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Chapter 6 Chapter 5: The Mad Demon Strikes

mind reader 风雨如书 11634Words 2018-03-22
At 5 o'clock in the morning, the train arrived at Nancheng Station. This is Chen Chi's first visit to Nancheng. The first thing that catches his eyes is a huge clock tower. The hour hand of the clock on it stops at 4 o'clock. Like an old man in his twilight, he greets everyone who comes to this city with a naive attitude. . Lu Minli's face was slightly tired, but when she got off the train, her energy suddenly became brighter.She led Chen Chi to the exit next to the station, and introduced some information about Nancheng as she walked.On the walls on both sides of the exit corridor, there are many introductions about the scenery of Nancheng, as well as some photos of hotels and hotels.

When he reached the end of the corridor, Chen Chi couldn't help but stop. It was an introduction about Nancheng Medical College. The predecessor of Nancheng Medical College (formerly Affiliated College of Nancheng Medical University) was Nancheng Public Medical College founded in 1953. In 1963, it was renamed the Affiliated College of Nancheng Medical University and began to recruit undergraduates. In 1975, it was renamed Nancheng Medical College. The college headquarters currently has two campuses, the old campus and the new campus, covering an area of ​​682,400 square meters and a total building area of ​​299,000 square meters.As of August 2009, the college has a total of 9,436 full-time students, including 8,517 undergraduates and 919 postgraduates. The ratio of postgraduates to undergraduates is 1:9.27.

The college has the School of Basic Medicine, the School of Public Health, the First School of Clinical Medicine (including the Department of Medical Imaging, the Department of Anesthesiology, and the Department of Mental Health), the Second School of Clinical Medicine, the Third School of Clinical Medicine, and the Fourth School of Clinical Medicine 14 teaching business units, including School of Stomatology, Department of Nursing, Department of Pharmacy, Department of Experimental Animal Science, Department of Medical Experiment Teaching, Library Medical Branch, Graduate School of Medicine, School of Continuing Education and Medicine; there are 4 directly affiliated hospitals, 7 It is not a directly affiliated hospital, and 88 practical teaching bases.

Since the establishment of the school, Nancheng Medical College has sent countless talents to various local hospitals. Many students are now the chief physicians of major hospitals, relieving the pain of countless patients. Below the text introduction, there are photos of some doctors, their units, and their professional titles.Chen Chi took a glance and saw Qin Fei on the second line. "Qin Fei is currently in the Department of Surgery of Nancheng First People's Hospital, and he is now a well-known expert in the city." Seeing Chen Chi staring at Qin Fei's photo, Lu Minli next to him spoke.

"Really? He turned out to be a doctor." Chen Chi blurted out, yes, Chen Chi never expected that the stubborn and timid Qin Fei before would become a doctor.However, no one can predict the things in this world, just like his sharp and careful personality, which is suitable for being a doctor, but he is hooked up with the police. Thinking of this, Chen Chi turned around and walked forward.Soon, they exited the station. At 5 o'clock in the morning in Nancheng, the sky is already a little bright.The gate of the station is full of people waiting for the train or soliciting passengers.Chen Chi glanced around, then looked back at Lu Minli and said, "Let's go, let's go to Nancheng Public Security Bureau."

"Are you going now?" Lu Minli was a little surprised. "Of course go now, now is the best time." After Chen Chi finished speaking, he reached out to hail a taxi, opened the door and got in.Lu Minli didn't hesitate any longer, and sat in the back of the taxi. Hearing that Chen Chi and Lu Minli were going to the Public Security Bureau, the driver next to him made a fuss. "Brother, is your friend arrested? What happened? Let me see if I can help." "Oh, do you know someone from the Public Security Bureau?" Chen Chi asked with a thought. "By the way, buddy, I have been in Nancheng for more than 30 years. I used to be with the captain of the Nancheng police station, Gao Cheng, the policeman of Nancheng. He was an iron buddy. It's a pity that he died for a case. But I’m familiar with the Public Security Bureau, what’s your problem, let’s hear it, I think I can help? There’s a saying that everyone in the world is brothers, yes, we are all brothers.” The driver said happily.

