by taking advantage of this special opportunity.

In this era of eyeball economy, Chen Ziyan felt that he had seized an unprecedented opportunity. On the Internet, Chen Ziyan published this post under the title "Final Judgment" and added the subtitle: "True and cruel cases that have happened, are happening, and will happen soon." While distributing the novel, he also sorted out the details of the skeleton that had been "washed" and Xiao Wen who was tortured with "mercury skinning" and posted them on the Internet.He also specifically stated that these two cases actually happened in real life. Although he did not disclose the specific time and place of the case, he made certain hints.As long as readers pay more attention to the post, they can guess where the murder happened.

Tianya Community was originally a website famous for human flesh search, Chen Ziyan had enough confidence, he believed that many people would find the difference in this post, and then trigger a frenzy of clicks. Of course, Chen Ziyan didn't know that Aji, the owner of the alcohol and tobacco recycling shop at the foot of Yuanbao Mountain Villa, had witnessed the man walking with Xiaowen was Feng Shu, so he still wrote the owner of the skeleton as Feng Shu.But on the web, it doesn't matter and doesn't affect how much attention others pay to a post. After Chen Ziyan finished posting the last chapter about beheading in half, he left a sentence: The first two cases have already become a reality, so will the punishment of "beheading in half" that I just wrote become a nightmare reality?This time, who will be the judge's prisoner?What kind of method will the adjudicator carry out the punishment of "cutting in half"?

Chen Ziyan guessed right, such a post certainly attracted the attention of readers.After only half an hour, the number of hits on the post exceeded 5,000, and the number of replies exceeded 300——Lianpeng nonsense is indeed a forum with a huge number of views, and netizens are also keen to discuss the plot. Suspense Fiction Network Base. Chen Ziyan also wrote at the end of the article: Maybe I am also one of the murder targets of the adjudicator.If one day I stop updating, it must be that I have also become the latest victim of the final judge. This provocative remark must have stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, triggering a wave of hot comments from netizens.

So when he saw Wu Qiang and Mo Feng, he was in a very good mood.He reluctantly turned off the computer, changed into a solemn black suit, and said to Tang Yifei who was standing by the bedroom door, holding a white cat in her arms: I will come back after delivering Feng Shu, it will be soon, you don't have to worry. But when he went out, Chen Ziyan had a faint feeling that he would have an extremely unusual night today. Sanpi bought a second-hand house six years ago.At that time, housing prices were not high, and he bought a well-decorated high-rise elevator room with a full set of home appliances for less than a quarter of the current price.It is also because the housing price is not high, and the supporting property management is not perfect.

When Wu Qiang, Chen Ziyan, and Mo Feng came to the elevator building where Sanpi lived, they saw that the lobby on the ground floor was full of residents, all of them without exception looked ugly, complaining and cursing. Wu Qiang quickly took out his ID and asked what happened. He didn't want to hear the news of Sanpi's death as soon as he came here. A property manager in uniform rushed over and replied angrily: "It's unlucky, the elevator broke down tonight. At seven o'clock, people from the elevator company came to repair and shut down the elevator of the whole building. The repairman repaired it. After two hours, the elevator was not repaired, and now the repairman has gone back to the company to pick up tools, and it will take at least an hour before he can return to continue repairing..."

It's a bit bad now, God knows if Sanpi is out now.His phone was turned off all the time. Chen Ziyan said that Sanpi lived on the seventeenth floor. If everyone climbed up the corridor to pick him up, but he left first, it would be depressing. But Wu Qiang is a dedicated policeman, since Zhou Yuanyi assigned him a task, he had to go upstairs to pick up Sanpi.But there are many people in the lobby downstairs, and he still has the task of protecting Chen Ziyan and Mo Feng, so he really can't separate himself.God knows if that perverted killer would be hiding in the dark, and as soon as Wu Qiang left, he would suddenly show up and carry out the murder.

