Home Categories Thriller Wangtianshu Murder Case

Chapter 25 Chapter 24 The Final Survey

Wangtianshu Murder Case 庄秦 4983Words 2018-03-22
Generally speaking, speedboats in scenic spots are not rented to tourists.If tourists want to go boating on the Nanla River, the speedboats are all driven by the staff of the scenic spot. For safety reasons, every passenger must wear a yellow life jacket filled with foam. But for the local Hani villagers in Bubeng, based on the long-term friendship, if the local villagers need to use boats, the scenic spot will rent them to them at a small cost.The Long brothers and sisters came to rent the boat yesterday because the staff of the scenic spot knew that they were the nephews and granddaughters of the owner of the Longting Inn, so they rented the boat to them.

Today, when we boarded the boat at Bubeng Rainforest Wharf, the staff urged us to wear yellow life jackets and repeatedly told: "Although the Nanla River has beautiful scenery and slow water flow, you must remember that you must never take off your life jackets. It’s time to look at the scenery and get engrossed. If all tourists gather on one side of the speedboat, it may cause the speedboat to roll over.” After the uncle responded, he pulled the chain engine of the speedboat, and the tail of the speedboat immediately made a cheerful "chug chug" sound. "Where are we going first?" Zhuang Qin asked.

Uncle manipulated the motor and rudder, and replied, "Of course it's the reservoir." The speedboat split the calm river and quickly drove downstream along the river. Sure enough, there was fog on the river, and the rainforest on both sides of the river was faint, like mist, like a fairyland on earth. Occasionally, you will see a few bamboo rafts, five or six thick bamboos are woven together, and only one person can stand sideways on them, but there are hard-working Hani villagers on the bamboo rafts, throwing out fishing nets gracefully.I saw with my own eyes a villager pulling up his fishing net full of lively tilapia.

When the speedboat passed the bamboo raft, my uncle would politely slow down so as not to disturb the fish at the bottom of the river.Seeing my uncle slowing down, the villagers on the bamboo raft would also wave their hands in a friendly way. What a harmonious picture. But who would have imagined that under this harmonious picture, there are undercurrents surging, and some dirty activities are going on quietly? After more than ten minutes, the waters of the river suddenly became extremely wide. This is the reservoir downstream. After the uncle slowed down the speed of the speedboat, he slowly moved along the river bank.

On the side of the reservoir, beyond the embankment, there is no tropical rainforest, but rubber forests in stretches.It is said that this area is under the jurisdiction of the farm, and the soil quality is very suitable for the growth of rubber trees, and the rubber production is also high. The rubber tree does not require much care from the farm workers, and after six years of growth, it can produce rubber.The rubber trees in Xishuangbanna usually have ten months of rubber production every year. You only need to cut the bark with a sharp iron sheet, cut a small ditch that circles along the trunk, and then fix a porcelain bowl under the ditch, and harvest it once a week. Glue will do.

Therefore, although there is a large rubber forest behind the embankment, it is difficult to see people. We quickly found a piece of reeds. The clusters of reeds were waist-high and densely packed, but there were also many reeds lying on the water.Uncle stopped the motor and let the speedboat drive slowly towards the reed by virtue of its forward inertia.I looked down the side of the boat and saw bubbles rising from time to time on the turquoise water. "This should be one of the places with the most fish in the reservoir. Occasionally, bamboo rafts will be rowed into the reeds, so they knock down the reeds." Zhuang Qin explained.

Uncle and Zhuang Qin changed positions, with Zhuang Qin at the helm behind, and uncle standing on the bow, parting the reeds, and gradually approaching the shore. This embankment is really special. The embankment is not made of mud, but is covered with concrete and then concrete.Grids were drawn on the concrete floor, and numbers were written inside the grids. "This is a fishing base funded by fishing enthusiasts. They rent this land from the reservoir for fishing. Because there are many elderly people with handicapped legs and feet in the fishing club, they deliberately hardened the land and paved it. Draw a grid on the cement. People who are not members of the fishing club are not allowed to fish on the concrete floor in the embankment grid. Of course, if the members of the fishing club are not using it, it doesn’t matter if others use it.”

