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kung fu bride

kung fu bride


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 150407

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1: Boundless Spring

kung fu bride 牛哥 19307Words 2018-03-22
Tian Ping had no choice but to confess to his father. He said: This is how things happened. My father asked me to go sightseeing in Taiwan, and by the way, see if our plastic flower factory will develop in Taiwan. Before I set off, I heard from friends that there is a "special product" in Taiwan called "restaurants", which is the nest of beauties!When two or three people go to a restaurant to drink, there will be a room full of beauties to accompany them.For example, all tourists who come to Taiwan, if they have not been to a restaurant, it means that they have never been to Taiwan.

To put it more seriously, in the future when you enter the Hall of Yama after death, Lord Yama will ask, "Have you ever been to Taiwan?" Answer: "Yes!" Then ask: "Have you ever been to a restaurant?" Answer: "No!" In a fit of rage, he ordered to hit three hundred boards first... Therefore, after I arrived in Taipei, the first thing I did was to hold my father's business card to visit the dealer - Hu Gongdao. Hu Gongdao treated me very well, and he wanted to invite me to dinner. It's my fault, I suggested going to the restaurant to avoid being spanked by Lord Yama after death.

Hu Gongdao is very happy to accept my opinion, because he is also a frequent customer of the restaurant.Because of the decree of "Family with Evil Wife", no matter whether you are entertaining any friends, you must go home at nine o'clock in the evening. Therefore, Hu Gongdao invited two of his shop assistants, one named Xiao Zhang and the other named Xiao Li.They are both young men with a lot of alcohol, and they are "knowledgeable" in major restaurants in Taipei, and most of the women in the restaurants are almost acquainted with them. In all fairness, the taste of the restaurant is not bad.It's just a little noisy, our purpose is to play, of course, the hotter the more noisy the merrier.

The hostess of the restaurant is thin and fat, like crucian carp crossing the river.The most rare thing is that you can choose whatever you want, and if you choose it, it seems to belong to you. Of course, that refers to the time when you are drinking. Some of the hostesses are called "Dangfan" and some are called "Fanwai". The "partners" are assigned by the restaurant and sent to serve in your room; the "outsiders" are called to the room to accompany the wine. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li did a beauty pageant for me, and the selection was good. A restaurant lady called Xiao Mi, who is said to be the most popular wine girl at the moment.Petite in stature, with beautiful eyebrows, she looks like a fairy descending from the earth.

She is obsessed with me, it's as if she is making love with a mandarin duck. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li sent me a message. If you want to use your brains, you might as well invite Xiao Mi out for a snack later, and maybe you can take her back to the hotel. Of course I wish for it. Before nine o'clock, Mr. Hu Gongdao, who suffered from "strict wife control", was about to resign first. He said very politely: "It's very impolite for the host to leave first, but the 'bad wife' in the family can't stand it, so he has to follow the order and return home on time. Fortunately, Xiao Zhang and Li will accompany you. Any program that will be arranged later, I will treat you!"

I thank you again and again, but Mr. Hu Gongdao left first because he was in a hurry. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li are very happy to have their master pay the bill, and they are more foolish than I am. My drinking capacity was originally limited. When drinking in Hong Kong, I used to drink brandy with "7-up soda".The intensity is at your discretion. Drinking in Taiwan is very bold, and every glass must be dry, regardless of the size of the glass.Drinking Shaoxing wine is like drinking boiled water, and drinking beer is even more terrible. According to Xiao Zhang, he uses a bottle of beer as a unit, and at the peak of the night, he can drink ten units. God, that's ten bottles...

The time for fooling around is the easiest to pass.I was very drunk, probably before twelve o'clock.We left the restaurant. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li really have a way. They each have a wine girl, and they force Xiao Mi to follow me. Xiao Mi is half-push and half-satisfied.She made a fake appearance. My father once told me that most girls with makeup and powder have no true feelings. If you are deeply trapped in the flowers and cannot extricate yourself, then it will be too late to regret! Seeing Xiao Mi's affectation, I was a little disgusted, and I couldn't help but think of my father's motto.

In the end, we went to a nightclub, which is a nightclub called a fan-shaped building. There were performances and dancing. In fact, at that time, my eyes were already straight, my eyelids were heavier than lead, and my stomach felt disgusted. The soul is floating, like sitting on floating clouds, drunk to the point of vomiting. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li really have the spirit of "big drinkers" and "big whores". They continued to drink and danced with their arms around the drunk girl.The exuberant physical strength and the massive amount of binge drinking, I, a Hong Kong visitor, can only sigh myself.

When they wanted to force me to drink again, I said: "If I had another drink, I'd be lying under the table!" In my confusion, I saw Xiao Zhang and Xiao Mi whispering. Xiaomi is very good at acting, pretending to be deaf and stupid to be vague. Not long after, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li went down to the pool to dance again. Xiao Mi bit my ear and said softly: "The first time we met, are you going to ask me to go back to the hotel with you? It's too embarrassing, and it's too embarrassing for me. How about tomorrow? Come to the store tomorrow and book my 'Fan'!"

I don't know what "ordering" is. Under the principle of "whoever doesn't know, don't blame, please forgive me, I'm completely drunk." "Voila! Your 'cock' tracked down!" Suddenly, Xiao Li patted Xiao Mi's shoulder, as if to warn her. In an instant, it could be seen that Xiao Mi was a little nervous.She turned her head and looked around.The armchair was moved again to block other people's view. I don't know what a "little cock" is. It's probably a "jargon" and a code word for the business of being a bar girl.

The wine girls brought by Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li both forced me to drink. Living in Hong Kong, it is very impolite to refuse their toast with "women first". Reluctantly, I drank a glass of beer, "the five internal organs rebelled", and immediately made a fool of myself, vomiting and messing up. Who sent me back to the hotel, who undressed me, I don't know! ...
