Home Categories Thriller Wangtianshu Murder Case

Chapter 20 Chapter Nineteen: The Filial Piety of the Long Brothers and Sisters

Wangtianshu Murder Case 庄秦 3365Words 2018-03-22
Because Zhuang Qin was going to write it, manager Liu of the scenic spot also specially invited us to go to the rainforest restaurant in the scenic spot to have a feast at night. Police officers Meng and Zhao had to stick to the Longting Inn, and a group of police officers simply booked a few rooms in the Longting Inn as a temporary base camp.Uncle felt that although staying in the Longting Inn would allow him to be protected by the police, it would be too unfree. So after discussing with Zhuang Qin, he decided that it would be better for everyone to move to a hotel in a scenic area. Besides, the female corpse floating on the Nanla River is very likely to be the murderer who killed Shangguan Xiaoshang.Since the murderer was already dead, and her plan was not to kidnap Huang Huanyu, it would not be too dangerous even if she stayed in a scenic hotel with more complex residents.

Before dinner time, my uncle finally got in touch with Huang Huanyu's father, Huang Zhongfeng, the chairman of Juli Group. The reason why Chairman Huang's phone call couldn't be reached just now was because he was having a meeting in a closed place, and the meeting involved confidential content, so a mobile phone signal jammer was used in the meeting place, and he would not be able to communicate with the outside world for a while. It was an extremely important real estate project bidding meeting. During the meeting, Juli Group withdrew its original investment plan and handed over a great opportunity for business development to others.

The reason is - the multimedia message Chairman Huang received the night before the meeting. When Chairman Huang saw his personal assistant Shangguan Xiaoshang turned into a dead body with a dagger in his chest appearing on the screen of his mobile phone, his face turned pale.He didn't know what kind of dangerous situation Huang Huanyu was in. Originally, he asked the deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade to take Huang Huanyu out, so that he could fight hard in the bidding meeting without fear of the threat of the evil forces of the foreign underworld. But Chairman Huang couldn't contact my uncle, and he didn't know where my uncle took Huang Huanyu.

But he knew that as long as he let the other party go at the bidding meeting, the other party would let his son go. Therefore, he had no choice but to give up at the bidding meeting. No one is more important than his own son.Money, how can you earn it all? When he got the call from my uncle, he didn't blame it.As long as Huang Huanyu is safe and sound, he can rest assured, anyway, there will be plenty of opportunities to make money in the future. However, Chairman Huang still felt aggrieved that he had to succumb to the evil power. His uncle assured him that the Xichuan City Police Department was trying to find the local business run by the underworld.As long as sufficient information is collected, justice will be returned to Juli Group.

After hanging up the phone, although my uncle looked heavy, he let out a long breath. The commercial organization controlled by the evil forces of the overseas underworld, this time the operation to suppress the Juli Group ended in success, so they will not attack Huang Huanyu again.From this point of view, the burden on my uncle has been greatly relieved. At the same time, the uncle also made an assumption that the strange woman's death was probably not accidental, but was silenced by someone hiding behind her. When we were about to leave the Longting Inn, Grandpa Long was looking for his nephew and grandchildren. They hadn't come back since they left the inn for an outing in the morning.Grandpa Long was very anxious and even wanted to call the police.His inn is full of cops who can be called without calling.

But he was still not in a hurry to call the police. After all, Long Risheng and Long Yuejiao were just a pair of young people who hadn't experienced much in the world, and the vicinity of Bubeng Village had always been a quiet and peaceful place.Although many things happened here in the past two days, two people died, but the people who died were not good people, so Grandpa Long was not worried about the safety of his nephews and grandchildren. Probably, they just forgot the time to go home because they had so much fun. Before leaving, Uncle and Zhuang Qin were once again invited to their temporary base camp by Police Officers Meng and Zhao, which delayed our departure to the Rainforest Restaurant a lot.

Later my uncle told me and Huang Huanyu that police officer Zhao informed him of the autopsy results of the forensic doctor's autopsy on the woman who drowned in the Nanla River. The woman died of drowning at about eleven to one o'clock this morning.On the female corpse's wrists, traces of rope binding were found, and there were also traces of binding at the waist.But the rope that bound her was nowhere to be seen.Her face also had abrasion marks, and her legs and knees were smashed by hard objects, showing comminuted fractures.Normally, she should have difficulty moving her body on her own.Remnants of sleeping pills were found in the body of the deceased. According to the double deduction based on the residual amount and the time of death, the sleeping pills were probably ingested by her yesterday afternoon.

Based on the above clues, the forensic doctor believes that there is a major suspicion of homicide in this case. However, the traces of the soles of the remaining shoes on the female corpse's feet are exactly the same as the footprints found in the abandoned pigsty under the first floor of the Longting Inn.So she was probably the murderer who killed Shangguan Xiaoshang, but for some reason, she was murdered by her accomplices. Also, there is an irrelevant result.In the morning, the forensic doctor took blood from uncle and Zhuang Qin to test the cause of their diarrhea last night.The results came out, and no poison or bacteria appeared in the blood. The forensic doctor believed that they might have had diarrhea because they had eaten something indigestible.As for the reason why the diarrhea recovered without medicine after two hours, that is even more unknown.

