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Chapter 4 Chapter Four A Lawsuit

kung fu bride 牛哥 8878Words 2018-03-22
Mom wrote, saying she was going to Taiwan to see her two little granddaughters. This is really great news, unexpected news.She also asked Ma Lisa to measure Tian Yidao's whole body. Hong Kong is a "free port" and all imported goods are tax-free, so all foreign goods are much cheaper. The mother said that she wanted to renew Tian Yidao from head to toe. Tian Erdao is a baby, so there is no need to measure it. Anyway, just buy her baby supplies. The strange thing is that Mom didn't mention Ma Lisa. According to reports, their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have never met. Anyway, Hong Kong products are cheap, so Mom can't even do this kind of casual favor?

I kept it from Ma Lisa and asked her to measure the size. Anyway, this kind of favor was negotiated with my mother. Just two days after I replied, my mother's telegram came, and she suddenly became an impatient person.The telegram said: The 4th day is tomorrow, and the time in Hong Kong is one hour earlier than in Taiwan. She takes off from Hong Kong at 7:30, and arrives in Taiwan at 7:30 (Taiwan time), doesn't she? We have to prepare for the plane. My mother is alone and came to Taiwan from Hong Kong, so she should not live in a hotel. For sure, her old man will definitely live in our house.

We still have to make all kinds of preparations, for example, arrange a house, a bed, and food for her elderly... There is still no daughter in the family, and Ma Lisa is busy enough.The first thing is to go to the helper agency to find a girl. I couldn't go to the factory, and stayed at home to do cleaning work, clean up, and take care of Tian Erdao. Ma Lisa took Tian Yidao to do various things. She has the habit of shopping, so I asked her to buy various things, such as a bed for her mother, slippers, and towels for washing her face and bathing. , hot water bottle, thermos cup... By the way, she still needs to take Tian Yidao to have her hair permed, and to dress Tian Yidao beautifully, at least to make a good impression on her mother when she sees this little granddaughter for the first time.

Ma Lisa hurried away with Tian Yidao.I was shirtless and cleaned up at home, sweeping garbage, washing floors, wiping windows, and removing dirt. I had never done such a thing before.Naturally, he was dizzy and flustered. After a while, Tian Erdao cried, first because he wanted to nurse, and then because the diaper was wet. The third time she cried again I couldn't figure out why. The crib was pulled into the middle of the living room so I could take care of her while I went about my business. Why did Tian Erdao cry desperately at this moment?My stomach was full and my diaper was changed.

Is my cleaning too noisy, affecting her tranquility? So in normal times, when the TV is turned on, it is noisier than anything, and she can still sleep well. It was easy for me to discover the reason for her crying. It turned out that she wanted to hug her. Hug it and stop crying. Isn't this making trouble?What should I do if I want to hug at this time?Can I hold her to work? Ma Lisa is really good at doing such things. Before evening, the furniture store delivered a single sofa bed, bedside tea table, and the old man's rocking chair. The Guanghuo store delivered odds and ends, thermos bottles, thermos cups, towels, toothbrushes, rugs...

The catering store sent more things, all of which were food, and filled a refrigerator completely. Marisa and Tian Yidao haven't come back yet, maybe the mother and daughter went to have their hair permed or something? The most important thing is to find a servant. If there is no servant in the family, it always feels like there is not enough manpower. The helper agency has not sent anyone, did they not find it, or did she forget? I have to take care of Tian Erdao, and the things in the house are messed up again, and I can't pay back without help, and I am so hungry that I panic.

Fortunately, there are a lot of food stored in the refrigerator, just grab something to eat temporarily to satisfy your hunger! After dark, Ma Lisa returned home listlessly. There are big and small bags in her hands, whether it is necessary to buy so many, I believe even she herself will not know. Ma Lisa was dumbstruck, walked into the house, didn't even say a word, and collapsed on the sofa chair like a madman. I am very surprised, for Marisa, this kind of look is a rare phenomenon for her. "What's going on? Are you unwell?" I asked. "Tian Yidao is gone!" she replied.

"What? Tian Yidao disappeared?..." "Well, I lost it..." "Lost it? Where did it go?" "I don't know..." "Then why don't you go find it soon?" "I've looked for it. I walked back and forth on the road more than ten times!" Her eyes were rosy, as if she was about to cry. I also started to panic, and hurriedly asked: "How did you go through?" She said: "I ordered furniture, bought odds and ends, and took Tian Yidao to perm in the hairdresser's room. Children's hair is easy to be permed. She permed it before me. I watched her play around in the barber's room." , when I finished my nails, a lady barber said that Tian Yidao ran outside the door to play, and she disappeared just like that..."