The next day, when I opened my eyes, someone knocked on my door to wake me up. My head seemed to be filled with seven or eight catties of heavy lead. My skull is shattered. I struggled to get up and lay down again, and said loudly: "Who?" "Me! Xiao Li!" "Oh, wait a minute!" I climbed out of bed, barely supported and walked to the door. The door was not latched, and it opened with a light twist of the door key. "Oh!" I sighed. Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang, both of them in high spirits, each hugged a wine girl who accompanied me to the nightclub last night, and appeared in front of my room with smiling faces. "Is the wine still awake?" The wine girl named Lilac belonged to Xiao Li, and she spoke first. "What time is it?" I raised my wrist, and the watch had stopped because I forgot to wind it. "Five thirty!" Xiao Zhang said. "Five thirty in the morning, you wake me up?..." "No! It's half past five in the afternoon!" "Afternoon?" I asked. "No! It should be evening!" Xiao Li said. "Ah, haven't I been in a coma for more than ten hours?" I asked again. "Correct calculation, from 1:30 last night to now, is 16 hours!" Xiao Zhang said. "Based on a 24-hour day, you've slept two-thirds of the whole day!" Xiao Zhang's good wine girl called Ding Hong.She loves mean people. "I'm ashamed..." I felt very embarrassed, and hurriedly put on the suit pants that were draped over the back of the bed. "Please sit down!" "Last night, you promised Xiaomi to 'book a show', how do you decide now?" Ding Hong asked. "What's called 'ordering'?" I asked. "It's to book Xiao Mi's 'Dangfan' room!" "I still do not get it!" "It's very simple. Tonight, when you treat guests, Xiaomi will act as the host to entertain the guests for you. It's called a reservation!" "Ah. By the way, Mr. Hu Gongdao invited guests last night. I must return to invite you today!" I said. "Then we must inform Mr. Hu Gongdao quickly, the dinner is served early in their family!" Xiao Li said. "We should also inform Xiao Mi to make an appointment as soon as possible. The business of the restaurant is good recently, and it is full every night!" Xiao Zhang said. The phone in my room started buzzing. I could tell that it was Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li who were in a hurry. They wanted to try to get me a treat, but they were actually trying to save their face. The phone at Hu's mansion was connected. Mr. Hu heard that there was an opportunity to go to a restaurant, and he would never refuse. But his disappointment was that before nine o'clock, he had to go home and report to the old woman. This evening, we went to the same restaurant again.On the blackboard of "Dingfan" at the front of the door is written: "Xiao Mi, Spring Banquet Hall".This is the so-called "order". We entered the "Spring Banquet Hall".The waiter handed over tea, fragrant fruit and small melon seeds. The big class of wine girls appeared. I was an idiot. I went to Taiwan for the first time, and I went to a restaurant the next day. I didn't understand anything. I saw the big class of wine girls and Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li whispering to each other, seemingly mysteriously. Ding Hong and Ding Xiang were brought into the store by the customers, and they first entered the wine girl lounge to change their clothes. "What are you talking about?" I asked. Xiao Li immediately said: "Last night, Xiao Mi had a big fight with her 'little rooster' for you, and even performed martial arts, Xiao Mi was injured..." "What's called a 'cock'?" I asked. "Have you ever played in the 'Shanghai Style' dance hall?" Xiao Zhang asked back. "The dance halls opened by Shanghai people are called Shanghai Pai!" I said. "By the way, Shanghai-style dancers love to keep 'trailers'. When they have no business, the 'trailer' will drag her around the dance floor! It's also full of spectacle!" "'Little Rooster' is the same as 'Trailer'? Is it dragging the wine girl all over the bar?" I asked. "No! Raising a 'trailer' is the same as raising a 'little rooster', which is equivalent to raising a boy in a movie star, staying at home to eliminate loneliness, and being useful when needed!" Xiao Zhang said. Ding Hong and Ding Xiang all laughed.belly laugh. "So, Xiaomi has a pretty face?" I asked. "Whatever it is, it's just a joke, anyway, you just don't want to be a 'little rooster'!" Xiao Zhang said. "Actually, I wish I could be a 'little rooster' if I can be raised by others!" Xiao Li said. There was another burst of laughter. Mr. Hu Gongdao arrived on time. He was most punctual when he went to the restaurant, but he was also very punctual when he left. "Nephew Tian, ​​you are too polite!" "I accepted your hospitality last night, I just returned the invitation!" I said. "I heard you were drunk last night!" "Yes, very drunk!" "It's best to go to a restaurant on the principle of not getting drunk and everyone getting drunk. If you're really drunk, it's meaningless!" Mr. Hu said the best words. The banquet started again, and the scene was even more lively than last night. The hostesses filled the rooms. Only then did I know that "Fanqian" is NT$50 per person, which is cheap and good. Father, don't panic, it will cost less than HK$1,000. Xiaomi hasn't seen each other for a long time, maybe because she is entangled by her "little cock". Fortunately, there are many ladies who are "better" than Xiao Mi, "the eyes are too dazzled", the situation of the beauty pageant tonight seems to be different.I'm a little out of date. All of them glanced at each other and flirted with each other, all of them were money as a lampshade. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li still appeared in the posture of drinking heavily, every glass of wine was almost dry! Xiao Mi arrived, and that night she was dressed up in a fancy dress, wearing a dress with a bare chest and back, showing her exquisite curves and shining brightly, but she couldn't hide a few bruises on her lotus arms. That must have been abused by the "little cock".This kind of powdered girl is guilty of cheapness and spends money to pay for it. This evening, Xiao Mizhi treated me very well. It is said that the drinker uses the name of the wine girl to "book" (booking means booking a room and putting her name on it), so it is the best way to give the wine girl the most face. . Perhaps this is the reason why she is so considerate. It doesn't matter if you spend money when you go out to play alone, you just have to spend it happily. So, this is the benefit of going to a restaurant.You won't feel lonely, especially if you are in a foreign country. Before nine o'clock, Mr. Hu resigned first, there was no other way, his good wife was very strict.Almost like a civil servant in Taiwan, they have to "check in" when they go to and from get off work!Do not arrive late or leave early. I kissed him out and he wished me a nice weekend tonight, huh!I'm so stupid, I even forgot that tonight is the weekend, I'm really dizzy. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li had a few friends here. It is said that they met in the restaurant and they are also regular customers. They joined in our wing room, which added to the lively atmosphere. We made a fuss about it.It was almost eleven o'clock, we checked out and left the restaurant, each with a bar lady and sitting in the nightclub again.Still keep drinking. Xiao Li encouraged me to say: "You can take Xiaomi back to the hotel tonight, there will be no problem!" I said, "She has a 'cockerel', and I've lost my appetite!" Xiao Li said: "Hey, you don't want her to be your wife and let her raise 'little roosters' and 'old roosters'?" "There is always a lump in my heart!" "This proves that you are not a player!" "Of course, my qualifications are very young!" "In the future, if you learn more from us, it will not be difficult to train you into a veteran player!" He said with a smile.Be very proud. The time in the nightclub was really short, and he surrendered after a few glasses of wine. The lady announcer announced: "Thank you for coming, please come early tomorrow..." After midnight, the temperature dropped and became a little cooler, and when I walked out of the nightclub gate, it also fell a little drizzle. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li showed "breathing", each took their "sisters", jumped into a taxi and left, leaving Xiaomi and me behind.Means give me a chance. After the cool wind blew, I was already a little dizzy from alcohol, and after getting into the taxi, Xiao Mi had already fallen into my arms. "Where are you going?" the driver asked. "Duck Duomi shop!" I said without hesitation, this is an opportunity, don't let it go. "It's best not to go to the hotel. It's embarrassing to accompany guests into the hotel. Please show me face!" She said softly. "Then where are you going?" "How about going to my house?" she said after a moment's hesitation. "Don't you have a 'little rooster' at home?" I blurted out through my drunkenness. She chuckled and said: "Don't listen to other people's bad words and slander, I am often spread by others!" "Who else is in your family?" "Are you investigating the account?" "I'm worried about the inconvenience!" "It's okay to tell you, it's just me and a maid in my apartment, um, yes, I still have two bottles of very expensive foreign wine, just to entertain you!" "You instruct the driver to drive!" Xiaomi's apartment is not in a very noble residential area, it can almost be said to be a back alley, from the main street to the alley, the narrow alley looks filthy. However, a row of three-story apartments has also been built in that narrow alley.It is brand new and not long completed, with many leftover building materials stacked on the street.It was muddy due to a shower of rain. "A new house?" I paid the fare, sent the taxi away, and lowered my head. "I just moved in at the beginning of the month, and most of the houses here are still empty!" She had already found out the key and opened the gate to the yard.The stairs are on the left and are shared between the third floor and the second floor. "Which floor do you live on?" "Second floor!" She led me up the stairs. Xiao Mi has an extremely stupid daughter-in-law, she is a country girl who has not been in the city for a long time.A guest entered the house, but she was unconscious, still sleeping soundly in the servant's room, snoring like thunder. "Don't be ridiculous, Ah Xiang is like this, she just sleeps when she has nothing to do, and when she sleeps, she looks like a big sow!" Xiaomi explained. The layout in the apartment seems very crowded, but it is "a dazzling array", everything is available, refrigerator, sofa chair, cabinet, decorative shelf, dining table, TV, record player... a small living room is completely filled, as if There is no gap. The format of this apartment is three bedrooms and one living room, a small airtight room with only one window, and a mahjong table is arranged inside, with cards, rulers, and chips placed on the table.Could it be that she often entertains friends to play cards?Well, it is likely to attract some alcoholics to gather and gamble to help support family expenses. "If you like, you can often bring some friends here to play cards. Everything is ready-made!" She said, opened the cupboard, and took out a bottle of "Napoleon Brandy", which was the so-called expensive foreign wine she said. Take out two glasses. "Better stop drinking because I'm almost drunk!" I said. "Are you happy to take a hot bath?" she asked. "Do you take a bath here?" "What's wrong? Ah Xiang has already prepared hot water for me!" "I'd better go back to the hotel to wash..." "You look restless, as if you have no experience at all." "What experience?" I asked back. She giggled and said: "I'm tired all day, I'm going to take a hot bath, you can sit wherever you want, listen to the radio, record, read magazines, drink, be more comfortable!" She has already opened the door of the dormitory, and the layout of the dormitory is quite decent.There is a double "Simmons" bed, a carpet, a wide dressing table, and an assortment of cosmetics. The wardrobe is built into the wall.The wall lamps and bedside lamps are very new and beautiful, not as messy as in the living room. "You can sit in the dormitory too, just do whatever you want!" She opened the closet and took out her change of clothes. At this time, I saw a man's suit in the closet. Isn't that the evidence of "raising a little cock"? The bathroom is for the private use of the dormitory, and she went in and turned on the faucet of the bathtub, and at the same time came out and sat on the bed to take off the glass stockings. I admire her snow-white jade legs, which are evenly slender, which makes my heart beat faster. "Don't stare like you want to see through people!" She said coquettishly, provocatively. I swallowed, and had no choice but to avoid my eyes. "I heard from Xiao Li that you are going to open a factory in Taiwan?" she asked. "No! I haven't decided yet. I'm just following the order of my family to observe here and see if there is any business to do?" I replied. "What kind of factory do you run?" "Plastic Flower Factory..." "Is your father rich?" she got to the point. I coughed and said: "Not to mention rich, just have a factory with more than a hundred workers!" "Do plastic flower factories make money?" "We do export business, selling to European and American countries!" "The bathtub is going to be full, I'll take a shower first, and we'll talk later!" She slipped into the bathroom. The bathroom door was closed, I sat alone and was bored, thinking of Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li, they left me behind, what should I do tomorrow when I get here?How to "check out" with Xiaomi?I was inexplicably worried. I began to hear the sound of water in the bathroom, and the awareness in my heart was hard to describe. I wanted to leave, but I was a little "wandering". Under the dressing table, there are several volumes of movie magazines, which I picked up and flipped through. It's really weird, even turning a few pages, it's all "carnal" movies, which makes my blood all over my body hot. I need to drink, and the stimulation increases