"Gao Cheng is indeed an excellent policeman. I've read reports about him. You and Captain Gao are close buddies, so who is the current captain?" Chen Chi asked. "The current captain is Lei Hao, alias Lei Baozi, and he is a well-known ruthless character. He pulled out several black spots in Nancheng within three days after he took office, and the bosses whose ideas he pulled out hired more than a dozen people to kill him. , and they were all killed by him. Now those bosses are convinced of him." The driver said. "What are black spots?" Lu Minli asked. "Black spots are jargon, they are gathering places of the underworld. In fact, Lei Hao and I have a good relationship. We lived in the same hospital when we were young. What happened to your friends?" The driver smiled and turned the steering wheel.

"Oh, he's fine, he just killed a few people, can you help?" Chen Chi responded and said. "Murder? This can't come, can't come." Hearing this, the driver hurriedly waved his hand, and then stopped the car. "Here we are." Chen Chi looked down, gave the driver the fare, and got out of the car. After the taxi left, Lu Minli looked at Chen Chi and said, "You really think Qin Fei killed someone?" "No, I was teasing that taxi driver. It's not up to me whether Qin Fei killed or not. We have to see the truth." After Chen Chi finished speaking, he walked into the Public Security Bureau.

At this moment, there are not many people in the Public Security Bureau, only one policeman on duty.Regarding the arrival of Chen Chi and Lu Minli, he seemed a little at a loss. Looking at the investigation cooperation order in Chen Chi's hand, he hesitated whether to call the leader, but he was afraid that the call at this moment would disturb the leader's dream. "It's dawn now, let's just wait here. Don't make any calls either." Chen Chi spoke. "Okay, that's the best." The policeman on duty put down the phone with a relieved smile on his face.

"A suspect you're detaining here is similar to our case, can you let me meet him?" Chen Chi asked. "Yes, of course, I don't know which suspect it is?" The policeman on duty nodded repeatedly. "Qin Fei." Chen Chi said. Led by the policeman, Chen Chi and Lu Minli came to the back detention room and met Qin Fei.Qin Fei's mental state was very bad. When he saw Chen Chi and Lu Minli, his eyes immediately beamed with joy, but Chen Chi winked at him, signaling him to keep quiet. Chen Chi made some simple arrangements, and the policeman on duty left.

"Qin Fei, are you okay?" Chen Chi sat opposite Qin Fei. "Is it okay here?" Qin Fei smiled wryly. "Chen Chi is here, you will be fine." For some reason, Lu Minli was a little depressed, and she didn't show any worry like other lovers. "Chen Chi, I was really wronged. Now I really feel like I jumped into the Yellow River and I can't clean it up. Whether it's eyewitnesses or surveillance videos, it clearly shows that I am the murderer, but I really didn't kill anyone." Qin Fei looked at Chen Chi like a wronged child. "Witnesses can lie, surveillance videos can be forged, and nothing will cover up the truth. Don't worry, as long as you don't kill someone, I will definitely clear your name." Chen Chi said firmly, holding his hand. "I knew that only you can save me." Qin Fei nodded vigorously. "Okay, now you tell me the whole thing from beginning to end, without missing a single detail." Chen Chi let go of Qin Fei's hand. 5 am. Xu Guirong came to the back mountain of the school.This place has been deserted for many years, the top of the mountain is empty, the clouds are low, and only the house in front can be seen in the field of vision.That house is the birthplace of a curse. There is a horror legend circulating in Nancheng Medical College. A boy named Jiang Feng carved a curse in that room with his life in order to punish his girlfriend who betrayed him.It is said that when the curse was not yet formed, it was inadvertently smashed by a few students, and finally turned into a tragedy. The curse of "Atropos" is a taboo that the entire Nancheng Medical College has turned pale. Now this taboo has begun to spread and pervade the sky of the college again. Xu Guirong was a little cold, she wrapped her outer clothes and took a deep breath.She knew that the coldness in her body did not come from the damp air on the top of the mountain, but from the fear in her heart. Fear stems from that night, that night, Xu Guirong went from the world to hell, from survival to death.She became a puppet of the devil. The cool wind blows on the face, penetrating into the bones.Now, she still clearly remembers every episode of that night.That was the first