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Chapter 10 Section five

Uneasy 庄秦 3198Words 2018-03-22
Although Chen Ziyan told Zhou Yuanyi that his girlfriend didn't know Feng Shu at all, he was actually lying.He just said that to protect his girlfriend.Since the first book was published, he introduced Tang Yifei and Feng Shu to each other. However, Tang Yifei only met Feng Shu once, and told Chen Ziyan after returning home that she didn't have a good impression of Feng Shu. During the meal that day, Feng Shu liked to show off his talents in front of beautiful women so much that he even ignored Chen Ziyan, who was at the same table.After that, when she met Feng Shu again, Tang Yifei was unwilling to go together again.

From then on, Tang Yifei never met Feng Shu again.In a sense, Chen Ziyan could also be counted as not lying to Zhou Yuanyi. However, after hearing the news of Feng Shu's death, Tang Yifei still felt fear.The masked man during the day was enough to frighten her, and knowing that her boyfriend's editor-in-charge had died suddenly, it would naturally multiply the fear in her heart, entangled in her heart like vines growing wildly after the rain. Chen Ziyan didn't return to the computer to continue his article—Feng Shu was dead, and he wasn't sure if anyone was willing to publish another book for him.

The road ahead is uneasy, and he can't see any hope. That night, Chen Ziyan lay beside Tang Yifei, hugged her gently, and kept saying something to comfort her.But no matter what, he could still feel his girlfriend's body trembling quietly, and he couldn't hide the fear in her heart no matter what. —I can't keep her in a mental state of fear all the time.I promised her that I would protect her for the rest of my life.Yes, I have to do something! Chen Ziyan said to himself in his heart. In the morning, Chen Ziyan asked Tang Yifei to get up, but Tang Yifei was unwilling to get up.She didn't want to go to work again, she didn't dare to take that horrible elevator again, she was afraid to face those hypocritical colleagues with burning desire eyes again, and she was even more afraid to see the boss Wang Shengyang with bandages on his hands.

Chen Ziyan collected himself, and then said in a very gentle voice: Yifei, don't worry anymore.Before the truth comes out, I will send you to work and pick you up every day.Don't think too much, just take your class well. He is a professional writer, he doesn't have to go to work, and he has plenty of time.It's just that during this period of time, he can no longer stay up late to catch up on drafts.But it doesn't matter, God knows if this novel will have a chance to be published now, even if it's put aside for a few days, it's no big deal. With Chen Ziyan's words, Tang Yifei got up slowly, ate a piece of bread and drank a glass of milk.After a hasty breakfast, she went out with Chen Ziyan, hailed a taxi, and rushed to the company.

Fortunately, I was not late when I arrived at the company. Going up the elevator to the fifteenth floor, Tang Yifei and Chen Ziyan were surprised to see male colleagues standing in twos and threes outside the company gate.This was Chen Ziyan's first visit to his girlfriend's company, so when the male colleagues saw a handsome young man standing beside Tang Yifei, they couldn't help feeling a little hostile in their hearts. A male colleague walked up to Tang Yifei, deliberately bumped Chen Ziyan with his shoulder, and then asked: Beauty, please introduce your friend to us. Tang Yifei smiled and said: This is my boyfriend, Chen Ziyan, a writer.Chen Ziyan immediately smiled and nodded gracefully.

"Wow——writer! What book did Writer Chen write? Why didn't Yifei show us? My colleague deliberately called the word "Yifei" very affectionately, which made Tang Yifei very unhappy." Chen Ziyan had no choice but to reply awkwardly: Next time I will definitely ask Yifei to bring my new book over, please give me your advice. Tang Yifei quickly changed the subject, and asked her colleague standing outside the company gate: Why are you all standing outside the gate?Why don't you go to work? The male colleague sighed and said, "Yifei, you don't know, today Boss Wang didn't come to work, but the lady boss turned upside down."She is checking the accounts inside, and now no one is allowed to go in and disturb her.

"Ah? Check the accounts? That old fat woman came to check the accounts? Tang Yifei was a little surprised, and her expression was slightly flustered." The title "Old Fat Woman" is what the company calls the proprietress in private. Sometimes even Wang Shengyang calls his wife this way when facing his subordinates. But at this moment, a fierce voice came from the company: Who said that old fat woman?Who is talking?A fat, nearly fifty-year-old woman squeezed out from the company. She was wearing a bright red dress, like a round red ball, with a ring of fat protruding from her stomach, like a swimming ring.Her face was also full of fat, and the two pouty cheeks squeezed the two eyeballs almost into two slits.

This person is Wang Shengyang's wife, the proprietress of the company - her name is Zhao Yaxue, a very elegant name.Still, it's a wonderful irony that an elegant name doesn't mix well with her corpulent figure. Tang Yifei subconsciously covered her mouth. This action made Chen Ziyan feel that she was cute.Of course, to Zhao Yaxue, Tang Yifei was not cute at all.She rushed in front of Tang Yifei, almost poking Tang Yifei's nose with her finger, and shouted sharply: Are you talking about the old fat woman?Who do you say is the old fat woman?Believe it or not, I'll tell you to go home right away?

