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Chapter 3 Chapter Three

kung fu bride 牛哥 42766Words 2018-03-22
Dad has friends who are transiting from Japan, and I have to receive them as a junior. This Wang Shibo is a psychotherapist who has made a lot of money in the United States. It is said that he still has a considerable status in the Chinese society in the United States. In addition to the reception, I have to ask him to treat me in my spare time. The treatment method was very strange. He asked me to lie on a soft sofa bed and relax my nerves. The following is Tian Ping's statement to Dr. Wang Shibo: I love my wife, I love her, I love her madly, but she is a confusing woman, with an eccentric temperament that is elusive...

When I was young, my father gave me a spaniel with long ears for my birthday. I love this hound very much. She has long curly golden hair and two big ears that hang down like a girl's hair. It's just that this hound has weird problems. She is good at biting the neighbor's chickens and ducks, catching other people's pigeons, and fighting with cats, causing trouble all day long, unless she doesn't go out.I don't know how much money I lost to others? This situation is the same as that of my wife. She is meddling and troublesome. Whenever she fights, she will definitely win, because she is a 4th degree in judo and a beginner in karate.

Neighbors left and right, many people suffered bloody injuries, and I paid for the medical expenses.It seems to be a habit to pay again and again. Two neighbor couples quarreled, the husband scolded his wife for playing cards all day long, regardless of housework, and the wife scolded her husband for abusing his wife.Ma Lisa actually knows how to fight against injustice. At the beginning, she tried to persuade the quarrel with good intentions. After persuading her, she went astray and helped her wife scold her husband. In the end, she had a big fight and threw her husband down the stairs, his head was bleeding. flow.

I asked Wang Shibo, can I not pay the medical expenses?And it has to become a habit. My landlord never dared to come to the house to ask for the rent. He was already scared of being beaten. Hey, it's a long story. One night, the neighbors were thieves, and Ma Lisa got out of bed to help catch the thieves. The flats on the roof of the apartment we live in are continuous, and the owner yelled to catch the thief on the flat.Ma Lisa rushed up, caught one, and broke his arm indiscriminately. It was the owner's brother-in-law, who also helped get up to catch the thief, and Ma Lisa actually caught him.

Ma Lisa insisted that it was a thief, the owner's house thief!This kind of thing is also difficult to say, but to identify someone as a thief, there must be evidence, and there is no evidence, isn't it asking for trouble? Finally, I paid for medical expenses again, and I have become used to paying for it, starting from raising the spaniel when I was young. For example, when shopping, Ma Lisa doesn't know many foreign characters, so I don't know if she has a kind of admiration for foreign characters. She thinks that everything with foreign characters is a good thing, and she doesn't know that she has been cheated until she buys it home.

She bought clothes at an auction house, and the price was frighteningly expensive. The clerk threatened her that they were smuggled goods from Hong Kong, but when she got home, there was a very obvious word on it, Made In Taiwan. She would rush to the auction house in a huff, and "slap" her ear, good guy, the first stage of karate is good enough, a hard brick can be split in half.Not to mention the head of a clerk, his face was swollen and his mouth and nose were full of blood. The shot hurt someone, it was hard to justify it, and the trouble was brought to the police station, and the matter was lost again.

I love Marisa anyway, just like I loved the spaniel when I was little.You are losing money, and you don't feel sad in your heart. I found that Ma Lisa is very bad at recognizing people, and she often uses the wrong code for "putting on a hat". She is not short-sighted, her vision is blurry, it is purely due to carelessness, the feeling of "if you have milk, you must be a mother".For example, when she threw her father down the stairs that time, she mistook it for the trivial landlord. Not only does she have visual problems, but she also has serious hearing illusions. When someone calls home, she will have an intuitive effect when she hears the sound. Sometimes she mistakenly thinks it is my father, and she will call Dad when she picks up the receiver. Went thousands of miles away.Sometimes when a female worker in the factory called, she would think it was her mother, and she would call her mother affectionately, only to find out afterwards that it was not the case.Strangely enough, she didn't feel embarrassed when this happened, instead she giggled endlessly.

It was a silly smile, full of cuteness. Xiao Li is engaged, and he has no relatives, but the girl has many classmates. Xiao Li had to ask our couple to help greet the guests, and Marisa and I arrived early. Ma Lisa made a fool of herself when she walked in the door. When she saw a lady, she bowed deeply and called her an aunt!It's rare to see her so polite. It's rare for politeness to go wrong just once. I asked her who is that?She said: "It may be the woman's mother..." I said, "No, that lady's face is as long as a horse's. Maybe it's wrong again!"

After inquiring, I was really wrong, that was the woman's classmate, he was not very old, only in his twenties, but he looked a little older, he was the great matchmaker who matched Xiao Li. Another time, I met a widow whose husband died in a plane crash. They met on a certain occasion. Marisa asked the widow, "When will your husband come back?" I hurriedly pinched her to stop her. She still doesn't know what's inside, is there anything wrong with greeting someone's husband? "Not long after Mrs. Ji's husband crashed the plane..." I said. "What Mrs. Ji? It's Mrs. Qiu!"

"It's obviously Mrs. Ji, why do you think she is Mrs. Qiu?" Ma Lisa was still unconvinced, so she asked acquaintances, she was indeed Mrs. Ji, and it wasn't long before her husband crashed the plane... Anyway, there are too many things about "Zhang Guan Li Dai". Sometimes she went shopping and met Zhang San Li Si, and mentioned to me after returning home that it was not the same thing at all. as a mystery.Wait until a certain day, when there is proof, the truth will come out. After the factory started working, I also had a lot more entertainment, and too much entertainment was annoying.