"Did you let her play outside the door alone?" "I'm drying my hair and manicuring my nails!" she whimpered. This is the first time I have seen Marisa cry, and she can cry too. But what good is crying?The child is lost, don't you want to find a way to find it? "I believe that Tian Yidao is always near the barber shop, she won't go far!" I said. "I've run back and forth more than a dozen times..." she said. "Have you asked anyone?" "Ask who?" "For example, the cigarette stand next to the road, the shoe shiner, the fruit seller...ask them if they see a child...?"

"I asked, and they said I didn't see it!" "Oh, the barber shop should be responsible, how could they let the child run out of the house alone!" "Miss Barber is also very anxious, and they helped me find it for a long time!" "So did you call the police?" "What's the use of calling the police? Will the police help us search for the child all over the street?" "If a child is lost, you should call the police. Maybe someone will find the lost child and send it to the police station!" "Oh, my heart is very disturbed, so you can go to the police for me!" She said, wiping away her tears.

Tian Erdao was crying again. I held her and looked through the phone book first, looking for the number of the district police station, and calling to report the crime. The police officer at the police station asked where he got lost. I can only ask Marisa, where is that barber shop? She said: "It's in the administrative area, between the intersection of Xinsheng North Road..." After reporting the crime, I said, "It's not a solution for us to stay at home, we might as well go out and look for it!" "Oh, I've been looking for hours, and my legs are numb!" she said. "You should think about it, Tian Yidao is not in a hurry to die alone on the road!" She began to cry again, choked with sobs. "Let's go outside to look for it together! Or I can inform the workers in the factory and mobilize everyone to help in the search!" I said angrily, "Mom will arrive in Taipei tomorrow, and she came here specially for her little granddaughter. If you come to granddaughter, you will lose it!" "Ah, I'll inform mom and mobilize all the staff of the judo school to look for it!" "Well, yes, we have to figure out a way!" But what should Tian Erdao do?My husband and I went out on separate errands and couldn't leave a baby unattended at home. Ma Lisa figured out a way to temporarily store Tian Erdao in the home of her classmate, sister Wang Wenjuan.The two sisters, Wang Wenjuan and Wang Wenmei, love children very much, and I believe they will take good care of Tian Erdao.
This is Tian Ping's complaint to the inspector at the police station. That's what happened.Ma Lisa took Tian Yidao to the street for shopping, and went to the barber shop for a perm, and lost the child. In addition to reporting the case to the police station, I mobilized all the workers in the factory to search for Tian Yidao throughout the night. Tian Yidao is very popular. I have taken her to the factory several times, and all the employees in the factory have a good impression of her. As a result, Tian Yidao was lost, and all the employees were very enthusiastic. They stayed up almost all night to help find Tian Yidao's trace. The little clue that Ma Lisa can provide everyone is that Tian Yidao got lost in front of the barber shop, and there are no "clues" left. Where should we start? How far can a child go if she is lost? I assign routes to everyone, divide the streets and alleys, and search for them street by street. If you find a lost child on the road, you will be sent to the police station if you meet a benevolent gentleman.Therefore, I have to maintain the closest contact with the police station. What I'm worried about is that Tian Yidao meets someone who abducts children. It would be terrible if he was abducted and sold as an adopted daughter. Marisa was just as anxious as I was.She turned to the judo school, which was initiated by her mother, and her uncle Lei Sanfeng also helped. Some students also volunteered and mobilized in groups to save a lost child. We have been busy all night, but to no avail. Tian Yidao's whereabouts are unknown.I'm already exhausted.The "search party" composed of workers was disbanded and Chacha returned home. Marisa and her mother and uncle also just came home, and they were likewise fruitless. The sky was clear, and there was no news from the police station. It seemed that Tian Yidao had just disappeared. Ma Lisa was crying again, and she seemed to have begun to believe in fate: "I just gave birth to another one, and then lost another one, or there is only one..." Mother Ma said: "We have not yet reached the point of despair, we must do our best to make the last effort!" She said: "Of course I have my way!" So, Mrs. Ma and Lei Sanfeng left.Ma Lisa and I were left facing each other in the apartment, moaning and sighing. "It doesn't matter, it's a big deal, I'll take another knife, just give you another one!" She comforted me. I said, "Don't forget that my mother is going to Taiwan from Hong Kong at 7:30 tonight, and we have to pick him up at the airport. Oh! How should I explain