Home Categories Thriller mysterious cry

Chapter 17 Chapter Sixteen

mysterious cry 姜永育 10592Words 2018-03-22
"This person is the murderer who has been hiding behind the scenes. If my guess is correct, he must be the one who killed Li Wenlei." Lao Bi lit a cigarette, took a few puffs and said, "Do you still remember when we The footprint found near Ma Laosan’s house in Dongcheng? I’ve been trying to find its owner for a while now—we’ve ruled out one suspect after another, and now it’s the real suspect’s turn to appear.” In the evening, Lao Bi and Xiao Chen came to Guangming Village again. Compared with the hustle and bustle of more than ten days ago, Guangming Village at this time looks extremely deserted. It is difficult to see a pedestrian on the road. Most of the houses on both sides of the street are dark, and there is a strange and uneasy atmosphere in the air.

When they were about to arrive at Ma Laosan's rental building, Lao Bi and the others finally saw an open door at the entrance of the alley, and the light shone through the door, forming a dim yellow spot on the road. The vegetable seller couple were packing up their things, the house was turned upside down, and the dust was flying up, making people feel suffocated. "We're going back to our hometown." The thin man said with a tired face, but couldn't restrain his excitement, "After I go back this time, I might never come out to sell vegetables again." "You're so proud of yourself! Go back and guard those few acres of land. If you don't starve to death, you will die of poverty." I still have nothing - why is my life so hard?"

"How can we say that we have nothing? We have saved some money anyway. Didn't the baby use the money for studying in the past few years?" The city is under pressure all day long." The fat woman said angrily: "I have suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck for having you on the sidelines of my life!" The thin man didn't dare to say anything, he lowered his head and packed his things obediently. "Why do you want to go back to your hometown all of a sudden?" Xiao Chen said, "Didn't you guys do a good job in the city?" "Officer Chen, it's not like you don't know that selling vegetables is a hard job. You have to get up early and stay late. In the past, we got up at dawn and came back after dark. We could only earn a few dozen yuan a day." The fat woman glanced not far away. Looking at Ma Laosan’s rental building, he couldn’t hide his horror and said, “Since that building was haunted, our business has been greatly affected. My chest is still congested all the time, and I always have nightmares at night."

"Yes, we are all worried that if this continues, something may happen someday." The skinny man added, "Most people here have moved out, and we want to move too, but the rent in other places is very expensive, and now The profit from selling vegetables is very low—after thinking about it, we think it’s better to go back to our hometown.” "Well, go back and plant the land, and take good care of the elderly and children at the same time." Lao Bi nodded, "When are you leaving?" "The train ticket has been bought, and we will leave for the station later." The thin man tied the snakeskin pocket tightly and pointed forward pantingly, "Are you going there tonight? I advise you not to went."

"Why can't you go?" "Some people say that the ghosts there will still harm people, and whoever goes there will suffer." The thin man said, "Think about it, has it been quiet for a day since the cry appeared? Especially after the death of the singing man, that The place is even more terrifying." "Yeah, everyone around here has moved out, and it's very scary here at night, you should go back." The fat woman put her bag on her shoulders and said to the thin man, "Why are you dawdling? Hurry up and get the key Send it to the landlord, we have to go to the station!"

The couple walked slowly to the other side of the street with their big and small bags on their backs.As they walked, they turned their heads frequently. This place, which carries dreams and hopes, may never belong to them again. After seeing their backs disappear, Lao Bi and Xiao Chen walked slowly towards Ma Laosan's rental building. The night had already enveloped the small building, but there was still some hazy light in the yard, and everything around was looming, making it look weird. "Old Bi, why do you have to come here at night?" Xiao Chen looked up at the dark window on the second floor and said, "We have been to this place countless times, do you have any new ideas?"