Sometimes there are some meaningless entertainment, I just "be too polite".Ma Lisa will help and send a favor. For example, I often send a flower basket and a wedding curtain. Can this kind of thing go wrong? Strange, I often make mistakes, and they are so wrong. Those who should send money sent flower baskets, those who should send flower baskets sent wedding curtains, and those who should send flower baskets sent wreaths. It's "Congratulations from my nephew Tian Ping".When I found out, I couldn't catch up, so I could only pray that the flower shop would "do nothing wrong" and change the word "he". Another time, she put the invitation card from a regular customer three months ago on my desk, and called me to remind me not to forget to attend the appointment. It's no wonder if you don't miss out! Whenever I make a mistake like this, I don't even have a chance to lose my temper. She first giggled and smiled, which was so cute, and then apologized thousands and thousands of times, and my anger disappeared. The most inexplicable thing is that at the same banquet, Ma Lisa will also "disorder the couples".Mrs. Zhang would call others Mrs. Chen, but it was obviously Mrs. Chen who would address her as Mrs. Wang, causing "chaos in the world"!You can say that she is absent-minded or cutely confused. what!What's more, at Christmas, she sent Christmas cards to her various relatives and friends. I found one of them, Ma Lisha He, the first one was "XX Shibo", and the second one was inexplicably written: "Little Sister Marisa", and so on, countless! Marisa's physical strength is astonishing. We were invited by a friend to play at the US Army Officers Club, and she became interested in "slot tigers".After a few hours of pulling, there is no tired face, and the gambling luck is very good, several times are drawn overnight, and a lot of foreign slots are won. In the next six months, she became pregnant. I blamed me, as if she shouldn't have been pregnant. It was a trivial matter to complain, but she still went swimming and wrestled in judo school while she was pregnant. Of course I was worried about her, what should I do if strenuous exercise caused a miscarriage? Ma Lisa refused to listen. I had no choice but to ask her mother for help. I have expressed my feelings to Mrs. Ma many times. Mrs. Ma couldn't persuade her daughter either. Ma Lisa said well that she was undergoing prenatal education.When a child is born, he will naturally know judo and have the ability to defend himself. A few months passed, and she was already potbellied and frighteningly irritable, because she was inconvenient to move, neither swimming nor judo, and she was so bored at home. At this time, Xiao Li was already married, and his wife was from a "mahjong family". She was very patient, and invited several wives to teach Ma Lisa how to play mahjong to pass the time. Not only could I not bear to stop her, but I especially encouraged her to study. To be honest, I couldn’t bear to make her too lonely. There was no third person in the family except the daughter-in-law. Why not play mahjong for the wife to pass the time?And Marisa was having a big belly. Ma Lisa is really a genius. She is slow to learn other things, but she can learn to play mahjong immediately, and she is very good at learning. Probably foolish people will have foolish luck. She is born with excellent gambling luck and often wins money, so she is not lonely anymore. It is said that a pregnant woman should go to the hospital from time to time to be checked by the doctor, especially the first child. This is the most common common sense. But Marisa has no interest in doctors.She has never believed in doctors, because her body is so good, she has never been sick since she was a child, and what it feels like to be sick, it seems that she has never tried it. The day of childbirth was approaching, and I forced her to go to the hospital, but found that something was wrong.If the fetal disc is not in the correct position and the head is not turned, the situation is the same as "playing mahjong", sitting in a stable position.Probably because of too many mahjong games. The doctor also comforted her and said: "With the advancement of medicine, it doesn't matter if the fetus sits cross-legged. Academically it is called 'displaced birth', which means letting the baby's butt come down. The danger is not great!" Ma Lisa played mahjong as expected.In fact, she should have been admitted to the hospital long ago. When the abdominal pain started, she was still on the mahjong table. I rushed home from the factory after receiving a call, and then sent her to the hospital. You can't call yourself a "hero" when your mother gives birth.Ma Lisa has a stubborn personality and pretends to be fearless, but at this time I found that her voice is extremely loud, "screaming and killing"!It was me who was scolded, scolded bloody. What are you doing?Bearing children is a woman's bounden duty, and she is no different from an ordinary woman when she returns to her daughter's body. The doctor reported again that the situation was not good. They found that Marisa's pelvis was too small for the child to pass through, which meant that surgery was necessary. This may be because practicing judo is harmful, and it has become a "tiger back and wasp waist", which affects the small pelvis. At this time, there was no need to ask for Ma Lisa's consent. It was a matter of life and death, and a decisive decision was needed. The hospital asked me to sign the "Surgical Power of Attorney" to fully trust their hospital's surgery. If an accident occurs... I was so distraught that I went through various procedures under the domination situation, and the first thing I did after signing the power of attorney was to buy blood plasma. Marisa has experienced blood, and her blood type is AB.I have no research on blood types, and I don't know what is called AB type. Before the operation, I comforted Ma Lisa in the operating room, and I said: "With the advancement of medicine, caesarean section is the most common thing. It is a very simple operation that only takes a few minutes..." Marisa said: "What an ugly scar on my stomach!" Grandpa, she is still discussing the issue of scars. When life is at stake, it is a woman's nature to love beauty. Who can see a scar on the belly?She is not a model by profession. She cried and screamed until doctors administered anesthesia. Waiting outside the operating room, the feeling of being a father, you can't understand without personal experience.What's more, his wife underwent a caesarean section. I paced back and forth while a physician assistant comforted me and chatted with me. After a while, Ma Lisa's mother, uncle and others all arrived.They were all flustered. Mrs. Ma complained that the mahjong tiles were not good. There was already a gambler in her family (that is, Lei Sanfeng). Now her daughter has learned how to play mahjong, so she is tired of it. The caesarean section is the most convenient thing in today's medical technology. Within ten minutes, I heard the sound of spanking, followed by the cry of the child, and I fell to the ground! I hope their mother and child are safe, son?Is it male or female? All first-time fathers in the world feel the same way, wanting to know if it is a man or a woman. The more troublesome thing about cesarean section is the suture after the section. Not long after, nurses came out of the operating room. They knew how fathers feel, so they greeted me. "Give birth to a daughter!" "Daughter?... That's great!" I murmured, but aren't men and women the same?