After talking with the two police officers, my uncle was finally able to take me and Huang Huanyu with Zhuang Qin, leave Bubang Longting Inn, and set off for the Rainforest Restaurant at the ticket office of the scenic spot.But before he went out, he heard Grandpa Long shouting loudly in the reception room: "What's the matter with you two children? Why did you come back so late? You have been playing outside for too long, I wonder if Grandpa will be worried? Why didn't you call back?" Then, I heard Long Yuejiao reply aggrievedly: "Grandpa, I tried to call your mobile phone, but it always said that I couldn't get through..."

Oh, she must have called her grandpa when the cell phone jammer was still on. When we walked to the reception room with our luggage, Grandpa Long was asking his nephews and grandchildren: "Where did you go to play all day today?" Long Risheng replied: "We rented a speedboat at the ticket office of the scenic spot. It was the kind powered by a motor. We also rented fishing rods and bought fishing bait. We drove the speedboat along the Nanla River until very late. Go fishing in a very secluded place. There are a lot of fish in the Nanla River. The more we fished, the more interesting it became. It's getting late, that's why I came back late. Grandpa, if you want to blame me, blame me."

Long Yuejiao also said: "Grandpa, don't blame my brother. In fact, my brother heard you say that your leg hurts and you want to buy medicinal wine last night. My brother was extra careful and decided to go to the Nanla River to catch some fish and make soup for you." He heard that Nanla River is rich in wild tilapia, which has higher nutritional value than wild crucian carp... That's why we came back late... Of course, you can blame my brother, if it wasn't for him, he insisted on going to Nanla Go swimming in the river, maybe we can come back sooner." Looking at Long Risheng, his hair wasn't wet, but each hair stood up, like a Super Saiyan in a cartoon.This is the typical look after swimming and hair drying.By the way, when I was in Xichuan, I also liked swimming in summer. Every time my hair was styled like this, my mother would scold me for not wearing a swimming cap to go swimming. I couldn't help asking: "Is it comfortable to swim in the Nanla River?" "Comfortable, of course comfortable! It's much more comfortable than swimming in the university's swimming pool." Long Risheng proudly wiped his standing hair up, and replied with a smile. Long Yuejiao carried a net bag made of bamboo and handed it to Grandpa Long. Grandpa Long glanced into the net pocket, and was so moved that he couldn't speak: "Uh..." The net pockets were full of plump tilapias, and occasionally a few smaller crucian carp were mixed in. But Zhuang Qin, a fat man, spoiled the scenery. He smiled and said, "Tilapia? There are no wild tilapias here. The so-called tilapia is a species of crucian carp, which is native to Africa and belongs to cichlids." The tropical fish of the family was only introduced into China in the 1980s. The tilapia in the Nanla River must be fish fry put in the scenic spot to attract fishing tourists. Compared with wild crucian carp, the gap is more than a little bit." "Hey." Grandpa Long interrupted Zhuang Qin with a smile, "Fatty man, you really want to be beaten! Anyway, this is all kindness from my nephew and granddaughter." Long Risheng also laughed, and he said: "Actually, we drove a speedboat from Bubeng Wharf at the Rainforest Ticket Office. The Nanla River here is distributed in a Y shape. One side leads to the core scenic spot of Wangtianshu, and the other side Then it leads to the reservoir. At first, I thought it would be easier to fish on the reservoir side, so we drove the speedboat to the reservoir. After we fished for a while, an old Hani man in the reservoir cast a net on a bamboo raft The fishermen told us that the tilapia in the reservoir were grown from artificially placed fry. If you want to catch wild fish with high nutritional value, you still have to go to the core scenic area. So we later drove the speedboat to the core scenic area. " Long Yuejiao pointed to a few smaller crucian carp in the net bag, and said, "Grandpa, look, there are wild crucian carp in here too, not tilapia. These wild crucian carp are the Nanla fish that my brother lives outside the core scenic spot." I caught it in the river." "You guys are so thoughtful. Grandpa is so moved that he doesn't know what to say." A few drops of muddy tears actually dripped from the corners of Grandpa Long's eyes. Huang Huanyu and I were also very touched. The filial piety of the Long brothers and sisters is beyond words. But at this time, my uncle said, "When did you drive the speedboat to the core scenic spot?" "Probably around two o'clock in the afternoon." Oh, we ate at the small restaurant at the village entrance of Bubeng Village around two o'clock, and we finished eating at half past two.At this time, we heard that someone found the female body in the Nanla River.The Long brothers and sisters just sailed past there before discovering the body, and then went fishing near the core scenic spot, and didn't come back until night.They happened to miss the process of discovering the female corpse. They were really lucky, otherwise it would definitely cast a shadow on their minds. However, maybe they also heard about the discovery of the female corpse. After all, in a place with simple folk customs like Bu Bang, the news spread quickly. I originally thought that my uncle would ask the Long brothers and sisters questions about the female corpse, but my uncle didn't say anything. He just directed us to carry our luggage, bid farewell to Grandpa Long and the Long brothers and sisters, and then shouted loudly amidst the barking of dogs. Walk out of Bubeng Village, and then walk along the road to the ticket office of Wangtianshu Scenic Area.
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