on stimulation.I thought of my father again, who asked me to observe business in Taiwan, but why he lingered in this kind of place, no wonder he was so angry. But a person, in such a situation, cannot help himself. About twenty minutes later, the bathroom door opened again, Xiao Mi came out wearing a bathrobe, her hair was wrapped in a towel, it was because she had been in a hot bath, her cheeks were as red as apples, and she was more and more full of joy. charmed. "I'm sorry! I kept you waiting!" She was still wiping her feet with a bath towel. Looking at the situation, there was a "vacuum" inside the nightgown. I was "stunned", what can I blame?I only blame myself for not having enough experience. "Can you give me the dresser so I can brush my hair?" she asked. "Uh..." I coughed again, and hurriedly gave up the seat of the dressing table. Watching women make up is really a great pleasure. I cling to my wine glass, sitting on the soft "Simmons" bed, sipping wine, and watching Xiao Mi wipe her black hair with a hairbrush. Her posture is wonderful, especially the "vacuum" inside her bathrobe, her breasts are looming, and the lines of her breasts are always changing. "Don't keep staring dumbfounded, do you need to change your pajamas?" She said indifferently with a sudden look and sweet lips. "Pajamas?" I was surprised, this should be regarded as an invitation to stay overnight.How embarrassing, can she even ask such a question? "What's there to be surprised about? Do you think I don't have men's pajamas in my house?" She continued to brush her hair. I have already blushed, and I don't know how to answer. "Don't be embarrassed, you won't be the first one to stay here, and you won't be the last! Especially if you are an overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, maybe after tonight, you will never come again!" She He was telling the truth, "It's best to go back to Hong Kong and ask your father to invest in setting up a factory, maybe we will have a chance to meet again!" After combing her hair, she began to apply face cream and sprayed perfume on her body. "I'm sorry, to be honest, I'm inexperienced in all aspects..." I nana said. "Who has experience at the beginning? When I first entered a restaurant as a waiter, I was only thirteen years old. I would pass face towels to customers, and when I saw the wine girl hugging customers, I would blush. After that, I also' Going into the sea', it becomes natural to get used to it..." "Xiao Mi, I love you..." I couldn't help myself, and threw myself over like being sucked by a magnet. She accepts my hugs, kisses...caress, and undresses me... At this moment, someone outside Su's living room was knocking on the door, and it sounded "terribly vicious", almost as if they were about to break in. I was thrown onto the carpet, and Xiao Mi hurried to the door, putting on a bathrobe. "Who is it?" she asked aloud. "Me!" A man's majestic voice came from outside the house. "Oops..." Xiao Mi panicked. "Who is it?" I asked in panic. In desperation, Xiao Mi walked out of the living room, standing in front of the locked door with her hands on her hips. "Why are you coming back? Didn't we agree to break up?" she said. "Break up, it's not as simple as that! If you stole someone to raise a man, I'll beat you to death!" Said outside the door. "Despicable and shameless! Isn't it enough for you to eat mine and use mine?" Xiaomi said. "If you don't open the door again, I'll kick it open!" Said outside the door. Suddenly, the sound of someone kicking the door was really terrifying. How could the flat and thin wooden door withstand such violence? I was already scared to the point of "six gods without a master".Although, I don't have enough experience in "wind, flower, snow and moon" outside, but I have heard a lot of stories, such as "releasing white pigeons", which is like this, let a woman seduce a man, and then her husband or concubine will do it. When the time comes, it will be difficult to argue with the traitor and the double, and let the blackmail be blackmailed! I was strictly ordered to go out, and it doesn't matter if I am absurd outside. If such a joke is made, my relatives and friends will laugh at me. The extent of my panic is indescribable. I hurriedly put on my clothes, sweated like soybeans, and my legs were weak... "If you dare to kick the door again, I'll call the police!" Xiao Mi continued to be strong, but she was also weak and in a passive position. The sleepy maid Ah Xiang was also awakened by the sound of kicking the door, she ran out of the servant's room tremblingly, na na said: "Since Master Xiao is back, why didn't you open the door?" Xiaomi stared, and pointed at me at the door of the dormitory.Ah Xiang immediately understood what was going on, so she stopped being troublesome and retreated to the side. The guy outside the door is like a mad dog. It seems that the door cannot withstand his violence. The latch has fallen off, and it will collapse in an instant. I slipped to Xiaomi's side and said in a trembling voice: "Does your apartment have a back door? Let me escape?" "Only this door..." She was also embarrassed. "Then what to do?" "It's okay, I'll fight with him!" "Your 'cock'?" I asked. "Go to his bastard!" With a loud bang, the door collapsed.The one who broke the door was a young man of "A Fei type", with long curly hair and a liver complexion, who was related to alcoholism. He was wearing a bright red sports shirt and jeans, with a strong physique and a murderous look. "You are so shameless!" Xiao Mi slapped when they saw each other.She is full of punches and legs, how could she be the opponent of "A Fei"?Doesn't that mean asking for a beating? I took this opportunity to rush out the door with my eyes closed, and fled through the door. The stairs were long and narrow. Unexpectedly, the "little rooster" was not the only one outside the door, there were at least four people, some standing on the stairs, and some guarding the stairs below. "Hey, the flower picker is out!" Some people actually point to me as a flower picker, what is the conscience of heaven?I ran around with my head in my arms, only feeling punches and kicks on my body. "Don't let him get away!" cried the little rooster. I was originally a scholar-type scholar, how can I stand up to their fists and legs?Climbing and rolling, rolling down the stairs, getting up and being kicked down, the embarrassing situation is beyond description. After escaping from the gate, he couldn't tell the direction, and only planned to escape, the suit jacket was torn long ago.I can't count how many punches I received on my back. I was tripped and rolled on the ground, my eyes went dark, and I seemed to have passed out.I was still thinking about it, maybe I was going to be beaten to death. "How can you bully people like this? How many people beat one?" A woman's voice seemed to be yelling. "none of your business!" "I'm just nosy!" "Fuck your grandma..." There was an extremely messy sound of "xili hua la", as if many people were fighting in groups. I really passed out, and I couldn't hear anything from now on.