Postpartum uterine contraction is the most painful thing for mothers, especially cesarean mothers. Ma Lisa scolded me every time she was in pain, she seemed to have a temperament of complaining. "Why are you so unlucky that you have to be stabbed?" She was chattering. Why doesn't she blame herself for practicing judo?What kind of karate do you practice?Make the disc bone of the body so small?Therefore, it is necessary to have a caesarean section. In order to comfort her, I try to make small talk with her, so as to reduce her pain. There is a new life in the family, and names are the perfect topic of small talk. "Have you seen the child? What does it look like? Like you or like me?" I asked. "I don't want to watch! I was so angry that I was stabbed!" she said. "How can you blame the child?" "If you don't blame her, blame you!" Why should I argue with a sick man?I still say mine. "In my imagination, I must be like you, with a pointed face, big eyes, and a smile all day long..." Marisa was still angry and didn't answer. "What name should I give her?" I asked again. She still ignored it. "Well, wouldn't it be nice to be called Lily, little Lily, or Xiao Tiantian, I believe she must be very sweet!" I played and teased her happily. "It's called a knife!" she said. "One knife?" I asked. "Well, if I was stabbed, let her be stabbed!" she said. "How ugly is it called a knife!" "Hmph! You are not afraid of being stabbed, but you are afraid of being ugly!" She complained. It's useless to argue with her, maybe it's because mothers are more irritable after giving birth. However, I beg her not to insist, otherwise, a girl named Yidao, her surname is Tian, ​​it would be so ugly to be called Tian Yidao. It took at least ten days for the caesarean section to leave the hospital, but within five days Ma Lisa was noisy. If Ma Lisa is a "petition envoy", she may succeed, because she has the courage to chatter, mutter, and never stop until she achieves her goal! From the nurse to the attending physician to the dean of the obstetrics hospital, she was enough to quarrel. Probably, those who learn judo have the courage to "run a marathon" and must need physical support.Victory is not achieved until the end. After six days in the hospital, she succeeded, and the dean approved her to be discharged. According to the latest surgical management method, it is better for people who have undergone surgery to walk around frequently, and the wound does not need to be covered with gauze bandages, and the recovery will be faster, but that refers to the "sterile room". But one thing can be proved, that is, the movement of the sutured wound will absolutely not matter. The child looks good, white and fat, like her mother, especially when she cries, her voice is very loud, and she is very strong. When she grows up, she will not be as petite and dainty as her mother. The bones can be seen. The name Tian Yidao is really ugly, after discussing with Ma Lisa again and again, she just refused. Ok!Tian Yidao is Tian Yidao, anyway, she was cut out with one knife, and the name her mother gave her was determined to be like this. What can a father do? Marisa's temperament is also quite eccentric. Sometimes, she is loving and affectionate to the child.But at other times, I was very irritable with that child. According to the doctor's theory, breastfeeding the child is the most helpful to the body. Especially the "confinement" mothers eat very well. Mrs. Ma sent her daughter various supplements, such as sesame oil chicken, angelica duck, eight-treasure rice... In addition, my mother sent all kinds of western medicine and supplements from Hong Kong. She got the knowledge from watching TV commercials when she was idle.Therefore, he instructed Ma Lisa to mend this way and that way. But Ma Lisa still let the child eat milk powder, she was saving herself the trouble. There is an extra little girl in the family, just to greet Tian Yidao.I mean the same thing, try to keep Marisa's troubles to a minimum and save her a temper tantrum. But today's Taiwan has transitioned from an agricultural society to an industrial society, and it is difficult to hire women. They have the freedom to work and have boyfriends. After three or two days, they feel something is wrong and walk away immediately. There is no favor to talk about. Every household is like this, everyone needs a maid, so it is also very playful to be a maid.When they are not working as girls, they simply run into factories to work as girls.You can commute to and from get off work at a fixed time, and your life is stable. Although Ma Lisa's temperament is irritable, she still has her strengths. Sometimes when the maid makes her angry, she doesn't hurt anyone.If you really want to make a few somersaults, that's a very convenient thing! The little girl ran away again.The maid in charge of cooking and laundry has clear responsibilities, and she absolutely ignores children. Immediately troublesome, Tian Yidao breastfeeding and changing diapers had to be done by Ma Lisa. Sometimes she was an annoyance to the children, and sometimes she was sweet as hell.It may be in nature that the love for children is no different from that of a more loving mother. One night, the factory had a social event, and I didn't return home until late at night. Ma Lisa sat on the bedside to nurse, holding the bottle in her hand, and fell asleep from a nap. It is also a great ability for her to be able to sit and fall asleep. She didn't know when the child in her arms rolled to the floor. That fat and white child was dancing and shouting on the floor... Marisa didn't know, she was sleeping on her, holding the bottle, thinking she was feeding. I took the bottle in her hand, lifted the baby from the floor, and breastfed her instead. With a slight push, Marisa fell down and continued to sleep soundly. On the second day, she knew nothing about it.And said I was exaggerating. We employ special nurses who come to bathe the children every other day. The child is very strong and strong, she just loves to laugh, and whenever someone teases her, she will grin with her mouth wide. It is rare for her to cry, and there must be something wrong when she cries, either because she is hungry, needs milk, or has a wet diaper... She has a loud enough voice to be annoying enough to cry. One night, when I came home, Tian Yidao was out of breath from crying, but Ma Lisa was angry, sitting on the side of the bed with an angry face, her arms folded, as if she was going to start judo. Tian Yidao's toothless mouth was stuffed with gauze, but she still wailed as loud as she could. "What's going on, I can't figure it out either!" Ma Lisa said, "Leave your daughter to you!" "There is always something uncomfortable!" I said, "The diaper is wet, or I am hungry!" "I just changed the diaper, soaked the milk, and vomited when I sucked the milk!" she said. I started to check, really, the diaper was just changed, and I suspected Marisa was careless, maybe the diaper pin pinned the baby, but no... A bottle of soaked milk was placed next to the pillow. The baby showed signs of hunger, but the nipple was stuffed into her mouth, and she immediately pushed it out with her little tongue, and continued to cry. What's going on?I also feel puzzled in my heart.Are you feeling unwell, have a fever, or have a stomachache?There must always be a reason! "She seems to be planning to fight me desperately! It seems that something has offended her!" Ma Lisa was actually angry with the child. I always feel that the child is hungry, but the question is why does she refuse to breastfeed? Could it be that there is something wrong with that bottle of milk?I pulled the teat off, tasted it, and spit it out hastily. "Who made the milk?" I asked. "I made it!" Marisa said. "Then try it yourself." She took the bottle and really tasted it. "Oh, why is it salty?" "I should ask you!" "If it were sugar, it would be sweet!" Marisa giggled, feeling guilty, and hurried to the child, "Sorry! Sorry!" "Don't be sorry, she doesn't understand, let's change a bottle of milk for her!" I said. "Strange, why do I use salt to make milk? The yellow jar is filled with sugar, and the blue jar is filled with salt, eh? Is the yellow jar filled with salt or sugar...?" She murmured to herself, to consider this issue. "The child is so hungry, don't worry about the color of the jar, and taste it yourself when adding sugar!" I said. "The annoying thing is that the shape of glucose and fine salt is exactly the same!" Finally, the milk was soaked again. This time, no wrong salt was added, and Tian Yidao was very hungry. Her tears were still wet, she took a sip from the bottle, swallowed the whole bottle, and then fell asleep.