time he and Yu Jian went out at night.The students of Nancheng Medical College used to regard going to the laboratory building overnight as a night out. This is an unwritten rule. The so-called night out is to go to the laboratory building to study homework under the guise of actually doing dating activities with their lovers. The first time I met Yu Jian was at an exchange meeting, which was an activity organized by the student union, and many people expressed their opinions at the exchange meeting.Xu Guirong, who is introverted by nature, was sitting in a corner at the time. She watched the students express their opinions and talk about their understanding of university and medicine. Many words and emotions seemed to be stimulants, which deeply stimulated Xu Guirong's heart. In fact, Xu Guirong really wanted to express her opinion, but her introverted personality made her swallow her words. "Now let's ask this classmate to talk about it." The host on the stage spoke, her eyes fell on Xu Guirong, and everyone followed. Xu Guirong suddenly became nervous, her face flushed, she didn't know what to say, she just stood there in a daze, at a loss. "Let me speak for her." At this time, a boy next to him stood up and helped Xu Guirong out of the siege.This boy is Yu Jian. At the end of the exchange meeting, Yu Jian found Xu Guirong, and the two became acquainted from being unfamiliar at the beginning. Later, Yu Jian began to ask Xu Guirong out for dinner, and then confessed his love to her. Facing the rush of love, Xu Guirong had no idea, and after a few struggles, he sank in.Yu Jian is a very nice boy, considerate, gentle, and careful, let Xu Guirong taste the sweetness of love. Unfortunately, this sweetness did not last long, and they separated forever.That night, in the dissecting room, two young people who were in love hugged each other, and the raging fire of love burned the hearts of the two young people, and then spread to their whole bodies.When Yu Jian unbuttoned Xu Guirong's clothes, Xu Guirong uttered a moan, and hugged Yu Jian's body tightly with both hands, allowing his lover's kiss to move from his lips to his chest. "Bang", suddenly, Xu Guirong heard a dull voice, and then she opened her eyes. Yu Jian fell to the ground, and Xu Guirong saw a mysterious person standing in front of him, wearing a black windbreaker and a white mask, staring at him like a ghost. "Who are you?" Xu Guirong screamed, hurriedly pulled his clothes, and looked at the masked man in front of him warily. "Women in love are the most beautiful, this is not true at all." The masked man slowly squatted beside Xu Guirong, holding a long knife only one inch wide in his hand, and the knife was shining with silver light. "Ah!" Xu Guirong saw that Yu Jian's body was bleeding. Just now, she thought that Yu Jian had been knocked out, but now she realized that the masked man had actually killed Yu Jian. "Shh." The masked man suddenly put his hand to his mouth, and then gently placed the knife on Xu Guirong's neck. Xu Guirong stopped crying, tears welled up in her eyes, she looked at the person in front of her in horror, her body trembling, not knowing what the other person was going to do. The masked man moved the knife to Xu Guirong's chest, and then gently cut open her clothes. Xu Guirong felt a chill on her chest, and her tears instantly fell down onto her chest.Her chest heaved violently because of the strange scene, and she heard the other party start to gasp for breath, and she felt like a white mouse in a cage, waiting for the fate of being slaughtered. The masked man leaned over and hugged Xu Guirong. His breath let out a beast-like gasp. His other hand was groping for Xu Guirong's back, but the hand holding the knife did not move. "You...what are you going to do?" Xu Guirong asked crying. The masked man raised his head, and let out a heavy snort. "Put down your crying face and greet me like a lover, otherwise, both you and him will die." Xu Guirong closed her eyes, the worry in her heart became a reality, she began to give in, not for love, but for survival, she didn't want to die, thinking of her hard-working parents at home, she couldn't die.She kept her eyes on Yu Jian beside her, and let the masked man unbutton her clothes and pull down her pants. "I like obedient women." The masked man didn't continue, but gently pulled back her clothes, and then kissed her on the lips. The devil's kiss, with the breath of coldness and death. "Now I want you to completely forget what love is." The masked man stood up, picked up Yu Jian's body, and threw it onto the dissecting bed next to him. In Xu Guirong's