Lao Bi didn't speak, he took a puff of cigarette, walked lightly to the door of Room 101 on the first floor and pushed it, the door suddenly opened silently, and a gust of cold wind poured out from inside, making people shudder. "What's going on here?" Xiao Chen was a little surprised, "Could it be that the door lock will open automatically?" "I don't think it opened automatically, but the door is not locked at all." Lao Bi shook his head and said after careful inspection. "Deputy Director Liu and the others came here yesterday afternoon. Could it be that they forgot to lock the door when they left?" Xiao Chen said, "Or, I'll call Jiang Tao right away to confirm."

"No need, I asked Jiang Tao before coming here, and he made sure the door was locked before leaving." Lao Bi took a puff of cigarette, with an imperceptible smile on his face. "So, someone came here last night?" Xiao Chen's eyes widened. Everything in the house was the same as before, and when they walked in, the darkness followed like a shadow, wrapping them tightly.Lao Bi turned on the miniature flashlight and inspected every corner of the house inch by inch.Xiao Chen followed behind him, watching nervously where the light shone. Several houses were checked, but nothing was found.

"Strange, if someone came here last night, why did he come in?" Xiao Chen was puzzled, "Didn't he do it on purpose to leave a hole?" "I don't think he left any openings." Lao Bi pondered for a while and said, "Maybe, it was just his negligence for not locking the door." "But his behavior like this is really puzzling." Xiao Chen said, "Could this person be the murderer who killed Li Luolei?" "I can't rule out such a possibility." Lao Bi nodded, looked out and said, "Although it's not late at night, the night is dark and the surroundings are very quiet. I think that the night Li Luolei was killed, the suspect It is in such an environment that people should enter the house without anyone noticing."

"When he entered the room, he wasn't worried about being discovered by Li Luolei?" "He should also be taking risks—by the way, how about we simulate the scene of the night when the crime happened?" "Is it just the two of us?" Xiao Chen glanced at the cold and dark bedroom, feeling a little jealous in his heart. "Could there be a third person at the scene?" Lao Bi smiled lightly, "Please cooperate with me, I hope the scenario simulation can confirm my speculation." Xiao Chen hesitated for a while, and finally lay down on the big bed where Li Luolei once slept. When the doors of the bedroom and the living room were closed one after another, he heard the sound of his heart beating wildly.

Li Luolei was assassinated in bed that night?In the darkness, Xiao Chen held his breath and tried his best to listen to the movement outside. Time passed extremely slowly, and when he was restless and restless, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a black figure hurried in. It was none other than Lao Bi who came in. "Get up, there seems to be crying on the second floor." Lao Bi's voice was not high, but there was eagerness and excitement in his words. Crying again?With a jolt, Xiao Chen quickly bounced off the bed. The two walked out of the room quickly, groped along the base of the wall and walked towards the second floor.Strangely, except for the sound of the wind passing through the night sky and the rustling of weeds and leaves in the yard, Xiao Chen didn't hear any crying upstairs at all. "Old Bi, why didn't I hear crying?" Xiao Chen asked softly. Old Bi ignored it, he moved quickly in the dark like a nocturnal civet, and jumped into the corridor in a few strokes.When they came to the door of Room 201, Xiao Chen finally heard the faint crying sound coming into his ears intermittently. Lao Bi took out the key from his body and unlocked the door in less than two seconds.Pushing open the door, the crying came out more clearly. The cry was sobbing, miserable, yes, it was the cry of the mysterious woman who had disappeared for a long time!Xiao Chen suddenly felt short of breath, and the blood all over his body was burning like fire. The crying sound did indeed come from the bathroom.Since the door of the bathroom was closed, the crying sound was amplified in the narrow space and then came out from the crack of the closed door, adding to the sense of desolation and sorrow. There seemed to be a woman in grief hidden in the bathroom, but in this desolate and lonely night with the doors and windows closed, how did that woman get into the bathroom?Could it be that she is really the ghost