In the summer of this year, Beishi contracted influenza, which is a contagious disease that spreads quickly. Unfortunately, I also suffered from this contagious epidemic. I felt uncomfortable all over, had a slight fever, and my nose was rubbing.So, I didn't go to the factory either, and just lay at home all day. Tian Yidao also contracted a strange disease called "Taiwan Fever". The doctor said that the only way to treat this disease is to put the child in an air-conditioned room. Strange to say, in the air-conditioning room, the fever faded, and when I walked out of the air-conditioning room, the fever started again. In other words, the house must be air-conditioned. At this time, the factory had already started production, and with income, it was very convenient to transfer more than 10,000 yuan to buy an air conditioner. But it will take some time from purchase to installation, and Tian Yidao is in trouble, especially at night.She is in an uncomfortable relationship. In normal times, I can still share a little help, so that Ma Lisa will not suffer alone. But I'm suffering from influenza, and if I infect Tian Yidao again, it's not a joke. Marisa complained when she got involved. That night, Tian Yidao didn't fall asleep until after midnight, and Ma Lisa seemed exhausted.She should have bought time to take a bath and go to bed to rest. But after taking a bath, Ma Lisa suddenly approached Tian Yidao's bedside, and said loudly, "Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu!"Like a child crying, Tian Yidao was forced to wake up.What is she on the nerves? Tian Yidao was woken up, and there was no reason not to cry. "Marisa, what are you on the nerves?..." I hurriedly stopped. She laughed out loud and said, "When I wanted to sleep, she quarreled with me all night. Now that she wants to sleep, why don't I quarrel with her for a while?" It turned out to be revenge! Starting from this incident, I found that Marisa seemed very nervous.Strange to say, she sometimes treats Tian Yidao as a sweetheart, and sometimes, she chatters and blames Tian Yidao for causing her to be stabbed. Dr. Wang Shibo, you are an authoritative scholar in psychological medical treatment, please tell me, what happened to Ma Lisa? Her temperament is fickle, and she often changes several different emotions within a few hours, which is elusive! Is it because of her practice of judo, the relationship between wrestling and breaking, the relationship between wrestling and breaking her brain, and a little bit of insanity? The psychotherapist is the calmest. Every sentence and every detail I said was recorded in detail when there were indeed problems.Then discuss and analyze, and finally put forward the answer. "You said Marisa's blood type is AB?" he asked. "Yes, to buy plasma when she gives birth, the application form is filled in type AB!" I replied. "Now I will analyze the blood type and a person's personality for you!" The following is Wang Shibo's analysis of blood types: There are four types of human blood: O, A, B, and AB. A person's character has a lot to do with his blood type, of course this is not absolutely correct!This is the theoretical analysis of medical scientists, which is naturally based on experiments, investigations and in-depth research. The philosophers of our country put forward the theory, saying: "If you are close to Zhu, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black". This is the truth. For example, someone's personality should be like this according to his blood type, but due to his parents or the people he has been in contact with since childhood, his blood type and personality are different, so he is affected and changes. Another example: the classmates you get close to in school, the friends you make after entering the society, or she admires someone, and it directly affects his personality. Therefore, his temperament will be different from his blood type. difference. But generally speaking, it is "eight or nine inseparable from ten". Blood type and a person's personality have his advantages and disadvantages.The classification is as follows: Blood type O: bold, strong, courageous, stubborn, stubborn, impulsive, irritable, reckless, determined, single-minded, and willing to lead Career, it is said that during World War II, the Japanese warlords selected marines and kamikaze commando members, all of whom selected blood type O to serve. In other words, they rushed fast and died fast. ...). Blood type A: introverted, melancholy, sympathetic, selfish, calm, quiet, doubtful, not talkative, responsible, careful, scheming, imaginative (Note: According to the theory of medical scientists, this category People with blood type are suitable for staff, accountants, writers, artists...). Blood type B: extroverted, naive, lively, cheerful, forthright, mischievous, troublesome, demolition, talkative, low sense of responsibility, loves to make friends, loves to have fun, not scheming, not good at financial management (Note: According to medical experts According to the theory, people with this blood type are suitable to be artists, actors, singers, diplomats, and they are the easiest to get along with people!). Blood type AB: It is a combination of A-type and B-type personalities. Suspicious and selfish are the biggest characteristics; sympathy and imagination are also rich beyond ordinary people.If it is not affected by external forces, the blood circulation may change at different times, and three different personalities will appear.One is exactly the same as those with type A blood; the other is exactly the same as those with type B blood; the third is his own personality type AB. According to the theory of science and physics, there is a reason for the heroic character of people with O blood type. Take blood transfusion as an example: Type O blood is widely used and can be transfused to patients with Type A, Type B and Type AB respectively. Type A can only lose to Type A. Type B can only lose to Type B. Needless to say, the AB type can only lose to the AB type. Using physiology to analyze blood types, the combination of O-type and O-type male and female will give birth to a child that is O-type, and the combination of O-type and A-type male and female will give birth to a child that will only be O-type and A-type. When a man and woman with blood type O and blood type B marry, the child born will be either type O or type B. If type A is combined with type A, the child must be type A. If type B is combined with type B, the child must be type B. When type A and type B are combined, the child born will be type A, type B, or type AB. The combination of type O and type AB will give birth to children with four different possibilities, type O, type A, type B, and type AB. As the saying goes, "Birds of a feather flock together", so if people with the same blood type get along together, isn't the world equal?But this is not the case. According to the research of scholars, people with the same blood type are prone to conflicts when they get along with each other.On the contrary, because of their different blood types and temperaments, they are easy to get along with and give way to each other. Isn't it weird? When Wang Shibo said this, he congratulated me and said: "According to your statement, I have to congratulate you. You married an AB-type wife. She is the most normal AB-type woman. You have married three wives. Sometimes, she has a type-A personality. ;Sometimes, she appears with a type B personality; sometimes she appears with a type AB personality, which is enough for you to bear!" I shuddered on the sofa bed and said: "Dr. Wang Shibo, I have heard that there is schizophrenia. Is it the same situation?" "No! Schizophrenia and AB blood type are two different things. Blood type represents a person's potential personality, and it depends on when he expresses it!" "How can I know when Marisa changed into what blood type?" "Then