I don't know how long it took, but my sense of hearing was the first to respond, and I heard the sound of slurping, which seemed to be the sound of water.Why is there the sound of water? I felt severe pain all over my body, possibly seriously injured.His forehead seemed to be on fire. Suddenly, I felt something cold fall on my forehead.Another liquid seemed to be water, flowing along the eye sockets to the neck. I wanted to open my eyes, but felt that the eyelids were pressed by heavy lead, and I didn't even have the strength to lift them. My hands were being caressed, probably someone was washing my wounds, and my chest was in severe pain.Those guys collectively beat up a group of people, almost as if there were ten generations of feuds.Why do you need to fight so fiercely? My eyelids were finally opened, and my eyes were blurry, and the world was spinning. After a while, a terrible face appeared in front of my eyes, my God, what is that?Slender nose, copper bell eyes, bloody mouth, disheveled hair... I hastened to close my eyes again. "Wake up! Lisa!" The voice was extremely harsh, like a broken gong. "Really?" Jiao Didi's voice followed the running to my side. What is this place?Why is there such beauty?And such an ugly voice? I mustered up the courage to open my eyes again, and then I saw a man in white with a pointed face, big sparkling eyes, a pointed nose, and a small diamond-shaped mouth, like a goddess descended from the world, with short black hair... She was wearing a white dress, the robe didn't look like a robe, and the shirt didn't look like a shirt, with no buttons visible, and a black belt around her waist.What kind of clothing is that? Strange, is this place heaven or hell? There will be beauties in heaven, but that horrible woman is still standing aside, with copper bell eyes, snub nose, bloody mouth, and disheveled hair. Isn’t that the devil in hell? My mind was still in a mess, and I couldn't stay awake for a while.But I knew it was lying on a stiff bed. The ceiling is dark, full of cobwebs and grime, the room is dimly lit, there are shrines and faded photos on the walls... This is definitely not a hospital, there is no such arrangement in a hospital. "Don't harass him, let him rest more!" The old ugly woman said: "Give him medicine in half an hour, he may have internal injuries!" The young one wrung out a wet towel to apply to the wound on my head. Only then did I smell a very strong smell of herbs, presumably it was the foam of the wound. Gradually, I could see her face more clearly, delicate and sweet, definitely not comparable to those vulgar fans in the restaurant. She was dressed strangely, it was definitely not a nurse's uniform, and it was white, which puzzled me. "Who are you?" I tried my best to open my mouth and asked weakly. "Ah, you're awake at last!" she said. "What is this place?" "My home!" "Ah, I must have been injured, and you carried me home!" "Yes, why do you have any grudges with those local hooligans? You are a weak scholar, and the passport you hold is an overseas Chinese from Hong Kong!" "Oh, it's hard to say!" I felt guilty in my heart, and I didn't expect that a moment of absurdity would cause such a catastrophe. "Do you have relatives in Taipei?" she asked. "No, only a few close friends!" "Do you need me to notify them for you?" I thought to myself, it is extremely embarrassing to be beaten by hooligans in Huajie and Liuxiang.If you tell Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li, you will be laughed at.Furthermore, if Mr. Hu found out about it, and if it