to my mother?" "There is also Tian Erdao, she can at least see a granddaughter..." Although Tian Yidao is gone, I still have to deal with the affairs in the factory. As I was leaving home and driving to the factory, Marisa received a mysterious phone call. The other party was a man who said: "Mrs. Tian, ​​do you want to find your child? I have already found it. I hope you can quickly go to No. X water gate and No. X park to pick it up. Don't be late, otherwise our people All gone!" Ma Lisa was overjoyed. When she wanted to ask a question, the other party had already hung up the phone. Ma Lisa didn't know what was going on, didn't think about any problems, she put on her clothes, and hurried away from home to the water gate X, looking for the reserved place of the park. When she arrived at No. X water gate, she inquired about the location of the planned location of No. X park. Hey, the so-called planned park site turned out to be just a ruin, with overgrown trees and grass, piles of rubbish, and some demolished illegal buildings, most of which were still blocked by barbed wire. Ma Lisa walked in, and immediately had a gloomy feeling. After a while, behind the trees, some illegal buildings and waste sheds, people slipped out one after another, all of them were bad boys like "deer-headed mice" and "hippies". figure.At least one or twenty people. Ma Lisa realized that the situation was not right, she could have turned around and left. With her fists and feet, it was not difficult to break out of the tight encirclement.But she saw Tian Yidao.It turns out that Tian Yidao is really here. Was she kidnapped?Kidnapped?Being held hostage? what happened?Marisa was confused. I saw Tian Yidao holding a paper bag, which contained peanut candy. She was gnawing on it, and the small pocket of her dress was filled with all kinds of candies.Is this abduction or what? "Mom..." Tian Yidao yelled, she didn't cry, and there was no look of fear on her face, obviously she still accepted the preferential treatment very much. Those unscrupulous boys had already dispersed and formed a circle, surrounding Ma Lisa. Tian Yidao planned to run to his mother, but was stopped by those bad elements. "What are you going to do?" Ma Lisa kept calm and asked loudly. Suddenly, a "hippie" with tape on his face and dark circles under his eyes appeared. He was eccentric.Marisa could recognize it as our neighbor. Wouldn't things become clear immediately?This group of guys kidnapped Tian Yidao for revenge, and deliberately lured Ma Lisa here! "I heard that you are very good at fighting. My brothers are not convinced. They invite you to come here to see and see! They want to learn from you." The boy said. "Peter Wu, what you have done is breaking the law!" Ma Lisa said. "Hey, we are neighbors, why not invite the children to play in the park?" Peter Wu said again, "She is our evil neighbor." "I can accuse you of kidnapping!" said Marisa. "I can return Tian Yidao to you now, but the question is how do you get out of the park?" All of a sudden, the unscrupulous teenagers surrounded all showed short knives, iron chains, wooden sticks... "It turns out that there are murder weapons!" Ma Lisa's expression was very calm, just like a judo player on the field.But there was still panic in her heart. After all, it is not easy to deal with more than 20 delinquent teenagers with murder weapons with bare hands. "Now I'll give you two ways! The first way, you knock us all down, then, you take the child and come and go!" Peter Wu said again. "Haven't you already learned the lesson? You still have marks on your face. Isn't the lesson enough?" Marisa said sarcastically. "The second way, I'll take Tian Yidao away for you, but before leaving, give each of us a kiss!" "Shit, a bunch of shameless people!" Ma Lisa scolded. "We are waiting for your answer." Peter Wu said. "If you don't give her a little bit of trouble, she won't know how powerful it is, so let's do it!" Ma Lisa knew that if she didn't use force, she would never escape the limit, so she spit on the palm of her hand and rubbed it twice, intending to give it a fight. "Who's coming up first?" she asked. Among the group of "hippie" bad boys, some had suffered from Ma Lisa in Peter Wu's apartment, and they didn't dare to act rashly after having learned the lesson. But some of them were invited by Peter Wu Xin to help out. Because of their large number of people, they didn't know how to die at all.In particular, Marisa is a single woman, who is the target of their usual bullying. Someone beats it first.Ma Lisa calmly said, "Bah!" With a split palm, her head was bleeding immediately. The second person jumped at him. He wanted to hug Ma Lisa in his arms. Ma Lisa has the qualifications of judo 4th stage, and whoever gets close will be unlucky. At the same time, in order to deal with the siege, she uses "karate" with all her strength, because "karate" is easy to hurt people.She made a fierce effort, determined to hurt a few people. The one that rushed forward, was twisted by her wrist, fell suddenly, turned in a half-moon shape, then tightened her hands, brought it into her arms, raised her knee, and hit her