it all depends on your observation skills!" "Please guide the maze!" "For example, when you come home from get off work, and your wife is smiling and happy, she must be type B at that time! When she becomes type A, she must not say a word, leaning against the window and daydreaming, maybe listening to light music, or It's holding a baby and singing a lullaby..." "You're right at all." I asked. "How to find out when it is type AB?" "Nothing is right!" "Hey!" I sighed, and at this moment, I couldn't help worrying about Tian Yidao, what kind of blood type would this child be? "Do you love your wife very much?" "Yes! But she makes me dizzy sometimes!" "With love, all problems are easy to solve!" "Can you tell me something about coping with, say, her AB episode?" Dr. Wang Shibo paused, and thought for a while, "Well, type AB can be guided, because she has dual personalities of type A and type B, when conflicts intertwine, that is, when you are hesitant, then you You should try to guide her to the side of Type B, so that she is lively, happy, and refreshed in spirit! For example, if you take her to the movies, you must choose comedy. It will be counterproductive! Or go to a nightclub to spend the night, try to have a happy night, and then you will be happy!" "But sometimes, when I suggest going to the movies, she goes to the nightclub; I suggest going to the nightclub, but she suggests going on a picnic; "That's a technical problem. You have to try your best to push the boat according to the current, sail the sail according to the wind, and sometimes use insinuation to point things out. When you plan to go to the movies with her, you should first talk about going for an outing!" "Perhaps she agrees to the picnic at once!" "Then, she had a Type B personality at that time..." Dr. Wang Shibo swallowed, and he was also dizzy. "But you have to pay attention to one thing. An AB-type person, when conflicts are intertwined, if you invite him to dinner, he will wonder why you invite him to dinner. It may be that you intend to use him. However, when you invite someone to dinner and you don’t invite him, he will suspect that you look down on him and plan to snub him, and it’s not easy to please him because of technical problems!” "Oh, she is always indecisive! I can't figure it out!" "But with the power of love, I can support you!"
Wang Shibo stayed in transit for a week. He went to Sun Moon Lake in central China for sightseeing. After returning north, I lay on the sofa chair in his hotel for psychological treatment. This new type of psychotherapy is nothing more than expressing depression in the heart. If a person has doubts in his heart, unanswerable questions in his heart, or is unable to vent after suffering from embarrassment, as if stuck in his throat, he really needs to find a psychologist to confide in his heart. My situation is no different, I feel uncomfortable. Dr. Wang Shibo has his shorthand records, which will be included in the files when he returns to his clinic in the future. I say: According to the Chinese custom of confinement, a mother will lie in bed for a whole month after giving birth and take more supplements to help her body recover. Of course, the times have changed, and the European style is spreading eastward. The general new thinking uses the habits of Europe and the United States as a reference, and its performance everywhere is contrary to ours. For example, we Chinese traditional habits.During the confinement period, the puerpera spends most of her time lying in bed, does not eat cold food, does not blow the wind, does not touch cold water, and recuperates. According to the instructions of the elderly, there are at least dozens of precepts. The way in Europe and the United States is slightly different. They don’t care about eating raw and cold food, because their staple food includes raw and cold food on weekdays. They even drink ice water, eat ice cream, and live in air-conditioned rooms. This