of the deceased Du Fenfang?Thinking of this, Xiao Chen felt the hairs all over his body stand on end. With a bang, just as Xiao Chen was thinking wildly, Lao Bi had already pushed open the door of the bathroom and rushed in.However, at this moment, the crying miraculously disappeared again. Under the light of the flashlight, the bathroom was empty, everything was the same as it was more than ten days ago, and the small window was also tightly closed. All signs showed that it was impossible for anyone to come here! "This cry is really weird!" Xiao Chen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Old Bi, what's going on?" Lao Bi didn't speak, he took out a cigarette and lit it, and searched every corner of the bathroom carefully again, but still found nothing. They went to look at the other two rooms, and found that a thin layer of dust had accumulated on the floor of each room, and there was not even a trace left on it. The dark room was filled with an indescribable dead silence and terrifying atmosphere, as if no one had ever lived here. "It seems that even mice don't come to this place anymore." Lao Bi shook his head, "As you said, this cry is really weird. I have been a policeman for nearly 30 years, and I have encountered many strange things. case, but this is the first time I have encountered such a strange phenomenon. Before, I always thought that the existence of crying was just to attract us to investigate the naked corpse case, but it reappeared tonight, completely messing up my original reasoning. " "Could the crying this time have something to do with Li Luolei's death?" Xiao Chen said, "After we heard the crying last time, we didn't hear anything for a long time. After the tears died, the crying sound appeared again, is there an inevitable connection between them?" "There should be no connection, because Li Luolei lives downstairs, if there is a connection between them, then the crying should also come from downstairs." Lao Bi pondered for a while and said, "I think the weirdness is all in this place. In the bathroom, after the case is solved and the murderer obeys the law, let's decipher the secret of the crying." The two locked the door and came to the courtyard on the first floor. At this time, the night was getting darker. The door of Room 101 opened like a monster's mouth, and gusts of wind blew out from it, which made people feel scared. "Old Bi, do you still need to simulate the scene of the night when the crime happened?" Xiao Chen asked. "I don't think it's necessary." Lao Bi gently locked the door and said, "We have more important things to do. As long as we catch the suspect, all the truth will come out." "But so far, I still haven't figured out how Li Luolei was killed." Xiao Chen said, "If the possibility of Yanzi and her group of companions committing the crime is ruled out, then the death of Li Luolei is a great surprise to everyone." The first felt a lot like suicide, because there was no trace of a third party left at the scene." "You have seen what happened tonight. The door of Li Luolei's room was opened, what traces did we find at the scene?" Lao Bi smiled slightly, "By the way, when Jiang Tao and the others were interrogating Ouyang Jun today, he said A very important situation came up: he came to Guangming Village alone at night, and found a dark figure at the entrance of the courtyard. Who do you think this shadow could be? What is his purpose for coming to Ma Laosan's rental building?" "If Li Luolei committed homicide, then this black shadow may be the suspect. His purpose of going to Ma Laosan's rental building should be to inquire about Yanzi's situation?" Xiao Chen paused at this point, and suddenly remembered What, "No, I think this person is probably the old man who lives nearby - when Yanzi moved into Li Luolei's room, he called the police to report him. His purpose was to drive Yanzi away, but the police were indifferent , he took the initiative to attack, the purpose is to pretend to be a ghost, in an attempt to scare away Li Luolei and Yanzi." "But according to Ouyang Jun, that black shadow is more agile and doesn't look like an old man." Old Bi shook his head. "I don't think Ouyang Jun's words can be trusted entirely, because under the extremely terrifying environmental conditions at that time, he probably didn't see the walking posture of the black shadow clearly, and according to him, the black shadow's complexion was pale, his expression was stiff, and he looked like a A zombie, these are more in line with the facial features of the old man." "The face