first anatomy class, what he saw was that his boyfriend's chest was opened, and all the blood was sucked away by the masked man and put into a container.Then, he walked up to Xu Guirong. "Now, you have to report to the police as I asked, otherwise, the next person lying here is you. And I will send your organs to your parents, I think you don't want your parents to see you It's such a tragedy." After the masked man finished speaking, a ghostly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Thinking of this, Xu Guirong took a deep breath.She gave a false testimony. She didn't know what hatred that masked man had with Qin Fei, and she didn't know what to do if she wanted to blame him.She was afraid of that masked man, Xu Guirong even felt that he was not a human, he was a devil, his words were spells, if he didn't do what he said, he would kill him. Now, she's on her way to a date with the devil. The hut in front is getting closer and closer, but Xu Guirong's heart is drifting farther and farther. "Dididi, Dididi." The phone rang again, it was the devil's lullaby. Xu Guirong didn't answer the phone and walked into the hut.This time, she didn't see a demon, but a man, to be precise, a handsome man, but there was a hint of evil in the man's brows, which made people feel inexplicably frightened. "I'm glad you can come, please sit down." The man held a goblet in his hand, which contained a dark red liquid, which was not the color of red wine, but the color of blood. "Please, let me go, let me go." Xu Guirong knelt down on the ground. "Don't do this." The man came over, with a bloody taste coming from his mouth. "I have done as you asked, please let me go, please." Xu Guirong did not move. "I said before that I like smart women. It's not smart for you to do this." The man put down his glass, "You must be wondering why I chose you?" Xu Guirong raised his head. "You will know, but not now." The man said as he helped Xu Guirong up, and then hugged her into his arms. "What are you doing?" Xu Guirong shivered. The man didn't speak, covered her mouth with bloody lips, and kissed her hard. At the same time, one of the man's hands quietly touched the back of Xu Guirong's neck, and then stuck it hard. Xu Guirong fainted.The man stood up, picked up the wine glass that had been placed on the ground before, and drank the blood in it. At this moment, the east was pale, and the sky was already light. The man took out a mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number. The phone was connected quickly, and an old voice came from inside: "How is it?" "The person with a timid, cowardly, indecisive, and green personality has been found, and I will send it to you immediately." The man said, his eyes fell on Xu Guirong next to him. Chen Chi stood up, lit a cigarette, and took a few deep breaths.Lu Minli next to him wanted to say something, but seeing his pensive expression, she stopped speaking. Time passed bit by bit, and Qin Fei knew that Chen Chi was thinking about the whole case. Although he hadn't seen him for many years, Qin Fei felt that the Chen Chi in front of him still hadn't changed. Can't see anything. At this moment, Chen Chi was indeed caught in a world of thinking.The whole case is like a ball of wool with no thread ends. It seems that there are many beginnings, but they can't be found.He closed his eyes, letting the nicotine in the cigarette stimulate his brain, every detail of the case was played slowly in front of him like a movie, and then appeared frame by frame. This is a complicated case. There are only two cases on the surface, but it involves a past murder case six years ago.Those picture plots are slowly combined into an equation, which solves the connection of each case. On that night six years ago, four people from Qin Fei's dormitory went to the back mountain of Nancheng Medical College to find excitement. They saw Liu Lei and Xiao Yueyue dating by chance, so they pretended to be ghosts to scare them.As a result, the missing Jiang Feng's body was brought out by accident, and Liu Lei was frightened mad on the spot. This is the first deceased, Jiang Feng.Jiang Feng's death brought out a curse, the direct victim was his girlfriend Ye Mei, and Ye Mei committed suicide shortly after Jiang Feng's body was found. Ye Mei was the second deceased.Because the pranks of the four people in Qin Fei's dormitory caused Liu Lei's mental breakdown, the school punished them, but Hou Shuai in Qin Fei's dormitory took it all by himself, and he left the medical school. In the second year, two other roommates applied for foreign internships and also left the medical school. Four