spread to Hong Kong's father, it would be no wonder that the old man would be so angry. "No need to inform anyone, in order not to bother you, it's best to ask you to take me to the hospital!" I said. "You are not suitable for moving yet!" she said with a smile. "Who was that horrible-looking old woman just now?" "Mother!" I consciously made a slip of the tongue and stuck out my tongue, feeling very embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I'm still out of my mind..." "It doesn't matter, many people call her 'Hare'!" She pursed her lips and laughed. Why did such an ugly mother give birth to such a beautiful daughter?The creation of heaven and earth really makes people doubtful. "May I ask your name?" I asked. "Marisa!" "It's a beautiful name. My surname is Tian, ​​and my single name is Ping!" "I know, it's written very clearly in your passport!" "Alas! I am disturbed by disturbing you like this!" "It doesn't matter, you just rest assured and recuperate, there are only two people in my family, my mother and me!" "Where is your father...?" I lost my words again. "Ah, my father passed away many years ago!" "I'm sorry, why do I keep saying the wrong thing! Maybe I'm out of my mind!" "You can rest assured, I will call you to take medicine at six o'clock!" She said, covering me with a quilt. "Six o'clock? Is it morning or evening?" "It's already evening, and you've been in a coma for more than ten hours!" "Oh, this is really something I never dreamed of. I only remember that I was beaten by a few people in the dark alley, and the future is completely unclear!" "During your coma, you called 'Xiao Mi' from time to time! Who is 'Xiao Mi' to you?" I was so stunned that I couldn't speak, I just shook my head and mumbled. Marisa smiled at me and said: "It's fine if you don't want to tell me. I'll make some porridge for you. My mother said that you may have internal injuries. She went out to pick up medicine and cook soup for you. We have a secret recipe passed down from family. Eat it and you will be fine!" "How should I repay you?" "Don't take things to heart, rest first!" My body is not as strong as a cow, but I don't look like a weak scholar. After this beating, it seemed like I was suffering from a serious illness. When I woke up that night, my whole body was sore, and some places seemed to be burning. The pain was unbearable, and it was inconvenient for me to groan.The mother and daughter of the Ma family and I risk our lives, how they brought me home, I still don't know at all!The situation at that time must have been very embarrassing.I have only been in Taiwan for two days, and I have been in such a daze for the past two days, I must not let my father know... In the dead of night, I realized that the clothes on my body had been stripped off, and there was a bandage gauze between my chest, which smelled like herbal medicine, and it was covered with medicine. Who put it on for me? If there were only two mothers, Ma Lisa and her daughter, in this room, who else would it be?How embarrassing it must be! "Women's misfortune", the matter was completely caused by Xiao Mi, it really deserves to be damned, for being promiscuous, causing such a catastrophe, I don't know how long it will take to recover. I tossed and turned and could not sleep. Looking at the environment inside and outside the house, the financial situation of Ma Lisa and her daughter was not well off. What did they rely on for a living? The room I slept in, probably belonged to Marisa, had a small photo of her on the coffee table next to the bed, and some