is pale and the expression is stiff. Don't you think this is more like a face wearing a mask?" "I really didn't think of that." Xiao Chen said, "So Sombra is probably the suspect?" Lao Bi didn't speak any more.The two walked out of the yard and groped along the edge of a vegetable field.At this time, the rapeseed flowers are in full bloom, tens of thousands of rapeseed flowers are crowded together, and when a gust of wind blows, the pollen is scattered with the wind, and the air is filled with a strong fragrance of flowers. At the end of the vegetable field, there is a simple shed built with asbestos tiles and old bricks. Obviously, this is a temporary residence for vegetable farmers.Although the shed is not big, it looks dark, and there are some messy farm tools piled up in the yard.The door was ajar, silent, and it looked like no one lived there. Xiao Chen pushed open the door, took a flashlight to illuminate the room and said, "This is where the old woman picking vegetables lived. It seems that she hasn't been here for a long time." "Well, her mission has been completed, so of course it is impossible to live here." Old Bi put out his cigarette butt and said something meaningful. Cao Feitian's body fluid test results finally came out: the semen spots in Du Fenfang's body did not belong to him, that is to say, Cao Feitian did not have sexual relations with Du Fenfang on the night of the murder. The task force made a special trip to the northern city where Cao Feitian was on a business trip to conduct an investigation. After knowing the client company Cao contacted and the hotel where he stayed, it was confirmed that Cao Feitian was indeed in that northern city during the few days when Du Fenfang disappeared. "Although the suspicion on you has been cleared, your previous statement is not true. You have concealed the most critical facts from us." Lao Bi looked at Cao Feitian and said, "I hope you will tell us the truth." "I didn't hide anything, I told you the truth." Cao Feitian refused to let go. "You don't cry when you see the coffin. Let me tell you the truth. Your wife Su Lili has already told us everything." Xiao Chen said, "I advise you not to carry it to your death. It won't do you any good if you continue like this." "Have you already looked for Su Lili?" Cao Feitian was a little surprised. "That's right, she has already confessed everything." Lao Bi nodded, "Actually, even if she didn't confess, we can still deduce that she took people to beat Du Fenfang. You should know that, and that's why Mao Zi was arrested for prostitution. Finally, the real reason why you have to take the risk to go to the police station to rescue him." "Well, it seems that I can't hide anything from you. I started to hide some of the facts. I was worried that after you knew the truth, you would drag Su Lili into it—she was already six months pregnant, and if she moved her fetus at this time, it would affect the child. So I deliberately avoided her part." Cao Feitian sighed, "Actually, the reason why I was hesitant at the time was that I didn't give Fangfang a positive answer, nor did I insist on breaking up with Su Lili. It happens for a reason." "what reason?" "There are two reasons. You may already know the first reason. At that time, although Su Lili and I had not obtained a marriage certificate, we were already living together, and she was pregnant at that time. If I broke up with her at this time, I would feel guilty in my conscience." I can’t make it through. The second reason is about my cousin Cao Zhenglong, who introduced Su Lili to me. He repeatedly told me to treat Su Lili well, protect her, and not let her be wronged—to be honest, if I was not in the city When I met Fangfang in Lili, I had already applied for a marriage certificate with Su Lili, but we dragged on for another two months, and after my cousin urged me to get a marriage certificate with Su Lili." "Is the relationship between Su Lili and your cousin not legitimate? Why does he always protect her?" Xiao Chen asked. "Their relationship is really good, and I doubted them at first." Cao Feitian couldn't help blushing, "I found out later that Su Lili had worked under my cousin before I entered the city, and my cousin also It’s just a branch manager of the head office. Su Lili was working as an accountant in the branch at that time. Because of work reasons, they often went in pairs. Su Lili also confessed to me later that she really liked my cousin, but she and him There was indeed no relationship between a man and a woman, and later, my cousin was promoted to