Zhuang Qin has done a lot of homework, and actually found out all these materials. By the way, he has been to Wangtianshu before, and he also took a set of graphic stories with his friends, no wonder he knows it well. Uncle couldn't help showing disappointment in his eyes.He muttered to himself: "That is to say, no trace of dragging can be found on the ground." Hey, what did uncle say?Trails of drag?What is being dragged here? corpse?Yang Xinxin's body? Could it be that the murderer threw Yang Xinxin's body into the Nanla River from this place? The body was obviously found in the river near the core scenic spot of Wangtianshu!This is downstream, and the core scenic spot is upstream, so corpses will not fly to the core scenic spot for no reason.This is the common sense of physics like an iron wall. Did uncle ignore it?This was not his usual style.

However, even Zhuang Qin squinted his eyes, followed his uncle's words, and said, "Yes, yes, the murderer is very cunning. His IQ is far beyond our imagination." Then he opened his eyes and said to his uncle, "Shall we turn the boat around?" Uncle nodded and said, "Let's go, after reading this place, it's time to go to the next place." what happened?Why does uncle have such a tacit understanding with Zhuang Qin?Look at Huang Huanyu, this kid who likes to read mystery novels, is also at a loss at this moment. Huang Huanyu and I have heard every word that my uncle and Zhuang Qin said in the hotel room, but now we can't understand a single word they said.

How strange. Just when the two of us were puzzled, Zhuang Qin yanked the chain engine hard, and the speedboat motor screamed happily again. Zhuang Qin was driving the speedboat, and his uncle was standing on the bow of the boat, with the awning in his hands looking forward. This time, the speedboat sailed upstream. Destination - the river section of Wangtianshu core scenic spot. The speedboat passed the rainforest pier at the ticket office of the scenic spot again, and now there are already tourists who got up early in twos and threes and boarded the speedboat. They thought we were also tourists, so they waved to us happily, unable to hide their excitement when they first arrived in the rainforest.But they must not know that in this beautiful rainforest, bizarre and terrifying things happened one after another.