years later, Qin Fei became an excellent doctor in Nancheng, but the curse left by Jiang Feng did not disappear with the passage of time and the characters' exit, but appeared suddenly on the contrary. When Yu Jian and Xu Guirong were dating in the dissection room, Xu Guirong discovered that Yu Jian had been killed, and the murderer was Qin Fei. Yu Jian was the third deceased.In order to investigate this case, Qin Fei returned to Nancheng Medical College again, and at this time, Liu Lei's girlfriend Xiao Yueyue appeared, and she told Qin Fei that she had received a mysterious curse letter.Next, when Qin Fei brought the police to look for Xiao Yueyue, Xiao Yueyue had already been killed. According to the hotel's surveillance video, the murderer was none other than Qin Fei. Xiao Yueyue was the fourth deceased.Why did the curse from six years ago suddenly appear today?What does this have to do with the dead?Why did Qin Fei become the murderer six years later?Xu Guirong's testimony confirmed that the murderer was Qin Fei, Xiao Yueyue was killed, and the hotel's surveillance video also confirmed that Qin Fei was the murderer, but Qin Fei did not kill anyone at all.What happened to all these weird and unpredictable events? A cigarette has burned to the end, but Chen Chi's thoughts are still in chaos. He always feels that there is something wrong with these things, but he can't find anything wrong. Where did it go wrong? "Da da da, da da da", at this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and the policeman on duty just now walked in: "Comrade, it's time to go to work, are you coming to the office and waiting?" Time, yes, time.Chen Chi raised his brows, and his eyes suddenly lit up.According to Qin Fei's description, Yu Jian was killed at around 8:30 p.m. Xu Guirong said that when he saw Yu Jian, he had already been killed and the murderer was at the scene.Although Qin Fei didn't know the time when Xu Guirong arrived at No. 5 laboratory building, according to his description, No. 5 laboratory building will usually be closed before 8:50, so Xu Guirong must have arrived at the entrance of No. 5 laboratory building before 8:50 , and she said that she waited for more than half an hour before going up, so Xu Guirong must have arrived at the No. 5 laboratory building before 8:30. At the scene, Xu Guirong said that he saw the murderer.And the murderer took off the mask in front of her and did not hurt her.There are two reasons for the murderer's approach: first, he has a deep hatred for Jian, but he doesn't want to hurt others; second, the murderer deliberately let Xu Guirong see his appearance, and then told the police.Analyzing from these two psychological angles, it is obvious that there are still many suspicious points. From the murderer killing Yu Jian to blaming Qin Fei, all the plots show that the murderer is a cruel, calm person with a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance. He took off his mask and revealed his work badge to show that he was Qin Fei.This seems a bit redundant. If so, some of these circumstances must have been concealed.Qin Fei also said that when Xu Guirong saw his photo, he immediately recognized him as the murderer. Usually, when a victim identifies the murderer, there will be a big emotional fluctuation. Because of the fear of the murderer, the secretion of hormones in the body will be accelerated sharply, and then it will be transmitted to the brain to confirm the answer, but Xu Guirong's identification seems a bit too fast. "She's lying." Chen Chi blurted out. "Who's lying?" Lu Minli next to her spoke. Chen Chi didn't speak, turned his head to look at Qin Fei and said, "Do you feel familiar with the monitoring screen of the hotel?" "What do you mean?" Qin Fei was stunned. "Surveillance can be edited, just like a movie. Do you think the scene you saw in the hotel surveillance has the same scene or action in your previous life?" Chen Chi asked. Qin Fei frowned. Ten seconds later, he suddenly remembered something, and said with a trembling corner of his mouth, "I remembered something..." A month ago, Qin Fei participated in an exchange meeting, which was a technical demonstration meeting on surgical operations organized by Nancheng City.As a representative of Nancheng First People's Hospital, Qin Fei made a detailed and comprehensive planning report at the meeting.Qin Fei's speech was affirmed by many experts at the conference.After the exchange meeting, Qin Fei had dinner with several experts. After drinking for three rounds, Qin Fei went out to the bathroom. When passing by the corridor, he saw a man waving to him. After