the vice president of the head office, so he introduced her to me." "Whether there was a relationship between them, I'm afraid only a genius knows." Director Zhao said, "It seems that your cousin is not a good person." "However, without his support, I would not have achieved such great success in the city in a short period of time." Cao Feitian said after a moment of silence, "It is precisely because I am concerned about the fetus in my cousin and Su Lili's womb that I I was hesitant when facing Fangfang, and it was precisely because of Su Lili's intervention that Fangfang's tragic death was caused. In order to protect the family and the child in Su Lili's belly, I actually helped her cover it up against my conscience. I am really sorry Fangfang..." Tears welled up in Cao Feitian's eyes, and he was choked up and couldn't continue. "Can you explain what happened after meeting Du Fenfang that night?" After Cao Feitian's mood stabilized, Lao Bi looked at him softly and said. "En." Cao Feitian nodded, and then talked about what happened afterwards. I went on a business trip the day after meeting Fangfang, and I knew I was escaping from reality, because the night before I had thought all night that I had no choice but to marry Su Lili, but I didn't dare to put This choice told Fangfang that I was afraid of seeing her desperate eyes, and even more afraid of her silent sobbing and helpless expression, so I could only leave the city temporarily.During the few days in the north, I can say that the days are like years. Many times I want to call her (she doesn’t have a mobile phone, but you can call her on the phone number of the teahouse), and I have pressed the phone number several times, but I have never had the courage. Dial out... After returning from the north, I got an unexpected news: Fangfang is missing!I searched everywhere like crazy, but there was no news of her. "Are you still looking for your ex-wife?" One night when I was moaning at home, Su Lili said eccentrically, "I advise you to take it easy, she might have gone to see Hades long ago." "Did you do something good?" I stared into her eyes and said word by word, "Su Lili, if you still want to live with me, tell the truth." "I haven't done anything bad..." She looked panicked, obviously terrified by my expression. "Are you going to tell me? If not, I'll report to the police station immediately." I acted as if I was about to leave. "Don't don't, don't report the crime!" She was anxious, grabbed my arm and said, "On the third night after you left, I went to Guangming Village again. We had a fight, and I just taught her a lesson. , did not kill her at all." "You fought with her?" I snorted and said in disbelief, "She works a lot, can you beat her? Don't lie to me!" "Really, look at the scars on my body." She rolled up her sleeves to show me the scars on her arms, "These are the scratches that stinky woman gave me." "It seems that you really fought." I finally believed that she had been to Guangming Village, but I didn't believe that she went there alone. "Tell the truth, who else went with you at that time?" "Just say it, you think I'm afraid of you!" She became angry from embarrassment, "I'll tell you the truth, I asked Maozi to go with me. He saw that I was at a disadvantage and gave that stinky woman a fist." "What happened next?" I felt my heart bleed. "After the woman fainted, we were all a little scared, so we came back quickly. I gave Maozi 500 yuan and two packs of cigarettes, and told him not to tell the story." "Have you ever thought that Maozi might turn back to find Fangfang that night?" I said sadly, "You foolish woman, how can you ask a young man like Maozi for help? If he kills Fangfang, you You're going to go to jail too!" "Then what should I do?" She was obviously frightened, and suddenly, she tilted her body, foamed at the mouth and fell on the sofa. "So, you suspect that Maozi killed Du Fenfang?" Old Bi asked, taking a puff of his cigarette. "Besides Maozi, there is no one else!" Cao Feitian said bitterly, "That night, after he knocked Fangfang out, he walked with Su Lili for a while, and he must have turned back halfway to rape Fangfang. The person is him, and the person who kills and silences must also be him!" "Since you believe that he killed Du Fenfang, why did you try your best to release him from the police station after he was arrested for prostitution?" Director Zhao felt inconceivable, "Aren't you inconsistent?" "It's actually not contradictory. His purpose of doing this is to protect Su Lili." Xiao Chen said, "Because Maozi was brought