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Chapter 60 Chapter 58

Icelanders 大卫·W·斯托克斯 1599Words 2018-03-22
Nick was full of apprehension.He blamed himself and was helpless.He called editor-in-chief Lindsay again, but the other party still did not receive the message. In no case could he leave Venice until the matter was settled. His phone rang and it was Paulo Conte. "We may have found a clue. See you at the command in half an hour, and I can receive more information by then." Nick put on his coat immediately and left the hotel room.When he arrived at the Security Service headquarters, Conte was holding an emergency meeting with his elite staff.Nick poured a cup of coffee from the coffee machine and waited anxiously and hopefully.

"Maybe we can breathe a sigh of relief." After Conte appeared, he shook hands with Nick. "Come on," he waved his hand at Nick, signaling him to enter the temporary combat command room. "We saw this from the surveillance video." Nick leaned forward close to the screen.The figure is not very clear, but it looks a lot like Lindsay.She was hiding between the doors, as if she wanted to follow some unknown person. Conte paused the picture: "Look carefully, what do you think?" "I think you're right. When and where was this video taken?" "It was about the same time she disappeared, just a few streets away." Conte replied.

"What do you think she wants?" Nick asked looking at the screen. "We thought you might have something in mind." "As you said, she seems to be following the mysterious man." "Someone who wasn't photographed, who do you think it would be?" "It could only be O'Callaghan, or that woman," Nick concluded. "The question is where is she now?" "We're thinking the same way," Conte replied. "So, we're concentrating all our search efforts in that area now. If she's following O'Callaghan, he's probably hiding around there. O'Brien might be with him too. Together. That would be a huge breakthrough in this case."

Thanks to Lindsay for doing something stupid, Nick thought.Or rather, investigative talent.
"What are we going to do with her?" Sinide turned and asked O'Callaghan who was binding Lindsay's hands behind his back, "We can't take her with us." "We can't keep her here either." For the first time in a long time, O'Callaghan felt panicked. "Why the hell are you meddling in your own business?" He growled, strangled Lindsay's head with both hands, and pulled her in front of him, letting her feel the malice in his words. He hurt her, but she couldn't let him know, and then he got his way. "It's just work," she replied in a low voice, turning to Sinead for help. "They know I'm missing and will look for me everywhere."

"You said it earlier," O'Callaghan growled in a low voice, "I don't kill women, and I don't want to kill you, but you want to die yourself." His eyes turned to Sinead, but she looked away.He was right, but what could she do?She looked out the window at the canal below.Just then, she saw the police boat moving slowly across the water in the direction of the apartment building.She moves away from the window. "They seem to have started searching." O'Callaghan saw fear in her eyes, and he went to the window, warily watching the approaching ship. "They don't know we're here," he said, as he watched the police boat pass under the window and out of sight, "but it's only a matter of time before we find it."

This is exactly what Sinide thought: it was only a matter of time before she did it.However, Lindsay's intervention complicates matters. O'Callaghan dropped the gun on the bed next to Sinead. "Look at her." He said and walked to the door. "where did you go?" "Look in the basement. There may be a boat. We must leave to-night. I'll be back at five." As soon as he was gone, Lindsay said to Sinead, "Stop it, or it will end in disaster." "Who's in trouble?" "Me," Lindsay replied, shifting uncomfortably in the wooden chair to which she was bound, "and you and him."

"I won't let him hurt you, if that's what you're worried about," Sinead assured her. "I know you want to help me, but I don't need it now. I'm actually happy, and I know I should What are you doing, when the matter is over, maybe you will understand. Maybe one day, everyone will understand." The door flung open and O'Callaghan was pushed in, kneeling before Sinead. "Look who's here?" Yakov said, entering the room, pointing his gun down at the hapless Irishman. "What's going on, who the hell are you?" Sinead screamed, she looked at the Russian in front of her, and then looked down at O'Callaghan.

"It's just money," Yakov said. "It's not personal. Stand up!" O'Callaghan struggled to stand up and said to Sinead, "He is in charge of dealing with the aftermath." O'Callaghan looked directly into the Russian's eyes, "That's right? You are here to deal with the aftermath." "I thought I killed you outside the courtroom. I blamed my carelessness and let you slip away," Yakov replied, "But I'm still here." "Why?" O'Callaghan asked. "Same as you. I just do things. I never ask questions." The Russian glanced at Sinead and then at Lindsay. "Aren't you going to introduce us?"

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