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Chapter 39 Chapter Thirty-Seven

Icelanders 大卫·W·斯托克斯 1733Words 2018-03-22
An aide to Norway's fuel minister and a private secretary to Norway's envoy to Russia both represented their country in Venice for the climate change conference. The move was not without its challenges, but after all consideration and weighing the pros and cons, they decided it was the right thing to do.They must not allow Russia to hide the truth.This is brinkmanship at the highest level, and the stakes are so high this time, all they can do is follow the original plan, and as soon as possible. “I was so worried.” Ed was approaching sixty, at the height of his diplomatic and political career, and his children had grown up, leaving him alone with his sick wife in need of care.

“What we did was, in a way, unethical in the eyes of others. But I firmly believe that we had no other choice,” argued Eric Yule.He was tall, thin, and a bachelor.Many people thought he was gay, but he hadn't come out yet. "We have neither the capital to fight nor the political backing..." "No supporters either," Ed interrupted suddenly, "Yes, I know, but I'm still worried to death." "I like Winterbottom, I think he's a man of his word, and Schneider. As for Sir Timothy . Good for Norway." "What about Deverge?" Ed asked. "I don't trust this guy. Although we've only met a few times, I think he's too...too treacherous."

Yul sighs wearily and walks across the room to the liquor cabinet.He turned to Ed and asked, "A glass of sherry?" "Vodka, without ice." The two sat in armchairs at the table by the window, glasses in hand, looking across the lawn at the far Adriatic Sea, a world far removed from their beloved homeland. "So," Ed said, "if we can come to an agreement here, how do you plan to make it happen?" "First, we have to win the courts, then get the Russians out, and then we have to move fast to make sure that the drilling is going on, and everyone knows there's oil down there, and it's going to be confirmed against dissent soon..."

Ed smiled and took a sip of vodka, "Yes, that would make Norway very rich..." "Of course, so do we," Yule added, holding up his sherry. "If we can win over Yalin." Yalin Agelson is Minister of Energy and Environment, and all decisive documents require his signature. "That's not a problem," Yule said confidently. "He needs money more than we do." Ed closed his eyes with a sigh and put the glass on his left knee. "My God, how did we get into these things?" "Because we love our motherland." Yuer replied dryly, with a hint of self-mockery in his words. "To put it bluntly, it is to protect myself."

Amid the global economic malaise, only Norway has been saved from bankruptcy thanks to its oil industry.This harsh fact shows that many industries in Norway are all dependent on the oil industry.Norway probably cannot survive without oil. Norway is the world's third largest oil exporter and seventh largest oil producer. Its continental shelf extends into the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea, where most of the country's oil reserves are located.The country is now in crisis and urgently needs to discover and develop new resources.And that need is all the more urgent as existing oil fields are rapidly depleted.

No one knows this fact better than them, and they themselves firmly believe that the Minister of Fuel and the Minister of Energy and Environment of Norway will definitely support it. "But I wonder how we're going to appease the environmental lobby?" Ed shook his head ruefully and irritably. Yule cast an anxious look at his companions, "Now is not the time to be discouraged!" He reprimanded, "We have come this far, and there is no turning back."
Jon Stephenson took a moment to figure out his position, and quickly walked towards the target.Although no one supported him, he insisted on carrying out his original goal despite de Fuege's concerns.

Half an hour ago, he quietly disembarked from a relatively lonely beach in the northern part of Lido Island, and now he is heading inland.Not far from the Durban Grand Hotel and its nearby convention and exhibition center, there are many alleys, crowded with foreign tourists and delegations, and he intends to mix in them. The secret, he told himself, was to act normal, to behave as if the whole world didn't matter to him, to have nothing in particular to go but simply to look around.The slightest hesitation, hesitation, or fear would make the most undisciplined security guard suspicious.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the convention center.Jon Stephenson quickly determined the location of the reception area and picked up the schedule, which printed various meeting slots during the five-day conference.There was a keynote speech at three o'clock, perfect conditions to create a smokescreen to disrupt the audience.
For some reason, Akbar felt uneasy.He had also had a bad feeling the day before near the Durban Grand Hotel.Although it was autumn, the weather was mild with little wind.Not far from the right came the sound of waves hitting the shore and children playing, and there was nothing unusual about it.

But he still felt uncomfortable, maybe because he was thinking too much about what was going to happen next.It was a good day to die, but why was he so restless?This question troubled Akbar.Something was wrong, but he didn't know what. Without warning, Akbar suddenly realized that the Icelander was standing a few yards away from him!Damn Jon Stephenson!
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