Therefore, Wu Qiang had only one choice—that was to ask Chen Ziyan and Mo Feng to follow him, climb up the corridor to the seventeenth floor, and call Sanpi down. Although Chen Ziyan and Mo Feng protested at the same time, all protests were declared invalid in front of Wu Qiang's police uniform.So the two had no choice but to follow Wu Qiang listlessly, heading towards the seventeenth floor. Ten minutes later, the three of them finally reached the seventeenth floor, panting and their legs were weak. Panting heavily, Chen Ziyan walked straight to the door of Sanpi's room, ready to knock on the door.When his fingers touched the anti-theft door, he unexpectedly found that the door opened automatically, and the room was pitch black—the door was open, but not locked.After Chen Ziyan was stunned, he called Sanpi's name a few times outside the door, but no one answered inside.

Chen Ziyan said depressingly: "It's really bad luck. It seems that Sanpi has already left for the police station."This guy was really careless, he forgot to close the anti-theft door after going out.If a thief comes in, he will be miserable. However, the elevator broke down, and I'm afraid that no fool would have expected that Sanpi would forget to close the door, and then climb up the corridor to the seventeenth floor, panting like them, to steal things from Sanpi's house. Chen Ziyan turned on the light switch on the wall of the house, and at this moment, the three of them saw the chaos in Sanpi's house at the same time, as if they had just encountered a world war.The TV cabinet fell to the ground, the LCD TV was broken, and fragments of the LCD screen were all over the floor.The decorative oil paintings hanging on the wall are also crumbling, but Sanpi's wallet and mobile phone placed on the coffee table are safe and sound. Something must have happened! Wu Qiang let out a bad cry, took out his gun as quickly as possible, and walked into the house vigilantly.But after he looked around, he found that there was no one in the room. What happened to Sanpi?Where is he now? Why is the house in such a mess again?Sanpi's wallet and mobile phone are still there, so he probably didn't leave the house voluntarily, and it probably didn't happen that there was a break-in and robbery. So what's going on here? Wu Qiang tried to turn on Sanpi's mobile phone, but found that the phone was out of battery and could not be turned on at all. Wu Qiang exited the room, turned his head and glanced, and saw that the elevator door on the floor was open, but the elevator car did not stop at this floor.Through the elevator door, he could clearly see the thick steel cables in the elevator shaft and the rough and dirty wall opposite. Looking at the open elevator door, Wu Qiang couldn't help thinking of the ghost movies he had seen before.In Japanese and Korean ghost films, elevators are often an important tool for grisly murders.For example, in movies, a pair of bloody hands are often seen protruding from the elevator door, or, for example, buckets of dirty blood are suddenly dumped from the air vent above the car. A scene appeared in front of Wu Qiang's eyes. The murderer dragged the unconscious Sanpi to the elevator door, put Sanpi's body into the elevator shaft, and left his legs outside the elevator door.Then the murderer started the elevator and let the car fall freely from top to bottom.The steel bottom edge of the elevator car would slam Sanpi's body into two pieces, causing blood and flesh to splatter, leaving only Sanpi's legs outside the elevator door, so as to achieve the purpose of cutting in half. However, there were no remaining legs or blood stains outside the elevator door. It seemed that Wu Qiang's guess was not accurate. This made Wu Qiang feel a little relieved. He walked outside the elevator door, poked his head halfway into the elevator shaft, and glanced up first. He saw the bottom of the car on the top floor, which was dark and gloomy. . The car was still on the top floor, that is to say, it did not fall in a free fall motion. The guess just now can be completely declared impossible. Wu Qiang took out the flashlight again, and took a picture down the elevator shaft.The seventeenth floor was too high, and the aperture of the flashlight couldn't reach the bottom of the elevator shaft at all.At this moment, he suddenly heard a faint humming sound from the bottom of the well. The bottom of the well is far away from the seventeenth floor, but because the elevator shaft is a closed space, as long as there is a little sound, it will form an echo effect.Although what Wu Qiang heard was a humming sound, he immediately recognized that it was a moaning sound after interference from echoes. Very feeble moans! Wu Qiang could even tell that it was the painful moan of a man dying. Who is moaning at the bottom of the well?Will it be Sanpi?Could it be that he stumbled and fell into the elevator shaft?Or was he thrown down the elevator shaft by someone? Falling from the seventeenth floor, he was still alive and could groan. Could it be that he was cushioned by something during the fall, which slowed down the speed of his fall?How could there be something in the elevator shaft to cushion the fall? How strange!
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