is due to differences in living habits and physical fitness. . Ma Lisa didn't read Chinese books well, but she actually learned a school of European and American habits. She turned on the air-conditioning in order to cool off, let's not talk about her, I am also extremely afraid of heat, and being able to enjoy the air-conditioning makes me feel much happier physically and mentally. She likes to eat fruit, and sometimes eats fruit as a meal on weekdays, and it doesn't matter. she says: "The nutrition of fruit is the best. You can see that most of the large animals are vegetarians, such as elephants and rhinos, hippopotamuses, cows, horses... and monkeys, baboons. They eat fruits, jump up and down, and have plenty of energy. All diseases are eliminated, only animals that eat meat have been regressing..." I argued with her and said, "Lions and tigers are also carnivorous animals. How can they be called the king of beasts?" "Lions and tigers eat raw meat, which has higher nutritional value than cooked food. You see, Europeans and Americans eat steaks that are mostly undercooked. Sometimes they even have bloodshot eyes to be called the best cooks!" "How much do you know about Europe and America?" "Anyway, I love reading. You don't even read magazines. I'm absorbing new knowledge all the time!" "The largest animals eat vegetarian food, so what about the whales? Can't they just eat seaweed?" “海藻的营养价值是最高的……” “别多指示了,老人家的说话我们也要听,他们是过来人,坐月子的时候不保重身体,到了年纪大时自己受罪!” 马莉莎又爱吃冰淇淋,我每上工厂时,她就让下女去买回来大快朵颐。 这种事情我也拦阻不了,多说也是白费唇舌,也只好由她了。 反正吹冷气、吃生冷、吃冰淇淋,只要适可而止,我相信不会有什么大碍的。何况马莉莎的体质天生异禀,体力充沛,她会较之一般的人容易复元的。 可是最没道理就是她产后二十余天就满街乱跑,还跑到柔道学校去练摔跤。 怎么得了呢?她不是正常生产的,是剖腹产子,产后二十多天就去摔柔道,岂不等于是拿自己性命去开玩笑吗? 我向她劝阻,她反骂我是书生气息,她说:练武的人,就全靠练武恢复体力,摔柔道对身体只会有好处,不会有害处的。 等不及满月,她就又找人来搓麻将了,我倒认为搓麻将没什么关系,坐在家中搓,总比到外面去乱跑要好得多。 马莉莎搓牌的搭子愈来愈多,是小李的那位新婚太太的“德政”,张大嫂、李大妈、王二麻子、裹脚娘,三姑六婆十三姨尽向我家里拖,加上王文娟王文美两姊妹,她俩也是好搭子,随时都可以凑得上的。 一个女人迷上了方城之戏,对家务就不会管理得好,对丈夫和孩子自然也会冷淡得多的。 可是我倒不反对马莉莎空来没事玩玩牌,省得她随时随地嘟嘟囔囔为田一刀挨了那么的一刀,也省得她向外面跑去闯祸。 哈,王世伯医生,我告诉你一副牌,会笑痛你的肚皮的! 马莉莎碰二筒,碰三万,碰三条,已经是“三相碰”对和了,有一嵌东风在手,单吊,换句话说,只要摸上任何的一张中发白,就单吊成为“五门齐”,这副牌有多大呢?五门齐对对和还带三相碰。 她转来转去就摸不上一张中发白。她的情绪焦急是会挂在脸上的。 坐在对门的那位王麻子大娘红中开了暗杠,三张暗盖着只翻出了一张明牌。 马莉莎是由于情绪紧张的关系,她摸牌好像是要使出浑身之劲像练柔道似的,眼睛也不知道看到什么地方去了。 她伸手一摸,摸来了一张红中,正是对门开暗杠的一张牌。 好极了,正好是“五门齐”单吊红中。 这种荒唐的事情在座的三位太太都没有发觉,牌转了一圈。马莉莎又伸手去摸牌,哈!好极了,又是一张红中。自摸和了。 她们搓的是称为“三五制”的新章麻将,计算这副牌有多大。 “五门齐”五番,对对和五番,三相碰五番,已经是十五番了,单吊独听两番,碰三筒,碰三万,碰三条是六和,一嵌东风八和,八六十四,自摸单吊红中六和,正好是二十恰和,又加两番。东风圈一番。正好是二十番。算是九千五百和,一副牌摸进了“三底”,麻将搓得并不大,她们玩的是三折的,“三底”也不过是千元左右。 马莉莎之高兴,笑口逐开,我相信她在这时候她的血型定是B型的了! 大家付过帐之后,已经又在洗牌了。 “田太太,你刚才单吊的是什么牌?”那位王麻子大娘怔怔地问。 “单吊红中,要不然怎会是'五门齐'呢?”马莉莎回答。 “不对呀,我红中开暗杠,你又怎会单吊红中呢?” “你什么时候红中开暗杠的?” “对的,我也好像记得王大娘红中开暗杠!”小李的太太说。 “这就不应该算钱了,应该退钱才对。”另一位太太说。 “胡说,你红中开暗杠是上一把牌!”马莉莎说。 “不!是这一把!” “你红中开暗杠我又怎会自摸单吊呢?” “你一定是摸错了我的暗杠牌!” “摸错了一张又怎会摸错两张呢?你们将我看得这样胡涂吗?” “是的,为什么大家都这样胡涂呢,当时谁也没有发现吗?”小李的太太说。 “不!我相信王大娘一定是白板或是发财开暗杠,她自己记错了!” 王大娘气得脸上每一颗麻皮都发白,这位太太向来是赢得输不得的,牌品差劲已极,她已经开始脖子粗了。 “不管了,反正你们付过了钱,就作算了。”马莉莎笑吃地说。 她居然贪图小便宜了,这时必是AB型。 王大娘吃了一点小亏,心里呕气,章法也大乱。各种的丑态也表现出来了。 有一副牌,她做清一色万子。上家打了一张二万,她应该拿一、三万出来吃就对了,她竟拿出一张一万一张二万,用一、二万去吃二万,在后又吃下四五六万。 这几位太太都是胡涂人,谁也没有发觉。牌过了好几转。 “王大娘,你这张牌是怎样吃的?”小李的太太首先发现。 “噢,我吃错了!你打的是几万?”王大娘手上的一副牌实在是太大了,清一色万子,带一条龙,一般高,还有将,只差一上一听了,她不免有点手忙脚乱的了。 “我打的好像是二万!”小李的太太说。 “那么我是拿错牌出来吃了,应该拿出三万出来吃就对了!” “牌已经过了好几转了,你也摸过牌,也换过了好几张牌!”另一位太太提出了反对。 “我的手上就只有一张三万!”王大娘还特别将那张三万拿出来给大家看。 “那张牌是你刚摸的,我看见你插进去的!” “胡说,我刚摸的一张是五万!” “不!我看得清楚,你摸的就是手上的那一张!” “真是天地良心!” “不过话说回来,你吃错了牌,又过了好几转,你过过牌又换过牌,怎能作算呢?”小李的太太说公道话。 “那么怎么办?”王大娘气呼呼地说。 “你若和下来,就只好当'炸和'了!” “你们大家要评评理看,一二万怎可吃二万呢?”王大娘仍要论理。 “你要吃下来那也没有办法!”马莉莎取笑说。 “好的,是你们说一、二万可以吃二万的!假如我和下来怎么办?”王大娘问。 “那就当炸和!”小李的太太说。 “炸和怎么办?” “那就每个人赔一个红筹码!”(红筹码一支等于三百。) 于是,牌就继续搓下去。 马莉莎打出了一张五条。 “碰!”王大娘脖子一粗,取出了一对五万碰之。 “王大娘,你一对五万怎可以碰五条呢?”小李的太太问。 “一、二万可以吃二万,一对五万怎么不可以碰五条呢?” 王大娘理直气壮地说。 大家面面相觑,因为王大娘已告脖子粗,若有人争执的话,就要吵翻了。人家嘻哈笑了一阵,就容忍了之! 牌还是继续打,小李的太太打了一张五筒。 “和了!”王大娘一推牌,她用四、六万和了五筒,边说:“一、二万可以吃二万,四、六万当然也可以和五筒了!”说完,她取了三支红筹码,分别给她们三个人,又说:“和'炸和',每人赔一支红筹码,今晚上反正就是输死算了!” 可是那三位太太又大发慈悲,谁也不好意思收王大娘给的那支红筹码,将它退还了还要说好话。 王大娘这才气平了一些,牌还是继续搓下去,王大娘由于心情不佳,竟做了“小相公”!不知道怎么搞的,又是牌过了好几转才发现。 “呦!我怎么少了一张牌?”