talking, the man told Qin Fei that his pseudonym was Judge and he was a reporter from Nancheng Evening News. He felt very powerful after listening to Qin Fei's speech today, and hoped to give him an exclusive interview.At that time, Qin Fei was a little dizzy from drinking, so he simply answered a few questions from the man. Back at the hospital the next day, Qin Fei recalled the conversation with the reporter last night, so he called a reporter friend of the "South City Evening News", but to Qin Fei's surprise, the friend told him that their unit did not A reporter called Judge.The friend also said, which reporter would call this name.At that time, Qin Fei also thought it was strange, it might be someone's prank, so he didn't care.But thinking about it now, the location of the hotel corridor, including the few actions he did at the request of the judge, is very similar to the surveillance footage of the hotel where Xiao Yueyue was killed. "Yes, I'm 100% sure, they are really similar." After finishing all this, Qin Fei added another sentence. "Okay, I see." Chen Chi nodded if he realized something. magistrate. This is his name. At the age of 10, he saw death for the first time. Under the shaking incandescent lamp, the man suddenly picked up a knife and stabbed the woman next to him, and then shouted in an almost crazy voice: "You bitch, go to hell, go to hell!" The blood sprayed out from the woman's body, with hot and fishy smell, some splashed on his face, some fell on his body, he stretched out his tongue to lick the warm liquid, a gust of blood The strange taste filled the mouth and slid into the throat with indescribable comfort. The man finally stopped his madness, the knife was covered with bright red blood, the man threw away the knife and cried loudly. He sat silently on the side, watching the man wailing hysterically, and the woman's gradually icy body, the red blood was like a flower, from brilliant to withered, and finally solidified. The man is his father and the woman is his mother.My father is a taxi driver, working hard to earn money during the day and night, in order to hope that my mother can live a good life, but my mother always complains that my father is worthless and earns little money.Dad endured everything and tried his best to please mom. But his mother had another man. At that time, he didn't understand why his father would kill his mother frantically, but many years later he understood the truth that a man can give up everything for the one he loves, but he cannot give up his own dignity. He remembered the cold tears on his father's face, and his father said: "Xiaoqiu, in the future, you must live with dignity and money, so that women will not look down on you, and only people in the world will regard you as a master." Those were the last words Dad said to him before he stabbed the knife that killed his wife into his heart. He didn't move, just stared blankly at his father's face gradually turning pale, his body gradually getting cold, and finally he died. That night, he was guarding the dead bodies of his parents. He felt very cold, and when the cold was extreme, he became hot. In the end, he took off his clothes and stood on the blood-stained floor. He didn't say a word for the whole night. At dawn, he left the house.He started his life as a vagabond. He was once caught by four tyrants, who were the leader of the vagrant beggars. They threatened him to ask for money, cheat money, and even rob him.Every bully likes him because he can always get a lot of money, but others can't tolerate him.After the bully left, the others started beating him, punching and kicking, spitting urine, all kinds of tricks.He is always silent, silent, and his gloomyness is frightening. The last bully was a man in his thirties. His left hand was cut off during a fight, so his left sleeve was always empty.Beggars call him Right Hand. The right hand likes him very much, and even hopes that he can be his godson, and then take over his class.But he refused, and that night, the younger brother who had been with his right hand for many years and others began to conduct an underground trial against him.This kind of underground trial is more terrifying than any beatings. If the younger brother said 10 hits, then the others would hit 10 times each. If the younger brother said he was a horse, he would have to kneel down. He was used to being excluded by others, so he endured it without saying a word. "You bastard, only the right hand likes you, because you are all bastards." The little brother patted his face and cursed. "I'm not a bastard." He spoke, his voice neither humble nor