elbow, " "Slap", bad enough, the arm was broken. "Ah yo..." The guy rolled on the ground crying for his father and mother. Someone hit him with an iron ruler, and Ma Lisa had to fight back with her hands. She slashed diagonally with her iron palm, and hit the cheekbone with a bang. The one with the murder weapon should be hit harder. Ma Lisa didn't show mercy at all, and made up for it again.Someone rushed over from behind, and Ma Lisa grabbed him and threw him to the ground.When he stomped his chest, at least several sternum bones would be broken. As soon as the fight started, there was a sound of drinking and beating in the reserved area of ​​the park. Tian Yidao still couldn't figure out that they were fighting, so his eyes widened and he gnawed on the peanut candy.When someone fell and cried out in pain, she still thought it was funny and giggled endlessly. After all, Ma Lisa's skills are extraordinary, more than 20 little hooligans surrounded her, no one could get close to her, and anyone who got close would crawl and roll. Another person was knocked down by Ma Lisa and grabbed his ankle. She straddled that person in a horse-riding style, grabbed his foot and twisted it violently. There was a "squeak", probably dislocated... The person was so painful that he passed out. past. When the knife came from behind, Ma Lisa twisted her body and grabbed his wrist with one hand, "Bah!" She slapped the boy in the face and beat the boy to a "bad mess". She then lay down on the ground and raised her foot to kick him The man's belly kicked a big turn over. But before Ma Lisa could get up, she was kicked several times. Fortunately, those who practice judo must first learn to be thrown before they throw someone; before they beat someone, they must first learn to be beaten. How could she stand being beaten, she herself was injured a lot in this scuffle. To capture the thief is to capture the king. Ma Lisa has always been targeting Peter Wu. She believes that as long as Peter Wu is taken down, half of the problem can be solved. But Peter Wu has always appeared in the posture of sitting in command of the battle. Ma Lisa's physical strength was astonishing, but she was tired enough to deal with more than twenty little hooligans with her bare hands.At the same time, the opponent had a few young men who were boxing around, jumping around and punching with every swing. She has begun to show signs of failure.At this moment, the rescuers arrived, and I was the first to arrive at the scene, bringing with me several workers who had a penchant for fighting. How did I know that Peter Wu and others invited Ma Lisa here and planned to "clean up" her? Totally helped by that guy who used to get beat up at the bowling alley. When I got to the plastic flower factory, he called me and told me: "It's none of my business at all, but I'm worried that they will make a big fuss. I'll tell you in advance, and I hope that the matter won't be dragged on me afterwards!" After I got the news, I hurriedly gathered a few workers who love to fight, and hurried to the planned location of No. X Water Gate Park. To tell the truth, I am powerless, and it would be more appropriate to call me to fight than to be beaten. When they arrived at the scene, they were already beaten to pieces. I never dreamed that there were such a large number of them. How could the few workers brought here be of any help?At the same time, those boys all had murder weapons. The few workers who usually like to brag and be fierce and gambled were also dumbfounded. They froze there for a moment, and no one dared to rush forward to help Ma Lisha. Ma Lisa is really unambiguous, and she is still fighting alone. Although she is also injured, those guys are also "turned on their backs". At this time, the most important thing is to save Tian Yidao.I rushed forward to join the battle group, but I was quickly knocked to the ground. Most of the fights between unscrupulous teenagers are bullying.It was terrible to be knocked down by them, and a kick by one person was enough. Ma Lisa once taught me a few simple judo methods, which really worked when I was in a hurry, and I immediately fell down one. Of the three workers I brought with me, two had already joined the battle regiment, while the other one had "dismissed" and went to nowhere. The situation still hasn't improved. "Two fists can't beat four hands, and a hero can't stand a crowd."We can't get out of the siege, and sooner or later we will still be beaten, until we are beaten to the ground by those "hippies". At this moment, the real rescuers appeared. Marisa's mother appears.Seventh-dan judo, fifth-dan karate, copper bell eyes, lion nose, bloody mouth, disheveled hair tied with a white scarf, and a white judo jersey all over his body. "The shape of a tiger that doesn't eat people scares people."She cheered her daughter loudly, like a lion roaring: "Good fight, good fight!" Several of those unscrupulous boys were frightened and dumbfounded, when Ma Lisa's uncle Lei Sanfeng also appeared from another corner. Lei Sanfeng is monkey-shaped, with a dark face, dark and thin, he really doesn't look like a martial artist.But