她脸红耳赤地说。 “怎么回事,王大娘,你刚和了'炸和',现在又做小相公?”小李的太太说。 “那么我摸一张牌不打算了!” “那怎么行?我的牌很大,少掉一次吃牌的机会,不可以的!”另一位太太又提出了反对的意见。 “那么,我摸两张打一张……” “这样牌不就乱了吗?你做'小相公',不和一把牌又有什么关系呢?” 马莉莎说:“做'小相公'是最好的了!不和牌还可以顶下家!” 王大娘又一次的脖子一粗,说:“好的,我是'大三元'的架子,拆牌顶死你!” “顶死算了,我不在乎!”那位太太说。 这一把牌,小李的太太和了,“全带七”三相逢,般高,还带三数,一万多和。 马莉莎就出言责怨王大娘做“小相公”将牌弄乱了,要不然,小李的太太怎会和得出呢? “哼!是你们强逼我做'小相公'的,我应该多摸一张牌,你们又不许!”她气呼呼地说。 筹码付过,牌还是继续搓下去。 马莉莎做万子清一色非常明显,三副落地,听六九万非常好,这把牌是和定了,就看谁包了或者是自摸。 王大娘是做“五门齐”,全带么,她碰双北风,碰了红中,又吃下七八九条去。 七摸八摸的,手上拆掉了一对九筒,摸了四张不同的万子。想和又和不了,打出。又要包牌,每一张万子都很危险的。 她抓耳搔腮的,急得额上汗珠子直冒,麻皮发白。 “我不打了!”她说。 “怎可以不打呢?包牌也得包,我们只出一支炮子!”小李的太太说。 “我宁可做'大相公',就是不打!”王大娘双手抱臂,向座椅上一靠。 “没有这种理由!”另一位太太说。 “我可以做'小相公',自然也可以做'大相公'!”王大娘还满有理由的。“说什么不打!” “这不等于赖皮吗?”马莉莎说。 “就算赖皮也不打!”她气呼呼地说。 “打牌是娱乐消遣,你怎可以耍无赖呢?”马莉莎也生气了。 “你们偷牌偷我的暗杠红中,又让我和'炸和',又让我做'小相公'!我现在自己高兴做'大相公',怎么不可以?”她理直气壮地说。 “你真无聊!”马莉莎的血型有了变化。 “你才是无聊,偷牌,不要脸!” 赫,这一下子事情大了,马莉莎用“空手道”出手,否则她一掌劈去,包保王大娘头破血流。 这傻女孩竟伸手去拧王大娘的鼻子,这一拧出了大纰漏。 别看王大娘一脸孔的大麻皮,她还是经过了整容的呢。 “十个麻皮九个爱俏”恐怕就是这个道理!王大娘的麻皮经过了填补,鼻子充塑胶。 经过了马莉莎这么的一拧,问题大了,她的鼻子还不了原,变成歪鼻子啦。 王大娘痛煞心肺,开始号啕大哭,那可不得了,清清楚楚地可以看得到,一根塑胶板歪到脸颊的旁边去,鼻尖又重新塌下了。而且还不可以用手去碰呢,一经接触就会痛得发狂。 可把那三位太太吓傻了。 “对不起,我不知道你垫过鼻子的!”马莉莎呐呐说。 道歉又有什么用处呢?鼻子歪了是事实,你向它磕头也不会还原的了。 其他的两个太太也向马莉莎埋怨不休。 “吵吵闹闹就好了,为什么要动手呢?你是练柔道的,也不知道自己的手脚有多么重?”那位什么太太向马莉莎责备。 还是小李的太太有见地,她说:“我们还是赶快将王大娘送到医院去吧!” 三位太太开始手忙脚乱,唤来了出租汽车,麻将帐也没结,搀的搀、扶的扶,将王大娘扶进了出租汽车,问明了王大娘在哪一间医院整容的,匆忙赶到医院,挂号特别急诊。 赫,可够受的,先注射了麻醉针,将拧歪了的塑胶板取出来,又重新另外垫一块新的进去。 那算是两次的手术,合计下来是八千余元。这一场麻将可谓搓得贵了。 是夜,马莉莎唉声叹气的,热泪盈眶,也许是为那八千余元而心痛。她喃喃自语,喋喋不休的,直在责备自己。 我伺机向她劝慰,说:“老是沉迷在麻将牌上也不是办法,偶尔逢场作兴,倒无所谓,夜以继日地,对你自己也不好,对家庭也不好……” 她说:“你每天在工厂里忙,我成天在家中,对着一个下女、一个孩子,也很觉得寂寞无聊,我也曾经这样想过,成天坐在牌桌子上,有什么意义呢?可是假如再不搓牌的话,岂不是更寂寞吗?有时候,我到柔道学校去,不带着田一刀,放心不下,带着田一刀,很不方便,那地方又真是脏兮兮的,全是汗臭味,很不适宜带着孩子去,我真不知道该怎样打发自己才好!” 我又说:“再者,你经常忘记自己是练柔道的,有多大的力气,同一个桌子搓牌,称得上是牌友,为什么还要动手脚呢?幸好你只是拧歪了王大娘的鼻子,假如说,你扭断了她的脖子该怎么办?王大娘的先生不要你赔娇妻才怪呢!” 这句话可将马莉莎说得咯咯笑个不迭,她真是易怒易喜,时而忧郁时而欢乐。 我得感激王世伯博士给我“指点迷津”,她代表了AB型的性格,是最“正宗”的。我娶了一个妻子,等于有了三个太太,时而会有不同的情趣。 马莉莎声明,她决心戒赌麻将,因之,我得多将时间腾出来,尽可能不让她单独留在家中寂寞。 那时间,台北开了好几间的保龄球馆。 玩保龄球也是很好的消遣,对身体也有帮助。 马莉莎有一项长处,只要是有娱乐性的,她很容易就会发生兴趣,而且有兴趣就会“上瘾”。 她忽然之间就迷上保龄球了。可不得了,一局保龄球二十元台币,我若玩上三局,包管浑身大汗,筋疲力尽的。 马莉莎却不同,她的体力惊人。经常玩上十局八局的,毫无倦容。 这种消遣又太不经济了,有时候倒还不是金钱上的问题。在玩的方面她的好胜心特强,比喻说,夫妻比赛,她输了一局,不用说,再比赛第二局,第二局再输了,比赛第三局、第四局!一定要玩至赢为止。她不感到疲倦,我可却要累垮了呢! 我有聪明的办法,就是不到第三局就故意让她赢球,这样还可以提早休息。 在保龄球场上也可以结交朋友的,大部分都是志同道合的球迷。有“夫妻档”的,有“情侣档”的,也有单身汉的,也有女光棍的。反正是每天都到保龄球馆报到,一回生二回熟,就可以交上了朋友,有时候,球道不空,大家就凑在一起共乐了。 马莉莎有了球伴也好,我在工厂里忙不过来的时候,她独自也可上球馆消磨个几个小时。 玩保龄球该是很高尚的娱乐运动吧?至少是要花得起二十元玩一局球的有闲阶级所到的地方。 马莉莎照样出事,还出手伤人。 事情的发生是这样的。大概是一位官小姐或是富家千金,她在该保龄球馆习惯用一只花花绿绿重量极轻的保龄球。和她同来的一位男士是一位“骨头轻”的惨绿少年,他自己也搞不清楚有多高的身价,一方面也是目中无人的关系。 刚好马莉莎选用了那只球,那惨绿少年闷声不响将球抱走了。 马莉莎有她的AB型性格,她照样地闷声不响,将球抱回来了。 不到片刻工夫,那家伙又来将球抱走了。马莉莎照样又将球抱回来。 “喂!怎么搞的,你为什么老将我的球抱走?” 那家伙“恶人先告状”。 “你这家伙太没有礼貌了,一连两次将我的球抱走,还说我抱走你的球!”马莉莎说。 “这是张小姐每天用的球!”他说。 “但是现在我在用呢!” “你用别的一只不行吗?” “奴才,告诉你的小姐,她可以用别的一只球!” “你怎的说我是奴才?” “你的作为就像是奴才!” “假如我不是看见你是一个女人的话,我一定揍你!” 马莉莎冷淡说:“你想打架的话,等于自讨骨头贱,我会把你的奴才脑袋砸扁!” “他妈的,你真这样狠吗?”这家伙还真不知死活,他欺侮马莉莎是单身女人,那人还是要抱着那只球回去。 马莉莎真恼火了,叱喝说:“把球放下!” 是时,许多的球友听得他们争吵都聚拢来了。有看热闹的,也有相劝的。 “朋友,球多得是,何必要抢这只球呢?人家先在用,你强行取走,就是你的不是了!”有客人向那惨绿少年责备。 “各人打各人的球,没你们的事!”那家伙还愣头愣脑地说。 “我再警告你,将球放下!”马莉莎再说。 “不放下又怎样?” “有你受的!”马莉莎说着,双手向那人的肩上一搭。 说时迟,那时快,那惨绿少年连人带球,“唰”的一声!向球道直飞出去。唏哩哗啦的。打了一个Strike(全倒)!不是球打的,而是人打的。 那小子跌进了球柜,和所有的瓶子滚做一团。 真是满堂喝采呢,目睹者都喊打得好!不是球打得好,是人打得好。 保龄球馆的职员和教练可着了慌,用人体打球可不是闹着玩的。 一整个人掉进球柜里去,还能不受伤吗?拾瓶和记分都是电动化的。 那小子跌进球柜里去,打了一个Strike,拾瓶架子立刻就降下来。不砸扁那人的脑袋才怪了呢。 操纵的电钮得及时关掉。 不一会,两名教练将那人自球柜中牵出来了,一副怪模样够难看的,光亮的头发披散了,额角上瘀黑了一大块。门牙掉了两颗,鲜血淋漓的,衬衫脱了钮扣,领带折断,那件西装擦破了袖口,袖扣不见了一颗,皮鞋掉了一只……反正是丑态百出,洋相出大了。 我正在工厂里忙着,马莉莎来了电话,请我火速赶到保龄球馆处理这件事情。 初时,我还不知道事情会发生得如此严重,赶到保龄球馆,看到那小子的一副形状,真是个毛骨悚然呢。 警察也到了场,好在保龄球场是高尚运动场所,得有花得起二十元一局球的身价才能进场,玩球的自也是颇有身价的人物了。 要不然,变做了不良少年的殴斗,那岂不更糟糕吗? 这种事情的发生,没什么大不了的,赔钱就是了,我对赔钱从小就有了习惯,养的那头专咬人家鸡鸭的猎犬,它不出门则已,溜出门外多少总要惹点麻烦才会回家的。反正就是赔钱! “事情怎么发生的?”我问。 “为了争夺一只球!”一名年轻的教练向我解说,喋喋不休由首至尾说了一遍。 假如说,孩子抢玩具还可能会打架,他们都已经是大人了,还会发生这类的事情! “幸好我将电钮及时关掉,否则准会闹出人命案呢!”那位教练还夸大其词地在说。 How to do it?当前的情形就是赔钱的问题了。 究竟要赔多少,那形状狼狈不堪的家伙已开出了条件。 ㈠、医院检查,有没内伤?负担他医药费;㈡、配牙齿,两颗门牙,要技术好的牙医;㈢、西装刮破了,要做新的;㈣、衬衫和领带要赔,是舶来品;㈤、袖扣一副,要一式一样的……
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