overbearing. "Yes, you are not a bastard, you are a cheap one. Hahaha." The little brother laughed. "You say it again?" He raised his head, there was a slight pain in the corner of his mouth, but the fire in his heart was already burning. "Yah, bastard, bastard, what's wrong?" As soon as the little brother finished speaking, his fists rushed over. The 14-year-old had already experienced wind and frost, and his two fists hit the little brother's mouth heavily like iron hands, once, once, again. The people next to him kicked and pulled him frantically, but they couldn't pull him away. The little brother couldn't speak, his mouth full of teeth were knocked out, he cried, tears fell to his mouth, mixed with blood, it was a mess. The others were stunned and stood there in a daze. "Now, I'm the judge." He stood up straight, "I'm here to judge, if any of you don't listen, he will end up like this." The younger brother looked at the others crying "woo woo woo", the first one surrendered, and the others bowed their heads. That was his first time as a judge, and from then on, he swore to be an underground judge, taking care of everything he could not understand. At the age of 18, he came to Dragon City. Every city is a river and lake, and Dragon City is a big river and lake. There are mixed fish and dragons here, and there are groups of three and five.In addition to paying industrial and commercial taxes, merchants also have to pay some protection fees for local hooligans. He came to the core of the arena, and the first thing he did was to help a girl.The girl is about 20 years old and runs a jewelry store by herself, but she has been harassed by some hooligans.When a yellow hair started teasing the girl, he walked over. "Let her go," he said quietly. "What? Kid, do you want to be a hero to save the beauty? How dare you provoke you?" Huang Mao let go of the girl with a wicked look on his face. "Now you can leave," he continued. "Hahahaha," Huang Mao laughed, and looked back at the two brothers behind him, "I've seen psychopaths, but I haven't seen the psychopaths I was looking for." He punched him, and Huang Mao's laughter stopped abruptly. The three rushed over, but they were quickly knocked down by him, begging for mercy. Dragon City was not a big place in the first place, his name quickly became popular, and some people even came to him, including Brother Nine. Brother Nine's name is Zheng Hui, he is the boss of the Blue Gang in Dragon City. It is said that Brother Nine came out to hang out at the age of 15. No one in Dragon City does not know Brother Nine. Even the Public Security Bureau wants to sell him three points of face. He believes that everyone in this world has a noble person, and brother Jiu is his noble person. He has been with Brother Nine for five years and killed many people for Brother Nine. Also with the help of Brother Nine, he has become a full-time killer.He is familiar with swords, guns and martial arts. His woman's name is Xiaoman, who was the owner of the jewelry store back then, but unfortunately they never got together.Xiaoman left him because Xiaoman had a marriage that had already been arranged. When he left Brother Jiu, he went to Xiaoman's hometown. At that time, Xiaoman had been away for half a year.Her husband had another woman outside, Xiaoman was heartbroken when she found out, and finally stumbled and fell from upstairs. It was the first time in his life that he served as an underground judge. Xiaoman's husband knelt in front of him. He took a knife and cut open Xiaoman's husband's chest. Hot blood sprayed onto his face in an instant. Blood, this feeling reminded him of his mother's blood when he was 10 years old. He fell in love with the smell of blood.From then on, he fell into the way of the devil, turned his back on the world, and lost his way forever.Now, he's doing one last thing. "Bang bang", the door rang suddenly, and his memory ended instantly. He stood up and opened the door. Outside the door was a girl in her twenties, wearing a long pink dress, looking dignified and beautiful. "You're here." He said with a smile. The girl walked in without saying a word. "Who's next?" he asked. "A person who likes to be a judge just like you." The girl said as she took out a photo and put it on the table. "Oh, is that right? A fellow?" He raised his eyebrows and asked curiously. "Maybe, I think you should have a good chat. If the police find him one step ahead, I'm afraid it will be troublesome." The girl shrugged her shoulders and said. "No one has ever slipped past me." He picked up the photo on the table, looked at the name on the photo, and couldn't