don't look down on him, he is also a 7th dan in judo and a 5th dan in karate.A three or four-inch wooden plank would be broken into two pieces with one palm. Lei Sanfeng applauded and said: "Great, great, more people bully others, come, come, come! Don't run away, come to me! You first taste the taste of iron sand palm!" Not to mention, there are also a group of students from the judo school's teaching assistants and workers! Probably when they were in class, when they heard about the fight, they all followed. Two sisters, Wang Wenjuan and Wang Wenmei, were also present. They spread out with the students and formed a big circle, surrounding the delinquent boys. "Students, don't move! Look at me first!" Lei Sanfeng stood on a pile of waste bricks, shouted loudly, jumped up, and joined the battle group when his feet landed. His palms waved like "cutting melons and vegetables", how could there be an opponent? The old lady Ma also rushed into the crowd. After all, the old lady has a soft heart, and she couldn't bear to hurt others.She grabbed a unlucky one, treated him as a human ball, pulled it horizontally, and fell up and down, flying and spinning, and whoever touched it would be unlucky. I was so dumbfounded, no one would believe me when I said it. In less than a few minutes, those bad boys were all lying down, crying for their father and mother. One of them was reckless, holding a fist-thick wooden stick and planning to fight Lei Sanfeng. After being hit by Lei three times, the wooden stick broke, and the guy's nose collapsed, bleeding profusely.Lei Sanfeng twisted his ears and made him kneel on the ground. Ma Lisa had a hand injury, probably cut by a switchblade, the palm was bleeding, but the back of the hand was swollen like a pig's trotter, but she still held Peter Wu firmly and prevented him from escaping. The police arrived, including criminal police in plain clothes, there were quite a few people here. It was the "desert" worker I brought. It turned out that he went to the police station to report the crime. The police station was not strong enough, so I asked the sub-bureau to send someone to help. Therefore, there were quite a few policemen who arrived. "Is it a group fight?" asked a senior police officer. "The culprit is here. You can just ask him any questions!" Ma Lisa had already pushed Peter Wu towards the police officer. I caressed the broken head, took Tian Yidao, and approached the police officer and said, "The disappearance of the little girl proves that she was kidnapped. I have reported the case to the X branch, and now all the kidnappers are here!" Tian Yidao finished eating a packet of peanut candy, which was also the time when we finished our fight. The police officer didn't seem to believe it, but the kid who was kidnapped didn't even show any signs of fear. "Okay, let's talk about it at the branch office!" He made a decision. Of course, the matter can only be resolved by going to the police station, because among the twenty or so delinquent teenagers, some had broken arms and some had broken ankles.Worst of all was a "hippie" wielding a switchblade, who was kicked down by Marisa, with the switchblade stuck in his stomach.To what extent the injury is serious can only be known after going to the hospital and undergoing a diagnosis! I always hope that there will be no murders. On the way to the hospital, I asked Mrs. Ma, how did she know where to come? She said: "I have my own way. Didn't you guys quarrel with the neighbor's Taibao? According to Ma Lisa, she once saw Rob Shaw in the neighbor's apartment. I guessed that they were mixed together. Therefore, Tian Yidao's disappearance made me suspect that they did a good deed. It is useless to find others. The only way to find Rob Shaw is generally not bad. After a beating, Rob Shaw even confessed everything, and I finally arrived in time!" It was only then that I suddenly realized that Mrs. Ma still had her way and rescued us in time. Marisa also needs to go to the hospital for dressing, and we will take care of things in the police station. Naturally, there would be no sympathy for those delinquent teenagers like hippies. Their crimes included kidnapping, kidnapping, obstructing freedom, and obstructing public order. They could be convicted of any crime. If it is said that Ma Lisa, mother and daughter did not hurt anyone, the matter would be much simpler, but now it has turned into a fight. Things in the police station are very trivial, and one thing after another needs to be thoroughly investigated. Fortunately, we had already reported the case to the police station of the X branch, but it was Tian Yidao who made the report at that time.The reason for the disappearance is unknown. Now it has become much more complicated, the revenge behavior of the teenagers with bad relationship...they still have to transfer the original case to check it. Many parents of unscrupulous teenagers came here upon hearing the news, and their business cards flew everywhere, some were high-ranking officials, some were wealthy businessmen, some were representatives of public opinion... They were either too busy with their work or neglected their