After passing the pier, we first saw the rainforest restaurant where we had dinner yesterday. It turned out that the stage of the rainforest restaurant was built directly on the Nanla River.We had dinner last night and we hadn't noticed yet. The fog began to dissipate gradually, but today's sunlight was not strong, and the rays of sunlight piercing through the fog could not be seen.But in any case, it is already winter in other places, and we should be content with such weather in Wangtianshu. The further upstream you go, the greener the river becomes, and the winding river is also wide and narrow, graceful and charming.There are half-standing dead trees everywhere on the river, and the singing of birds can't stop coming from both sides of the river. Zhuang Qin told Huang Huanyu and me in the tone of a tour guide that the water quality of the Nanla River is excellent, and after the rainy season every year, the emerald green water will become crystal clear.Last year, someone discovered the jellyfish known as the "living fossil" in the river.The peach blossom jellyfish has very high requirements on the living environment. As long as there is a little bit of impurities in the water, the peach blossom jellyfish will not be able to survive, so the living body is extremely rare.This shows how good the water quality of the Nanla River is. I couldn't help but put my hand into the river, scooped up a handful of water, and drank it into my mouth.The water is so cold, and there is a hint of sweetness in the mouth. However, in order to attack me, Zhuang Qin said maliciously: "Yesterday, Yang Xinxin's body was found in this river..." I suddenly felt a surge in my stomach, and I took several deep breaths before I could hold back the desire to vomit. This fat man, I scolded him severely in my heart. Fortunately, the scenery along the way quickly attracted my attention.Huang Huanyu and I stared intently at the scenery along the coast, almost completely forgetting that we followed our uncle and Zhuang Qin to find clues to the case. The uncle didn't say a word, and kept staring closely at the bank, hoping to identify the place where the female body was found yesterday. Speedboats pass under a suspension bridge. The suspension bridge is made of double-layer wooden planks, with guardrails made of iron chains on both sides, which looks very strong. At this time, a motorcycle roared past. Zhuang Qin explained to us: "This suspension bridge is a reinforced suspension bridge built by the government for the Kemu people's village. The Kemu people can pass this suspension bridge to transport the honey in the village to the road, and the outside world's firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Transport it back to the village. This suspension bridge is named 'Huigang Suspension Bridge', and several TV dramas have been filmed here, so it is very famous." I also looked towards the other side of the suspension bridge where the Kemu people's village was located, and saw that it was a not too high mountain, and several wooden houses with strange shapes were dotted in a patchwork pattern on the top of the green mountain. Hearing this, the uncle suddenly signaled Zhuang Qin to stop the speedboat. The uncle looked up at the Huigang suspension bridge, and after a few seconds, he lowered his head and asked Zhuang Qin, "If you walk by and come to the Kemu village on the top of the mountain, can you see the side of the reservoir?" Zhuang Qin hesitated for a moment, calculated the position and the altitude of the Kemu people's village with his fingers, nodded, and said, "You should be able to see it, even the piece of reed. If the weather is good, you will meet the wind With the reed blowing and bending over, coupled with the telescope equipment, maybe even the grid concrete floor behind the reed can be seen clearly." The uncle didn't ask any more questions, and signaled Zhuang Qin to start the motor again. Ten minutes later, we finally came to the river section where the female body was found yesterday. The body was found in the middle of the river, and later the staff of the scenic spot dragged the body ashore in a speedboat. Uncle asked Zhuang Qin to stop the speedboat, and then they both lay down on the side of the boat at the same time, and began to look around. "What are you looking for?" Before I had time to ask, a loud question came from the shore. Looking around, I saw two men in police uniforms standing on the shore.It was Police Officer Meng from the Mengla Public Security Bureau and his superior, Police Officer Zhao. Zhuang Qin quickly started the motor, drove the speedboat to the shore, and took Officer Meng and Officer Zhao into the speedboat.No wonder Zhuang Qin wanted to rent a six-seater speedboat at the ticket office. It turned out that he had already prepared to let the two police officers board the boat. After boarding the boat, Officer Meng couldn't wait to ask: "Officer Zhou, Writer Zhuang, what are you looking for?" Uncle replied calmly: "Our goal is a piece of rope. It should be near here. The rope should be floating. One end should be on the river surface, but the other end should be at the bottom of the river. This piece of rope should be at the bottom of the river. A blind angle of vision, that is to say, when others pass by the road on the bank, they just can’t see the river, and there are many bushes on the bank, so fishermen can’t reach it.” "Oh, there is such a rope? It doesn't conform to the laws of physics. Although the Nanla River is flowing slowly, it is still flowing water. How can the rope not float? Even if it does not float, how can the rope be in the On the river, and the other end is at the bottom of the river?" Police Officer Meng asked. I am also deeply puzzled by this question.How could uncle say such uncommon sense words? The uncle smiled and replied, "If there is a big rock tied to one end of the rope, then it is possible." As soon as these words were