pictures of movie stars on the walls.It is a mess, there is a broken wardrobe at the end of the bed, the door of the closet is ajar, it can be seen that there are not many clothes in the closet, and there are broken leather shoes, this girl may spend a lot of time wearing shoes, a lot of broken shoes are piled up under the closet... What is most strange to me is her half-robed white dress, which is made of burlap, which is hard and uncomfortable. What is it for?It doesn't look like a uniform, and there are several pieces hanging in the closet... Ma Lisa may be sleeping in the same room with her mother. The old lady has an ugly face, and her sleep must also be quite ugly. She snores loudly and grits her teeth from time to time. Can you stand this kind of music? I grew up in a single bedroom since I was a child. I was spoiled and spoiled. If the bed is a little hard, or if there is a little noisy sound, I will not be able to fall asleep. At this time, I deserve it. After the cock crowed and sang dawn, I fell asleep in a daze.But not long after, he was awakened by a loud noise. Through a layer of thin wood, you can clearly hear Ma Lisa's mother's broken gong-like voice.She is arguing with a man. "If you hurt someone, we won't sue the officials! Should you pay for the medical expenses?" the man said. "Hmph! You did your own crimes, and you deserve it if you get hurt!" “唉,马妈妈,怎可以称为自作孽呢?纠纷不是由我们这方面起的,我的女人被人家玩了,难道说不生气吗?找几个弟兄,兴师问罪,这能算得了什么呢?” 这位老太太一点也不含糊,说: “我没有看见有人玩你的女人,但是呢,却看见有人在我家的门前集体围殴一个人,打得半死,罗伯萧,我并非没有给你警告过,曾三番四次的给你们告诫,你们耍阿飞、混太保,搞什么不良少年的帮派,我管你们不上,也劝你们不听,你们张牙舞爪的程度已经是够瞧的了。霸道横行,吃酒家女,吃舞女,欺凌街坊,见谁弱就噬谁!我已经向你们提出警告,别沾惹到我的头上,否则,到时候反悔莫及,你们不听,那又能怪谁,告诉你,这一次,我还算是打得轻的,再有下一次,保险有人筋断骨折。” “我们并没有惹你呀……” “哼,在我家的大门前揍人,还不算惹我,那么,你们打算怎样才算是惹我呢?” 我听了马老太太的一番话,立刻了解,是小咪的那个“小公鸡”,他竟然找上门来了。 奇怪的是马莉莎的妈妈,她对那些不良少年一点也不摆在眼中,语气凌人,好像就是能镇着他们呢。 她有什么能耐?什么样的本领?听她的语气,好像她还能打架呢! “马妈妈,我们一行五个人,全都受了伤,陈荃的头破了,在洪外科那里缝了四针,熊老么的胳膊脱臼,廖麻子的小手指折了一只……”罗伯萧仍在说。 “谁叫他们要和我动手呢?没放我在眼里我不将他们劈碎,已经是手下留情了!”马妈妈说。 “陈荃、熊老么他们的家庭环境都苦得可怜,要不然也不会出来胡混了,我们并非是向你讨什么医药费,而是向你家里住着的那位客人伸手,反正他是华侨,家里有的是钱……” “赫,是让我代替你们向人家敲竹杠吗?”马妈妈高声怪叫起来。“打伤了人,还要向人要钱,敲诈勒索吗?你想得好,别说我已经管上这件事情了,就算我听说有这类的事情,也要打抱不平!” “马妈妈……” “别多说了,你走吧!假如你再噜苏,惹我火气上升,可别怪我丑话先说了!” “马妈妈……” “你再不离去的话,我可开揍了!” 那个姓萧的小伙子还真被吃住了,他怏怏离去,我听到有开关门的声音。 不多久,那张有着铜铃眼狮子鼻的脸孔,探首屋内,她咧大了嘴巴笑着说: “正好!你醒来了吗?准是被我们吵闹的声音吵醒的!你只管放心,有我在此,他们不敢惹你的!” 我深感愧惭说: “打扰你们真不好意思!” “别说客套话,我给你端水洗脸,炉子上热着有稀饭,你喝一点,很快就可以恢复体力了!” “马小姐,她不在家吗?” “啊,她上学校去了,中午才要回来!” “哦!原来她还在念书!是念中学或是大学?” “不!她做教师!” “教师?”我顿了一顿。“是教中学还是小学?或是教幼稚园?我看她的年岁不大……” “什么也不是!”她掉头走了。 我听得厨房内有洒水的声音,可能是她正在为我打洗脸水。 这真是一个古怪的家庭,奇丑无比的妈妈会养出如此漂亮的女儿。而且街坊上的地痞流氓还对她惧怕呢。 马莉莎在做教师,她教的既不是中学也不是小学,又不是幼稚园,那么她在做什么样的教师?教什么样的学校? 洋裁学校么?烹饪学校?打字……唉,我的脑筋愈想愈乱。 马妈妈已经替我端进了一盆洗脸水,盆内还有漱口杯,杯上架着一支挤上了牙膏的牙刷。 我说:“我应该可以起床了!” “最好不要多移动,因为你的胁骨可能有挫伤了的地方!漱口水你就吐在痰盃里好了!” “真麻烦你们呢!” 她没有说话就又进入厨房里去了。 我洗漱完毕时,她已端进来热腾腾的稀饭,另外还有几样清淡的小菜,有肉松、咸蛋等。 她们所用的碗具也很粗陋,证明生活情形并不很好。 我这样的接受她们母女的照顾和关切于心何安呢。 马妈妈对着我,不时露出傻笑。 她脸虽是丑恶,但是心肠倒是极和善的,由她的言谈间,可以知道她的性情躁烈,又是口直心快的。 只是她故意卖关子,没肯告诉我马莉莎究竟是在什么学校做教师? “你不妨自己去问她!”她说。 我需要起床入厕,浑身仍是酸痛的,行动非常的不方便。 马妈妈又关照说:“你要小心,因为脊椎骨后面有瘀伤,我替你贴了跌打膏药,别再拧伤了!” 我谢谢她的关心。上厕所时是须要经过厅堂,以及她们母女共睡的一所房间的。 那所谓的厅堂,不过就是一条走廊,屋檐经过了修改,推伸出院外约有尺来宽,也是乱糟糟,堆叠的杂物很多,有着几把破藤椅,一张圆木桌。茶壶是缺嘴的,茶杯都有裂口。 她们母女所睡的那一间房间,狭窄得有如鸽子笼,只有一扇窗户,床是竹床,桌也是竹桌,床背后堆叠着许多皮箱,相信那就是她们家庭中所有的财产了。 板壁上还挂着有一面锦旗,为了好奇心,我很希望一看锦旗上绣着的是一些什么字。由于那所房间的光线太差,我隐约看到精武二字…… 马妈妈已经出现在我的身后了。“需要我搀扶你吗?” “不需要,太麻烦你了!”我说。