Tang Yifei didn't dare to answer, but Chen Ziyan smiled and said: "I was the one talking just now..." He narrowed his throat, but it really sounded like a woman's voice.He suddenly increased his voice, and said without haste: Whoever should be the old fat woman is the old fat woman! The people standing outside the door couldn't help snickering, Zhao Yaxue gave a hard look, and the laughter stopped abruptly. If people's eyes can kill people, then Zhao Yaxue's eyes have already killed Chen Ziyan several times.Blood dripped from her eyes, and she asked Chen Ziyan viciously: Who are you?

Chen Ziyan smiled slightly and said: Oh, I just undertook the interior decoration of a house, and I am going to inspect your company's supply of building materials.Are you the person in charge?He didn't blush when he told a lie.He knew that only this sentence could make Zhao Yaxue submit—who would offend the God of Wealth who came to buy the goods? Sure enough, Zhao Yaxue's expression softened immediately, like a face-changing scene in a Sichuan opera.She bent down and said politely: I am the person in charge, what kind of building materials do you want?She looked at Chen Ziyan respectfully, and then asked flatteringly, what's your surname, sir?Hehe, sir, you are so handsome, may I ask which decoration company you worked for?

Chen Ziyan didn't answer this question, but changed the subject and said coldly: I heard that the boss of your company is a young man surnamed Wang. I just want to discuss business with him!Please inform me please.In fact, Chen Ziyan's real purpose when he saw Wang Shengyang was to remind him that someone was secretly tripping him up.At the same time, saying this is also a good opportunity to tease the domineering proprietress Zhao Yaxue. Zhao Yaxue's arrogance suddenly disappeared at the moment, and all her emotions seemed to be extinguished by cold water of unknown origin. She lowered her head and said in a slightly crying voice: Wang Shengyang is my husband. He has been working since he got off work yesterday. I didn't go home, I haven't seen him all night, no one knows where he went, and even turned off the phone. "Oh? This result obviously caught Chen Ziyan off guard. He murmured, Ms. Zhao, what do you mean...Boss Wang is missing?" Zhao Yaxue nodded silently. Chen Ziyan quickly comforted him: "Ms. Zhao, don't worry, but I haven't seen you all night, how could Boss Wang disappear so easily? Maybe..." He didn't say the latter sentence, his original intention was that maybe Wang Shengyang It's not worth making a fuss about going to a woman's house to stay overnight. After all, facing such a fat old woman every day, if Wang Shengyang is not impotent, he is definitely not firm.Occasionally taking a day off to have a tryst with a beautiful young woman is definitely a pleasing and beneficial thing for Wang Shengyang.But for Zhao Yaxue, her own conditions are no longer very good, so why should she hold the man so tightly?Occasionally leave some space for men, and then pretend to be deaf and blind, which will make the marriage more harmonious. Zhao Yaxue obviously heard what Chen Ziyan meant, she glared and said angrily: Impossible!Absolutely impossible!Sheng Yang usually listens to me the most, and goes home on time every day, without exception for so many years.Besides, he usually has no money at all, no more than fifty yuan at most.Even the fuel for the off-road vehicle he usually drives is filled with gas tickets that I paid in full in advance, and no cash is required.For the company's fund transfer, without my seal, he would definitely not be able to spend a penny.There's no way he's staying out at night without my permission - he's definitely missing! Speaking of the last sentence, Zhao Yaxue was in so much pain that she almost cried out of anxiety. Sweat broke out slightly on Chen Ziyan's forehead, and the group of staff standing outside the company's gate couldn't help but sigh secretly.Who would have imagined that a handsome young man who looks suave and successful in his business on the surface would turn out to be a hollow pillow that he couldn't even afford 50 yuan when he went out?Everyone thought that when he climbed up to the rich woman, he just jumped from the bran pot to the rice pot.A few male employees who used to be envious of Wang Shengyang couldn't help feeling a little bit of hatred towards the stingy Zhao Yaxue at this moment. "Then did you call the police? Chen Ziyan asked." Zhao Yaxue shook her head and said: I asked the police, and they said that the missing time had not been 48 hours, so no case could be filed. Chen Ziyan sighed, thinking that the police system is too rigid. However, maybe Wang Shengyang wasn't missing at all, and just went to find a place to relax.Chen Ziyan fully understood that it was reasonable for the police officers to deal with the domineering Zhao Yaxue when they saw her. So he patted Zhao Yaxue on the shoulder and said: Ms. Zhao, don't worry, I'll help you with this.He took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call to call the police for Zhao Yaxue - he happened to have Zhou Yuanyi's phone number, and judging from Officer Zhou's police-civilian contact card, he was the vice-captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, even if he couldn't file a case, he could still Privately help Zhao Yaxue investigate first. It's not a bad thing to help this old fat woman, maybe it will make Tang Yifei's life in the company easier in the future. After a while of blind tone, the call was connected.
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