by Su Lili, once Maozi discloses this matter at the police station, Su Lili will be implicated. So, In order to protect Su Lili and the child in her belly, Cao Feitian rushed to the police station, on the surface he cared about and rescued his subordinates, but in fact he was doing it for his wife." Before Xiao Chen finished speaking, Cao Feitian lowered his head in shame. "Cao Feitian, do you have anything else to say?" Lao Bi asked softly. "Maozi deserves to be raped and murdered, but Su Lili has no motive or intention to kill. She was not at the scene when Maozi committed the crime, so I hope you will let her go. Besides, she is six months pregnant. In order for her to give birth smoothly, please Don't bother her during this time, okay?" Cao Feitian's eyes showed a begging look. "Please don't worry, we won't bother your wife anymore." Lao Bi said, "You can go back to take care of her later. I hope your children can come to this world smoothly and grow up healthily!" "Thank you, Officer Bi!" Cao Feitian stood up and bowed gratefully to Old Bi.After signing the questionnaire and pressing his fingerprints, he let out a long breath, and the expression on his face became much more relaxed. Seeing Cao Feitian's figure disappear from the door, Director Zhao sighed and said: "This kid is not a good guy. Du Fenfang died for him fundamentally, but he later killed him for his wife's safety." Du Fenfang's murderer was released on bail, if I had known this was the case, I would never have let them go!" "Whether Mao Zi is the murderer or not can't be determined yet." Xiao Chen corrected, "However, Cao Feitian's mentality and emotions have changed too much before and after. I don't think things are so simple. There must be reasons for this." "That's right." Lao Bi nodded, "Now we can take a look. I just made a rough count. Before and after Du Fenfang was killed, there were Ma Laosan, Li Yaping, Yang Fan, Cao Feitian, Su Lili, Mao Zi and so on. The whole case focused on the night when she was murdered. According to Yang Fan’s account, the third time he walked into Du Fenfang’s house and saw her body was around 10:30 in the evening, and Su Lili After He Maozi knocked Du Fenfang unconscious that night, he came out of the house at around 8:00 p.m., which means that the time of rape and murder was concentrated between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. What is the most likely?" "Since the bodily fluids of Ma Laosan, Yang Fan, and Cao Feitian do not match the sperm spots in the deceased's body, and Li Yaping and Su Lili are both women, they cannot kill people, so Mao Zi is the most suspected." Director Zhao said, "Wait for him When the body fluid test report comes out, all the truth will be revealed." "Maozi may go back that night, just like Cao Feitian said, he raped and killed people, but Yang Fan also said one thing before, that is, he met a man when he went there for the second time. It was obvious that they were spying on Du's residence at that time—combined with this, I don't think the murderer may be Maozi." Xiao Chen talked eloquently. "Well, if Mao Zi is ruled out, then the possibility of this man committing the crime is very high." Lao Bi nodded, "This man is also the suspect we have been looking for, but it is best not to investigate before the case is finally revealed. To scare the snake away." "But who is this man? Finding someone just based on his back is no less than finding a needle in a haystack!" Director Zhao sighed and said, "This case really confuses people, and there is Li Luolei, no Do you know how Xiaojiang and the others are progressing?" "Deputy Director Liu was personally in charge of that case, and a lot of police forces were mobilized to participate in the investigation. However, I heard that after investigating Yanzi and her group of partners, they all tended to conclude that Li Luolei committed suicide." Xiao Chen He took a look at Old Bi and said, "Old Bi, do you want Jiang Tao to transfer the investigation records of their group to have a look?" "No need, just to report the progress of the case to the bureau leaders this afternoon. Deputy Director Liu will definitely introduce their investigation situation at the meeting. I'll just have a brief look at it then." Old Bi put out his cigarette butt, stood up and said, "Xiao Chen, while there is still some time, how about we go to the headquarters of Kaida Company?" Half an hour later, Lao Bi and Xiao Chen came to the building of Kaida Architectural Decoration Co., Ltd.This is a 12-storey building. The first to third floors are