careers. This kind of cause and effect is caused by the family education of the children. Naturally, their hope was to "turn big things into small things, and small things into nothing", and everyone laughed and laughed. As for the delinquent boy who was injured by the knife, his parents thought they were unlucky, and they were willing to bear all the medical expenses except for a deep apology. Not to mention the delinquent teenagers who had their hands broken and ankles twisted.When the old man arrived at the police station, he slapped them in public to express his "teaching is not strict"! News reporters came here after hearing the news, so I have to ask them to be more tolerant. Instead, the police department acted as a peacemaker, so naturally it depends on our will. Mrs. Ma seems to be a character in the "Jianghu Dao". She thinks that "if you don't fight, you won't know each other". Of course, I don't want to pursue it, as long as Tian Yidao is safe and sound, "peace the matter and let others go" is the best thing. Mom came to Taiwan today to see her little granddaughter, and the plane arrived at 7:30 in the evening. We were at the police station in a hurry until it was past twelve o'clock at noon.I also have to go to the hospital to see Marisa, and whether her injuries are serious is what I care about. By the time I got to the hospital it was all bad, and Marisa was already in the news. She was surrounded by a large number of journalists, most of whom were photographers, and the spotlights kept shining. Ma Lisa had a head injury, covered with adhesive tape, her eye sockets were bruised by a boxer, half of her face was swollen, her right hand was injured, wrapped in gauze and wrapped around her wrist, her left hand was also injured, and she was covered with red medicine. Covered with gauze. Under the bruises, she actually posed in various poses for journalists to take pictures. It is news that a young woman can resist more than 20 delinquent teenagers. Marisa was advertising her mother's "judo school" to gain traction. Tian Yidao is the most important protagonist in the whole case, and the journalists also want to take pictures for her. I need to hide away, so let the mother and daughter go out for this kind of spotlight! "Don't forget we're going to pick up the plane!" I reminded Marisa. "The plane didn't arrive until 7:30 in the evening, so it's still early!" She said confidently. "We should arrive at the airport earlier to pick up the plane?" I said. "Is one hour enough?" "You don't need to make any preparations?" "It's all ready, is there anything else that needs to be prepared?" I had nothing to say, and we waited until the reporters and gentlemen finished their interviews before we left the hospital. After returning home, Marisa went into the bedroom and found herself in front of the mirror of the dressing table, and she stayed there. "Did I take this 'virtuous' photo just now?" she asked me. "That's right, you thought you were making a splash!" I said. "Why is my left eye black?" "Probably took an old punch and got beaten!" "It's still swollen!" At this moment, she felt pain when she touched it with her hand. "Could it be that you didn't feel any pain when you were in the hospital?" "I was interviewed by journalists, and they asked all kinds of questions like 'seven meat and eight vegetables'!" "You should know about the gauze on your forehead." I said. "Isn't my hair just covering it?" Women's concept of beauty is still unabated no matter what time it is! "But the journalist's lens will still capture it!" "Oh, how ugly that is!" "It is necessary to stand out and look good. How can you have both? You must know that you, a news personality, were not selected in a beauty pageant, but in a fight! There is no need to study whether it is good-looking or not! " "I'm not going to the airport!" She sat down and said dumbfounded. "What reason?" I asked seriously. "How ugly this 'virtue' goes to the airport!" “Going to the airport to pick you up is not a beauty pageant!” "It doesn't look good to be seen by anyone!" She began to feel awkward, or returned to the authentic "AB type" position. "What do you need to look good to pick up the plane?" "Anyway, the purpose of your mother coming to Taiwan is to see her little granddaughter, not to see me! I went deep into the tiger's den and worked hard to get her little granddaughter out and let her see it enough , I just don’t want to go to the airport!” "Mom is coming to Taiwan for the first time..." "Just say that I'm watching my daughter at home! Don't we have no daughters? By the way, this is the most correct reason!" "Accordingly, we should take Tian Erdao to the airport together!" "Bringing a baby to the airport to pick up the plane, what's the trick? Ah, where's Tian Erdao?" She suddenly noticed that the baby was coming, because Tian Erdao was not on the bed. "Didn't Tian Erdao be delivered to Wang Wenjuan's home?" I reminded. "That's right! I forgot all about it. I'm so dizzy. I thought I found one and lost the other!" When she said that, she laughed too, and her eyes hurt from this laugh.
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