help saying softly: "Mo Liang." When Chen Chi was about to leave the Public Security Bureau, he bumped into a man in his thirties, with short and straight hair, staring at Chen Chi sharply. "Captain Lei, you are here." At this time, the policeman on duty last night came over, saw Chen Chi, and hurriedly introduced, "This is a comrade from Lincheng." "Oh, you are a policeman from Lincheng?" Lei Hao's eyes were still looking at Chen Chi's body, as if he wanted to see through his internal organs. "You are Captain Lei?" Chen Chi smiled and stretched out his hand. Lei Hao nodded, stretched out his hand to shake it, and then said, "You are not a policeman." "How to say?" Chen Chi asked curiously. "You don't have the arrogance of a policeman. Maybe your profession has something to do with the police, but I'm sure you're not a policeman." Lei Hao said confidently. "Captain Lei has good eyesight. Although I'm not a policeman, I was indeed dispatched by the Lincheng Public Security Bureau. My name is Chen Chi, a graduate student in criminal psychology from the Lincheng Criminal Police College." Chen Chi smiled calmly and introduced himself. "Chen Chi, is he the protagonist of the case of 'Hand of God' (refer to the author's work "409 Special Class")?" Lei Hao blurted out and asked in a daze. Chen Chi didn't speak, but nodded in acquiescence. "I have admired your name for a long time, I have admired you for a long time, I have admired you for a long time." Lei Hao's eyes were full of admiration, "I don't know what is the purpose of your coming to Nancheng this time?" "Oh, he's here for Qin Fei." The policeman next to him suddenly interjected. "What?" Lei Hao's expression changed and he was stunned. "No, no, I did come here on business. There was a serial murder case in Lincheng, and the suspect ran to Nancheng. Captain Guan Feng, who is in charge of the case, will come over soon. As for Qin Fei, indeed, he and I are high school classmates. I heard that he was involved in a case, so I stopped by to ask." Chen Chi waved his hand, and glared angrily at the unrestrained policeman. "Oh, I didn't expect Qin Fei to be your classmate. However, Qin Fei's case is indeed a bit weird. There are all witnesses and material evidence. His situation is not optimistic." Hearing this, Lei Hao couldn't help but soften his expression. "Yes, I heard him tell the details. But I think the case is indeed suspicious, so I need to do some investigations. This case is not simple. Let's take the simplest point, why did the murderer blame Qin? Fly? Is it just because he was part of the prank in the back hill of Nancheng Medical College six years ago? If it is really because of the curse six years ago, why did it start now? There is one more thing I need to tell you, that The surveillance video has been edited, and of course I need to go to the hotel to confirm it before I can draw a conclusion." Chen Chi said a lot in one breath. "Really?" Lei Hao looked a little unhappy, as if Chen Chi had seen through his secret. "Actually, the murderer's method of blaming Qin Fei is not clever. I don't believe Captain Lei can't see it. Maybe there are other reasons." Chen Chi said with a smile. “呵呵,的确有一些原因,不过如果秦飞真的是被冤枉的,我是不可能关着他的。”雷浩笑了笑说道。 “好的,我相信雷队长。”陈池点了点头,然后转身向外面走去。 走出公安局,陈池的心慢慢平静下来。昨天晚上,出租车司机说过,南城新上任的队长叫雷浩,又名雷豹子,果然不是盖的。秦飞说过,雷浩在公报私仇,因为自己没有为他的母亲做手术,所以他有意为难秦飞。显然,这一点现在已经被证实了。 既然雷浩坚持非要见到证据才放秦飞,那么陈池唯一能做的就是找到证据。 简单思索了几分钟,陈池挥手拦了一辆出租车,然后向萧月月遇害的酒店奔去。 这是连锁快捷酒店在南城的分店,店面并不大,位于南城市中心,虽然有过命案,但是依然不影响它的生意。 陈池拿出自己的调度令和关风给他的临时工作证,很快得到了工作人员的信任。大堂经理带着他向楼上监控室走去。 “警察同志,你们快点破案吧,要不然我们这个月就真的评不上先进奖了。本来我们这里营业额一直是第一,可是现在出了这事,很多客人都不来了。我们真是没办法啊!”大堂经理边走边抱怨道。 “你们生意不错啊!”陈池看着旁边爆满的房间说道。 “当然不错,如果不是打了折扣,根本没人来。”大堂经理解释道。 “那天发生命案的时候,是你值班吗?”陈池想了想问道。 “倒霉,正是我。”大堂经理点点头。 “你能给我说说那天的情景吗?那天警察在监控录像里看到的那个凶手是秦飞吗?他后来离开酒店了吗?”陈池跟着问道。 “那天的确有个人去过死者的房间,后来便离开了,当时我们也没注意那个人的样子,不过看身材和衣服与秦飞很像,但是我们都没看清楚他的样子,所以也不敢确定。”大堂经理回忆道。 “监控室那天是谁值班?”陈池顿了顿,又问。 “是小王,不过他在出事后就辞职了。” 这个时候,两人来到了监控室门口,大堂经理敲开门,然后把陈池带进去,自己先离开了。 监控室现在只有一个保安在值班,听完陈池的介绍,他很配合地调出了那天的监控录像,可惜等放到凶手那段的时候,画面竟然一片漆黑,似乎被人清洗过一样。 “怎么会这样?”陈池愣住了。 “没事,我这里有,我当时自己偷偷留了一份那天的监控。”这个时候,旁边的保安说话了。 “哦,是吗?”陈池欣喜地叫了起来。 原来这个保安暗恋酒店的一个服务员,那天的监控正好有拍到那个服务员的画面,所以保安便偷偷拷贝了一份。 那个保安很快找到了自己拷贝的录像,然后放了出来,那一段被清洗过的画面清晰地出现在了陈池面前。 果然,画面很诡异,上面的凶手的确就是秦飞。陈池仔细盯着上面的情节,生怕一不留神错过什么细节。可惜从头到尾他看了很多遍,也没有看出什么异样。 难道自己判断错误?陈池疑惑了。 这个时候,保安又重新播放了一次录像,这一次他把播放速度放慢了,上面的画面开始慢腾腾地显示,放到秦飞出现在走廊的时候,画面突然暗了一下,然后快速地又亮了起来。 “等一下,这里,你再重放一下。”陈池慌忙拉住了保安。 保安按照陈池的要求又放了一次。 “你再放慢一点,再看一下。”陈池直直地盯着画面说道。 画面再次播放,一帧一帧显示,终于,画面明暗的变化出现在眼前,这里显然是剪接处,当天的监控录像果然有问题。那个当值的保安一定做了手脚,所以在警察调查完后删除了当时的录像,然后自己辞职。 想到这里,陈池的脸上露出了如释重负的笑容,现在只剩下让徐桂荣开口说实话了。作为一个研究心理多年的研究生,陈池很有自信让徐桂荣说实话。
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