for catering and entertainment industries, while the fourth to eighth floors are leased to other small companies as office buildings. The office area of ​​Kaida Company is mainly concentrated on the ninth to twelfth floors. "I found out on the Internet that Kaida Company belongs to a large company in the provincial capital. It is a subsidiary established when this large company entered the real estate market. During the prosperous period, it earned a lot of money for the head office in the provincial capital every year. Banknotes, therefore, can be said to be the "favorite" of the head office, but the real estate market has been weak in the past two years, and Kaida has gradually lost the "favor" of the head office." In the elevator, Xiao Chen said, "The company has a board of directors, and the directors Zhang Kai, the head and boss, is a foreigner sent down from the provincial capital, and some of the vice presidents are sent down, and some are locals." "En." Lao Bi nodded, and while speaking, the elevator had already sent them to the tenth floor.The tenth floor is the company's core office area. On a huge wall, the company's brief introduction, work guide, business commitments, etc. are posted. In the most prominent places, there are also photos and job descriptions of several company leaders. "Excuse me, are the two gentlemen here for business?" Just as Lao Bi and Xiao Chen walked in, a beautiful woman in work clothes came forward to ask. "Can you introduce us to Mr. Zhang of the company?" Lao Bi said. "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang and other company leaders are in a meeting, can you leave a contact number, I will notify you as soon as Mr. Zhang is free." The beauty said with a smile. "Since Mr. Zhang is not here, let's go to Manager Cao from the Infrastructure Department." Old Bi motioned to Xiao Chen slightly, and when the two were about to go to a higher floor, the beauty stopped them again: "Manager Cao Called in the afternoon to ask for leave, he has sent his lover back to his hometown." "Really?" Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Lao Bi, but Lao Bi's expression was calm, as if he was not surprised by this. Maozi was finally released after two days at the Municipal Public Security Bureau. After returning to the construction site, he immediately packed up and went back to his hometown in Luochuan. The last suspect was also ruled out due to inconsistent bodily fluid tests, and the case seemed to be in a desperate situation.The case of Li Luolei was also investigated in detail by Jiang Tao and the others, and it was basically classified as an accident. "We conducted a dragnet investigation of all the people involved in the case, especially the Yanzi who was closely related to Li Luolei and his accomplices. These people did not have the time and conditions to commit the crime, because in Li Luolei None of them had been to the scene on the night of Luolei's death, and their activities have been proved, so judging from the preliminary investigation, Li Luolei's suicide is very likely." Jiang Tao reported the investigation of their group in conclusion. "Could you describe the reason for Li Luolei's accidental death?" Old Bi took a breath and said calmly. "According to the autopsy, the forensic doctor found undigested noodles and egg residues in Li Luolei's stomach, and we also found traces of cooking in his kitchen, which shows that Li Luolei died. We had cooked dinner that night, and we speculated that the cause of his death was probably related to this: after he finished cooking the noodles, he forgot to turn off the switch of the gas bottle, or he did not tighten the switch of the gas bottle; Go to bed, and the gas slowly leaks out of the bottle, and tragedy happens before you know it." "Yes, we found no trace of a third party in Li Luolei's house, so the possibility of homicide is almost non-existent." Xiao Wang added. "Really? But when we went to the house where Li Luolei lived last night, we found that the door was not locked. What's going on?" Xiao Chen couldn't help but interjected. "The door is not locked?" Deputy Director Liu was also surprised, "So, someone entered that room after us?" "It should be like this, otherwise the door lock won't open automatically for no reason." Lao Bi nodded, "What's even more surprising is that we heard the cry of a mysterious woman from Room 201 last night." "Ah!" All the policemen present were surprised. "It seems that these two cases are getting more and more difficult." Deputy Director Liu frowned, "In the case of Li