uttered, Officer Meng and Officer Zhao showed suddenly enlightened expressions at the same time. On Yang Xinxin's body, traces of rope binding were found on the wrists and waist, and there were scratches on the cheeks. She was once tied up in the trunk of a car by the murderer, with a cloth strip stuffed in her mouth. The binding marks on her wrists and the scratches on her cheeks are easy to explain. But why are there traces of binding around the waist? The uncle believed that the corpse had been tied up with ropes around the waist, and the purpose of the binding was to connect the corpse to the stone and sink it into the water temporarily, and then cut the rope at an appropriate time to float the corpse. After Yang Xinxin was killed, with the murderer's IQ, he would never transport the body to the core scenic spot for dumping.Although the final parking place is a no-man's land, after all, there are roads here, so there is no guarantee that no cars will pass by.Moreover, the road here is built along the river, with twists and turns, and lacks a straight road section. If there is a car passing by, it may appear from the corner at any time. On the embankment of the reservoir, although it is also on the side of the road, the terrain is relatively flat. If there is a car passing by, it can be seen from a long distance.The murderer can stop throwing the body when he sees a car passing by.And on the side facing the water, there are reeds blocking the view, and with the fishing base built by the fishing club, there will be no traces of dragging corpses on the grid concrete floor, which is an excellent place to dump corpses. But the reservoir is downstream, and the core scenic spot is upstream.It is impossible for a corpse to break through the iron-clad laws of physics and fly from downstream to upstream for no reason. To throw Yang Xinxin's body to the core scenic spot, one must find a way to transport the body upstream through waterways.The best way is to use speedboat transportation. But it is obviously impossible to put the corpse in the speedboat, and the villagers fishing on the bamboo raft will see it squarely. The body was hung under the speedboat with ropes, but the body would float to the surface due to the buoyancy of the water.But if a big stone is added behind the corpse, the corpse will sink.As long as the speedboat is moving slowly enough, the body will not float to the surface due to forward inertia.This is how the traces of binding around the corpse's waist came about. If you want the stone to sink the body, the stone must not be small.When throwing the corpse at the end, it was almost impossible to pull the stone and the corpse to the surface of the water. When the villagers found Yang Xinxin's body, the rope around her waist was gone, which means that the murderer had cut the rope. Since the rope could not be pulled up, the rope of the corpse was cut again.There is only one possibility. After the murderer stopped the boat, he went into the water, dived into the water and cut the rope at the corpse. But this is almost the deepest section of the Nanla River, so as soon as the rope is cut, the stone will immediately sink to the bottom of the river.Although the Nanla River is clear, there is still a lot of silt at the bottom of the river. After the stones fall, the silt will definitely be stirred up, making the water surface turbid. The murderer can't stay in this section of the river for too long. After throwing the corpse, the corpse will flow down the river and will soon appear within the reach of human eyes, so he has no time to dive to the bottom of the river ten meters below and continue to cut Ropes tied to stones. So, now we want to find the rope with one end on the bottom of the river and the other end on the river surface in a blind spot. Uncle's introduction was concise and clear.Officer Meng and Officer Zhao couldn't help nodding their heads frequently. Zhuang Qin continued to operate the speedboat and walked upstream for a while, and we found a section of the river that was just hidden from the shore.This is the so-called "dead corner of vision". After turning off the motor and waiting for the speedboat to come to a standstill, the six of us held our breath and searched for the rope in the river. In the end, we found this piece of rope, and it was Huang Huanyu, a kid who discovered it first. He cheered triumphantly: "There! There!" After Zhuang Qin moved the speedboat over, Police Officer Meng pulled the rope hard, and the lower end was firmly clamped to the bottom of the river, unable to be dragged at all. Officer Zhao couldn't help touching his beard that hadn't been shaved overnight, and said: "That is to say, the murderer drove a speedboat yesterday, first went to the reservoir, tied the body and stones under the speedboat, and then drove the speedboat to the upper reaches. The core scenic spot throws away the corpse." Police officer Meng added: "And he went into the water and cut the rope. He should have been wet at the time." As he was talking, Huang Huanyu couldn't help but said: "Why do you sound like you are talking about Long Risheng, the nephew of Grandpa Long?" That's right, Long Risheng said yesterday that in order to replenish the body of Grandpa Long, he and his sister drove a speedboat to go fishing.I went to the reservoir first, but the fish there were all tilapia that were artificially released.Later, he followed the advice of the villagers who were fishing on the bamboo rafts, and came to the core scenic spot to fish again.Also, when he returned to the inn, his hair stood up one by one.That's the typical sign of dry hair after a swim. "Bingo." Zhuang Qin snapped his fingers in Huang Huanyu's ear, and added, "It's not just him, he also has an accomplice, that girl who was with him." "Long Yuejiao?" I asked in doubt. "Hehe, who knows if her name is that?" Zhuang Qin shrugged noncommittally.
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