午后,马莉莎回家了,她给我买了一些水果,她们的家庭环境并不宽裕,还要破费在我的身上,令人不安呢。 马莉莎的脸孔红润得像两只苹果,浑身汗迹,像是经过了什么样的操劳,做了费力气的事情。 马莉莎回家,她的妈妈就外出了,两人好像更值一样。 厨房里有着剩饭,马莉莎用的是我用过的残菜,她用开水泡饭,就唏哩呼噜的吃个痛快。 我又扶行着走出厅堂,在她身畔的藤椅坐下。 “你怎么可以起床呢?妈没告诉过你,你的脊椎骨后面有瘀伤吗?是被人踢伤的……”她放下了筷子说。 “没关系,我也应该起床活动一下才对,对筋骨血脉都有帮助!” “别胡说八道,你根本不懂跌打损伤,下午还要再吃一剂草药!”她说。 “我听令堂说,你在做教师……” “妈就是爱喋喋不休的,她的嘴巴不能闲着!” “告诉我你做教师,又有什么不对呢?” “我不高兴!” “你在哪一所学校?” “不告诉你!”她努着嘴,已开始收拾碗具了。“我替你弄草药去!” 奇怪,她做教师,有什么不对?为什么要如此的神秘呢? “你的妈妈到什么地方去了?”我又问:“我看见她匆忙外出!” “去学校了!”她回答。 “她也是教师吗?” “主任教师!” “这样说,那所学校等于是你们自己所开的了?” “你为什么要问得这样清楚呢?你在养病期间,应该在床上躺着才对,连话也不要多说!” 我呆了半晌,又说:“我待在你们这个地方,好像'销声匿迹'的,不给台北的朋友知道还可以说得过去,但是可要通知香港……” “你打算用什么方式通知呢?” “我想拍一封电报,说是平安抵步!” 马莉莎惊奇说: “难道说,你到台北多天,还未有给香港去过消息吗?” 我脸上一红,说:“抵步之后,就顾着玩了!” “这一次是给你一个教训,拈花惹草招来的祸患!此后该有戒心了吧?” 我更觉难堪,连咳嗽了好几声,藉以遮羞,“你全知道了吗?” “今天上午,那个姓萧的不是来讨过医药费了吗?” “你和那姓萧的,是相识的吗?” “街坊上的地痞流氓,很容易就可以查得出来的,因为他们经常在我们这地区打转呢!” “我很奇怪,他们对令堂好像有点惧怕,究竟是什么原因呢?” 马莉莎笑而不答。 于是,我就对她们母女的身分有所怀疑,可能是“地保”一类的身分呢。
亲爱的爸爸,X月X日,也就是我到台北的第五天上午,我曾给您拍了一封电报,是拜托马莉莎代拍的。 电文非常简单,仅寥寥的数行字,假如您还记得的话。电文上说:买卖大有可为,在台北需多停留数天! 经过我的坦白,你该了解是怎么回事了。 我的脸上是青一块紫一块的,肥肿难分,见不得人也。等于是暂时躲难,这种羞辱是没齿难忘的。 该天的下午,小张和小李竟找到了马莉莎的家中来,最可恶的是,他们还带着小咪同来。 他们是怎样寻着我的呢?这该可以说,做“小公鸡”的家伙,无耻又兼无聊至极。他们聚众殴伤了我,几乎要了我的性命,这时又送信企图在我的身上敲诈,勒索几个医药费。 那姓萧的家伙,曾经向马妈妈开过口,碰了一个硬钉子,于是他们又转向小咪,间接打主意。因此小咪才知道我的下落。 由那天晚上夜总会一别,小张和小李就失去了联络,好像我是失踪了呢。 他俩曾寻找到小咪的香闺去,小咪没敢坦诚相告,佯称当天晚上,我仅在她的寓所里停留了短暂的时间,就自行离去了。 小张和小李还以为我迷了路,走失了呢,近三十岁年龄的人,会在一个都市走失,该也可以说是奇闻了。 直到“小公鸡”罗伯萧的主意打到小咪的头上,当然,他们有把握吃定了这种靠卖笑为生的都市可怜虫,对付她的态度,就不会像对付马妈妈那样温文有礼了。 小咪着了慌,由她的“姊妹淘”丁红和丁香处,寻着了小张和小李求援。 于是,他们一行就寻到了马家。 该多么的难为情呢?到台北的第二天晚上就被小流氓殴伤了。 每天下午,马妈妈都不在家,是由马莉莎留在家中照顾我。 她倒是无所谓的,听说是我的朋友到访,就招待他们坐进了屋子。 小张直跺脚,说:“唉,为什么出事后不给我们通知一声?我们几乎找遍了整个的台北市啦!” 小李义愤填膺,大有“贼过兴兵”之势,说:“我们去报案,警察局我有朋友,非严惩那几个小流氓不可!” 我摇首说:“息事宁人,算了,张扬出去反而难为情呢!” “唉,你不知道,那些小流氓还打算向你敲诈勒索,要向你讨医药费和遮羞费呢!”小李说。 “什么称为遮羞费?”我问。 “就是说,你玩了他的女人!” “真是他的女人吗?” “地痞流氓就是要这样胡缠!可恶可恨!”小张看着我的伤抢着话说。 小咪却是一把眼泪、一把鼻涕的,我见犹怜,她嘤嘤哭泣着,颤着嗓音说: “我可以说被欺凌够了,要了人还要要钱,终日挨打受骂……” 小李讥谑说:“谁叫你养'小公鸡'呢?这是养'鸡'之过了,可谓是'养鸡被鸡恶'!” 小张对小李的谑笑不满,说: “这时候还开什么玩笑?我们要商量对策才对!” “田平兄,你还真行,一个人打伤他们三四个!”小李又说。 “我没有和他们动手,当时,我被他们群殴,又是酒醉迷糊的……”我解释说。 “你不动手,他们又怎会受伤的呢?一个头破血流,另一个手臂脱臼,还有一个折断了手指头,伤单我全看过了!”小张说。 “也许是你酒后动醉拳,打了人自己还不知道!”小李说。 我叹气说:“当时的情形如何,我自己也想不起来了!” “你的伤势可要紧吗?是否需要到医院里去,照照X光检查一番?”小张关切说。 “没关系,我已经敷过药了!” “敷了什么药?” “不知道,大概是草药,马小姐家中的祖传秘方!” “唉,草药怎么行?搞得不对,会误事的,还是趁早到医院去……” 马莉莎一直没有发言,她静立门旁,这时瞪了小张一眼。 “劳烦二位关心,我暂时不希望走出门外去,实在说,脸上青一块紫一块的,太难看了!” “在这地方休养吗?……”小李打量了屋子上下的环境,当他的眼睛瞥见站立在门首的马莉莎时,要说的话又咽回去了。当然,他也体会得到是怎么回事,原因何在了。 “小流氓的一方面,我们该怎样对付呢?我的主张还是报案,请'少年组'收拾他们一番!”小张又一次建议报案。 “唉,假如报了案之后,他们会找我更多的麻烦……你们没关系,我受不了……”小咪泪如雨下,泣不成声。 我取过了搭在床柄柱上的西装上衣,掏出皮夹,找出两张小额的美金旅行支票,说:“假如他们的要求不太高,为了息事宁人起见,打发他们一下就是了!” “哼,这样岂非是助仗恶人了吗?”马莉莎忽的开了口,她绝对反对姑息那些小流氓。 “他们有人受伤那是事实!”我说。 “活该!”马莉莎说:“欺凌弱小,应该受到教训!”她的语气像是仗义行侠的巾帼英雄。 “你的意思怎样呢?”小张问。 “不理睬他们!” “但是他们会找我们的麻烦呢……”小咪看见我的皮夹很丰满,竟也参与要钱解决问题。 马莉莎冷斥说:“你和罗伯萧的关系不同,有事情你们会很容易就解决的!假如说,他们一定要讨医药费的话,不妨让他们找我妈妈谈,多拧掉一个人的脖子,恐怕就没有事了!” 小张和小李相顾失色,这两人也搞不清楚莉莎母女两人是什么来路?她对街坊上的小流氓好像是一点也不含糊。 “田先生是病人,需要多休息,你们几位打扰的时间好像是过长了一些吧?”她已开始下逐客令了。 “田平兄可有什么地方需要我们效劳的?”小张问。 “没有!”我回答说:“最好是别张扬出去,也别让胡公道老先生知道!” “我们已经通知了胡老先生,他待会儿会来看你!”小李说。 “唉,难为情!”我说。 小咪还想赖着,可是小张和小李强令她离去,因为马莉莎的“送客令”已经摆在脸上了。
胡公道老先生也来看我,他和小张小李的意思相同,也主张我报警备案,无论如何要捉拿那几个行凶的小流氓归案,绳之以法。 我说:“事情既然已经过去,就算了吧!” 他说:“你住在这里也不安全,他们既然还有敲诈勒索的企图,迟早还会找你的麻烦的!” 我说:“不,住在这里,安全极了,小流氓连大门也不敢溜进来!” 胡公道老先生见我坚决如此,也无可奈何,他特别关照小张和小李给我照顾,假如有需要,随时随地找他们两个。 我再三道谢,并一再恳求胡公道老先生,千万不要将这事情传到香港给爸爸知道,否则他老人家不跳脚才怪呢! 我第二封电报拍给爸爸的,是说:塑胶花工厂在台湾大有可为,因为工资便宜,生活安定,经济发展迅速,接洽外销也很方便,现在,许多外侨都纷纷地在台湾投资设厂,我们为什么不也开设一个分厂呢? 其实这时候,我并不兴于开立工厂之事,事实是我正在大谈恋爱,我爱上了马莉莎小姐。 我可以指天发誓,这是我生平第一次真正的坠入了爱河,这并非是感恩图报,爱情是微妙的东西,真爱上了就好像是着了迷似的。我根本不想离开台北,更不想离开那条陋巷的破屋子。 马莉莎对我倒是若即若离,时冷时热的,她的性情和她的美貌好像是两回事,有时候温柔,有时候暴躁得可以,又有时候,好像是成心闹别扭,扑朔迷离,搞得我昏头昏脑。 愈是如此,我爱她更深。 小张和小李很不帮忙,他俩一次又一次的带小咪来看我。 小咪每来一次,马莉莎必找机会和我闹别扭,甚至于要赶我回到旅馆里去住。 小咪每见我一次,都是眼泪一把鼻涕一撮,惹上了小流氓就知道难缠了。 罗伯萧还是老套,逼着小咪向我索汤药费,唉,为了息事宁人计,我没给第三者知道,偷偷塞给她一百元美金。希望就此“一刀两断”,大家省却麻烦。 爸爸给我来了电报,说:投资设厂事,最好找胡公道磋商,若胡先生投资半数,港台合资,即可进行! 我大喜若狂,数次和胡
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