Luolei, I also agreed with Lao Bi's opinion at the beginning, thinking that the possibility of homicide was relatively high, but after detailed investigation, it was found that Whether it was a homicide, suicide or an accident, it seems impossible to draw a conclusion now; the naked corpse case has always been led by Lao Bi, but today the last suspect has also been ruled out, and the crying is still going on, what is going on? thing?" Everyone was silent, and Lao Bi was also smoking silently. His eyes fell on a pot of green plants in the house, and his eyes narrowed slightly, as if everything in the house had nothing to do with him. At this time Director Wang came in, his face was pale and haggard, as if he hadn't slept last night. "Comrades, recently the city leaders issued instructions every day, and the municipal party committee and the municipal government office kept calling to inquire about the progress of the case. The party group of the bureau was under a lot of pressure. Director Liu and I have been battling it out for the past few days," said Director Wang. , "To tell you the truth, I haven't slept very well these past few days, even in my dreams I'm having a meeting to discuss the case. I don't know how your work is progressing?" "Just now we were discussing the facts of the case. At present, the two cases are still full of fog, especially the case of Li Luolei. Whether it is a homicide, suicide or an accident is still unclear." Deputy Director Liu said, "Of course, with the old Bi The task force headed by it is very hardworking and has done a lot of work, which is worthy of recognition, but in view of the particularity and weirdness of these two cases, it may not be possible to crack them with the strength of the city bureau alone, so I suggest following the opinions of the city leaders , ask the Provincial Public Security Bureau to send experts to support it." "Old Bi, what do you think?" Director Wang looked at Old Bi with a sad face and said, "It's only a few days away from April, are you sure in your heart? You have to give me a letter of approval!" "I can't guarantee that it will be safe, but success or failure depends on these few days." Lao Bi took a puff of cigarette and said unhurriedly, "The suspect is in the dark, and we are in the light. In order to confuse him, I suggest that we Also come to a combination of virtual and real, light and dark." "What do you mean by that?" Deputy Director Liu asked. "Stabilize the suspect and avoid scaring the snake!" Lao Bi put out his cigarette butt, stood up and said, "I don't think the case of Li Luolei can be given up. Jiang Tao and his team should continue to increase their investigative power and deliberately create momentum. And Xiao Chen and I are secretly investigating in secret, trying not to attract public attention." "Okay, let's do it according to Lao Bi's opinion." Director Wang said, "Old Bi, you are a well-known detective in our public security system. You have handled many major and important cases. For these two cases, you must Take care, not only the leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government are urging you, but millions of people in the whole city are watching you." After the meeting, Lao Bi and Xiao Chen returned to the office, and Xiao Chen was a little bit aggrieved: "Why do I feel that Deputy Director Liu is a bit like adding insult to injury? At this critical moment, instead of cheering us up, he said that he would ask the provincial police to If the people from the hall come, isn't it obvious that they don't trust you?" "The case has not been solved for a long time. As the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation work, the pressure on his shoulders can be imagined, and he is really anxious." Lao Bi sighed and said, "Because that crying sound is too weird, even if we The suspect was caught, but the mystery of the crying could not be solved, and the case could not be considered successful. It is based on this consideration that I spoke very vaguely at the meeting just now and did not make a clear promise to the leaders. No wonder Deputy Director Liu wanted to say something like that." “这么说,你已经锁定了嫌疑人?”小陈一愣,“这个人是谁呢?” “这个人就是一直隐藏在幕后的凶手,如果我的推测没有错,杀害李落泪的人也必定是他。”老毕点燃一支烟,吸了几口说,“你还记得一开始咱们在东城马老三家附近发现的那个脚印吗?这段时间以来,我一直在苦苦寻找它的主人——咱们排除了一个又一个嫌疑人,现在就要轮到真正的嫌疑人出场了。” “毕老,这个人在哪里?我怎么一点都没感觉到呢?”小陈挠了挠头皮,疑惑不解地说,“莫非他就是自称马老三远房亲戚的那个男人?” “到时你自然就会明白了。”老毕微微一笑,他拿出手机,翻看了里面保存的一条短信说,“不过,在抓捕嫌疑人之前,我想还是先让马老三把埋尸的经过告诉我们。走吧,现在就到精神病院去找马老三!” 什么,马老三竟然是埋尸之人?小陈大吃一惊,同时心里涌起一个疑问:马老三不是已经疯了吗?
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